One-step Sword Sovereign

Chapter 124 Learn about Fang Yifei's poisonous plan!

Chapter 124 Learn about Fang Yifei's poisonous plan!

The next day, on the mountain road outside Huarong Town.

On horseback, Ye Feng walked forward against the wind. There was a bulging cloth bag tied around his waist. There was a head in this cloth bag. It was the mission target, the mysterious flower picker. Perhaps he should be called Hua Splash Lei.

last night!

Ye Feng handed the sword to the woman who had become a widow. The woman may have been exposed to weapons for the first time, and she kept trembling while holding the Xuanyun Sword.

Seeing such a situation, Ye Feng has given up on letting the woman kill Hua Splash, after all, killing!And let a weak woman kill, it is too cruel.

However, what Ye Feng didn't expect was that when he mentioned to the woman, if he couldn't do it, don't force himself!Maybe it was Ye Feng's words that gave the woman courage, or her husband was killed, and her anger drove her to explode, making her do things that surprised Ye Feng.

That is, the woman stabbed Hua Splashlei's chest more than a dozen times, and after the stabbing was over, the woman cried again.

Hua Splash's entire chest was already dripping with blood, and even the woman's face was stained with a small amount of blood.

In the end, Ye Feng simply cleaned up the scene, and in the meantime, Shi Ranting, the mayor of Huarong Town, finally returned home from the town hall. At the age of ten, it is a tragedy in life for a white-haired person to send a black-haired person.

Ye Feng declined Shi Ranting's persuasion, cut off the tear-stained head, packed it in a sealed cloth bag, and then returned to the dilapidated house where the green sideburns were kept, and stayed in the house for a night.

As for the tragedy that happened to the historian, Ye Feng actually felt a little bit of self-blame in his heart. If he hadn't slept soundly, the consequences wouldn't have been like this. As for the historian, fortunately, there are still seedlings left, so the family won't lose their incense.

Riding on the wilderness road, the surroundings are desolate, only the occasional whistling of the wind can be heard in the air, other places are completely silent and desolate.

"Evil King Sect!" Ye Feng spat lightly.

The Xiewang Sect is located in the Yinming Kingdom, and the Xiewangzong is still a Seven Star Sect. It has a high status in the Yinming Kingdom, which is equivalent to the status of the Podao Sect in the Hongyun Kingdom.

And Hua Splash is the inner disciple of Xiewangzong, and Xie Daogui is the elder of the outer sect of Xiewangzong. Although Ye Feng did not kill Huaspilei this time, it is no different from him. If it is reported, it may cause Ye Feng a lot of trouble.

However, Ye Feng doesn't think so much now. Although the overall strength of Hongyun Kingdom is a little bit different from that of Yinming Kingdom, it is not much different. Moreover, Yinming Kingdom and Hongyun Kingdom have always been hostile countries, so Ye Feng has nothing to do for the time being. do not worry.

At least for now, he is only active within Hongyun Country for the time being. Even if the Xie Wangzong knew that Ye Feng had killed one of their inner disciples, he probably would not send someone all the way to Hongyun Country to find Ye Feng to avenge his disciple.

However, Ye Feng was puzzled by the fact that the Xie Dao Gui would be the elder of the Xie Wang Sect. In Jianghu, it seemed that the Xie Dao Gui was just a casual cultivator of the Yinming Kingdom. He never knew that the Xie Dao Gui was already the evil king. Zong's elders.

"These two are indeed a pair of master and apprentice!"

Ye Feng remembered that at the auction, during the soul power detection, he saw Xie Dao Gui for the first time. He was performing the most primitive human movement with the maid in the auction. Special feature, although he is greedy and greedy, he only looks for those women who are married, which can be regarded as a strange type, but it is true that both the master and the apprentice are lustful.

Compared with the master and the apprentice, Ye Feng is still more pleasing to the eyes, at least he will not harm those innocent girls, unlike the evil sword ghost, as long as they are beautiful women, no matter their age, they will eat them all. Such people.

Putting aside the random thoughts in his mind for the time being, Ye Feng slowly recalled what Hua Splash said last night. Two inner disciples died in Baihu Mountain. After hearing the names that Hua Splash said, Ye Feng felt familiar. There was Fang Yifei and a beautiful younger sister, Ye Feng remembered all of them at once.

I remember that Ling Yuanfeng once introduced these four people to him in the box of the auction. Fang Yifei ranked third in the inner gate of Baihu Mountain. a character.

As for the other two disciples who were killed by the evil sword ghost, according to Ling Yuanfeng, these two were considered outstanding in the inner sect, and their rankings were not low, but they were unlucky enough to be killed by the evil sword ghost. Ye Feng had no regrets about this .

Among the four disciples, the last female disciple, Wang Ying, is no stranger to Ye Feng. In the Zuijiu Building, Ye Feng once saw her with the Du family's children at that time, and then they broke up unhappy after a disturbance, and then they were together again. Auction meets.

What puzzled Ye Feng the most was that at the auction, when Ye Feng's soul power detected Fang Yifei's box, what Wang Ying said in it seemed to mean that she was hunted down, and that the person who was hunted down was sent by me. to go.

So far, Ye Feng can't understand why Wang Ying said that he sent someone to hunt and kill her!
Ye Feng wanted to break his head, but there seemed to be no reason at all!Moreover, how could he have the ability to assign strong people to help him at that time!

This mystery has been pressing in the bottom of Ye Feng's heart. It seems that if he wants to solve this mystery, he can only ask Wang Ying himself.

Unfortunately, no one knows whether Wang Ying is dead or alive.

In Ye Feng's mind, perhaps Wang Ying would have given up on herself a long time ago. After all, her body was brutally abused. For a young girl in her prime, there is nothing more cruel and tormenting than this.
Regarding the death of Huang Haoran and Wang Zhongxiong, Ye Feng might not have any feelings. However, if Wang Ying, a young girl in her prime, died, Ye Feng would feel a deep sigh.

But Fang Yifei, the chief culprit who caused all this, escaped alone. To Ye Feng, this matter had nothing to do with him, and it was a high priority.

However, when Ye Feng listened to the words of Hua Splashing Tears, Ye Feng began to pay attention to such a person, such a person, who was scheming, ambitious, dark and vicious, and could use any means to escape.

The most hateful thing is that Fang Yifei, in order to prevent himself from being greedy for life and fearing death, spread the reputation of betraying his fellow brothers and sisters, and blamed Ye Feng for all crimes, because who made Ye Feng a disciple of Xuantianzong, and Baihushan and Xuantianzong's disciples... All grievances are world feuds.

"Cheater, Fang Yifei, I can remember now, we could live in peace, but I didn't expect you to sell me in order to achieve your goal. This account will be settled slowly in the future"

After finishing speaking, a cold light flashed in Ye Feng's eyes, and then disappeared. At the same time, he clamped his feet hard, and the green-haired horse roared with all his strength, and his running speed suddenly accelerated, causing dust to float all over the sky behind him.

(End of this chapter)

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