Chapter 225 Qianqian, You Are Fat (seeking tickets for subscription)

Yang Zhiyuan looked at Su Ye in disbelief.

It seemed that the Su Ye in front of him would glow.


"Electronic Research Institute?"


Su Ye nodded affirmatively, with deep eyes, "We haven't done anything in this month, time will not wait for anyone, and foreign high-tech companies will not wait for us."

"We must seize all the time and use all available opportunities to realize our ideas."

"First establish a chip research and development system, as for production, it can lag behind by one or even two steps."

"Brother Yang, you are recruiting some people to manage the factory."

"We are all high-tech companies, so we can't keep producing masks."

Everyone laughed.

Fortunately, the epidemic is over now.

These 17 factories have made great contributions.

Not only was the disinfectant for the masks donated at the beginning, but these factories did not make any money afterwards, and all the materials produced were handed over to the country free of charge.

Even under the call of Qingyun Technology's behavior, major domestic companies have contributed money and effort one after another.

Unite as one to fight against the sense of injustice.

"Zhao Feifei, you Broadcom Electronics should also participate in the acquisition of the Electronics Research Institute across the country."

"The development and manufacture of chips is not something that happens overnight."

"Broadcom Electronics wants to develop and catch up with the other two domestic computer manufacturers, but it cannot rely solely on machine assembly and sales."

"You must have your own core technology."


Zhao Feifei looked solemn.

She discovered this problem as soon as she took over Broadcom Electronics, but...

At that time, there were too many people in the company, and all the employees, starting from the management, thought about how to get money into their own pockets, and the employees at the bottom didn't worry about these things.

Fortunately, after Zhao Feifei's thunderous means, most of the management was replaced, and this phenomenon has been greatly changed.

Even for a while, Broadcom Electronics was able to function without executives.

Production is normal, procurement is normal, sales are normal, and even employees asking for leave without reason have become much less.

The name of the female devil resounded in every corner of Broadcom Electronics, from the president's office to the production workshop, everyone's face turned pale.

However, after the personnel situation improved, Zhao Feifei also discovered a huge problem in the factory.

There is no core technology.

It seems that Broadcom Electronics has a big brand, a company and a factory, and all computer accessories can also be produced and assembled.

But what is produced are all leftovers and things with extremely low technical content.

For example, case casings, keyboards, mice, audio equipment, monitor casings, etc., are really sophisticated chips, graphics cards, memory, motherboards, and even the fans in the case, which Broadcom Electronics cannot produce.

Faced with this phenomenon, Zhao Feifei was also helpless.

There are only so many technicians in the factory.

You say they have no level, it seems that they can still tinker with something.

You can say that their level is high, but it seems that they really can't do anything big.

For this matter, Zhao Feifei also held several meetings to try to solve this problem.

But at Broadcom Electronics, only Hu Xiaolong was left as the vice president beside Zhao Feifei, and he couldn't give any good ideas.

Otherwise, he would have seized control of Broadcom Electronics and transformed it into a first-class computer manufacturer in China.

Now I heard that Su Ye actually allowed her and Broadcom Electronics to participate in the acquisition of the Institute of Electronics.

Zhao Feifei knew that this was her biggest and best opportunity.

Absolutely not to be missed.

"As for Biati's matter, Brother Yang, I already have a complete plan, but I just need to wait for a while."

"no problem."

Yang Zhiyuan sat down.

Compared with his father's company, the original Broadcom Electronics, he feels that he is more motivated in Qingyun Technology.

Su Ye is indeed a business genius, and all the plans are well-organized, step by step.

Take the emergency of the epidemic as an example, in Yang Zhiyuan's view.

Su Ye is not only accurate in prediction, but also good at seizing opportunities.

Give employees a holiday in advance, and ask yourself to notify each factory to organize the production of masks and disinfectants, and all the products produced will be donated as soon as they are transferred.

It seems to be a [-]% loss, but Yang Zhiyuan knows it.

There is nothing more profitable than this in the world.

The total cost of those masks and disinfectant does not exceed 2 million yuan. Even if the production machines and labor are added, it can only be regarded as a small cost investment.

But the corresponding profits can be huge.

Not to mention showing your face in front of the people of the whole country, the key is the perception of the upper class, that is a huge change.

Previously, those upper echelons may only think that Su Ye and Qingyun Technology are a good Internet company, at most they can make some money and develop some new ideas.

These things are certainly needed by the country, but without you Qingyun Technology, there will naturally be Baiyun Technology, Hongyun Technology and so on.

But during the epidemic, donating these anti-epidemic materials free of charge is a timely gift.

Recently, the news has been continuously reported, from data to phenomena, from personnel to materials.

Qingyun Technology's move at that time can be said to have opened up a precedent for domestic private enterprises.

This is the first time in history that a private enterprise lends a helping hand when the country needs it. With this alone, Su Ye and Qingyun Technology can make a steady profit.

If coupled with the driving effect of Qingyun Technology's move on domestic enterprises, it will be even more meritorious.

Finally, it is now after the epidemic is over.

Longhan TV invited Su Ye to do an exclusive interview in the imperial capital many times, but Su Ye said nothing.

In addition, Su Ye was constantly invited to give various reports, but Su Ye refused to go.

This kind of thinking and behavior of doing good deeds without expecting anything in return will undoubtedly add a lot of points to Qingyun Technology among the senior management.

And these extra points will not have any substantial changes to Qingyun Technology in a short period of time, but when it is really needed...

Yang Zhiyuan looked at Su Ye with more and more admiration.

If I had half of Su Ye's mind, I would have taken over Broadcom Electronics and developed it.

After talking about the mobile phone and computer companies, Su Ye looked at Luo Sen, Wang Yifei, uh, Zhuang Yiming was not there.

"Mr. Luo, Yifei, the business of QQ going overseas must be accelerated."

"I've already set up server rooms in Europa, North and South Melia, and now I'm short of personnel."

"In addition to Japan and South Korea, what is the current situation of the computer room and personnel?"

Hearing Su Ye's question, Luo Sen lowered his head and beeped softly: "There is nothing wrong."


"President Su, I mean we have already recruited people in place in this month's time."

"Not only the maintenance personnel of the computer room, but also some operation personnel have been recruited."

"As for related customer service and other positions, the three of us plan to recruit locally in various countries, which is more convenient."

"Okay, okay, just follow this idea."

Su Ye looked at everyone and said, "After this month's accumulation, we have sufficient funds."

"Don't be afraid, everyone, I will spend all the money."

"Whether it's developing business, maintaining customer relations, or giving benefits to employees, I will spend them all."

"It just so happened that because of the epidemic, all of us were only paid a basic salary in October."

"This time, we will give each person a certain October salary reward according to their level."

"In addition, in November, everyone still stuck to their posts in the face of the epidemic and worked from home. This is a great contribution to the company."

"The bosses of each department will receive 500 million after the meeting. Before the end of the month, no matter what reason you use, spend all the money on me."

"Mobile phone companies and computer companies get 1000 million."

Su Ye announced his decision loudly.

If you want to get technology points, you need to spend money.

It's not that he doesn't want to part with it. Now, among the departments in Qingyun Technology, the R&D department has the largest number, and it has just exceeded 140 people.

There are dozens of others like this.

If you give too much, it will put pressure on the bosses of various departments.

What else can I do? It can only flow slowly. At this time, it depends on the ability of the individual.

Wang Yifei, Luo Sen, Li Qianqian, Sun Xiaolei and others were all dumbfounded.

Of course, Tang Lili was the most dumbfounded.

Her company has just been established, and she is the only one up and down, inside and out, 500 million, how to spend it.

"Su, President Su, I'm the only one in my department, do I still need to receive 500 million?"

Tang Lili asked hesitantly.

Su Ye covered her head when she heard the words.

Fuck, I made a mistake.

Tang Lili is so big, she didn't even see it.

But the words have already been spoken, and it is not easy to take them back at this time.

Otherwise, Tang Lili can negotiate terms with herself, so can others.

What kind of majesty is there in what you say like this?

No wonder the ancients said that you have no jokes. You are the king of a country. What you say is golden words. Once you say it, it cannot be changed.

Otherwise, changing the order overnight will make the people and ministers distrust you.

Similarly, as the person in charge of a company, the most taboo thing is to make changes every day.

"Yes, your Dianping is also 500 million."

Su Ye could see the astonishment of the people next to him, and even Wang Yifei was still laughing there.

"Tang Lili, now is the time when Dianping needs to do something big and fast. I'm worried that the 500 million won't be enough for you."

"If it's not enough, come and report to me at any time."


When Tang Lili saw Su Ye's expression that refused to refuse, she realized it in her heart.

No matter what the reason was, he shouldn't oppose Su Ye's decision in person.

Otherwise, wouldn't this make it impossible for Su Ye to step down?

"I know Mr. Su."

"Okay, who else has a problem now, if you don't have enough money, just ask, but everyone must spend this money for me at the end of the month, understand."


All the senior executives walked out of the conference room with sad faces, and the ladies and sisters in the administration department who looked at the door were all puzzled.

Is this another task that President Su has arranged for everyone?
No, there are so many departments with different functions, it is impossible to complete the same task.

From Luo Sen, to Li Qianqian, to Wang Yifei, Chen Nanfeng, and the newcomers Yang Zhiyuan, Tang Lili, and Zhou Yuanyuan, all had bitter faces.

Just now, Tang Lili was outspoken and told Su Ye directly about her difficulties.

In fact, Zhou Yuanyuan wanted to say that too.

Because, she is also alone.

No subordinates, not even an office arrangement.

In addition, the job functions in Qingyun Technology are relatively chaotic.

It stands to reason that Zhou Yuanyuan is in charge of investment and acquisition matters, but Su Ye didn't arrange any tasks for her just now.

That is, when she first came here last month, she had only two ideas at that meeting.

Zhou Yuanyuan feels that her position in Qingyun Technology is closer to the role of a consultant than the director of a certain department.

Having made up her mind, Zhou Yuanyuan decided to talk to Su Ye alone after a while.

When she invested in Gundam before, she was very busy every day, but now that she has come to Qingyun Technology, she has become the most idle one in the company.

This made it difficult for Zhou Yuanyuan to adapt.

It was necessary for Su Ye to see his own value. Zhou Yuanyuan thought about turning around and glanced at Su Ye and the others who hadn't come out of the meeting room.

After not seeing each other for a month, Su Ye wanted to kill Li Qianqian.

At this time, he didn't care about being in the company anymore, and after the people had almost left, he directly stepped forward and grabbed Li Qianqian's little hand.

"Qianqian, you're getting fat..."


 Ask for a monthly pass, I have already got the Riwan badge, but I will continue to stick to it.

(End of this chapter)

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