Chapter 225 Liyue's Turmoil

Hu Po was on the bed like a conscious ghost trapped in the bed, she was anxiously waiting for Zi Yi and Long Zhentian, today, because of her carelessness, all the people here were in trouble at the same time.

Dolan's acupuncture point touched by Long Zhentian was released. He lay on the bedside of Amber who seemed to be asleep, talking to himself, and let Amber hear what he said clearly.

"Stupid woman, before just now, I thought that what you said was because you were jealous of the royal family, but now I finally know what you said is true!" Dolan lowered his head, as if he was confessing himself.

Amber had mixed feelings in her heart at the moment. She didn't have too many explanations and disputes with Dolan that day because she had already decided to protect this child who was like her younger brother. However, it was ridiculous that she set a wrong example first, It was stupid to go to see a woman who was in charge of the palace and think that he would come back safe and sound.

Lan Hao was probably the most normal person in the room. While preparing herbs, he heard Dolan's words and asked curiously, "What did the woman say?"

Dolan looked at Amber on the bed and said, "She said that Game of Thrones is the dirtiest thing in the world, the royal family, power, it's all like that, it's dirtier than a woman who sells laughter in a brothel!"

"Oh!" Lan Hao's eyes sank, and he glanced at Amber on the bed. He knew that people who have been poisoned by this poisonous smoke have a clear consciousness. The most vicious part of this poison is that although you can't wake up , but you can feel your life passing away bit by bit, your body festering bit by bit... until finally you die.

Isn't this woman a village girl from Lieyang?How does she know this well?But the truth is clear, how to do things without being careful?Lan Hao lowered his head to restrain his doubts, and concentrated on preparing the herbs in his hands. These herbs can help this woman delay for a few days...

"Lan Hao!" Long Zhentian's extremely rough voice appeared at the door, breaking the dullness in the room.

Dolan frowned and turned around, Lan Hao also looked up, but saw Long Zhentian alone at the door.

There were two when they left, and one when they came. Something must have happened. Amber was so anxious that she almost scratched the wall, but unfortunately she couldn't move.

"Where's Ziyi?" Lan Hao put down the herbs in his hand, walked to Long Zhentian's side, but found the clothes on his chest cut open by a sharp knife: "Who did you fight with?"

Long Zhentian shook his head and said anxiously: "Don't worry about this, Ziyi asked me to tell you that Emperor Xuanyuan has passed away!"

"What!!" Lan Hao opened his eyes wide, and was so shocked by this sentence that he didn't react.

Amber lying on the bed would definitely scream if she woke up. By the way, if this is the case, then it makes sense why the queen suddenly summoned her and poisoned her. birthday party!Such a vicious, calculating woman!
Dolan got up and walked to Lan Hao's side, his little face was no longer immature, but there was a little more calmness and depth that shouldn't be there: "Lan Hao, military power!"

"Military power?" Lan Hao frowned, and knew what Dolan meant in the next second.

At this moment, there was no sound of the death knell of the emperor's death in the palace. It was obvious that someone wanted to conceal this matter or procrastinate, so many accidents would happen during these days of procrastination.

Lan Hao immediately asked Long Zhentian on the side: "What else! What else did Ziyi say? What about others!?"

Long Zhentian was almost suffocated by Lan Hao, and pushed Lan Hao's hand away before he said: "When we went to Fengyi Hall, the queen Shangguanqing found out, she said that the emperor had changed the imperial edict and made Xuanyuanche the prince, Xuanyuan Wu went to guard the border of Beijun... But she always wanted to irritate me with her words, Ziyi and I speculated that she wanted me to fight Li Yue and do something about it... and Ziyi went to Cangzhen Pavilion to find The fragrant wormwood is gone, let me inform you first!"

After Long Zhentian finished speaking in one breath, he grabbed the water on the table and drank it with his head up. Everything happened so suddenly, the sky might change...

(End of this chapter)

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