Chapter 221

After listening to Xuanyuan Ziyi's retelling, Lan Hao thought for a while and said, "It should be the spices in that room, and that cup of tea!!"

The smell of burning spices that Amber smelled as soon as he entered was not a problem in itself, and the tea was not a problem in itself, but when the two were mixed, it was a poisonous gas.

Long Zhentian glanced at Hu Po on the bed, frowned and said in a low voice: "This bitch is so strong, how could she not notice it!"

Lan Hao got up and said: "This poisoning method is too strange, and she is not specialized in pharmacology, so how could she know that the most urgent thing now is to interpret the fragrant wormwood and expel the poisonous gas accumulated in her body! However, time is limited Two days, after two days her body will start festering and die."

Lan Hao was talking on the side. In fact, Hu Po, who was lying on the bed, could hear very clearly, but she couldn't move, as if she was imprisoned.

Damn, festered and died, Amber's heart trembled. It seems that the old man said that if he started to have contact with the royal family, he would die without a place to bury him. A master of proficiency!Damn woman.

"Fragrant wormwood? That thing is something that surrounds water. Even if you look for it now, you may not be able to find it, let alone only two days!" Long Zhentian poured cold water inappropriately.

Ziyi glanced at Hu Po who was unresponsive on the bed, his eyes sank, and asked, "Lan Hao, didn't you bring something like this to Huan Shui last time?"

Lan Hao was very embarrassed, and said to Shang Ziyi's eyes: "That thing was used for you... What I have now is not enough to detoxify!"

To Ziyi?When Amber heard this sentence on the bed, her heart sank. What does it mean?Did the queen use this trick against Ziyi as well?Why give it to Ziyi?
"Then there is only one place left..." The flash of Xuanyuan Ziyi's eyes was complicated and distant.

Lan Hao immediately reacted and said directly: "No, you can't go to that place!"

Although Long Zhentian usually looked nervous, he immediately understood that Ziyi was talking about the queen's bedroom...

"Ziyi, you can't go, but I know that there is an enchantment that imprisons your physicists; I'll go!" Long Zhentian knew that place for some reason since he was a child, and his spiritual power couldn't be used at all.

Hu Po didn't expect that Long Zhentian, a man who only met on both sides, would go to get medicine for himself at this moment?But how did he know that Fengyi Hall could not use spiritual power?Just when I was about to be moved, I heard Long Zhentian continue to say: "I like this girl, if I don't save anyone, I don't want my Long Zhentian's woman to die so aggrieved!"

What?Whether Amber can move now, if she can move, she will definitely jump up and shout, who the fuck is your woman, take the medicine as soon as you take it, don't make jokes.

Ziyi thought for a while and said, "I'll go with you, I'm familiar with the palace!"

"I'm going too!" Dolan finally said.

Long Zhentian walked to Dolan's side, and picked up Dolan's collar with one hand: "I was taken down by Long Zhentian's big palm, and by the way, I told Dolan to stay still.

Long Zhentian clapped his hands and said impatiently: "This kid is troublesome! Just stay here!" You brat stay at home, your sister also needs to be watched! "

Dolan still struggled, he just took out his Thunder and Fire Talisman in his hand,

Dolan blinked vigorously, signaling to quickly untie the acupoints. This was obviously bullying others because of his size, but these were directly ignored by Long Zhentian. Long Zhentian, Lan Hao, and Ziyi turned around to study how to do it. An antidote is found in the palace...


Liyue Palace, Fengyi Hall.

Shangguanqing was leaning on the soft couch, the room was still filled with fragrance and extremely quiet.

Suddenly, a man in court clothes walked out from behind the screen on the soft couch, and sat directly beside Shangguanqing.

"Hmph, you are getting more and more unruly!" Shangguan Qing said as if angry, but with lazy teasing.

Of course the man was not afraid, he directly touched the queen's calf with his hands lightly, and then sat on the soft couch and began to squeeze it distressedly.

"Qing'er, that girl just now was not easy, she was so calm when she saw you!" the man said thoughtfully while kneading the queen's calf.

"Hmph..." Shangguanqing opened his eyes, and said with a slight smile and contempt: "So what, after two days it will only be a rotting corpse!"

(End of this chapter)

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