Powerful Song Dynasty

Chapter 1306 The Great Defeat of the Scarlet Sun

Chapter 1306 The Great Defeat of the Scarlet Sun
That's right, the reason why Jing Bo was patient and didn't shoot was because he was waiting for an opportunity. Once he launched it, it would be a thunderous blow, so fast that even the Jin army Tanma had no time to react, and was directly killed by the Song army rangers, and then launched a quick blitz.

Seeing that Ali had nothing to say, Zhang Qiyuan couldn't help panicking, and said in a low voice: "No, let the ministries withdraw first, and fight again in the future."

Ali shook his head, withdrawing is easy to say, but easier said than done, not to mention that all soldiers and horses are thrown into battle, it is impossible to withdraw in time, even if they withdraw, the counterattack must be sharp, you have no place to stand .

Those who came were all elite cavalry troops. Their marching speed was terrifying. There was no time for so many infantry to resist, and they were dispersed in the end.

Zhang Qiyuan stopped talking, turned his head and looked at the battlefield filled with gunpowder smoke, the smoke and dust that he praised as a fairyland just now turned into a terrifying hell, he was silent.

Li Qiong was really scared. Song Jun's counterattack was too sharp. He already knew it was over. Now he could only quickly shrink his troops and withdraw from the battlefield as much as possible.After so many years of hard work and waiting for the opportunity, he finally had tens of thousands of soldiers and horses, but he could not be wiped out in the Ji family.

Yue Yun's cavalry was too fast, and the northern wing of his army had already collapsed. The infantry scattered in panic and ran for their lives, which might cause even greater panic.Only by abandoning the car to protect the handsome, and giving up decisively, it may be possible to move back to the first game.

He immediately led an army of [-] horsemen to launch a counterattack against Yue Yun's flank, and ordered all the ministries to retreat to Jishi County.If it is said that his counterattack was heroic, the retreat order was stupid. He wanted the infantry to retreat into the city and get the protection of the city, but he made the same mistake as Gao Ping. The collapse of the whole army.

His hundreds of horse troops were on the way to attack, but they were rushed to pieces by their own defeated troops. They were shocked and angry. The Song army's horse troops moved too fast, and it was difficult to capture them. How could they be dragged down by the defeated troops? In desperation, he had no choice but to kill those who stood in his way.

This time, they made the same mistake as Sudden Jurchens. Those infantry were already panicked. They were defeated by the Song army cavalry first, and they ran for their lives only to be massacred by their own people. It was even more chaotic. Some people even directly fight back.

Wu Lie is a wise guy. Seeing that the Song army was attacking heavily, his troops were distributed in various stations, and were scattered by the infantry, so they could not form a counterattack at all. After issuing the military order, his cavalry troops retreated westward and began to leave the battlefield.

For those Han soldiers, he simply abandoned them like pigs and sheep. As long as he protected his horse army, those Han infantry could be recruited in a few months, and there would be a lot of cannon fodder to use at that time, so there was no psychological burden at all.

The retreat of those Jurchens and Khitans chilled the hearts of some hard-fighting troops. The Jurchens really abandoned them, and their morale was immediately lost. Everyone had only one thought, get out of this damn place as soon as possible, and save your life. Save it.

Feng Yuan seized the opportunity and personally directed the remnants of the car brigade to fight back, and asked the officials to shout the slogan that those who surrender will not be killed.

Sure enough, for the infantry of the Jin army who were suffering in dire straits, being able to let them surrender was tantamount to the best ending. Everyone knew that it was difficult to keep prisoners in fierce battles.

Many people threw down their battles and squatted on the ground to give up resistance.

Chen Gao's Xuanyi 66 Brigade Town, which was like a wolf like a tiger, directly dispersed Kong Yanzhou's infantry troops and arrived at the Zhongzhai of the Song Army, realizing the confluence of reinforcements and troops waiting for reinforcements, which also heralded the defeat of the Jin Army.

The number of Jin troops killed along the way alone reached more than a thousand people. They simply did not have the strength to capture each other, let alone kill them all. They could only order them to wait at the designated place, put down their armored battles, and wait for the Song army. Send someone to surrender.

At this time, the entire army of Li Cheng and Kong Yanzhou was defeated, Jin Shang was abandoned by Wu Lie, and surrounded by two brigades and towns of the Gongsheng Army of the Song Army.

The Jin Army has lost its unified command. Those who believed they were abandoned by the commander could no longer organize a strong resistance. In addition to fleeing in all directions, they began to surrender in an organized way. The scene was surprisingly similar to the 66th Brigade Town.

Although there were more than a hundred chariots left in the chariot brigade, they were still attacking fiercely under the leadership of Feng Yuan, and no one dared to stop the four-wheeled chariots.

The entire battlefield has been completely corrupted for the Jin army. Ulie fled to Hexi, kept collecting defeated soldiers away from the battlefield, and urged Ali to retreat quickly. His troops gradually recovered, but they were already scattered and remnant soldiers, no longer able to fight back.

Yue Yun's rapid assault made Ali also panic. Seeing the Song Army's cavalry galloping wildly, all the Jin Army's troops were already in chaos.

In fact, Yue Yun was also in a difficult situation. He had achieved his strategic goal, but the Jin army in the west of Qinshui had 3 or [-] troops. Create a strategic posture to contain the Jin Army troops from reinforcements to the east of Qinshui.

If Ali calmly analyzed and relied on Ulie's troops to collect the defeated soldiers, most of the infantry on the West Bank of Qinshui could be rescued, so it might be that they had no ability to confront.

In particular, Liumeng'an in Fenzhou had just entered the battle and was able to fully balance the battlefield. Although it was impossible to defeat the Song army, it was able to cover the successful retreat of the Jin army.Don't underestimate these thousands of horse infantry. If they play a role, they will have a huge impact on the battlefield. Unfortunately, they were thrown into disorder by the defeated soldiers.

"Since the governor has decided, then we will retreat." Zhang Qiyuan was also panicked, but he did not forget to get away with Ali, so that when he was held accountable, he could get rid of the guilt for himself.

Ali didn't think of this, a hundred of them tied together, and they were not Zhang Qiyuan's opponents, so he hurriedly said: "Burn the food and grass, and the whole army retreats."

With the retreat of Ali and Zhang Qiyuan, the Jin army completely lost their fighting spirit. Although the fierce battle in the past few days had suffered heavy casualties, there were still 9 to [-] people. The scene of these people's retreat was spectacular and chaotic.

Liumeng'an in Fenzhou was an elite force. They still fought to the death against Feng Yuan's chariot brigade, and became the last force to resist after Ali's retreat, but they were helplessly disrupted by their own soldiers and horses.

Feng Yuan did his part, and blew the horn to launch the final impact on Liumeng'an. The impact of hundreds of four-wheeled chariots was quite spectacular and vicious, and the visual and sensory impact was also very shocking.

The four wheels of the chariot were driving, the horses were neighing, and the officials were shouting. Facing the crossbow arrows shot by the Jin army, they rushed up without fear.The horses were shot down, the cavalry were thrown heavily to the ground, some of the chariot riders were shot and killed, the chariot fell to the ground, and the officials on the chariot were trampled by their comrades who caught up behind them, but they still continued to attack. Everyone knows that defeating Liumeng'an will end the battle in the east of Qinshui.

(End of this chapter)

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