One-step Sword Sovereign

Chapter 107 2 Months of Growth

Chapter 107 Two Months of Growth
For two months, practicing day and night, Ye Feng not only cultivated to the seventh peak of the Qiankun Sword Code, but he also did not fall behind.

Speaking of cultivating the ultimate shadow, Ye Feng almost gave up a month ago. The reason is that the one-month practice did not have any effect. To its shape, but not to the essence of cultivation.

Until an accident made Ye Feng regain his confidence, that is, a month ago, an earthquake suddenly occurred on the unnamed mountain. The mountain shook and caused the terrain to change. The place that was originally steep became more dangerous after the earthquake.

However, it was this earthquake that made Ye Feng, who was still practicing Nether Shadow Absolute Step, suddenly feel at a loss. The changes in the terrain made him unable to adapt for a while.

In response to a rumor, the more people are in crisis, the easier it is to explode.

When Ye Feng was at a loss, the soul power in his mind was able to detect the terrain on his own, and all the features were reflected in Ye Feng's mind. It was with the help of the soul power in his mind that Ye Feng used his body more coherently at critical moments, almost like a fish in water. After a few breaths, he succeeded. Complete the method of using the shadow of absolute step once.

Ever since that time, Ye Feng also understands that the key to You Ying's ultimate step is not to adapt the environment to you, but to adapt yourself to the environment. Only in this way can you make accurate counterattacks in various dangerous moments, Or dodge.

If you want to adapt to various environments by yourself, then soul power plays a crucial role. Therefore, the key to the shadow's ultimate success lies in the use of soul power.

After the first success, there will no longer be any difficulties in cultivating the Umberous Shadow Move. The next step is to use the Umberous Shadow Absolute Step proficiently. In a month, Ye Feng has practiced the Umber Shadow Absolute Step thousands of times. The use of Yingjuebu is integrated into the bones, achieving an instinctive reaction.

It's easy to say, but how difficult it is to practice an instinctive reaction. Most of a person's instinctive reactions are formed innately. For example, a newborn child will cry when he is hungry, and it is an innate reaction for a child to breastfeed. sexual instinct.

However, if you want to cultivate an instinctive reaction, the difficulty is no less than achieving the title of emperor, which shows how crazy Ye Feng's idea is.

Up to now, Ye Feng has perfected the ultimate step of shadow cultivation, and he has reached the stage of entering the room. As for reaching the realm of Xiaocheng, there is still a little distance.

Although he is still in the stage of entering the hall, Ye Feng's speed has improved a lot compared to two months ago. Now Ye Feng can cover a distance of 180 meters with just one breath. It was a little bit late in the Yuan Dynasty.

Here is a brief explanation:
The time list above: one breath time/one breath
As for the speed and other information obtained after the Chenling Realm, it will be introduced slowly later in the article.

Back to the text:

Ye Feng recalled that two months ago, his speed was about 150 meters in one breath. This was due to his agility at that time. Sweeping the distance of 180 meters, the increase is not one star or two points.

What makes Ye Feng most happy is not that he has reached the peak of the seventh level of cultivation, nor that Youying Juebu has just entered the realm of ascending the hall, but that he has initially mastered the first form of the Qiankun Sword Art, Qiankun Penetrating the Sun.

The Qiankun Sword Art is a high-level sword technique of the mysterious level attached to the Qiankun Sword Code. It is said that it is a high-level sword skill of the mysterious level, and it is aimed at a single one. Ye Feng's hands are definitely at the top level of martial arts at the Xuan level.

If Ye Feng hadn't practiced the Qiankun Sword Code, then he would have to downgrade to practice the Qiankun Sword Art, and return to the advanced level of the Mysterious Rank, which is where the advantage of having a set of kung fu and martial skills lies.

I just think that the exercises and martial arts that I practice now are all at the advanced level of the mysterious class, but because it is a set of martial arts and martial arts, the bonus attributes brought by it are comparable to those who practice the top-level martial arts of the mysterious class.

However, the martial arts and martial arts that belong to the set are extremely rare, and most of them are scattered from the martial arts and martial arts. If a set of martial arts and martial arts of the low-level mysterious level is placed in the Hongyun Kingdom auction, it will definitely sell for a sky-high price.

Speaking of Qiankun Sword Art, there are three moves in total in this Sword Art, which are:
The first form: Heaven and earth pass through the sun
The second form: the infinite universe
The third form: destroying the universe
Listening to the name of the first form, Qiankun Guanri, you probably know that this is a single attack. The second form, Qiankun Wuji, is a group attack move. As for the last form, Destroy Qiankun, it should be a range attack, which may be similar to Qiankun Sword Formation.

Although there are only three moves in the Qiankun Sword Art, these three moves are very powerful. Ye Feng only touched the edge of the first move, but Ye Feng is full of expectations for these three moves. Now, Ye Feng is performing the first move of Qiankun Guan Ri, this power is not much different from Ye Feng's comprehended sword move cloud fragmentation.

Although Ye Feng knew that the sword he had comprehended might be above the middle level of the Xuan rank and below the advanced level of the Xuan rank. However, among all the martial arts in the world, only the martial skill created by himself is the most suitable for him, with a degree of fit of 100. %.

For example, Ye Feng practiced the first form of the Qiankun Sword Art, which is a high-level mysterious level. However, since this martial skill is always created by others, he may be able to practice it himself, but if he wants to control this skill like the master who created this martial skill, then It is absolutely impossible.

In Shenxuan Continent, all martial arts are created by the ancestors. When the strength of the descendants is low in the early stage, they will practice the martial arts and martial arts left by the ancestors. Only when the strength of the descendants is strong, they will start to create their own. Their own martial arts and martial arts are only like this, and their strength will also increase.

Creating your own martial arts is easy to say but difficult to do. If you want to create your own martial arts, you must have high strength. Secondly, you must collect countless martial arts cheats and integrate the essence of hundreds of schools to perfect your own creation step by step. concept, and finally created his own proud martial arts.

Looking at the entire continent, who can create his own martial arts cheats alone, which one is not a one-in-a-million strong man, a genius, maybe some strengths are not high, but he can also create his own martial arts.

Just like the current Ye Feng, Yun Suikong, this is the unique martial art created by Ye Feng alone by gathering the essence of the Lonely Nine Swords and Liuyun Swordsmanship.

However, people like Ye Feng with low strength can create their own martial arts. Such a person must meet one condition, that is, his comprehension ability is very abnormal, almost like a monster. Only in this way can he be satisfied with low strength but create his own Martial arts.

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(End of this chapter)

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