Chapter 204 Compensation Plan (Seeking Tickets and Subscriptions)


"Weng Tianlong was arrested?"

"Forcibly demolished and severely injured one person?"

Chen Xudong couldn't maintain his original elegance at all, he rushed out of the private room with his mobile phone without even apologizing to the bosses on the table.

"Yes, Mr. Chen, the matter is very serious, and this morning, the police arrested Weng Tianlong and his subordinates."

"We had a lot of projects that had to be shut down urgently."

"Okay, I see, I'll go back to Xucheng right away."

Chen Xudong hung up the phone, returned to the box, said that he had something urgent to do, and left in a hurry.

Xucheng is his base camp, and he works hard in Jiangcheng for the better development of his company.

But if he loses his base camp, everything he does will be a castle in the air, and will be eaten away by his peers in minutes.

After getting in the car, Chen Xudong called Chen Junzhu.

Before, he was worried that his daughter would like the boy named Su Ye, so early on Tuesday morning, he asked Chen Junzhu to return to Xucheng for the reason of getting familiar with the company's affairs.

"Hey girl, where are you now?"

"Dad, I'm working on a subject with my tutor, what's the matter?"

The phone was connected quickly, and Chen Junzhu's soft voice came from there.

"Are you working on a project with your tutor? Are you in Jiangcheng?"

"Yes, I came back last night, what's the matter?"

"It's okay, you can continue to study, Dad will visit Xu Cheng."


After hanging up the phone, Chen Xudong breathed a sigh of relief, as long as this matter didn't get involved with his daughter, it would be fine.

At the same time, he began to quickly call his subordinates, one was to find out the specific situation as soon as possible, and the other was to let everyone keep their mouths shut, and the news must not be leaked at this time.

On the way, Chen Xudong never stopped calling, but he also grasped the ins and outs of this matter.

In fact, it was because the compensation for the demolition had not been implemented in the hands of those merchants. Weng Tianlong wanted to use drastic means to achieve his goal on his own initiative, which led to a backlash.

This time, I should have encountered an iron plate with a deep background, so I folded myself into it.

Chen Xudong closed his eyes and kept thinking about countermeasures.

The key to this matter lies in the three merchants Tan, Song and Su.

As long as these three merchants are settled, the subsequent troubles should be better.

But how should this be done.

The person surnamed Tan was beaten by Weng Tianlong and was admitted to the emergency room for almost 8 hours before being transferred to another hospital.

The one surnamed Song was beaten into fractures on half of his body.

The two families must be prepared to bleed.

The last family surnamed Su only had a broken head, which seemed to be easy to handle, but today's incident was caused by their family.

Although they don't know their specific backgrounds, it is conceivable that all the police in Xucheng can be dispatched to arrest Weng Tianlong and his men.


While Chen Xudong was thinking, a phone call came in.


"Mr. Chen, I'm Liu Yi."

Hearing the voice from the opposite side, Chen Xudong suddenly became sober.

"Hello City Lord Liu, I'm on my way back to Xu City."

"We will definitely deal with this matter as soon as possible."

Liu Yi is the city lord of Xucheng. What happened this morning left him in a state of desperation. Hearing Chen Xudong's answer, he hummed noncommittally.

"Then as soon as possible, someone from the Xu family called me today, saying that Xu Cheng's annual martial arts conference will be held soon, and the city's environment here is not very good."

"I mean, you see."

"I understand, I understand. Don't worry, City Lord Liu. I know about the martial arts conference. I will definitely handle my work as soon as possible, so as not to embarrass Xu Cheng."

"Okay, then you can do it as soon as possible."

Chen Xudong stared blankly at the scenery outside the window, the Xu family and Liu Yi, these two were existences he could not afford to offend.

Needless to say, the Xu family, Xu Cheng's old big family, Chen Xudong was just a baby in front of them.

Don't look at him looking very beautiful now, it's because the Xu family doesn't care about him at all.

Once the Xu family was serious about him, Chen Xudong estimated that he would not even have the thought of resisting, nor would he dare to.

As for Liu Yi, he was someone with a real background, and the previous city lord was transferred because of him.

It's just that Liu Yi has been in Xucheng for more than half a year, and he hasn't said anything or done anything. The heads of the city lord's mansion also think that he is here for gilding, and they get along harmoniously.

In this situation, the Xu family and Liu Yi spoke at the same time. Chen Xudong secretly complained, but there was nothing he could do.

It seems that this time it will take a lot of bleeding to get it done.

When he arrived in Xucheng, Chen Xudong first took his long-awaited subordinates to the General Hospital of Xucheng Military Region to visit the merchant surnamed Tan who had just regained consciousness. He promised on the spot that the compensation plan for demolition would be re-determined, and he would also send 10 yuan in cash as compensation.

The medical expenses are also fully borne by the Mingze Group, and the person responsible for the injury will be severely investigated.

The Tan family was also scared. After accepting all the compensation plans, they died down and even thanked Chen Xudong.

The same is true in the Song family, even simpler.

When Chen Xudong took out 10 yuan in cash, Lao Song's wife said it was fine on the spot, and even said that it was all the fault of the people below, and that Chen Xudong was a very good person.

Chen Xinyi and Qin Lulu, who were next to bed 23, felt nauseous when they heard this, but couldn't say anything.

Walking out of Lao Song's ward, it was already dark. Although he was unwilling, Chen Xudong came to Su Aiguo's ward.

It just so happened that Su Ye went out to fetch hot water for her father, so she didn't notice them coming at the first time.

After Su Aiguo heard that Chen Xudong had already been to Xiao Tan and Lao Song, and had given corresponding compensation, the grudge in Su Aiguo's heart also disappeared.

In addition, Chen Xudong was really sincere, and pushed all the responsibilities to the end, saying that Weng Tianlong had made his own claim, and that others were on a business trip in Jiangcheng, and they didn't even know about it.

In fact, how could he not know that the demolition work in this area has been going on for more than a month, and Weng Tianlong has made all kinds of threats, threats, intimidation, and intimidation before to make those unresolute merchants succumb.

Su Ye walked into the room with a hot water bottle and was a little uncomfortable seeing so many people.

"What's the situation?"

"What are you doing?"

Su Aiguo naturally didn't want to see Su Ye conflict with these people from Mingze Group.

In his mind, although Su Ye started his own company, but after all, the time is short, how can he compete with a big company like Mingze Group.

Moreover, Mingze Group has been operating in Xucheng for so many years, and there is no one who can compare with the connections in all aspects.

Su Aiguo had made up his mind as early as yesterday, no more trouble, no more disputes.

When Chen Xudong saw Su Ye, his eyes couldn't help shrinking.

Isn't this Mr. Su whom his daughter likes?

Isn't this the guy who even Cao Zheng, the real estate boss in Jiangcheng, wants to call him Young Master Su?

Why did he suddenly appear here and call Su Aiguo's father?

"Son, they belong to the Mingze Group, and they came to discuss with us the compensation plan for demolition and relocation."


Su Ye promised without saying a word, turned around and put down the thermos bottle and sat on the bench beside the bed.

Chen Xudong kept thinking, and finally bent over and came to Su Ye.

"Mr. Su, hello."

"I am also very surprised that something like this happened, and I apologize for the inconvenience caused to you and your family."

Everyone was stunned. Chen Xudong, the founder and chairman of Mingze Group and the big boss worth hundreds of millions, would actually bow down to such a brat.

"you know me?"

Su Ye originally planned to listen to their compensation plan before making a decision, but he didn't expect that Mingze Group would know about him.

"Yes, yes, saw you on Monday night."


"I'm really sorry about what happened this time. This is the compensation plan offered by our company. Take a look."

Chen Xudong turned around and took out a plan from the secretary to Su Ye, which he specially prepared for the Su family.

Before he came here, he didn't know that Su Aiguo was Su Ye's father, and he wanted to pretend to be stupid and give Su Aiguo and Tan Song the same solution, but when he saw Su Ye, he finally took out the one he carefully prepared.

"Reserve the same area of ​​factory buildings and warehouses for the Aiguo Toy Factory in the commercial area. In addition, this relocation does not need to move to the old industrial area. Mingze Group will find a suitable location within three days to help the Aiguo Toy Factory move."

"At the same time, if the factory cannot be started due to Weng Tianlong's reasons, Mingze Group will give 1 yuan in compensation for every day of shutdown."

"To express our apology, Mingze Group provides Su Aiguo with a house of 128 square meters and exempts him from property management fees for 10 years."

Su Ye looked at the compensation plan and thought it was okay.

It can be seen that the Mingze Group still cares about Su Aiguo.

Su Ye handed over the compensation plan to his father, and Su Aiguo looked more and more surprised.

When Chen Xudong came here just now, what he told him was not this, but a compensation of 10 yuan and reasonable relocation terms.

So once this son came over, the terms were so generous.

Could it be Su Ye's credit?

Su Aiguo turned to look at Su Ye, "What's the matter, Dad, you think it's okay."

Chen Xudong felt nervous when he heard Su Ye's question.

I dare not say how good this compensation plan is, but in the normal demolition plan, it is definitely considered humane.

Su Ye may not care about such a small amount of money, the house and so on, but Chen Xudong has already done it.

The factory moved back without worry.

No need to go overboard to old industrial areas.

A 128-square-meter big house was also given as compensation. For Su Aiguo, both the interior and face were enough.

"Son, this plan is too preferential. That's not what they said just now."

Su Aiguo leaned close to Su Ye and whispered, Su Ye smiled faintly.

"Dad, sign it if you think it's appropriate."

"We are not unreasonable people, this plan is really good."

Su Aiguo thought about it, signed his name on the compensation confirmation form, handed one copy back to Chen Xudong, and kept one for himself.

Chen Xudong nodded at Su Ye in satisfaction, the root cause of this incident is here.

Now that the root cause has been resolved, the rest of the matter will be much easier to talk about.

Looking at Chen Xudong who was surrounded and left by a group of subordinates, Su Ye was still worried.

Now that he is in Xucheng, Mr. Chen knows his identity so he gave such a generous compensation plan.

If after a period of time, he has not implemented it, or if he delays indefinitely, it will be hard for parents in the end.

Is there any way to solve this problem once and for all?


"A reward obtained by the host in the previous lottery can solve this problem."

 It's the end of the month, do you guys still have a monthly pass?

(End of this chapter)

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