Chapter 185
Hearing her words, Li Momo looked at her expression and found nothing unusual, so she was relieved.So he said with a smile: "In that case, the maidservant will go back and return to order. Miss Murong should rest well." After speaking, he saluted, bypassed her and walked forward.After walking a few steps, he suddenly thought of something, looked back at her, squirmed his mouth, but walked forward without saying anything.

Watching her leave, Murong Xin withdrew his gaze, and a sneer appeared on his lips.What is the queen's purpose in giving this child to herself? If something happens to Yun'er here, it will be her own responsibility.The relationship between myself and Yu Wenchen... Is it so easy to sow discord?Murong Xin sneered, didn't take it seriously at all, turned around and entered the room.

Seeing Murong Xin, Yun'er seemed to be very happy. She threw herself in front of her, hugged her, and said excitedly: "I knew that Grandma Huang would definitely promise me to let you take care of me. Grandma Huang is right I'm the best." After saying this, she seemed very excited, and kissed her on the cheek.

Seeing her like this, Murong Xin was in a good mood, as if infected, she also kissed her, and the two looked at each other and smiled.Seeing Yun'er's innocence, Murong Xin couldn't help being filled with emotion. At such a young age, it has become a tragedy of power struggle, which is deplorable.Every time I saw this child, I thought of my own child and made up my mind to protect her.But now it seems that this matter is not easy.Footsteps sounded hastily, looking up, Ziyu hurriedly came in front of her, as if she wanted to say something.Murong Xin waved her hand lightly, but didn't say anything.Looking back at Yun'er, he said with a smile, "Go and play by yourself first, little auntie will come over to accompany you in a while." Then he put her down.

"Little aunt, you must keep your word. I'll wait for you outside." Yun'er seemed very excited, waved her hand at her, smiled mischievously, and then ran away.

"Run slowly, and be careful not to fall." Murong Xin urged, and hurriedly followed.As soon as he reached the door, he was stopped by someone.Looking back, seeing Ziyu's worried eyes—

"The empress has given you the little princess..." Ziyu frowned at this point, her face was full of worry, she couldn't help showing embarrassment when she looked at Murong Xin.

Murong Xin could tell that Ziyu really cared about her.She patted her hand and said comfortingly: "Don't worry, I have my own measure. The queen gave me the child because she trusted me. You saw it just now, this child likes me very much, so there should be no problem. "Speaking of this place, thinking that the child had gone far away, fearing that something might go wrong, he hastily let go of her, "Okay, don't talk so much, I'm going to see him." After finishing speaking, she didn't wait for her reaction. Come here, turn around and leave.

"Miss Murong—" Seeing her leave, Ziyu couldn't help shouting as if she was worried.He didn't get an answer. Seeing her walking farther and farther, he hesitated for a moment, and hurriedly followed her.

When I came to the Royal Garden, I looked left and right, but I didn't see a familiar figure, Murong Xin couldn't help but frowned, she was just a child, where did she go?Thinking of this, I was a little worried, hurriedly speeded up, looked around for a while, but still found nothing.At this moment, Murong Xin had an ominous premonition in his heart that something might happen.At this moment, a familiar and eager voice sounded—

"Hey, let me go, I don't know you, I told you to let me down, do you hear me? Auntie, come quickly, come and save me."

"Yun'er?" Hearing such a voice, Murong Xin trembled in fear, followed the voice and hurried over.In the garden, a man hugged Yun'er and threw it there, as if he was having a great time.Yun'er looked very unwilling, and slapped him, trying to get out of his control.But Yun'er is just a child, how could he be his opponent?Turning his head back with great effort, he looked at himself, and stretched out his hand towards himself.Seeing her eyes asking for help, Murong Xin's heart was pierced like a knife.Not caring so much anymore, she hastily shouted, "Let her go quickly."

When the man heard the voice, he seemed to be taken aback for a moment, and hurriedly put the child down.Seeing this, Murong Xin rushed in front of her, took the child into her arms, and checked carefully: "Yun'er, are you okay?"

"Where did you come from, little girl, you are so brave, do you know who I am?" The speaker was obviously very angry, looked at Murong Xin, and asked coldly, with a contemptuous smile on his lips.

As if she didn't hear it, Murong Xin just checked Yun'er carefully to make sure that there was nothing wrong with him, so she was relieved.Looking up at the man, seeing his evil smile and looking at her with ill intentions, I immediately felt sick.He just asked coldly: "Yun'er, he didn't do anything to you, did he?"

"Uncle didn't do anything to me." Yun'er shook her head lightly and replied.

"Uncle?" Hearing this address, Murong Xin was taken aback for a moment, then turned her head to look at that person, and frowned involuntarily, "Elder Prince?"

"Do you know my identity?" Seeing Murong Xin's surprised expression, the man seemed to be very proud. He smiled lightly, raised his eyebrows, and stretched out his hand towards her as if very proud.

Seeing this scene, Murong Xin hurriedly took a few steps back, distanced herself from him, and looked at this person vigilantly.Yu Wenliang, brother of Yu Wenjin and Yu Wenchen, a typical playboy who doesn't like beautiful women.Murong Xin could tell that this person was uneasy and kind to her.So he said coldly: "Eldest prince, please respect yourself. If the emperor sees you being so frivolous, I'm afraid..."

"Bold." After hearing this, Yu Wenliang was obviously very dissatisfied.Ever since I was a child, no one dared to talk to me like this.Involuntarily took a few steps forward, staring into her eyes, "Who the hell are you? You dare to talk to me like this. I'm so tired of living." There is only one that scares her.

Catching his gaze, Murong Xin didn't take it seriously at all, smiled contemptuously, snorted deliberately, and was about to say something, when a person stood in front of her, instinctively stepped back, took a closer look, it turned out to be...

"You are not allowed to bully my little aunt, otherwise I will tell Grandpa Huang immediately." Yun'er blocked his way, looked at Yu Wenliang in front of him, and said unceremoniously.He pursed his lips deliberately, looking very excited.

"Little aunt?" Hearing this address, Yu Wenliang couldn't help but narrowed his eyes, looked at Murong Xin, and sized her up carefully.As if hearing a joke, I couldn't help laughing, "I thought that the second brother was single-minded and did not eat the fireworks of the world. It turns out that he is a treasure in the golden house." He stopped laughing and leaned in front of her.Staring into her eyes, he said half-jokingly and half-seriously, "Little girl, as a man, do you think you can't meet your request, second brother? If you can't, you are welcome..." Before he could finish speaking, he saw the other party He raised his hand and slapped himself on the face with a "slap".Yu Wenliang was startled, and took a few steps back in shock, finally gaining a firm footing.Pointing at Murong Xin, he showed a surprised expression, "You dare to hit Bengong, you are so brave, do you know who Bengong is, you..."

"Of course I know who you are, but do you know where this place is?" Murong Xin asked deliberately.Without giving her a chance to speak, he continued to strike while the iron was hot, "This is the palace, where the emperor lives. If you say that, if the emperor hears it, you, the prince, may be at an end."

"You, you, you..." Pointing at Murong Xin, Yu Wenliang was obviously very excited, unable to speak for a long time, panting, glaring, staring into her eyes, hoping that she would be afraid.But what surprised her was that Murong Xin was very calm, facing her gaze without fear.Slowly calming down, Yu Wenliang couldn't help but become more interested in this woman.Walking up to her step by step, he narrowed his eyes, "Smell, I really admire you for saying such a thing. If you want, this king..." At this point, he slowly stretched out his hand.But saw her take a few steps back and cleverly dodge—

"The eldest prince should have heard of this saying whether a man or a woman should give or take each other." He took a few steps back calmly and distanced himself from him.Seeing his angry expression, Murong Xin didn't take it seriously, "Eldest Prince, don't forget your identity, don't ask for trouble, otherwise..." He smiled coldly, hummed softly on purpose, obviously, He was ignored.Pull away Yun'er and walk forward without looking back.Who knew that before he had walked a few steps, he was grabbed by someone.Looking up, seeing the wretched expression of the person standing in front of me, I suddenly felt disgusted, "What do you want to do?"

"You woman made me interested. I can tell you plainly, you, I'm going to make a decision." Yu Wenliang looked at her with a half-smile, his eyes filled with complacency, as if telling her, I am bound to win.

Seeing him like this, Murong Xin smiled contemptuously. This Yu Wenliang was so full that he dared to say such a thing.Just as he was about to refute a few words, he suddenly glanced and saw a familiar figure approaching.Murong Xin suddenly understood what to do.Looking at the person in front of him, he said with a half-smile, "It's my good fortune that the eldest prince thinks highly of me. This servant has no objection. As long as the queen agrees, it's fine." After finishing speaking, he winked at him, rather He gave her a deep look.

When Yu Wenliang heard this, he looked at her expression, although it was a half-smile, full of provocation.But it can also be seen that Murong Xin was not joking, so she couldn't help but heightened her vigilance, took a few steps back, distanced herself from him, pointed at her nose, and asked questioningly: "Who the hell are you, and what are you with that queen?" relation?"

(End of this chapter)

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