The first female physicist: Feng occupies the world

Chapter 290 Gain fame and fame, Fengming Liyue is the leader! 3

Chapter 290 Gain fame and fame, Fengming Liyue is the leader! 3
Ruan Qiao was slightly taken aback, what's going on, are all the soldiers in the palace deaf?
If Shangguanqing is still there, then his order may be discounted, but the one with the most right to speak is dead, so his order in this hall should be the biggest!

"Are you deaf? Take this girl down!" Ruan Qiao stopped bearding and ordered loudly, pointing at Hu Po standing in front of her.

It was still quiet.

Amber shook her head, with a smile on her face as if she was watching a clown in a circus, and said, "General Ruan, I think you are really old, haven't you figured it out yet?"

"What!!" Ruan Qiao's back broke out in a cold sweat.

Hu Po showed her white teeth, and said with a hey smile: "Do you think if all these soldiers are from Shangguanqing, I will deal with Shangguanqing alone? And put your own life on the bet that hundreds of soldiers holding weapons and wearing heavy helmets will not join forces to siege me!"

A stream of sweat dripped down Ruan Qiao's forehead, and his voice lost its previous loudness: "So...?",

"So?" Amber looked at Ruan Qiao with a funny face. She didn't believe that the man came to beg her, but seeing Ruan Qiao today, Amber had already thought about it and when the dust settled, she would definitely go to help him. put that person.

"Woman, you are so bad, you are so old, and you are always teasing him! What if you get angry and have a stroke, become an idiot, and become paralyzed, what should you do?" Tickle teasing.

Hu Po turned her head and said, "Governor Ling, what do you think?" Hu Po bet a tael of silver that this man was ignored by Ruan Qiao because of his coquettish entrance just now, and he would deliberately retaliate.

Ling Yun walked slowly to Ruan Qiao, his blue eyes sized him up from head to toe coldly, as if he was estimating how much a pig would cost as much as he could in a vegetable market. After a while, Ling Yun suddenly said coldly: "It's boring!"

Ruan Qiao felt that he was drenched in sweat, so he wiped his forehead with his hand, and pretended to be calm, "Governor Ling, I heard that Lingyun Pavilion is only in charge of killing people, but today it is also in charge of the royal government?"

Ling Yun snorted coldly, and stopped behind Ruan Qiao, with a pair of blue eyes looking through Ruan Qiao, he said: "Woman, this person looks annoying, if you pay me, I'll take the deal!"

Ruan Qiao felt as if a poisonous scorpion was staring at him from behind, ready to give him a fatal blow at any time. The hairs on his neck stood upright, and a powerful internal force frightened him, which made him unable to speak a word all his life on the battlefield !
"Don't forget, you hacked me for 5000 taels, and I'll offer 1000 taels, just watch and play!" Hu Po stretched out five fingers, retracted four, and said with a distressed expression.

Ling Yun looked at the woman in front of her stretching out her finger and retracting it, suddenly a smile flashed across her blue eyes, this woman is really stingy!

"Okay, then I'll take this old guy away!" Ling Yun grabbed the old but burly Ruan Qiao in front of him with one hand, and flew away from the Hall of Joy.

Before leaving, he threw down a sentence in the air: "Just wait for the amber to be ordered!"

The imperial guards in the hall, wearing black heavy helmets, responded in unison: "Obey, Pavilion Master!"

This made the people in the hall dumbfounded. When did the Imperial Forest Army be replaced by members of Lingyun Pavilion, and this girl named Hu Po could ask Lingyun Pavilion Master to come in person!

(End of this chapter)

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