Chapter 229 Our Mission Is To Serve Customers
"need money?"

"How much is it."

Su Ye's eyes were bright, and Cao Wei couldn't help but feel his heart tighten.

what's going on.

Does Young Master Su have no money now?

Facing the funding needs raised by your subordinates, there is no way to meet them?

The big family's assessment of their children was so strict, Cao Wei's eyes kept rolling.

He wondered if he could give Su Ye a little financial help this time, would he gain Su Ye's favor.

After Su Ye inherits the family and becomes the Patriarch, the reward...


When ordinary people worry about money, shouldn't their eyes dim?

So Su Shao lacks money and his eyes are still bright.

"Three... 5000 million."


"What can 5000 million buy Haicheng Research Institute, the experts there, the materials of previous research, the land of the research institute, machinery and equipment, how about it, Brother Yang."

Su Ye thought about it in his heart, and said cheerfully: "I'll give you [-] million first, let's talk about it if it's not enough."

"Remember, don't let people underestimate our Qingyun Technology."

"Oh, I know."

Yang Zhiyuan guessed it would be like this.

Since Su Ye started working after the epidemic, she has been encouraging everyone to spend money.

What can be bought is definitely not rented.

If you can buy good ones, you will never buy bad ones.

Only the wrong ones are not missed.

Even the reward was given 500 million by a department.

He asked Su Ye for money just now, but in Yang Zhiyuan's estimate, 3000 million would be enough.

Although he doesn't know about Tianwei Group, but in this year, it is not a problem to buy the land of the research institute even if the money is not too much.

As for what to do after buying it...

Yang Zhiyuan said that it is good for Su Ye to worry about this matter.

Qingyun Technology is also planning to take a piece of land next to Jiangcheng Youth Innovation Park to build its own scientific research center, and Li Qianqian is in charge of this matter.

At that time, the scientific research personnel and scientific research equipment that Yang Zhiyuan and Zhao Feifei recruited from all over the country will definitely be placed in the newly built scientific research center.

As for what the land of the original research institute would be used for, this matter was completely out of Yang Zhiyuan's consideration.

"President Su, I have another matter here."

"Director Liu Qianming of the Haicheng Research Institute, his family has been intimidated and threatened by social elements. I thought, in order to show our sincerity, should we send some security personnel to protect his family."

"After all, director Liu Qianming can be regarded as a high-level intellectual in the empire. If we do this, we can also show our respect for talents."

"Okay, no problem. Who are the people in Director Liu's family and who need protection? Tell me, and I will arrange it right away."

"Only himself and his lover."

"Okay, I see."

After Su Ye finished speaking, he hung up the phone, turned around and said to Cao Wei, "I'm sorry Brother Cao, there is something wrong with the company, let's continue talking."

"Ah, oh, okay, we were talking about..."

Cao Wei was secretly startled.

Fortunately, I didn't take it for granted and interrupted just now, Young Master Su is Young Master Su, when did he miss money.

The sound of mobile phones these days is extremely loud. Even though the speakerphone is not turned on when making a call, people nearby can basically hear it.

Cao Wei heard it clearly just now.

That subordinate of Young Master Su directly said that he wanted 5000 million, and Young Master Su directly approved [-] million.

What a rich man this is.

what a...

Cao Wei was embarrassed for a moment. What he is most angry now is that he didn't study Chinese well at that time, and now he can't even think of a suitable word to sigh Su Shao.

Sorry for the first time.

Su Ye was actually having a headache because of the cars of plush toys that were about to be pulled over from Xu Cheng.

Although there are many people in the company now, everyone has their own job when they go to work.

In order not to work overtime, the big guys even ran to and from the bathroom. If you asked them to help pack and fill out the delivery slip, Su Ye knew that he would definitely agree to the unreasonable overtime requests of the employees.


When will our Young Master Su Ye Su do this kind of thing that slaps us in the face.

If you don't have free time, find someone who has free time.

Can a living person suffocate a bird?

What Su Da rarely has is money.

It just so happened that when he was about to get off work, Su Ye looked out the window and saw that the basic construction had been completed, and even the vehicles had been purchased and neatly parked in the Shunfeng Logistics Transit Base in the compound.

Suddenly there was an idea in my heart.

If you don't have enough people on your own, you just need to transfer people from the wind.

It just so happens that the courier company has just started, and the business volume must be pitifully small now.

Just take it as a favor for old gentlemen Yang Li and Cao Zheng.

Thinking of this, Su Ye came out of the company without driving (what kind of car is a few steps away), and just strolled to Shunfeng Logistics.

It happened that Cao Wei was also thinking about the next work direction of Shunfeng Logistics in the office.

Seeing Su Ye coming over, he quickly greeted him.

"Young Master Su, didn't we just talk about the recruitment of personnel?"

"Now I've already found the truck driver, and I've personally traveled through several transportation routes in Suzhou Province."

"However, even the couriers responsible for delivering small and large items have not been found yet."

"Based on the current people, one person has to be in charge of more than 40 communities."

Seeing Cao Wei pouring bitter water on him there, Su Ye couldn't help being speechless.

Thanks to your thinking, one person is in charge of more than 40 communities.

Even if you don't do anything for a day, you won't be able to run just by running.

This Cao Wei has not inherited his father Cao Zheng's shrewd mind at all. I really don't know what kind of future Shunfeng Logistics will bring out by him if this continues.

"Brother Cao, this problem is easy to solve."

"Look, our company has said so much about the requirements of the courier, and we have to serve with a smile, and we have to dress neatly."

"But actually, the most important thing is two points."

"One, know how to read, know where the courier comes from and where it is going to be delivered."

"Second, know how to drive a certain means of transportation, such as battery cars, electric tricycles, or minivans or light vans."

"Other requirements can be completed after the employees enter the company and we train them every day. Are you right?"

"Learning, driving..."

Cao Wei muttered about these two requests from Su Ye, and found that...

Fuck, that's right!

With such a low requirement, most people who have received the nine-year compulsory education in Longhan can become their employees.

Let's not talk about driving cars and trucks, riding a battery car, this skill is not easy to master.

"Young Master Su, you are so right. It seemed that I was wrong."

"I'll ask the HR department to revise the recruitment requirements later."

"Well, don't worry, there's more..."

Su Ye grabbed Cao Wei who was about to go out to talk to personnel.

"Brother Cao, express delivery is actually a very hard job, so we need to care as much as possible for our employees."

"In summer, we must prepare sufficient food and utensils to relieve heat and rain in the company."

"In winter, prepare for non-slip and keep warm."

"Provide them with good dormitories, food, and regularly organize certain cultural and recreational activities, such as taking everyone to watch a movie, have a meal, sing a song, or even go on a trip."

"I hope that every employee who enters our company will become our relatives in the end."

"Unless there are special circumstances, absolutely no one leaves."

"Young Master Su, but in this case, the cost..."

Cao Wei showed bitterness.

Although it was the first time he came out from his father's wing to take charge of a company alone.

But I have worked in many companies before, and I know which companies have welfare measures for employees.

Not to mention being comparable to Su Ye's description, no company has done even one of them.

All the company bosses want to treat their employees as slaves, even the old scalpers at home, and let them work for themselves day and night with some wages.

If Su Ye really does this, the cost is one aspect, those colleagues...


Cao Wei was originally worried that his peers would be dissatisfied seeing Su Ye's generous treatment.

But after thinking about it, now, Shunfeng Logistics has no peers at all.

The only one that can be regarded as the same company is the post office. They are the sons of the empire. We Shunfeng is a private company, so there is no need to compete with us.

"Don't worry about spending."

"The two old gentlemen Cao and Yang gave me 50.00% of the shares before, and I took it without saying anything."

"From the day Shunfeng officially started operating, you told the two of them that you don't need to invest another penny in Shunfeng."

"Because, all the expenses will be paid by me."

"When I return to the company, I will immediately transfer the money to our Shunfeng public account."

"However, Brother Cao, you have to remember one thing, I spent the money, and you have to do things well."

"No problem. Don't worry, Young Master Su. I, Cao Wei, can't do anything else. There is absolutely no problem with execution."

"it is good."

Su Ye patted Cao Wei on the shoulder and continued, "Brother Cao, here are our benefits, but these benefits are not for nothing."

"All employees must abide by our company's guidelines."

"If there is any violation, the light will be warned, and the heavy will be expelled."

"As I told you before, the courier must be delivered to the customer by hand. This is our promise that Shunfeng will never change."

"At the same time, you must never have any disputes with customers because of any work problems. As long as the customer needs it, no matter how troublesome or unacceptable it is, it must be completed unconditionally."

"Another point."

"For items that are transported back and forth, whether large or small, ordinary or expensive, we must treat them as our own, and do not throw them around."

"When encountering severe weather such as rain, snow and high temperature, we must take protective measures and tell every employee that the customer's loss is our loss."

"In addition, there must be some humane care for our customers."

"For example, if you see whether there is any garbage in the customer's home that can't be discarded in time, or items that are inconvenient to carry, you should take the initiative to help."

"You know, the people of our Longhan are the best people in the world, and they are also the most understanding people."

"As long as we treat customers a little bit better, we may gain a lifelong loyal customer."

After saying so much in one breath, Su Ye also felt dry mouth, picked up a bottle of mineral water from the table and gulped it down.

Cao Wei sat on the chair and was sweating profusely.

"Young Master Su, can you say it again, I didn't write down any of the suggestions just now."


Su Ye sprayed water directly on the ground, and looked at Cao Wei in shock.

"What do you say?"

"I, Su, Young Master Su, what you said was too fast, I didn't remember a single thing."

Seeing Cao Wei's dark and honest face, Su Ye wanted to beat someone up.

He just said those words casually.

It is mainly to combine some problems and pain points encountered in receiving express delivery in my previous life, and to share the corresponding solutions.

Now if you ask him to say it again, he won't be able to say exactly the same as before.

"Okay, I'll talk slowly this time, you take your time to remember..."

Su Ye calmed down a bit.

This Cao Wei does not seem to be very smart.

If it were someone else, they wouldn't need to write it all down.

You only need to memorize a few important keywords or concepts, but this guy still needs to memorize them all.

Forget it, forget it, anyway, Su Ye will regard the logistics company Shunfeng as a channel for him to spend money to get points in the future. As for what it can depends on God's will.

After sorting out the thoughts just now, Su Ye explained to Cao Wei one by one.

In terms of employee care, the first is to meet the basic living needs of employees, wages, food, and accommodation.

The second is to give employees better care, some subsidies and benefits in summer and winter.

The third is to let employees treat the company as their family, treat employees as their own family members, gather more and communicate more.

The fourth is to unify the company's image. The company will uniformly purchase work clothes, helmets, and electric vehicles for employees throughout the year. This will not only show Shunfeng's image to the public, but also give employees a sense of belonging to the company.

The benefits provided cannot be changed or reduced a little bit. Similarly, the requirements for employees must also be strictly implemented on a regular basis.

First, express delivery must be a hand-to-hand process, and cannot be left at the doorman or other places for collection.

Second, when dealing with customers, we should not dispute or even fight with customers because of work problems, and we must walk in front of the service with a smile.

Third, when dealing with express delivery items, we must pay attention to protection and do not throw them around to avoid damage.

Fourth, do what you can for customers, including but not limited to throwing garbage, moving things, etc.

Su Ye originally wanted to say the fifth point, let everyone actively help others and help those in need in society, but after thinking about it, this is not suitable as an employee requirement.

After all, who knows whether the thing you need to help others is helping the old lady cross the road, or fighting with gunmen.

Everyone is human, and they come out to work to make money. You can't just ask employees to help others for the sake of your company's image.

So after thinking about it, Su Ye still gave up on making a request on this point.

At most, if someone does something like this in the future, just give praise and thanks.

"Brother Cao, that's all for now. You can find a knowledgeable personnel to help organize and expand these things."

"In short, our company needs to reduce recruitment requirements, improve employee treatment, and ensure the quality of service to customers."

"As long as these three points are achieved, I believe that our Shunfeng Company will develop smoothly."

"No problem, Young Master Su."

"Actually, the suggestions and ideas you just mentioned are somewhat similar in my mind."

"It's just that I don't think as thoroughly as Young Master Su."

"Don't worry, Young Master Su, leave the company affairs to me, and you just wait to make money."

Hearing Cao Wei's brazen words, Su Ye waved his hands again and again.

"Brother Cao, there is no rush to make money."

"If it was for making money, I would not invest in the express logistics industry."

"You have to always remember the mission of our company."

"Our mission?"

"Yes, the mission of our Shunfeng Logistics is—"

"Serve customers, serve customers, serve customers."

The important thing was said three times, and Su Ye said it three times. I don't know if Cao Wei remembered it in his heart. In short, he had to prepare for Yang Zhiyuan's matter.

Protect Liu Qianming and his wife.

Su Ye smiled, my parents are not protected yet.


Find a security company.

Let the security company send more people to protect Liu Qianming and his family. In addition, there will be more scientists and scholars coming to the scientific research center in Jiangcheng.

And Su Ye's parents, company executives...

Vaguely, Su Ye, Young Master Su found another way to spend money.

 Today, Cookie is busy during the day, and I just got home and coded a chapter.Can I ask for a monthly ticket or something? Weak and pitiful and helpless
(End of this chapter)

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