Powerful Song Dynasty

Chapter 1126 Wang Xiu's Plan for the Development of the Forbidden Army

Chapter 1126 Wang Xiu's Plan for the Development of the Forbidden Army
"Qingche." Li Gang glanced at Wang Xiu indifferently, and said again: "The movement that Hangzhou took the lead in launching is not small!"

"Practice what you have learned." Wang Xiu is quite proud. Municipal administration and infrastructure construction are academics in political economy. Only when cities are developed can businesses be built. To develop cities, infrastructure construction must be paid attention to. , doesn't it mean that the disciples of the Wang family have formed an academic faction!

Gentlemen not party is not a party struggle in the former Tang Dynasty, let alone a collusion of forming a party for personal gain, but a loose group of bureaucrats, businessmen, scientific and technological personnel and other groups based on a common aspiration. There are only a few leaders, and they belong to the kind of common advancement alliance.

He does not deny that the cities of this era, whether it is drainage or transportation, are incomparable, but they also need to add some service factors. The bus system is one of them. The convenient and fast good governance, even the scholars are not hesitant to praise .

In itself, Song Shifeng is relatively open, and the sense of equality is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. Since the prime minister can take a bath in the fragrant bath with the common people, take Hangzhou tide watching as an example, and the guards go to watch the tide. We all stand together, each watching the tide, why can't we share the car?
Li Gang also agrees quite a bit. Although Wang Xiu needs to be guarded against, his academic theories are still good. Most of them are measures to govern the country. Although those scholars from the academy are radical in thinking, there are many capable people with lofty ideals. They are stronger than those measures. hundred times.

However, this is also what he is worried about. As the power of the academy continues to grow, it continues to enter the court and infiltrate various industries in the country, which indirectly fuels Wang Xiu's power. They are all people who are influenced by more equal thoughts, and almost all advocate The dual system, and some people even propose a constitutional system, which cannot but be worrying.

Constitutional law is proposed by the theory of mind, which is a step further than the dual system. In addition to stamping the jade seal, the monarch is completely a symbol of the family and the country. This group of people can really think about it.He was able to accept the dual system, and he saw that the restrictions on the monarchy were helpful to the rule of the literati group, but he didn't want to completely overshadow the emperor.

Before it was time to talk, he suppressed his thoughts forcibly, and said calmly: "To be honest, the water supply in the army is set up, but I think there are already specialized medical officers who can test the water source for the march. There is no need to set up a special office."

"No, my lord misunderstood. Drinking water is completely different from using water. The scale of water supply in the army is not large. Each battalion has about ten people. They boil water, bathe and change clothes regularly. Usually we have five days to rest and bathe, let alone soldiers who are fighting. "Wang Xiu explained patiently, and said: "The soldiers have worked very hard in the conquest. Even if they return victorious, the soldiers are all like beggars, with rags and gnats. In ancient and modern wars, they often return without success due to plague , Most of the officials died of the plague in the army."

"Looking at the Guantang guarding the water army, the army is quite large. This is the benefit of water supply in the army. Since it is successful, why not promote it?"

Li Gang nodded, not expressing his approval of what Wang Xiu said, nor did he refute it. There must be epidemics in every battle, and the number of people who die from disease is much higher than those who died in battle. No one can refute the fact.

"The extermination of the rebellious Qiang did not cause a large-scale epidemic, but it also caused many deaths. More than 6 people are just a figure on the surface, and adults should understand. Even if there are [-] people, there are only [-] people who died in the war. It is due to the improvement of logistics and supplies, the deployment of medical officers to the battalion, and the preparation of sufficient soup and medicine. If the officials can be washed after the battle and put on clean clothes, it will not only restore their energy quickly, but also prevent the spread of dirty diseases. Reduce non-combat reductions."

"It is necessary." Li Gang had nothing to say, he could only admit it.

"War, solve the problem of food, women, and bathing, let them get the most comfortable treatment, and when they return, they can have a good wash, put on clean clothes, eat meat and have a good rest, and have women to accompany them. This is more important than anything else. .Although it is inconsistent with morality, it exists in reality, and no one can avoid it.”

Li Gang couldn't help but shook his head and smiled wryly. Wang Xiu's words were so frank that people had nothing to say. Without women, there might be riots in the army.

In other words, in the past, when the army dispatched 10 people, there was indeed such a number, but the family members who followed it accounted for 10% to [-]%. In other words, there were only more than [-] officials in a team of [-] people, and the rest were family members. .

The new military system stipulates that soldiers no longer bring their families when they go out to battle, and the families of all ministries stay in the rear of the city. This requires the restoration of female music from the previous dynasty to accompany the army. Although it cannot be made public, it is a fact that the high-level officials acquiesced.

"In the future Northern Expedition, the Forbidden Army will maintain a strong morale, and only then will it be able to defeat a strong enemy. The way to maintain morale is not to rely solely on the righteousness of the family and the country, and money cannot be maintained for a long time, but to care for the soldiers. , to ensure food, clothing and comfort for them as much as possible. Fortunately, the Northwest War exposed a lot of shortcomings, and they can make up for it with peace of mind, which is the biggest benefit of this war."

When the Northern Expedition was mentioned, Li Gang's spirits visibly cheered up, and he said seriously, "As long as the horse administration is handled well, within ten years, the imperial court will be able to form an army of 20 horses."

"Xi Li has been rampant for a hundred years, but with the help of mountains, iron harriers, and strong crossbows, he can gallop with Liangzhou horses. The iron stupa is not a Liangzhou horse. Now that it is back in the hands of the imperial court, it is impossible to kill it. 20 It's a bit of a struggle, but one hundred thousand elite riders are enough to conquer the world." Wang Xiu narrowed his eyes and smiled ironically, he didn't intend to exhaust the resources and develop the horse army destructively.

20 horse troops, what a joke, even if the Song Dynasty can afford it, there is no need, and they are not grassland barbarians, so why do you need so many horse troops!The progress of the Song Dynasty was changing with each passing day. The forbidden army was destined to become a technical army, and the horse army was just a transitional force, which would eventually become an auxiliary force.

Besides, to maintain an army of 20 horses, more than a million official horses are needed. Coupled with private grazing horses, the existing worsening water and grass land must be overwhelmed, and eventually gradually degenerate into sandy land. He still wants to use it limitedly. Large-scale sealing of grasslands and restoration of the environment in the Northwest, how can we do the shitty thing of killing chickens and taking eggs.

What the imperial army of the Song Dynasty wanted to develop was chariot-based chariot soldiers, infantry and cavalry with a combination of hot and cold weapons as the main force, and tube-shaped firearms. The horse army was only an intermediate link, and its status should not be too prominent.

Li Gang was obviously in a good mood, he smiled happily and said, "I've waited for a long time, why not wait a little longer! When I have a hundred thousand horses to swallow mountains and rivers."

"However, the stability of Hexi is still needed. The captives obviously have a good plan. With the support of Wulahai City, they will stick to Suzhou and Guazhou and wait for the opportunity to seize Shazhou. Well, once they capture Shazhou, the battle line will be more stable. It will increase the subjugation of Qiyan and Kelie people." Wang Xiu said leisurely.

(End of this chapter)

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