One-step Sword Sovereign

Chapter 133 Emergency Missions

Chapter 133 Emergency Missions

Late at night, in a simple tent.

Ye Feng sat cross-legged on the floor alone. The environment inside the tent was simple, with only one floor bed and an ordinary wooden table. The entire area was only 20 square meters. Living in this solitary tent was Ye Feng's treatment as a centurion.

Not only Ye Feng, except for Wang Heng, the other three disciples are also the same, only Wang Heng's treatment is higher, he lives alone in a tent of more than 50 square meters, and is specially equipped with four guards, this treatment is simply a heaven and an underground.

Although Ye Feng and the others were jealous, there was nothing they could do. Whoever told him that he had been here last time and got a commanding position, if he came to join the army again this time, his position would still be retained.

Thinking of the daytime, Wang Heng received the commander's exclusive armor, the wolf shoulder armor, and after putting it on, he brought Ye Feng, four newcomers wearing standard armor, back to the camp of the 9th Brigade of the Chinese Army.

On the way back, the soldiers passing by saw Wang Heng's armor and quickly greeted him respectfully. Wang Heng's head was raised higher and higher with pride. Sometimes, Ye Feng wanted to remind Wang Heng that if you keep your head up, you will get cervical vertebrae. sick.

Here, I have to talk about the establishment of the Zhennan Army.

The Zhennan Army governs the Central Army, also known as the Central Army. Apart from the Central Army, there are also Left and Right Wings.

The 20-strong Chinese army is subdivided into 20 brigades, each commanding 1 people, with one major general and two commanders.

In the 9th Brigade of the Chinese Army where Ye Feng and others are now, one of the commanders died in a battle not long ago. Now that Wang Heng is here, and he is also the commander, he came here directly to succeed him.

The 9th Brigade of the Chinese Army has a total of 1 troops. Two commanders each command 5000 people. Each commander has five commanders under his command, and each commander has ten centurions under his command. Together, they form the management team of the 9th Brigade of the Chinese Army. .

"There will be a war tomorrow, I really look forward to it."

Ye Feng opened his eyes slightly, and a light flashed in his eyes.

The place of death!

This is how most fighters in Hongyun Kingdom describe the Yinsha Mountains. The Yinsha Mountains are huge. It connects a large piece of land in the south of Hongyun Country and a large piece of land in the north of Yinming Country. It covers an area as large as five or six Yechengs. size.

The Yinsha Mountains were called the Yinling Mountains hundreds of years ago. However, because of the war between the Hongyun Kingdom and the Yinming Kingdom, they fought in the Yinling Mountains all the year round. Over the past few hundred years, the number of deaths exceeded [-] million, which led to the evil spirit here. It was thick, and was gradually renamed the Yinsha Mountains by later generations.

There are more than 80 brigades of the Zhennan Army, and each brigade occupies a camp. There are more than 80 camps in total. defensive front.

"Military achievements are the key to promotion to military ranks."

Ye Feng raised his hand to touch his chest, where there was a bronze badge in the shape of a small triangle with a pattern of clouds drawn on it, which was the symbol of the royal family of Hongyun.

The badges of the army of Hongyun Kingdom are exquisite. Soldiers below centurions wear black iron badges; centurions wear bronze badges; thousand commanders wear silver badges; commanders wear gold badges; major generals wear dark gold badges; lieutenant generals wear platinum badges; Admirals wear purple and gold badges.

As an old opponent, Yinming Kingdom, for some unknown purpose, immediately followed Hongyun Country's approach. The only difference is that Hongyun Country has a triangular badge, while Yinming Country has a round badge.

Only after making this kind of badge representing identity, the two countries have tacitly issued a common order. Anyone who wants to be promoted to a military position should try to obtain military exploits. Military exploits are to collect badges from the enemy and use them to judge personal military exploits.

Since the implementation of this order, the soldiers of the two countries have worked harder in the battle, one by one, they have tried their best to defeat the opponent and seize the opponent's badge.

Moreover, the general Wen who received them today is one of the eight generals of the Zhennan Army. His name is Wen Chong, but others are used to calling him General Wen. That is also a famous person.

The next day, before dawn, the rapid beating of drums sounded loudly.

inside the tent.

Ye Feng had no choice but to open his eyes and finished his practice. Although he hadn't slept all night, but in the state of practice, Ye Feng was extraordinarily full of energy, and he would not become listless because of not sleeping all night.

Get up and get out of bed, wash up, and put on the standard armor, when everything is done.

Open the curtain of the tent and step outside.

The 9th Brigade of the Chinese Army.

Located in the center of the camp, hundreds of people had already crowded into the huge headquarters camp at this time, each of them wearing armor, and powerful aura occasionally leaked out, wafting through the air in the tent, filling the air in the entire camp with a depressing atmosphere.

inside the tent.

There are three seats in the middle of the upper row, and more than a dozen seats on both sides of the lower row. The upper seats are already full. On the full seats, Ye Feng saw Wang Heng sitting on it at a glance. Sitting next to a middle-aged man.

Except for the figure sitting on the seat, Ye Feng, and the other centurions all stood below. A full 100 people stood neatly below, with solemn faces, looking at the first three sitting in front of them.

Among the three people sitting in the upper row, there was a man in his thirties with gray eyes and a strong build. This person should be the top leader of the 9th Brigade of the Chinese Army and the rank of major general.

As for the two people on the left and right, apart from Wang Heng on the left, there is also a young man sitting on the right, with a handsome appearance and a dignified appearance. Not surprisingly, he is another commander.

However, at this moment, the three of them looked heavy, as if they had encountered an unsolvable problem, their brows were furrowed, and they looked helpless.

"My lord, all the people are here!"

At this moment, a general said respectfully after counting the number of people.

Hearing this, Yu Long nodded.

Afterwards, the whole person got up and stood up, saying: "Okay, since everyone has arrived, I will start to announce that this time, our 9th Brigade of the Chinese Army has received an urgent mission to fight back in Soul Valley!"

"The blocking mission in Soul Returning Valley is to buy time for our other brother troops. We must stop [-] enemies in Soul Returning Valley without crossing the slightest boundary, and keep it for three hours."

Hearing this, the complexions of the others changed drastically. They had only 9 people in the 1th Brigade of the Central Army, but they were going to stop the huge army of [-] enemies. This was simply hitting a stone with an egg.

Although, many of them also know that the terrain of Huihun Valley is suitable for easy defense and difficult attack, but this is not an ordinary difficulty. The number of enemies is ten times that of theirs. Even relying on the terrain advantage, they still do not have the confidence to stick to it, especially Still stick to it for three hours.

Yu Long glanced down lightly, and said solemnly: "Everyone go down to get ready, there are still two hours left before dawn, please let me know, the troops will set off in 10 minutes, and the meeting will be adjourned."

After speaking, Yu Long took the lead and walked out of the headquarters tent. Although he himself was not sure about this mission, but as a soldier, he also knew that military orders must not be violated, so he could only do his best.

After seeing the general leave, the other people below had different moods, and most of them were very worried about whether they could come back alive after this time.

 The third one!

  Ask for a recommendation ticket in the middle of the night! !


(End of this chapter)

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