One-step Sword Sovereign

Chapter 176 The Ranking Tournament Officially Begins!

Chapter 176 The Ranking Tournament Officially Begins!
Facing the gaze of many audiences, eight figures slowly came to the front row of the contestants' seats. Eight people occupied the first row, and the distance between each person was less than half a meter.

"Why hasn't Long Yutian come here? Could it be that he won't participate in the inner sect ranking competition this year! Will he hand over the number one in the inner sect?" Lou Congguang glanced around and said to the people beside him.

A handsome young man brushed his hair by his ear, like a boy next door, "Maybe~Long Yutian has already broken through to the peak of the late stage of Xuanyuan Realm, so that can explain why he didn't come to participate in the ranking competition."

After finishing speaking, the young man's eyes fell on one of the proud young men.

Seemingly sensing something was wrong, Zhou Bing, Qin Shou, He Bing, and others all looked over.

Facing the gazes of several people, Long Yuyang sneered, "Hmph, number one in the inner sect! My brother has already gone to be promoted to core disciple just now, and the assessment must be over now."

"Promoted to core disciple!" Zhou Bing raised his mouth, as if he thought of something funny, and said with a slight smile, "I'm afraid it's because your brother is worried that he won't be the number one in the inner sect and lose face, so he took the opportunity to break through, otherwise, If you don't break through sooner or later, but you break through at this time, everyone knows the hidden truth."

"You..." Long Yuyang was at a loss for words, but the facts were exactly as Zhou Bing said.

However, the faces of the surrounding people also revealed that, in fact, the top three inner sect disciples in the past can easily be promoted to core disciples. Can be promoted to the realm at any time.

Here, after Qin Shou listened, he couldn't help laughing loudly: "Hahaha, it's Lao Zhou who sees it clearly. Let me tell you why this smiling tiger and dragon Yutian chose to break through for no reason."

As soon as Qin Shou's hoarse voice rang out, many inner disciples nearby all looked sideways and listened, as if they wanted to understand what these elite disciples were talking about.

Looking at Qin Shou, who was laughing wildly, and Long Yuyang, who had a gloomy face, Zhou Bing shouted softly: "Okay, beast, you should pay attention to your own image!"

Wang Heng said to Ye Feng in a low voice: "The number one among the top ten disciples of the inner sect is Long Yutian. No matter what he does, he likes to face others with a smile, so he is called the smiling tiger. Moreover, he is Long Yuyang's son." Brother, they all come from the Long family, and like your Ye family, they are all meritorious families."

Ye Feng nodded. In fact, when Ye Feng was still young, in his family, he knew a little about the Long family of Hongyun Kingdom. It is said that Long Tianwei, the head of the Long family, had three sons, the eldest son Long Yangkong with the best talent, It is said that as early as three years ago, he stepped out of Hongyun Kingdom and traveled all over the world.

As for the remaining two sons, they are Long Yutian and Long Yuyang, who joined Xuantianzong a year earlier than Ye Feng.

Come to think of it, today is the Xuantian Sect's inner sect ranking competition, and the Patriarch of the Long family will also come to watch. After all, his two sons are both Xuantian Sect's inner sect disciples.

As soon as the voice changed, Wang Heng continued: "However, Long Yutian wanted to know about you in advance, and he was not sure of defeating you. Therefore, in order not to lose face, he was forced to make an early breakthrough."

At this time, the Great Elder Jiang Zhong who had been accompanying Ye Lingfeng came to the central platform of Martial Dao Plaza.

Looking around the auditorium, clearing his throat, the Great Elder raised his voice: "Everyone, welcome to watch the annual Xuantianzong Inner Disciple Ranking Competition. This ranking competition is divided into ten groups as before. For the competition, each group has an elite player with the number one. They will participate in the group competition after eight rounds, and all previous ones will be regarded as unanimous victories.

"The inner door ranking competition adopts a random lottery rule. Which two people's numbers are drawn, the two people will fight on stage. The winner is determined for this purpose. In addition, the game is a points system. Two points are awarded for a win, and two points are awarded for a tie. One point, zero points for a loss, and the top three disciples in the group will be eligible to advance to the finals and compete for the top ten disciples of the inner sect this year."

Speaking of this, the Great Elder paused for a moment: "Ahem, in addition, because Murong Xin, who was originally the second top ten disciple of the inner sect, became a core disciple, and just now I received news that Long Yutian, the number one disciple of the inner sect, He also successfully broke through to the peak of the late stage of the Xuanyuan Realm, so these two exclusion ranking competitions, as for the original first and second places, temporarily let the No.11 and No.12 in the black list serve as substitutes."

As soon as the Great Elder finished speaking, Ye Feng noticed that the faces of two nearby disciples were excited. Presumably, these two were the No. 11 and No. 12 inner disciples on the black list that the Great Elder said, and they were now transferred by the Great Elder. , The two of them can become the first and second temporary substitutes in the inner sect, which means that they can directly advance in the first eight rounds, and also allow them to enjoy the treatment of the top ten inner sect disciples.

"Not much nonsense, the ranking competition has officially begun."

After the words fell, the surroundings of Martial Arts Square boiled again, and the sound waves went straight to the sky.

Nodding in satisfaction, the Great Elder flashed back to the Xuantianzong Elder's Seat, this time he did not return to the VIP Seat to accompany Ye Feng's father Ye Lingfeng.

At the management desk on the side of the platform, the deacons presiding over the schedule have already begun to draw lots.

"The first group, No. 19 vs NO.[-]!"

"The second group, No.13 vs. No. 28!"

"The third group, No. 11 vs NO.[-]!"

"Fourth group,."

Hearing this, the inner disciples whose numbers were assigned walked out of the contestants' seats one by one, onto the platforms marked with their respective group numbers, and started fighting with their respective opponents.

Among them, Ye Feng discovered that Hua Qing was in the first battle, he was the platform of the sixth group, and his opponent was an inner sect disciple of comparable strength, and his cultivation base was at the peak of the early stage of Xuanyuan Realm.

"Fire Cloud Fist!"

On the stage, Hua Qing hissed and shouted loudly, his body rose from the ground, and he punched his opponent with supreme power.

The sparks from the collision flew everywhere, and the inner disciple retreated several steps to stop his figure, and then opened his defensive posture.

The first move gained the upper hand, Hua Qing took advantage of the situation to swing the attack again, the low-level mysterious martial art Huoyun Fist was used to the limit, dozens of fiery red fist shadows seemed to burst out of magma, the power was terrifying, and the opponent was unstoppable , won the first victory without any risk.

Flying off the challenge platform, Hua Qing hissed: "Fortunately, the first opponent is not very strong."

"It's only the first round now, don't expose your strength too much." Ye Feng woke up the opponent.

"That's right. The first three rounds were not too difficult. You should all be able to easily win." Wang Heng, a veteran driver, shared his experience at the right time.

It was said that Hua Qing, Luo Sen and the others had a flash of understanding in their eyes. They all entered the inner sect for less than a year, and they were not as experienced as Wang Heng, who was an old disciple.

A match can be over in about tens of breaths, and it is rare that the two sides are evenly matched in strength and it is difficult to tell the winner.

Some group matches ended quickly, and the second match of the first round started directly.

"The eighth group, No. 38 vs. No. [-]."

PS: Let’s just live like this, it’s too sad!
(End of this chapter)

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