Powerful Song Dynasty

Chapter 951 Zhang Qiyuan's killer move

Chapter 951 Zhang Qiyuan's killer move

But he said that Zhang Qiyuan rushed to the front of the army, and just saw Wu Shu, he said impatiently: "Mr. Lang, why didn't the army go in?"

Wu Shu stood up to greet him with a smile, he was very enthusiastic, and said very politely: "Zi Chu succeeded in getting Nan Chao into the urn, which is a great achievement!"

Zhang Qiyuan looked at Wushu helplessly, sighed and said: "Mr. Lord, Lord Xia was persuaded by my subordinates to intervene in Shaanxi in advance. It is an excellent time for Dajin to attack the Southern Dynasty. Once Mr. Lang is dispatched, Wang Dalang will be sad." At the end, the golden opportunity cannot be wasted!"

"Their Northern Guards are complete, and they are as sharp as a forest. It is very difficult for us to fight them down." Wu Shu was also very helpless. There must be a balance.

Unlike Zhang Qiyuan, he needs to consider the highest interests of the Jurchens. If the Great Song Xingchao is in a hurry and a battle along the river really breaks out, the main force of the Jin army will probably fall into a quagmire and cannot affect the war in the northwest.

"Lang Jun miscalculated. Wang Dalang wants to go all out to exterminate the party members and get Liangzhou's war horse. Lang Jun sits on the mountain and watches the tiger fight. It's better to connect directly so that he can't move." Before Zhang Qiyuan left, he and Wu Shu After discussing, it is a good time to take advantage of the most critical moment when Song Dynasty launched the war and let them fall into the sand.

"I'm afraid it's not the time yet. We are paying attention to Zhang Tonggu being stabbed." Wu Shu's mind changed, he had to consider the overall situation.

Zhang Qiyuan is a true talent, but he can't compare with him in military affairs. The main force of the Jin army must not be used on Yanhe Wulu.

"What, Mr. Zhang was stabbed? What a great opportunity!" Zhang Qiyuan widened his eyes, and immediately grabbed a straw, eager to attack immediately.

Wu Shu didn't know it was an opportunity, but he still had some fears, it was just to blackmail some benefits, if a war really started, it would really kill people.

"Lang Jun, you can still achieve the effect without fighting along the river." Zhang Qiyuan's eyes flickered, but his face was very stern.

He also saw Wu Shu's reluctance, so he could only suppress the hatred in his heart and temporarily change his plan. After a life and death encounter, some things can be understood.

Wu Shu frowned slightly, he was also an experienced general, he understood after a little thought, and said playfully, "You want to directly aid the party?"

"That's right, I also think that when Lang Jun goes south, instead of directly attacking the three capitals, it is better to give benefits to the party. Wei Ming Renxiao inherits the throne. It can be said that he is suffering from internal and external troubles. I am afraid that he cannot stop the attack of the Southern Dynasty. After all, Wang Dalang has been preparing for ten years."

Zhang Qiyuan curled his lips and said in a deep voice: "Mr. Lang doesn't need a large army, as long as 3 people are stationed on the east bank of the Hedong River, and a single army sends out the Tiande Army, the southern and western servants will be frustrated, and Wang Dalang will bow his head."

Wu Shu made a request, and wanted to go back to his seat to sit down and meditate, but Zhang Qiyuan didn't care, so he did it and waited quietly.

It is true that Zhang Qiyuan is quite familiar with the Xing Dynasty of the Song Dynasty, and even had contact with the war game deduction of the Northwest War. He also had intelligence research and judgment and field contact with Xia. The method of directly sending troops is not new, and even many ministers of Jin have imagined it.

However, they didn't think that the Great Song Dynasty could destroy Xia, they only needed to sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight, and both sides blackmailed the benefits, but they never thought of stopping the Song army's westward advance.

The sudden death of Li Qianshun, the internal instability of the Xia regime, the proper tactics of the Song army, and the emergence of new troops made the Xia army lose consecutive battles, and it seemed that they really couldn't stand it anymore.

Wu Shu couldn't help shivering, what Zhang Qiyuan said made sense!The internal instability of Xia and the strength of the Song army really require another plan. The strategy of weakening the two sides and blackmailing each other seems a bit unworkable.

If you just sit back and ignore it, it will be difficult to move back after the Song Army wins a decisive victory!Xia has a reason for existence and must not be annexed by Song.

He couldn't imagine what it would be like if the Great Song Xingchao got the whole Dingnan and Hexi?What is certain is that a powerful horse army will be born out of nowhere. He dare not think about the fate of the Jurchen anymore. Wang Xiu is just a smiling tiger.

"Mr. Lang, the military situation is urgent, time is not waiting for me!" Zhang Qiyuan said indifferently, since he changed his mind, he will act vigorously and resolutely, he has never been a grumpy person.

Just when Zhang Qiyuan was trying to change his strategy and cut off Wang Xiu's strategy, a debate broke out in Yuquanshan Academy in Hangzhou, and the differences between Wang's disciples became deeper and deeper.

In the debating hall, there was fierce talk, Liu Renfeng looked indifferent, Hong Zhen was also smiling, and the two mountains were very different from each other.

It turned out that Hong Zhen brought a group of students from Sun Yat-Sen Academy to Hangzhou for a study visit. Students from the two academies had a big debate on state policy, and had their first face-to-face collision.

Fei Su, dressed in casual clothes in green, came in. The place where he could sit was already crowded with students, as well as scholars from Hangzhou, and even the aisle was crowded with people.On the debate stage, five students from each side were debating fiercely, saliva flying all over the place.

He knows the topic of the debate, and he will deal with the current border affairs with the three generals.

The affirmative is to act against Meng Lang, but there is love outside the law; the opposite is to be sympathetic to the law, and to be punished by the canon.

He is not interested in students' debates. From his point of view, the three thieves are very simple. The three thieves undermined the strategy of the head of the mountain and caused a crisis in the strategy of the imperial court. .

"It's time to break the fast, let's go out and talk."

Just thinking about it, Zhang Ling and Zhao Fei squeezed over from the crowd, sweating profusely!Especially the chubby Zhang Ling, who is not in ordinary pain.

"Brother Hongfu finally came, so naturally he should be quiet for a while." Fei Su chuckled, obviously it was the end of the debate, and if he didn't come out, the whole audience would be gone.

The three of them came out to Huaxie, and Zhao Fei smiled authentically: "I said that there are huge crowds. Hongfu finally came back with Mr. Hong Shan to listen to some debates. He should have gone back to the research institute to explain yellow medicine to the students of the firearms class. Stronger than squawking."

Fei Su glanced at Zhang Ling, smiled and said: "You and Shiro are doing well, and the research institute went to Lao Guzi, leaving Changde to take the lead. It's really not easy! Xanthate's progress is too fast. Slow down, I am anxious for you."

Zhang Ling wiped his chubby face, and said helplessly: "Zhong Shan is a start-up, and Mr. has placed high hopes on him. It is really inseparable. It is Gu Zi who has traveled across the ocean and made a big splash overseas, which is very enviable."

"Xantao has a lot to do with it, so we have to speed up. As for Lao Guzi, he's not going to get away with it. He's going to go to hell." Fei Su has always hoped that Xantho is stable and can equip a large number of troops, especially sea ships and warships. It's a pity. There hasn't been much progress, which is really frustrating.

Zhao Fei looked at Fei Su and said, "Why are you here so late?"

(End of this chapter)

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