One-step Sword Sovereign

Chapter 168 Zhang Zong!

Chapter 168 Return to the sect!

"Oh, the taste is really high, I only eat drunken restaurant dishes!" Ye Feng lowered his eyes, and there was an inexplicable meaning in his words.

Zuijiulou is the highest-grade restaurant in Hongyun Country, and any dishes in it are several times more expensive than outsiders, especially Zuijiulou's proprietary wine, Zuixianniang, which is famous throughout Hongyun Country. It has become known to everyone in Hongyun Country, but warriors who can really afford to eat in a drunken restaurant are rare.

Seemingly thinking that Ye Feng didn't know this person well, Murong Xin explained: "That's right, it's because he likes to eat in drunken restaurants, so he is often short of silver taels. For this reason, he often accepts reward tasks in the sect. , he answered them all, which caused others to call him a "task maniac."

That's right, the two people on the table at this time are Ye Feng and Murong Xin.

Early this morning, after Ye Feng and Murong Xin woke up in the dilapidated temple, they immediately rode back to the Zongmen. On the way, Murong Xin also bought a green-haired horse at a passing horse market.

It's not that she doesn't want to buy a good black-eyed dumpling horse, but that there are no black-eyed dumpling horses for sale in this small horse market, so Murong Xin can only buy a lower-grade green sideburn horse.

At this time, they had already arrived at Qingshan Town at the foot of Xuantianzong Mountain Gate, which was less than an hour away from the Zongmen. Since the two of them hadn't eaten before departure, they decided temporarily to eat something in Qingshan Town. Go back to Zongmen.

"Zhou Bing and Qin Shou, because Murong Xin, who was the second in the top ten disciples of the inner sect, was promoted to the core disciple, so the ranking of the two of them was raised by one level at the same time, becoming the second and third of the top ten inner sect disciples. However, this year's inner sect ranked I don't know if they can keep the rankings unchanged!"

"It's not easy. There are many new leaders in Xuantianzong's inner sect. There are seven or eight new disciples who have the strength to rank in the top ten, competing for the ranking position of the top ten inner sect disciples."

"That's right, the competition must be very fierce. It may be said that among the top ten disciples of Xuantianzong's inner sect this year, there will be some old disciples who will be eliminated from the top ten, and there will definitely be many who will be eliminated."

"Although the competition is fierce, Long Yutian, who has always controlled the No. The peak in the late stage of Xuanyuan Realm, but the strength is not much different from the peak in the late stage of Xuanyuan Realm."

"That's right, Long Yutian's status as the No. 2 inner disciple is basically determined by default. Others can only compete for No. 10 to No. [-]. Maybe there will be more outstanding inner disciples who will compete with the top ten inner disciples The sect disciples compete for the ranking, it's extremely fierce."

On the table by the window.

"Junior Brother Ye Feng, I am afraid that your appearance in this year's inner sect ranking competition will impress everyone. What is the status of the number one inner sect disciple! Even the true disciple of Baihu Mountain is in your hands."

Murong Xin raised her head, staring at Ye Feng who was chewing slowly with great interest, and stared at Ye Feng without blinking her big nimble eyes.

"Why are you looking at me! Are you full?"

Being stared at by a beautiful woman without blinking, Ye Feng felt a little guilty.

Murong Xin said indifferently, "I'm a girl and I want to keep fit, so I only need to take a few bites, otherwise I'll get fat if I eat too much."


Hearing this, Ye Feng's eyes fell on Murong Xin's body, and his eyes moved to the lower body of the other person. When he saw the graceful waist that was grasped gracefully, the corners of his mouth twitched fiercely. With such a figure, he still needs to lose weight. Figure!
Looking upwards along the body, when it reached the chest of the other party, the gaze paused for a few seconds, Ye Feng wondered in his heart, how long is this, a slender body, but the chest is full, tightly wrapped in black clothes , outlining a graceful curvy figure.

"Where are your eyes looking?"

After finishing speaking, Murong Xin's cheeks blushed involuntarily, and her expression was slightly flustered.

The martial artist's sensing ability is extremely strong, Ye Feng's gaze has been staying on her chest, and Murong Xin immediately sensed it, but from Ye Feng's eyes, she only saw the pure admiration that is as clear as a spring, not like Like any other man, he exudes a fiery desire.

Murong Xin's voice also awakened Ye Feng, his eyes touched Murong Xin's blushing cheeks, thinking of the place where his eyes stayed before, Ye Feng couldn't help feeling his face became hot, he raised his hand and touched his nose to cover up the embarrassment in his heart .

"Well, I didn't see anything!" Ye Feng said awkwardly.

After finishing speaking, Ye Feng wanted to slap himself. The meaning of what he said meant that he had always wanted to!

Sure enough, as soon as Ye Feng said this, Murong Xin's slightly red cheeks were covered with red clouds in an instant, and her whole head was like a quail, lowering her head under her neck.

"Why is Ye Feng like this? What does he mean by this sentence? Did he want to see clearly? Oh, I don't want to, it's a shame."

Murong Xin's head was in chaos, and she lost her original ability to think wisely. In her mind, she kept repeating what Ye Feng said before, trying to understand the meaning of Ye Feng's words.

"Well, Senior Sister Murong, I didn't mean that." Looking at the pretty girl who became awkward in front of him, Ye Feng turned his head around, it was really just a momentary slip of the tongue.


Murong Xin's voice was like a filament, her shy voice was so low that Ye Feng could hardly hear it.

At this moment, the voices of the nearby Jianghu knights and others sounded again.

"Hmph, I'll go to my uncle later to ask for an invitation letter. He has a good relationship with a certain inner sect elder of the Xuantian Sect, so there should be some hope!"

"My cousin used to be a disciple of Xuantian Sect. I don't know if he will get an invitation letter this time. If he can, I will go and ask him to take me with him."

"My father is the president of a chamber of commerce with a radius of hundreds of miles nearby. I wonder if he can be invited by Xuantianzong."

On the second floor of the restaurant, people around talked about it, but they all felt itchy to say what they said, wishing to have an invitation letter in front of them immediately, so that they could go and see it.

At this time, the atmosphere became warm and awkward, and Ye Feng didn't want to eat it. He looked up at Murong Xin who was still bowing his head, and reminded: "Senior Sister Murong, since we are full, let's go on!"


Slowly raising her head, Murong Xin turned her head away again when her gaze touched Ye Feng's deep eyes, not daring to meet Ye Feng's gaze again.

Hearing this, Ye Feng got up and dropped an ingot weighing 100 taels of silver, and then walked towards the stairs, followed by Murong Xin, who kept her head down, not knowing what was going on in her mind!
A knight-errant in the Jianghu inadvertently raised his head, caught a glimpse of the golden lotus pattern on the chest of Ye Feng's sleeve, and said in a low voice, "Unexpectedly, there are disciples of Xuantianzong here. It's really a mistake."

"What a beautiful woman, could it be that these two are partners!"

When they found Murong Xin who was following Ye Feng, the eyes of other people in the restaurant stared straight. Murong Xin's stunning beauty brought them an infinite sense of amazement.

There are many people wearing moon-white robes in Jianghu, and Ye Feng has been traveling all the way, and the clothes are covered with dust, which is not so obvious, so it didn't attract everyone's attention at first, but now he heard someone talk about it. They cast their eyes one after another.

"Hehe, tomorrow's Xuantian Sect's inner sect ranking competition will definitely include this young man, and maybe this person will break into the top ten of the inner sect."

At the other table, a warm man in white clothes like snow was drinking leisurely and alone.

As soon as the voice fell, the knights around all turned their heads and followed the voice to look at the man in white.

Some people couldn't help asking: "Boss Li, do you know the details of this young man?"

Hearing this, the man in white smiled and shook his head, "Don't say it! Don't say it!"

PS: Two chapters are updated today, and the next chapter owed and the next chapter owed yesterday will be made up at the weekend.

I'm sorry everyone, because I have to help with the children, I don't have much time to code words, and the update will return to normal in two days.

Thank you for your votes of support!thank you all!
(End of this chapter)

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