One-step Sword Sovereign

Chapter 158 4-Star Inferior Mission!

Chapter 158 Four-Star Inferior Mission! (Third update! Please recommend tickets!)
"Ye Feng, this is the first time he has accepted a special task. He was successfully promoted to the rank of major general and won the second level reward, 10000 points."

At this time, the staff will explain the recorded information, and then return all the identity tokens and point crystal cards to Ye Feng.

When the staff mentioned the rank of major general, both Zhou Bing and Qin Shou were moved. They had not done this special mission yet. They were preparing to be promoted to core disciples and then do special missions to improve their survivability.

"Let's go!"

After receiving the identity token and other things, Ye Feng walked from the side, and the two behind him obviously came to submit the task, but Ye Feng was not interested in what task they completed.

"Ye Feng, there are still four days left for the inner door ranking competition to start. What are you going to do in these four days?"

Leaving the mission management office and walking in the corridor of the mission hall, Wang Heng suddenly asked Ye Feng beside him.

Hearing this, Ye Feng frowned, and practiced in closed doors, but it didn't seem to have much effect!There is not enough time to practice martial arts!
His eyes inadvertently fell on the stone wall of the task. When Ye Feng found a name on the bottom task list, he stopped and carefully observed the content of the task list.

Task: Kill the evil knife ghost

Mission details: According to the latest information, the evil sword ghost has been wandering in Huangshi Town, suspected of being seriously injured, and his strength is hovering between the peak in the late stage of Xuanyuan Realm and the early stage of Chenling Realm.

Mission Difficulty: Four Stars and Lower

Task reward: 500 points, 30 taels of gold

Friendly reminder: This task is best completed by a team of five core disciples, or by a true disciple. Inner disciples should take this task with caution.

"I was still worried that I couldn't find you, but I didn't expect you to show up by yourself."

Staring at the task list, Ye Feng's mouth curved into a sneer.

Raising his hand and inhaling, the task sheet quickly escaped from the stone wall and fell into Ye Feng's hands. He folded it, put it into the savings ring, and said to Wang Heng: "In four days, then I will be doing a mission."

Sensing Ye Feng's movements, Wang Heng couldn't help looking at the mission stone wall beside him. When he found the four dazzling golden stars on the stone wall, Wang Heng's face changed drastically after hearing what Ye Feng said behind him.

"Ye Feng, you don't want to die! This is a four-star mission, which can only be completed by warriors in the Chenling realm, and you are going to accept it?"

After finishing speaking, Wang Heng pointed to the stone wall with his finger, pointing to the four shining stars on it.

Ye Feng smiled, "Don't worry, I have a sense of proportion! Although I don't have the cultivation base of the Chenling Realm, my strength is comparable enough."

"Okay! Be careful yourself." Wang Heng urged.

What kind of person Ye Feng is, Wang Heng knows very well in his heart that no matter what he does, he has a bottom line in his heart, and he will never do anything he is not sure of. Moreover, Ye Feng once beheaded a genuine Chen Lingjing in front of him. Enemy, this shows that Ye Feng has the strength comparable to the Chenling Realm.

Besides, according to Wang Heng's understanding, as long as Ye Feng decides on something, basically no one can persuade him to change. Therefore, since Ye Feng has made up his mind, as a friend, he can only tell him to be careful outside.

"Well, I know! During the ranking competition, see you then!"

After Ye Feng collected the task list, he waved goodbye to Wang Heng, turned around and left quickly.

Huangshi Town, a large town in a remote area near the Xuanfeng Mountains, is located in the northwest of Hongyun Country.

Huangshi Town has a large area, covering an area of ​​seventy to eighty miles in radius. Fortifications are set up outside the town. After all, in the wilderness, monsters appear frequently. If you don't pay attention, you will become the target of hunting.

The population of Huangshi Town is mainly composed of businessmen, warriors, and prostitutes. This town is the entrance to the Xuanfeng Mountains. Warriors often enter the mountains to hunt monsters, and then return to the town to sell to merchants. Go to the fireworks building to roll the sheets and spend money like water.

There are basically no ordinary people in Huangshi Town, and most of them are warriors who walk the rivers and lakes. If there are more warriors gathered, there will be more conflicts. Fighting and killing every day is no longer a minority.

On the road not far from Huangshi Town, the boy slowed down slightly. "According to the information, the evil sword ghost came to this area two days ago and killed a disciple of Baihu Mountain. Within a radius of hundreds of miles, only Huangshi Town can live, unless he is in this area. Within a short period of time, I went to another place!"

The young man was Ye Feng. After accepting the task, Ye Feng did not return to his residence, but rode directly down the mountain, spent a day and a night on the road, and finally reached the destination.

"Check the situation in the town first, go and have a look."

With a little effort on his legs, Ye Feng urged the green-haired horse to run towards the gate of Huangshi Town.

Entering the town, Ye Feng got off the horse and walked while leading it.

The environment in the town is not very good, the roads are full of potholes, and the shops on both sides look quite new, but after careful inspection, Ye Feng can see that there was a fight not long ago, and the shop was demolished. Renovated and renovated.

"It seems that this place is more chaotic than expected."

Ye Feng looked not far ahead and found that a group of people were fighting, but their strength was not high. Most of them were on the seventh or eighth floor of the Qi Gathering Realm. Judging by their outfits, they should often go out to the mountains to hunt monsters. of mercenaries.

Slowly led the horse and walked over, and found that many people had gathered, everyone was watching the excitement, and there were even booers, shouting and ordering indiscriminately, and many people nearby were not surprised by this situation.

When Ye Feng squeezed in, he quietly listened to the conversation of the people next to him, and finally understood why these people were fighting.

There are six people fighting, two groups of people fighting, each group of three people are old mercenaries who have been in Huangshi Town, the reason for the fighting is that one person's wife was slept by the other party, after this person found out, he immediately found a friend, directly Come to the door and want to kill each other.

"The world is so big, it really is full of surprises!" Ye Feng sighed secretly.

After watching for a while, Ye Feng shook his head. The strength of these two groups is equal, and no one can do anything to the other. If the fight continues like this, it will be a competition for endurance.

After looking away, Ye Feng began to shift his gaze to the people around him, his soul power radiated out, and he began to check the strength of the people around him.

"Sure enough, I didn't see the shadow of ordinary people!"

After checking the surrounding 30 people, it was found that most of them were in the Qi Gathering Realm, and there was not a Xuanyuan Realm warrior in the surrounding crowd. It seemed that the Xuanyuan Realm warriors didn't bother to watch.

"The ones in front, let me get out of the way, or don't blame me for being merciless with my sword."

At this moment, there was an unruly roar from behind, and at the same time, a faint sense of coercion came from the space, which quickly extended to where Ye Feng and others were.

"The peak of the late Xuanyuan Realm!"

Ye Feng frowned, carefully sensing the coercion in the air, Ye Feng could basically be sure that the person who came must be the peak of the late stage of the Xuanyuan Realm, but this person acted recklessly and impulsively.

You know, in public places, where there are many people, the most taboo is to release coercion, especially against everyone. Doing so can easily offend people. Among people, there is no one who is stronger and stronger than you.

Following the sound, Ye Feng looked back and found a man in a purple gold robe, driving a black-eyed horse, about twenty years old, with an obvious arrogance on his face.

Almost when the man unleashed his coercion, the six people who were fighting on the road immediately stopped in fright, and then fled in a panic. The rest of the onlookers had long since disappeared.

PS: Book friends are welcome to join the official group of "Double Sword Master", group number: 253419312
(End of this chapter)

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