One-step Sword Sovereign

Chapter 166 Zhang Yifan's Death!

Chapter 166 Zhang Yifan's Death!
"I am a true disciple of Baihu Mountain. If you kill me, no matter where you flee to the ends of the earth, you will die. Do you want to seek death?" Zhang Yifan was stern, staring at Ye Feng with blood on his mouth. He did not believe that the other party dared to kill him.

As one of the six major forces in Hongyun, Baihushan itself is an eight-star sect with numerous masters, and even the head of the sect is a peak existence in the late stage of the Chenling Realm. Elder Shang, if the other party dares to kill him, he will definitely be hunted down by Baihu Mountain to death in the future.

However, all these guesses were just wishful thinking by Zhang Yifan. He stubbornly believed that the person in front of him was a casual cultivator, and he never thought of this person's identity as a sect disciple.

"Hehe, I said before, people from Baihu Mountain, if I see one and kill another, you still think that I still care about the sect behind you!" Ye Feng said lightly, but didn't act immediately.

Zhang Yifan saw that Ye Feng was just talking but didn't do anything. He secretly thought that this person might have a grudge with someone in Baihu Mountain, so he disliked the people in Baihu Mountain. Dangerous, he will avenge today in the future.

Thinking of this, Zhang Yifan wiped off the blood from the corner of his mouth, and said weakly: "Your Excellency, I think you are quite prejudiced against Baihushan, maybe it was the seniors in my sect who provoked you, but you shouldn't pass all your anger on to Baihu All the disciples of the mountain, warriors have only one life. If you let me go now, I can let the past go. If you don’t let go, you should also know the consequences. Sometimes, you still have to leave a way out, otherwise, if you take a wrong step, you will die. There is no way..."


Before he could finish the last word, a sharp sword aura chopped off his head, and blood mixed with water sprayed several meters high.

"You think I don't know about the evil idea in your mind! From the very beginning, I never thought of letting you go." Ye Feng looked indifferent.

On the ground, seeing Zhang Yifan beheaded with a single sword, Murong Xin was startled suddenly, this person acted decisively, without any hesitation and procrastination, wondering if he would kill me and take away the innate elixir "Earth Core Flame Milk".

Thinking of this, Murong Xin widened her charming eyes and stared closely at Ye Feng, her eyes were full of vigilance, she held the long sword tightly in her hand, as long as Ye Feng made the slightest movement, she would never give in.

Finally, under Murong Xin's gaze, Ye Feng's figure finally moved.

After Ye Feng landed on the ground, he came to Zhang Yifan's corpse. The corpse was already bloody and bloody. Seeing this situation, Ye Feng frowned, and his soul power quietly attached to the corpse. When picking up the bag, he stretched out his right hand and sucked it. In the blink of an eye, the storage bag fell into Ye Feng's palm.

Afterwards, the profound energy in the body quickly rubbed, and it was released along the right hand, and a ray of golden flame fell on the corpse on the ground. In the blink of an eye, the corpse on the ground disappeared without a trace, leaving only a layer of ashes on the ground.

Behind her back, Murong Xin's vigilant movements were all under the surveillance of Ye Feng's soul power. In contrast, Ye Feng smiled helplessly.

In fact, when Ye Feng was practicing in the temple, when he sensed the movement outside, his soul power extended to the outside to investigate, only then did he find that the senior sister who had met once was in danger, so he rushed to rescue him.

"Thank you for your help. The little girl is willing to give up [-]% of the "Earth Inflammation Milk" to you. I hope to let the little girl survive." Seeing Ye Feng collecting the spoils, Murong Xin felt a little uneasy.

"Earth Inflammatory Milk" Murong Xin doesn't want to give up, as long as the other party agrees, Murong Xin feels that she will not lose money, because the amount of "Earth Inflammatory Milk" she obtained is beyond her expectations, even if she leaves [-]% of the share for herself , are enough for her cultivation base to steadily rise to the peak of the late Chenling Realm.

As soon as Murong Xin finished speaking, Ye Feng did not answer.

In the blink of an eye, time flies by.

Murong Xin gritted her teeth, her eyes turned sad and desolate, the last ray of hope in her heart was shattered, looking at the opponent's posture, do you really want to swallow the "Earth Inflammatory Milk" alone!

"Forget it, as long as I can survive, it doesn't matter if I give him all the "Earth Inflammatory Milk", I can only blame myself for not having a relationship with the treasure!" Murong Xin said sadly in her heart.

Gritting her teeth, Murong Xin stared at the mysterious figure and said, "As long as you can let me go, I will."

"What! I haven't seen each other for three months, senior sister, you don't know me, junior brother."

Before Murong Xin finished speaking, she was interrupted by Ye Feng.

As the words fell, Ye Feng finally turned around and looked at Murong Xin. At this time, Murong Xin's face had regained a tinge of blood, and it seemed that her internal condition was recovering well.

When Murong Xin cast her eyes on Ye Feng's face, she was taken aback.

Handsome face, high nose bridge, deep star-like eyes, elegant demeanor
All of this made her feel familiar, as if she should know this person.

Finally, Murong Xin seemed to think of something, stretched out her jade hand, pointed at Ye Feng, and said in a slightly trembling voice, "You, you. You are the disciple who entered my room at the beginning."


Hearing this, Ye Feng rolled his eyes, as if a group of crows were slowly passing by above his head.

This woman's memory is also very good. Up to now, she still thinks that the house belongs to her, and fixed Ye Feng on the name Dengtuzi as soon as she opened her mouth.

"Uh that, I didn't mean that!"

As if she understood that the address she just gave was inappropriate, Murong Xin looked extremely embarrassed, put her hands on the corners of her clothes around her waist, and kept rolling them around to distract her attention.

"I understand!" Ye Feng nodded indifferently.

Afterwards, Ye Feng glanced at the surrounding dense forest, no one knew if there were any hidden figures in the dense forest.

"This is not a place to talk, come with me."

After finishing speaking, Ye Feng deliberately slowed down his speed so that Murong Xin could catch up behind him.

Hearing this, Murong Xin looked around with a clear expression, and at the same time secretly admired Ye Feng in her heart, not letting go of any details.

Looking at the back of Ye Feng who was about to disappear, Murong Xin made a step, and the whole person leaped into the air, using body skills in her body, and followed closely behind Ye Feng.

In front of the Dragon King Temple.

Murong Xin glanced at the dilapidated building, looking at the fonts that have been corroded with the passage of time. Only by looking carefully can the three characters be seen clearly.

"Dragon King Temple!"

Seeing Ye Feng taking the lead to step into the dilapidated temple, although Murong Xin had a little cleanliness in her heart and didn't like messy places, but thinking of Ye Feng inviting her over, she could only suppress her inner depression and step in.

"Hey, this is."

After stepping in, Murong Xin let out a cry of surprise, the inside was different from the dilapidated, messy and cobweb-filled scene she had imagined.

The inside seems to have been cleaned and disturbed. Although the furnishings inside are a bit messy, there is no dust in the environment inside. You know, Ye Feng used martial arts to clean it, which is equivalent to a sixteenth typhoon. After the sixteenth typhoon blows, the ground is still Can find dust!

"Why don't you want dilapidated temples here? Aren't dilapidated temples all dirty and messy!"

Finally, Murong Xin asked the question that popped up in her heart.

PS: Everyone was very helpful yesterday, and there were 80 recommendation tickets yesterday!
I hope to make persistent efforts today and aim for 70 recommended votes today!

(End of this chapter)

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