Powerful Song Dynasty

Chapter 1297 Bloody Sun's Doing Its Best

Chapter 1297 Bloody Sun's Doing Its Best

"We tried our best!" Commander Du organized three counterattacks in a row, and even Du Yuhou was killed in battle, and all followed the military law, but they still couldn't stop the Jin army from breaking through.

Pei Shang understood that it would be of no avail if he continued to fight, and would instead lose all his money. They had indeed tried their best, but they could no longer persist, so they could only nod their heads and said, "We can only retreat, hoping to keep the back stronghold."

The Song army began to retreat in an organized manner, and Houzhai began to support them. They used bed crossbows to shoot high, forming a blowing fan, causing trouble for the Jin army to pursue.

However, Kong Yanzhou was not mentally handicapped, he had a great chance of annihilating, how could he allow the Song army in Qianzhai to retreat safely, divide the troops into two wings and hold back some of the Song army.

There are fierce fighting figures everywhere in the stockade, fierce hand-to-hand combat and heart-wrenching screams. The crossbowmen gather together to stop the advance of the Jin army. Take everything away, and destroy what you can't take away as much as possible.

To a certain extent, these crossbowmen sacrificed themselves to cover the retreat of Paoze, which was tragic but very helpless.

The battle in Qianzhai was not long, and the retreat turned into a massacre. As the Jin army continued to increase, the officials and soldiers of the Song army who did not escape completely lost their courage to fight.

They fled for their lives in all directions, found a way out among the crowd, and were often surrounded and hacked by many people. Fortunately, they died after being stabbed, and unfortunately, they became a pool of bloody flesh.Or they were knocked down to the ground, and were continuously slammed by iron rods until the blades of the iron armor fell apart, and the whole person became inhuman.

The battlefield is cruel, so don't expect your opponent to be merciful, especially the undisciplined militiamen. The Jin army's Han army infantry are just a group of unorganized peasants. Their violent destructive power stunned even the Jurchens .

Just like when the Jin army went south during the Jingkang period, it was often the Jurchen who robbed property, and the Han people in the north of the mountain slaughtered the city and plundered wealth. In the wars of more than ten years, although the Jurchen’s discipline declined, they were still captured. most.

Thousands of Song troops also retreated into Houzhai. Under the powerful attack of Houzhai, the Jin army also slowed down their pursuit, allowing them to escape.

This is not a long road, it seems to have exhausted their whole life, and many people don't know how to walk it.

The crossbowmen in charge of the army shot arrows mechanically, retreated, shot arrows, and retreated again, and the Jin army infantry who rushed forward kept falling. On the ground, I knew it was safe for the time being.

When the fear passed, they thought of the massacre of Pao Ze, and immediately took up the bow and crossbow in their hands to fight back again, avenging the death of Pao Ze.

Kong Yanzhou was in a hurry to attack, but still forcibly urged the soldiers to advance. After passing through the scattered Golden Army infantry, he forced his way forward, but was unexpectedly hit sharply. In less than half a stick of incense, hundreds of people died in battle. The rest are not allowed to advance.

The inferiority of the Han'er army was immediately exposed. They were still extremely ferocious just now, but they suddenly suffered a violent counterattack, and their morale was immediately depressed. Coupled with massacres and plundering, they completely lost their offensive formation.

With the withdrawal of more than a thousand people, the strength of Houzhai has reached more than [-] forbidden troops, which can be regarded as a strong force, and the distance from Zhongzhai is relatively short, which makes the officials feel more at ease.

Commander Du took the time to deploy troops, but Pei Shang rode his horse to the Commander of the Military Capital. They were preparing to deal with the Jin army's attack. The 27th Brigade Town had not retreated, and Zhongzhai was to the west. This would really be the last man to fight.

When Pei Shang rushed to Chengjiao's side and asked for reinforcements from the large village of food, grass and supplies, the front village of Dongzhai withdrew its soldiers and horses. Many people lost their armor and needed to be replenished urgently.

Cheng Jiao was in a difficult situation. Although the luggage could still be supported, there was no room for any waste. Who knows how long this battle will last.

The East Village can be abandoned. If a large number of armored weapons are distributed, it is better to let those defeated soldiers be incorporated into the camps between the Chinese and Western Second Villages, and let them mix with the defeated soldiers of Pengri, Longwei, and Shenwei. At least it can make up for the battle damage.

Seeing that Cheng Jiao didn't let go, Pei Shang immediately made a fuss, and said angrily, "Taiwei, Dongzhai is lost, and Zhongzhai will bear the frontal attack of the captives. Think twice."

"Abandoning the East Village and withdrawing the soldiers and horses to the West Village, wouldn't it be more stable." Cheng Jiao was very dissatisfied with the defense of the East Village.

Pei Shang was furious and said loudly: "If you can stick to Dongzhai, you will be able to delay the war, and you will have more chances for reinforcements. The words of the Taiwei are really incomprehensible."

"I also understand what you mean. Now the Jia battle is very expensive, and the North Village is also facing an attack. The East Village can only rely on the existing supplies to resist. If there is not enough, wait." Cheng Jiao also has no choice.

Pei Shang stared at Cheng Jiao in surprise, and waited, it was clearly to ask someone to take the armor of the dead, which was too much.

"This is also the meaning of the Taiwei, and it must not be fully released until the end." Cheng Jiao added, with a very clear attitude.

Pei Shang had nothing to say, since it was Feng Yuan's decision, he could only sigh and angrily walked away.

Cheng Jiao's eyes were particularly complicated. Why didn't he want to send more reinforcements to Dongzhai? Unfortunately, the Song army was a technical army and relied heavily on supplies. Each battle consumed a huge amount of money. After just one day of fighting, a large amount of the army's reserve was consumed.

Just last night, the officials who risked their lives to break through the siege brought news that the township army's transfer team that was following behind was ambushed by the Jin army on the second day after Gaoping's defeat. Annihilated, a large number of supplies and food were destroyed.

That is to say, before the reinforcements arrived, they lost their supplies of food and supplies, so they could no longer spend extravagantly, and everything had to be carefully calculated.The situation in Dongzhai is indeed critical, but it has not reached the most dangerous moment. The reserve in Houzhai is also very strong, which can fully support the battle of thousands of people, so there is no need to replenish it immediately.

Even if you lose the armor, you can use one for two people, or you can simply assign it to another team to serve as the carrier of the bed crossbow. The defenders of each position have been accurately calculated. If it exceeds, it will be a waste and cause duplication of duties. raises many new problems.

It is completely unnecessary to distribute new armored equipment carelessly, and to re-issue arrows is a waste of resources, and they can also be used as a reserve team.

Regardless of the fierce fighting in Dongzhai, Li Cheng's troops completed their approach. The eight army formations composed of light trucks gradually approached Song Jun's Beizhai. The mound where Feng Yuan was located was just behind Beizhai.

This guy is also a cunning guy. He watched the troops not enter for a long time, and watched the other generals attrition, but he was completing the formation, and only invested 5000 people. He spotted the position of the mound and prepared to launch a swift and violent surprise attack.

(End of this chapter)

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