One-step Sword Sovereign

Chapter 192 Half a month!

Chapter 192 Half a month!
However, what really surprised Ye Feng was the last sentence of the Great Elder, which actually made him participate in the Yingjie Banquet hosted by the royal family of Hongyun.

Hero banquet!Of course, Ye Feng knew what kind of banquet this was. It was a banquet where geniuses gathered and each showed their unique skills. In the past, Xuantianzong always sent core disciples to attend the Yingjie Banquet. There was never a precedent of dispatching inner disciples.

Ye Feng really didn't expect the Xuantianzong's high-level officials to be so optimistic about him. However, the Yingjie Banquet will start half a month later, which makes Ye Feng puzzled. According to the three-year term, there should be more than half a year. Why is it more than half a year earlier? For a long time, what's the secret here?Ye Feng didn't understand at all.

However, Ye Feng didn't care too much about it, it didn't matter whether he participated in the Yingjie Banquet or not, anyway, there were arrangements from the sect, so he just had to follow along.

Next, under the attention of the warriors in the surrounding auditorium, Ye Feng and the ten new inner sect top ten disciples gradually walked up to the elders' seats and received their respective ranking rewards.

Afterwards, with some verbal encouragement from the Great Elder, they all returned to their original positions.

Afterwards, the Great Elder came to the stage to issue a closing statement. Before that, the Great Elder did not forget to encourage many inner disciples, hoping that they will achieve good results in the next session.

~~~Inner door ranking competition, come to an end??????????????????????~

Cloud Mountains!

In a stretch of majestic deep mountains, the mist lingers all year round, breeding miasma everywhere. Inside the deep mountains, there are often majestic roars of beasts, which makes people feel sad.

The scorching sun hangs in the sky, and the fiery red light is blocked by the mist. Looking down from a high altitude, there are streaks of gray air permeating the air, which is extremely strange.

This is deep inside the Yunwu Mountains, and the aura of heaven and earth is extraordinarily rich and thick compared to the outside world.

However, due to the influence of miasma fusion throughout the year, warriors dare not easily absorb the heaven and earth aura here. Once the miasma fused heaven and earth aura is refined, they will have to go crazy.

At this time, on an unknown low mountain, Ye Feng looked up to the sky, wearing the Xuanyun sword on his waist.

He looked into the distance, and in the mist hundreds of meters away from him, there was a violent wave of profound energy, and he could faintly detect dozens of blurred shadows flashing back and forth, accompanied by loud noises that soared into the sky .

Horrific and angry roars sounded, countless tall trees ahead were knocked down, and dozens of thin demon wolves were staring at the demon-thirsty antelope in front of them like prey with green eyes. He has shiny black hair, and although he is small, his head is big. Those emerald-like eyes are full of bloodthirsty light, and when viewed from a distance, there is a faint sense of coercion.

The demon-thirsty antelope, on the other hand, was the opposite of the monster wolf. It was huge and muscular, and its skin surface was covered with black bumps and bony spurs, which made its figure bigger by three points for no reason.Although the action seems to be slow, it can always protect itself from being hurt.

"Blood-patterned black wolf, a fourth-level top monster!"

"The magic-thirsty antelope is also a fourth-level top monster!"

Even though the strong wind was blowing in front of him, Ye Feng's figure remained motionless, only the flapping of his clothes made a sound.

dong dong dong.
The ground shook, and demonic sheep, which were bigger than the blood-striped black wolves, walked out of the mist step by step. Their cold, bloodthirsty eyes first locked on the blood-striped black wolves, and then looked towards Ye Feng's location.

The flock of black sheep roared angrily in the sky, the mist twisted violently in mid-air, and the nearby fallen leaves, after the roar of anger, black lights appeared on the surface, swallowing everything into nothingness.

Ye Feng was slightly surprised that it was actually monsters fighting in groups, and they were rare monster wolves and monster sheep. These two kinds of monsters were natural enemies in themselves.

Like now, it was like a natural enemy hating this collision, and immediately started fighting, which was expected by Ye Feng.

Dozens of monsters are divided into two camps, with similar body shapes and sizes.

At the battle location, the demonic aura filled the sky, creating a terrifying whirlwind.

"Dozens of top-level fourth-level monsters, this is the first time I have seen such a scene.

However, in Ye Feng's heart, the group of red-eyed monsters in front of him was completely exercise for him. "

If others know Ye Feng's thoughts, they will definitely say that he uttered wild words. You must know that monsters are much more powerful than warriors of the same level. Dozens of top-level fourth-level monsters are equivalent to the peak warriors in the late Xuanyuan state.

The blood-striped wolf looked at the group of antelopes in front of it with fear, and lowered its figure slightly. It instinctively told it that any human beings who went deep into this place must be eliminated, but the group of antelopes in front of it was several times more dangerous than this human being. will be killed by him, of course, this is just his guess
The blood-striped dark wolf roared at a group of black sheep, as if to convey some message.

After a long time, the silver flock of sheep exhaled a breath of electricity from their noses, and the cow's hooves stepped on the ground twice, and rushed out unexpectedly.

The silver lightning was demonic, and its huge figure did not slow down its speed. Like a thick silver lightning, it rushed towards Ye Feng on the hill.

At the same time, he also launched an attack on Ye Chen, and his body went straight to the hill.


The Xuanyun sword suddenly came out of its sheath, the sword was impermanent, and it easily hit Yaoyang's body.

The monster's fierce eyes were full of surprise, and its huge body flew back, smashing down many ancient trees covered with vines.


The mountain peak collapsed under his feet, and the blood-striped demon wolf flew up from the chaotic rocks, and opened his mouth to see a cloud of black air with ice cubes in it.

Ye Feng tapped the sole of his foot on the gravel that had not yet fallen, and his body rose straight up. A sword energy shot down wildly like a nine-day dragon, and slashed straight at the bloodthirsty wolf.

Bloodthirsty demon wolf!

The huge figure is the same, but Ye Feng's swordsmanship is so powerful, his body flips in the air, and hits the boulder flying next to him to avoid the sharpness of the sword.

"Clouds are impermanent, shocking clouds are uncertain, where to hide!"

A punch smashed the black air emitted by the demon wolf, and the countless ice cubes were shattered by the force of the fist, turning into icy shards and scattered all over the sky, and below, the sword energy that was originally traveling in a straight line twisted a few times, and it was like clouds flowing in the sky. Without the constraints of form, he slashed obliquely at the back of the wolf.

Card wipe!

Several broken thorns were chopped off, and since the blood-striped black wolf lost his balance, he fell heavily to the ground, making a huge dent.


There was a blood-colored light coming from the side, it was a bloodthirsty demon sheep, its speed was like lightning, its sound was like thunder, and it flew like lightning, burning the air in front of it into a vacuum.

"Shocking Clouds Promise!"

Ye Feng swung a fierce sword aura in the air, the sword aura was extremely strong, and wherever it went, the air was swept away, filled with infinite explosive power.

Dozens of monsters opened their mouths at the same time and spewed out a cloud of gas, which collided with the sword gas.

crackle crackle!

The monsters were knocked down and flew, and all the sword energy was exhausted. The sword energy chopped on the bodies of the group of monsters, leaving a series of sword marks as deep as the bones, and the blood flowed.

(End of this chapter)

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