The first female physicist: Feng occupies the world

Chapter 240 He won't come alive!Mad woman!

Chapter 240 He won't come back alive!Mad woman!

Liyueyueshou, in the imperial city
"Have you heard? The queen has been guarding the Qianting Hall all day and night!" Maid A whispered.

"The empress and the emperor are really a couple!" Maid B sighed slightly, hoping that she could also find a husband when she left the palace, and be like this for the rest of her life.

Inside the Qianting Hall.

The queen is wearing a bright yellow double-luan gown, her hair is not tied into a heavy bun today, she just wore a simple butterfly bun like an ordinary lady, and she is leisurely drinking a good cold tea...

There was a man standing beside Ming Huang, with an anxious expression on his face. After half a minute, there was a muffled sound from the teacup and the collapsed table before he said, "Qing'er, why are you not in a hurry?"

"Urgent? I have been waiting for more than [-] years, and the time to be anxious is long gone!" Shangguan Qing had a smile on his lips, but it contained hundreds of thousands of emotions.

"It's my fault..." The man sighed slightly, with an apologetic tone.

Shangguanqing looked at the man in front of him, his face already had traces of time, maybe because he was good at calculating, his eyebrows and eyes were not as bright as when they met back then, so bright and beautiful, there were so many more that she couldn't figure it out in the furrows of the ravine.

"Prime Minister You don't have to blame yourself, everything is God's will!" Shangguanqing looked at the man in front of him, but what he saw in his eyes was the memory of that spirited and vigorous.

Right Prime Minister Duan Li Wei sighed slightly, and said: "Now that the military power is not in our hands, Ruan Qiao and that old man Zuo Yan will not hand over the military power after all kinds of lobbying!" Damn it!While speaking, Duan Liwei smashed his fist on the armrest of the chair in the hall angrily, and made a dull "Peng" sound.

Such a venting blow suddenly caused Shangguanqing lying on the soft couch to have an illusion, just like the young man who saw her silk handkerchief mixed into the water, jumped into the icy lake to fish it out for himself without saying a word, A smile flickered on Shangguan Qing's lips: "Isn't the idea of ​​those two old things already in our estimation? Now that the sacred decree is in my hands, plus your military strength and the Imperial Forest Army, I am not afraid of any accidents. What I'm worried about is whether Xuanyuan Che has taken the imperial seal!" Speaking of the last sentence, Shangguan Qingben's rather graceful eyebrows and eyes suddenly became extremely terrifying!
She has endured for so many years, sacrificed so much, and now success is just around the corner, but... Shangguanqing turned his head and looked at the dragon bed behind the screen, the man who was already cold on it actually hid the imperial seal!Did he guard against her a long time ago!

Hearing what Shangguan Qing said, Duan Liwei also showed a trace of worry, and said in a deep voice: "If Xuanyuan Che appears..."

"Don't worry!" Shangguanqing interrupted immediately without waiting for Duan Liwei to finish speaking. She would never allow this to happen! : "I have already contacted Lingyun Pavilion! There is also the hidden guard left by my father many years ago! Hmph, no matter who he is, he will never survive tomorrow!"

Duan Liwei nodded, and then looked at the tall woman in bright yellow. Everything he did was to make up for his mistakes at the beginning, but... why did he feel that the girl with bright eyes and bright teeth in his memory, who was sweetly looking forward to him, why did he leave? She is getting further and further away...


It was getting dark gradually, the daytime breeze on the top of the mountain had turned into a piercing wind at sunset, Mu Li and Long Zhentian had to protect their bodies with internal strength, and then looked at the girl who was sitting cross-legged and unresponsive, Sweat was still falling like raindrops, and the ground she was sitting on had already turned into mud.

"General Long, you can't go on like this..." Mu Li said with a frown.

(End of this chapter)

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