One-step Sword Sovereign

Chapter 116 Mission Hall

Chapter 116 Mission Hall

At this time, Elder Jiang Yan under the stage reacted, his footsteps touched the ground, and landed on the challenge stage.

Clearing his throat, Elder Jiang said: "This challenge is over, Ye Feng wins!"

Hearing this, the surroundings were peaceful, and most people were still in the scene they had witnessed before, and their minds hadn't come back to their senses, so that no one heard the elder's announcement.

However, the group of inner disciples who were involved, such as Wan Ziliang, Wei Ming, and others, after the elder made the announcement, lowered their heads to their necks like ostriches. The most embarrassing people in this incident are none other than these 32 people. people.

Originally, the 32 of them discussed that one person could defeat Ye Feng, but now it has become a stage for Ye Feng alone, and the 32 of them have become the clowns who set off Ye Feng's performance this time.

In the auditorium where Rosen and the others were, they were not too surprised after seeing Ye Feng win.

Hua Qing sighed, "These 32 disciples are completely unlucky. After this incident, I'm afraid that their reputations will be ruined one by one. It's like stealing chickens and losing rice."

For this incident, they are now aware of the origin of the incident, and they can only blame themselves for this incident. Who told them to use Ye Feng as a stepping stone, but in the end, everyone stepped on it.

Luo Sen said indifferently: "Who made them all want to defeat Ye Feng and achieve their own fame. Now, they are all well-known enough. At least most of the disciples in the sect know them clearly."

"Okay, don't make fun of them here, in fact, they are already pitiful enough."

on the ring.

Elder Jiang Yan lowered his voice and said, "Ye Feng, do you still remember who I am!"

Hearing this, Ye Feng could not help but smile, "Of course I remember that Elder Jiang Yan once practiced in the Nine Pagoda Formation of the Outer Sect and personally awarded rewards to his disciples."

"I really didn't expect that it's only been a few months since I've seen you, and your strength has grown so fast."

Jiang Yan, the elder of the inner sect, nodded slightly, showing a smile on his face, then fixed his eyes on Ye Feng, and said: "I see that your martial arts practice is very fast, so it can be seen that you are extremely talented, but martial arts can only be sharpened in battle. Only then can you unleash the greatest power, with your current strength, you can try to accept a few sect quests to hone yourself, and after a month, in the inner sect ranking competition, if you work harder, you may be able to break into the top ten."

"Thank you for the elder's advice, I will keep it in mind!" Ye Feng slightly bowed down and said respectfully.

Hearing this, Elder Jiang Yan nodded in satisfaction, with a deep smile on his face.

I thought that the task assigned by the suzerain had been completed at this time, and I was just about to leave, but when Jiang Yan saw Ye Feng's eyes seemed to be patrolling around, he couldn't help asking: "Ye Feng, do you have anything else to do?"

"A small matter. When I was an outer disciple, I made an appointment with an inner disciple to challenge. When I become an inner disciple, I should go to the appointment. Now that I am an inner disciple, I should go to the appointment on time!"

While speaking, Ye Feng continued to search the surrounding auditorium. When Ye Feng visited one of the audience seats, he found a young man in purple sitting there, forming a vacuum around him.

"Oh, did that disciple also appear here!"

Elder Jiang Yan was taken aback for a moment, since Ye Feng is still an outer disciple, since some inner disciples challenged him, there must be something hidden!But seeing Ye Feng's gaze scanning the surroundings back and forth, he guessed that the disciple must be here too.

"I found it, heh!"

Ye Feng laughed in a low voice, then circulated profound energy in his body, opened his mouth and shouted loudly: "Senior brother Wang Heng, I came as promised for the original appointment. I don't know if you still count on what you said."

Under the influence of the profound energy in the body, the sound resounded throughout the square, like thunder and roaring. For a while, the surrounding audience came back to their senses one by one. When they heard Ye Feng and Wang Heng's battle, the eyes of the inner disciples watching the battle stared straight. The confidence from Ye Feng actually dared to call Wang Heng, who was ranked sixteenth on the Zhan Hei List.

As for the outer disciples who watched the battle, most of them had puzzled expressions on their faces. They only knew that Ye Feng was going to make an appointment with his senior brother from the inner sect, but they never imagined that Ye Feng's match partner was actually ranked sixteenth in the black list of the inner sect. disciple.

After the words fell, the others followed Ye Feng's gaze, and finally they all saw a young man in purple, who was dressed very luxuriously and had a clear face.

Under the gaze of everyone, Wang Heng got up from his seat, stomped on the ground, and shot into the air, waving his arms and feet in the air, and finally passed the auditorium all the way to the ring, and exchanged with Ye Feng Make eye contact with each other.

"Your strength has improved very fast. At this moment, I am not sure about you." Wang Heng's expression was indifferent, making it impossible for people to detect what he was thinking.

"It turned out to be a battle that we had agreed upon, but I wasn't sure that I would face you, so I decided to admit defeat!" After saying this, there was no change on Wang Heng's face. It seemed that for him, admitting defeat was There is nothing to be ashamed of.

"Next month is the inner door ranking competition. Maybe we will have a chance to play against each other at that time. At that time, I will definitely go all out."

After finishing speaking, Wang Heng moved his body, disappeared from the ring in the blink of an eye, landed on the flat ground below, and walked out step by step.

Elder Jiang Yan's eyes fell on the disappearing figure, and he sighed: "What a Wang Heng, he can advance and retreat, without any pretentiousness, and there is a lot of room for future achievements."

Hearing this, Ye Feng kept silent, and he had a higher evaluation of Wang Heng in his heart. Sometimes Ye Feng wondered that Wang Tao and Wang Heng were two brothers, one in the sky and the other in the earth.

Under the arena, after Wang Heng said that he had conceded defeat, Wan Ziliang and the others' eyes froze. Wang Heng's words were like good medicine for injection, and they felt much better after listening to them.

Can you be more comfortable?He is ranked 85th on Wan Ziliang's black list, which belongs to the middle stage of the newly advanced Xuanyuan realm, while Wang Heng is on the [-]th place on the black list, the peak of the middle stage of Xuanyuan realm, and he is only one step away from breaking through. Even such a person has to admit defeat to Ye Feng , It's nothing if they lose.

On the ring, Elder Jiang Yan reminded: "Ye Feng, let's go!"

Hearing this, Ye Feng nodded.

The two jumped up one after the other and went down, and then walked towards the exit of the square.

And everyone in the audience, seeing Ye Feng and the elders also leaping away, knew that the challenge was over, and started to get up and leave one by one, gradually leaving.

However, they were still wondering, didn't Ye Feng challenge Wang Heng before?How come they left after saying a few words, why didn't the challenge go ahead!

"Wang Heng took the initiative to admit defeat to Ye Feng!"

This piece of news was spread among 32 people including Wan Ziliang, and it took less than half a day to spread throughout the inner sect, even the outer sect disciples were half-knowledgeable.

(End of this chapter)

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