Chapter 34

Outside Yuan Xiao Ridge, Xue Liang, Ah Da Ah Er and his group were walking and talking. According to Chu Feng's suggestion, they planned to go to Fire Ape City to rest first, and then go to Jiwu Military Academy.

As for what to do, Chu Feng didn't even know their real origins. Being able to cross the background of Yuan Xiaoling, Chu Feng didn't think that others would really talk to each other just looking at being kind, so naturally he wouldn't meddle in other people's business.

"Ada, what do you think? You gave away the token of the guest of Xueshen Mountain casually?" Xue Liang looked at Ada suspiciously, holding her chin.

"Which one of the eight guests of my Xueshen Mountain is not a strong man who is a prince and a king, even the weakest Qi Sea Realm guest minister has the combat power of a Martial Martial Realm. You actually... gave it to a kid at the Martial Dao Realm?" Xueliang said in a muffled voice.

Ah Da rubbed his forehead, smiled naively, and said: "Miss, the token of our Snow God Mountain, in this area of ​​the Central Plains, except for those famous old monsters, few people know it, the token I gave to that kid, Just to be a witness, this kid has a lot of potential, and even some outstanding things, even the old mountain master would not underestimate him..."

Ah Er on the side pursed his lips, "So to put it bluntly, you didn't explain anything, so you just gave me a guest token, right?"

Ah Da choked, and was about to say something, but when he thought about what the old mountain master said at the beginning, he couldn't help but stop thinking. Although he was a bit dull, he was a person who had followed the old mountain master for many years, so he still had a good sense of seeing people. of.

"Miss, don't get serious with Ada on this matter anymore. I promise, you and that kid will see each other again in a short time. Then you will know why I gave him the guest badge."

Xueliang rolled her eyes angrily, and muttered, "Obviously I brought you out, but in the end, you all imitated my grandpa's tone, treating me like a three-year-old child, and didn't tell me anything..."

Ah Da smiled wryly, shaking his head secretly in his heart, if it wasn't for the old mountain owner who turned a blind eye, and himself and Ah Er followed, this girl really thought she could slip out of Xueshen Mountain quietly...

But at this time on the other side, after parting from Xueliang and his party, Chu Feng inexplicably took a token from Ah Da, which looked a bit quaint and mysterious.

And what Ah Da said quietly to himself before leaving still puzzled him.

"Boy, it won't be long before Xuanyuan Continent's summer martial arts academy enrollment will start, listen to my advice, remember, go to Jiwu Military Academy."

Chu Feng didn't know the deep meaning in Ada's words. However, entering the academy to study martial arts, and enrolling to study literature, this is the way of Xuanyuan Continent to enter martial arts and literature. Only in the academy can it be easier to obtain systematic learning, whether it is confrontation Martial arts, or one's career in literature and politics in the future, both have great benefits.

Therefore, all the people in Xuanyuan Continent have never had any objection to the fact that they entered different academies to study after becoming crowned. This is what the major dynasties including the Dagan Dynasty are happy to see.

Chu Feng naturally had plans for the future. If he was still the Chu Feng who had been a waste for six years, it would be no surprise that he would be kicked out of the Chu family by the eldest lady after he was crowned. After the Sky System, all of this is no longer a certainty.

Naturally, he did not forget what the eldest lady did for. His genius brother, Chu Langtian, the eldest son of the Chu family, is now in the military and political system of the Dagan Dynasty. Although he has not heard any rumors about him in these years, However, relying on the scheming of the eldest lady and the shadow of his father Chu Tai, he might already be unstoppable, and he might become the leader of the young heroes of the Daqian Dynasty.

But the more powerful the mother and son are, the less they will have their own place to live. Regarding the suppression of the eldest lady for these years, Chu Feng is very clear. In their eyes, it has become an obstacle to inheriting the title of their father Chu Tai, and it is impossible to use some indecent means.

Even if the eldest lady was on guard against such a "good-for-nothing" Chu Feng back then, Chu Feng didn't think she would give up on himself who was like a genius.

"However...these are not in a hurry. At the very least, the young master is now at the seventh level of martial arts. No matter what, the eldest lady has no reason to drive herself out. When the coronation ends in a month, the enrollment of Xuanyuan Continental College will start soon. At that time , as long as I enter any academy, the eldest lady will not do anything to me."

Entering the academy to practice was the best way Chu Feng could think of. In two years, he would spend two years catching up with Chu Langtian. At that time, it was the time for him to truly get rid of their mother and son.

Chu Feng clearly remembered that as early as six years ago when Chu Langtian tied his crown, he had already achieved the Ten Great Consummations of Martial Dao. With his talent and the support of the Dao Furen, he did not know how much he improved in the past six years.

As for the moment, "Hey, it's okay for Chu Langtian and the eldest lady to suppress me. In the Chu family, I am still the second young master of the Chu family, whether Liang Pi or Meng Bufan, you lackeys of the eldest lady, Now that you are willing to deal with me, you must be prepared to meet my wrath!"

At the gate of the Chu family's mining area, Chu Feng looked at the convoy transporting primordial stones back and forth, and a slight smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. At this time, he had experienced more than two months of cultivation in Yuanxiao Ridge, and his mental outlook had improved a lot. The most important thing to change is the temperament of a strong man, more like a wandering martial artist who is adventurous everywhere, and the slightly tattered robes on his body even cover up these.

Ignoring the guard at the entrance of the mining area, the martial arts field in the Chu family mining area, Meng Bufan, the young master is here!


The guards obviously didn't recognize Chu Feng. Everyone was defending against the tide of gold-wearing beasts that day. The second son of the Chu family who was chased and fled into Yuanxiaoling, apart from Zhanhu and Meng Bufan, the other soldiers were I don't care.

"Who is this person? He looks fierce. He doesn't come to the mining area to make trouble. Do you want to stop him?" The two guards whispered to each other.

"It's probably Wu Xiu who hunted and killed ferocious beasts in Yuanxiaoling. You can tell by the blood on his body. It's better not to provoke this kind of person. Besides, isn't there a Zhanhu boss in the mining area? Look at Chu For the sake of General Tai, no one will come here to make trouble."

"I reckon they are here to buy primordial stone supplies. These hunters and killers have weird temperaments, so just pretend they didn't see it, didn't see it..."

Just as the two were whispering, Chu Feng had already quickly arrived at the martial arts field in the mining area.

All the layouts of the Chu Family's Yuan Mine were in accordance with the habits of military camps. In addition to the huge open space in the middle of the martial arts field, there were several quiet rooms on the side.

On weekdays, more than [-] retired veterans in the mining area trained here. Zhan Hu, Mao Sanqiang, and Meng Bufan, as the leader here, naturally enjoyed the right to a quiet room.

Each quiet room has a channel connected to the branch of the Yuan mine, and the Yuan power in the quiet room is abundant, which is most suitable for breathing and practicing.

At this time, in one of the quiet rooms, Meng Bufan was sitting cross-legged on the futon. Under the futon, the dense vitality permeated the whole quiet room from the underground passage. When practicing here, one does not even need the dantian to inhale by itself. Every moment of breathing will form an exchange of energy inside and outside the body, which will be transmitted to the limbs and bones, expanding the dantian.

Meng Bufan was holding a scroll in his hand, ""Mang Niu Jin" is indeed a martial art of the Chu family, Huang-level top-ranking, it can actually improve the quality of Yuanli in the dantian on the basis of martial arts, although it is not as good as those Yuanli has special attributes, but against ordinary opponents, it is really amazing."

"With this "Rang Niu Jin", even if I am against Zhanhu Boss, even if he is a fourth-level martial artist, this "Rang Niu Jin" can make up the gap for me." Meng Bufan knew very well that veterans like them, The main reason for the downfall was lack of qualifications. Most of the people here are mortal fighters, and they can only be used as cannon fodder on the battlefield.

If it weren't for the kindness of General Chu Tai, people like myself would not have any good jobs when they retreated. They were used to licking the blood of knife wounds on the battlefield.

But if he cultivated to Dingfeng with mortal bones and martial arts was tenth level, then it would not be as simple as just guarding the Yuan Mine for the Chu family.

Mortal battle bones reach the peak of the martial arts realm, unless there are massive martial arts resources, exercises, martial arts, and elixir, not everyone has the chance to meet the old fox like Chu Feng. None of these Meng Bufan, he You can only rely on the promise of the eldest lady and the eldest son, as in "The Strength of the Bull", in the future, as long as you follow the path of the eldest lady, there may be better rewards.

While Meng Bufan was practicing "Reckless Bull Strength", suddenly, a long howl came from the martial arts arena.

"Meng Bufan, get out!"

(End of this chapter)

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