One-step Sword Sovereign

Chapter 151 The six giants will meet!

Chapter 151 The six giants will meet!

Just about to go to do further investigation, Chen Mubai suddenly raised his head and looked southwest.

In the sky, white clouds split from it.

A lean figure shoots fiercely, and everything that blocks him is cut apart by the invisible saber energy, including the invisible air.


A person landed ten meters behind Chen Mubai. The person who came was dressed in a gray burqa, with a white face and no beard. He also stood with his hands behind his back. His plain eyes were full of saber qi, and they went straight up to the sky, implying a domineering will.

"Zheng Chengyi, the Broken Sword Gate is much closer than my Xuantianzong, but you are behind me." Chen Mubai looked at the other party indifferently, and said doubtfully.

Hearing this, the middle-aged man in gray smiled calmly, "There is something to be done in the sect, so you rushed here first."

Chen Mubai remained silent. The gray-clothed man in front of him was Zheng Chengyi, the master of the Broken Knife Sect. He practiced for the first time at the age of ten, gathered Qi in the same year, entered the Xuanyuan Realm at the age of 16, and entered the Chenling Realm at the age of 23. Judging from these statistics alone, his aptitude is very ordinary Ordinary, not even comparable to an ordinary genius, but I was surprised at this point. When the other party first broke through to the middle stage of the Chenling Realm, he actually comprehended the sword intent that is unique in thousands. No one has been able to figure out his strength so far, including Chen Mubai and others.

Five years ago, he was not so sure about defeating the opponent. Five years later, the opponent's strength became even more unpredictable. Chen Mubai could not admit that if the two faced off, his winning rate would not exceed [-]%. It is hard to guarantee that the other party does not.

At this time, Zheng Chengyi cast his eyes on Han Mochen's body and asked, "Did you find anything?"

Chen Mubai exhaled slowly: "It's the same as Huadongmen and Xueyuezong at that time, they also died under one punch."


Zheng Chengyi was unmoved, as if he knew the result a long time ago, he didn't reveal the slightest surprise in his words, and he didn't know whether he knew it a long time ago, or guessed it.

"You and I both know the strength of the master of the Jingyunmen, Han Mochen. Even if it is you, I am afraid that it is impossible to kill him with one blow, and it is even more impossible to kill him with one fist." Chen Mubai Moving his feet, he came to Han Mochen's corpse, and walked around the corpse to look and investigate.

"What do you think?" Zheng Chengyi's calm face remained unmoved, as if he didn't care about Chen Mu's belittling him.

After hesitating for a moment, Chen Mubai sighed, "If my guess is right, there may have been a hidden old monster."

Hearing this, Zheng Chengyi had a strange expression on his face, "The hidden old monster, are you sure?"

"Be sure about it, otherwise, who can slaughter the entire Jingyunmen in one night, and kill Han Mochen with a single punch."

Zheng Chengyi nodded slightly, and said leisurely: "If that's the case, Hongyun Kingdom will change."

After finishing speaking, an inexplicable look flashed in his eyes.

Chen Mubai smiled coldly, raised his head and said, "Ruan Yuanba is here!"

"Hua Wuniang is here too, eh! Jiang Peng is also here, it seems that the old devil Lingshan is the only one missing." Zheng Chengyi sensed that Chen Mubai was not inferior at all, looked up and narrowed his eyes slightly.

In the southwest direction, the purple halo pierced through the clouds and melted the air, as if a huge fireball shot towards this side, accompanied by the sound of thunder crackling, one after another, the momentum was frightening.

In the south, auspicious clouds and auspicious colors are accompanied by flying petals all over the sky. In the rain of flowers, a peerless beauty walks on waves, obviously very fast, but it gives people the illusion of strolling in the garden.

The first one to arrive was the beautiful lady who came with the petals all over the sky. Her black hair was like rain, her figure was charming and enchanting, and the aqua blue dress flowed on her body like water waves, spotless.

"You two came early." The beautiful woman walked over and smiled.

Chen Mubai sighed and said: "Baihuamen Flying Flowers in the Sky really lives up to its reputation, I, Chen Mubai, have really opened my eyes today."

This beauty is none other than Hua Wuniang, the master of Baihuamen, one of the two schools. Forget her real name, only know her name is Hua Wuniang.

Hua Wuniang covered her mouth with a smile and said, "No matter how powerful the flying flowers are, how can they defeat Ruan Batian's Nine Transformations of Sun Devouring, and of course, Brother Chen's Tiangang magic skill."

Both Yang Devouring Nine Changes and Tian Gang Divine Art contain the power of heavenly fire. The former name means that it can swallow even the sun, which is enough to prove that the fire attribute is overbearing. .

Zheng Chengyi shook his head and said: "Among us, you are the most invisible. Almost no one has seen you attack with all your strength."

"Not to mention anything else, I can't resist Brother Zheng's saber intent."

Hua Wuniang didn't know if it was her nature, or she was pretending to be modest, blindly belittling herself and elevating others, but Chen Mubai and Zheng Chengyi dare not underestimate her because of this, otherwise they will die miserably.

How could he be a simple person who can be in charge of the Hundred Flowers Sect of the Seven Star Sect? If he is really a simple person, he might not be able to live for such a long time. You must know how many pairs of eyes are staring at the position of the person in charge of the Seven Star Sect. , if Hua Wuniang is really simple, she can sit in the inner door of Baihuamen, and if she sits, it will be 20 years.

"Hahahaha, everyone is here. I, Ruan Yuanba, are here." The purple halo struck through the air, without any tendency to slow down, and slammed into Chen Mubai. Suddenly, the hot aura filled the square, like a star falling, Into the world.

"Old man, you dare!"

Chen Mubai's brows twitched, his eyes were filled with infinite anger, and he stretched out his arms up and down, as if embracing a big ball, forcibly enduring the opponent's attack.


The entire mountain peak was trembling, and the shock wave generated by the two people's fight directly cut off a layer of the surface of the square, sinking two or three meters, and everything around a hundred meters was turned into ruins, not leaving an inch, including the Han Mochen's corpse.

Hua Wuniang seemed to have expected it a long time ago, and she worked hard in advance to prop up the water-blue protective shield, so that the shock wave that hit was separated from both sides, without any danger.

And Zheng Chengyi was a little annoyed, he took a step forward, and a huge saber energy burst out from his body, hitting right between the two of them.

The saber energy split the connection between the two, and the momentum was gone, cutting off half of the Jingyunmen Martial Dao Hall. The incision was as smooth as a surface, smooth as a mirror, and the upper half of the hall slowly slid down, making another rumbling noise.

Chen Mubai and Ruan Yuanba each jumped off the ground.

As soon as the soles of his feet landed on the ground, Chen Mubai scolded loudly: "Ruan Yuanba, if you really want to compete, set a date."

"Hey, I haven't seen you for a few years. Your Tiangang magic skill is even more advanced, but unfortunately, I only used less than [-]% of my strength just now. If you play to the peak, you will definitely lose." Ruan Yuanba patted his sleeves, not at all. No apology was meant.

Chen Mubai tried his best to suppress his furious emotions, and said with a sneer, "Even if you exert your peak strength, don't you think that my Tiangang Xuanqi is vegetarian."

The two are fighting each other, fighting against each other, and refusing to give in to each other. As for when it started, this kind of struggle has always existed since their cultivation. It has been fighting each other since they were young. For decades, it has never stopped. A lifetime of fighting.

This kind of struggle is also an inheritance of the grievances and resentments of the previous strongmen of Baihushan and Xuantianzong.

PS: Who is the mastermind behind the six giants! ! !
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(End of this chapter)

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