The first female physicist: Feng occupies the world

Chapter 229: From the moon to the sky, many parties are waiting! 1

Chapter 229: From the moon to the sky, many parties are waiting! 1
Ziyi sat by the table in the room and shook his head, keeping his eyes on Amber on the bed.

If he didn't go to Maoshan that day, what would happen if he didn't go to the back of the mountain? She once swore so firmly that she would not associate with the royal family, but she put herself in danger for herself. He used to treat everything indifferently. , but because of her, and only because of her, he could always feel the fluctuations in his emotions, and the evil spirit in his body could not be suppressed.

But the most frustrating thing is that, as physicists, neither he nor she can predict their own destiny. Is this a joke made by God with them?

Mu Li has been watching everything in the room, from Hu Po coming in to Long Zhentian telling what happened, to Dolan calmly analyzing the current situation, he has been standing there as transparent as air.

He watched Amber come back from a coma, and he really wanted to rush up and shout, woman, aren't you amazing, why did you make yourself so embarrassed?He really wanted to go with Long Zhentian and the young master to help her get the medicine, but his identity...

For the first time, Mu Li began to hate his own identity. Why was he the son of a servant, and why did his family have to be slaves for generations?
Looking at everything that happened in front of him at this moment, he was even worse than a ten-year-old child.Mu Li's hands were tightly clenched, using all the strength in his body, until the palms were bleeding profusely, he could only be angry, he could only stand in place as if it were air...

"Okay, I've taken the medicine, and I should be able to wake up tomorrow!" Lan Hao wiped the sweat from his brow, and said with a glance at Hu Po, whose face was gradually improving on the bed.

Long Zhentian jumped up, pointed at Hu Po and said, "So fast? Are you sure?"

Lan Hao's complexion was not good, and he said coldly: "I'm not sure, why don't you give it a try, General Long?"

Long Zhentian knew that Lan Hao hated others questioning his medical skills the most, so he touched Lan Hao's brow anxiously just now, and quickly waved his hand with a smile: "No, no, it's you, that old woman in the palace is hiding her secrets. Worried...hehe..."

To be honest, Long Zhentian met Shangguan Qing when he was a child. At that time, she was not the queen of Liyue, but one of the many concubines in the harem. In my impression, she was weak and weak. Sister, I'm afraid Long Zhentian won't have the slightest impression.

But who would have thought that this inconspicuous and weak woman would still have such a strong inner cultivation after ascending to the position of Li Yue's queen a few years later after Shangguan Wan's death?Long Zhentian really had lingering fears.

"The showdown between the queen and me is probably due to some action. Have you dispatched your Black Wind Cavalry?" Ziyi asked in a low voice.

Long Zhentian immediately replied: "Fortunately, this brat reminded me, don't worry, the signal has been sent, and it will arrive in three days at the latest!"

"Three days?" At the emperor's birthday banquet two days later, I'm afraid Shangguanqing will make some moves, right? : "Mu Li?!"

"Yes! What's your order, Master?"

"Where is the third prince now?"

The most urgent task now is to find Xuanyuan Che, I believe nothing else, the first step, Empress Shangguanqing is going to touch Xuanyuan Che, only if he is the heir in the imperial edict, then Xuanyuan Wu can justifiably succeed to the throne.

"A few days ago, I heard that the third prince went to Qingguang Temple outside the city to pray for His Majesty, but he still hasn't come back yet!!" Mu Li replied with his head bowed.

Dolan stood up, holding a close-fitting dagger in his hand, and said, "We must go quickly, otherwise, it may be too late!"


Inside the town government.

The Prime Minister on the right, Duan Liwei, twitched the beard of his chin, and said to the frowning Ruan Qiao, "Duke Zhen, I would like to advise you, take a wrong step now. I'm afraid I won't be able to wear it anymore, you are a wise man in the battlefield, you won't be accused of treason when you grow old, right?"

(End of this chapter)

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