After Chapter 235, you will understand it (ask for tickets and subscription)
"It's a little trouble, this time it's Uncle Lin."

"you are welcome."

Lin Feng is the Chief Deputy City Lord of Haicheng City Lord's Mansion, and has been working in Haicheng for 6-7 years.

It is said that he may be transferred to the imperial capital in the near future.

Even Lin Feng briefly talked about the 441 Research Institute, and Lin Feng was also very angry.

Knowing that Zhou Yuanyuan has now signed a contract with Liu Qianming, she immediately understood what she meant.

It should have come to ask for help to deal with the aftermath.

"Uncle Lin, Tianwei Group and the others have targeted three places at the same time. In addition to the 441 Research Institute, there is also a welfare home and a school for the deaf in the Hanshan District of Haicheng."


Lin Feng didn't expect that Zhou Yuanyuan didn't mean to ask him to help solve the aftermath.

The matter is not over yet.

That Tianwei Group even wants to plan these two places.

If a social welfare institution like this wants to be relocated, it must file a record with the Haicheng City Lord's Mansion.

Including the relocation location, the specific resettlement plan, and how to arrange the personnel in these welfare institutions during the transition period, all these must be documented and reported to the City Lord's Mansion, and can only be implemented after approval.

But Tianwei Group came directly to the door this time, using all the means of threats and intimidation. This is completely challenging the authority of the City Lord's Mansion.

"Yuanyuan, don't worry about this matter, I will call tomorrow, no, I will call someone to investigate this matter thoroughly, and I will definitely not tolerate it."

"Uncle Lin, I haven't finished yet."

"When Director Liu Qianming signed the contract with us, he made a request that our company also purchase the other two pieces of land."

"Uncle Lin, don't worry, I have reported this matter to the boss. We will not pay less for the purchase of the land this time. At the same time, our President Su has also made a guarantee to Haicheng City Lord's Mansion."

"We will not use these two pieces of land for any business-related aspects, and will retain the original school."

Zhou Yuanyuan remembered when she called Su Ye.

When Su Ye heard that she was going to purchase two more lands for social welfare, her happy eyes kept shining with gold.

Su Ye, who was worrying about spending money, heard the news, it was as if a long drought meets nectar, and an old friend meets an old friend in a foreign land.

Zhou Yuanyuan is a lucky general.

How long has it been since I went to Haicheng? I set off at noon and arrived in Haicheng in the afternoon. I came to ask for money this evening.

This is not Fujiang what is Fujiang.

With a wave of Su Ye's hand, 3 million yuan was transferred directly.

Now in Haicheng, Yang Zhiyuan has [-] million in his hands, and Zhou Yuanyuan has [-] million in his hands.

If they can all be spent, then Su Ye can get 5 points in an instant.

5 points, a lot.

For Su Ye who doesn't have any points now, this is a transition from 0 to 1.

"Okay, no problem, don't worry, Yuanyuan."

"The empire's land for social welfare institutions will not be sold at a very high price."

Lin Feng hurriedly hung up the phone.

Fortunately, Zhou Yuanyuan told him this time, if Tianwei Group was reported by the media because it went too far and escalated the matter, then he and a group of people in the City Lord's Mansion would be punished.

As for the upcoming promotion, it will become far away.

After hanging up the phone, Zhou Yuanyuan thought about it.

Now that the problem with Institute 441 has been resolved, the Tianwei Group should not be able to jump around anymore.

The only thing left is to buy land, but if 3 million yuan is used to buy land, how much land do you have to buy?

Zhou Yuanyuan picked up the map of Haicheng in the hotel and looked at it.

Su Ye gave him a strict order that the [-] million he called this time must be spent.

Su Ye didn't say where and how to spend the flowers.

Zhou Yuanyuan couldn't help but rubbed her forehead, and saw where the Hanshan District is now.

Here, it is barren.

On Wednesday morning, when Su Ye woke up, he saw several messages on his phone.

It turned out that Zhao Yun, the boss in the imperial capital, sent a message saying that after such a long time of preparation, the first fast food restaurant under their catering company will open soon.

As for the time, it is today.

Zhao Yun apologized to Su Ye in embarrassment, saying that he has been too busy recently.

I was going to send him a message to invite him in advance, but I didn't remember it until I was sleeping last night.

"This boss is definitely a brother."

Su Ye complained in his heart, and sent Zhao Yun a happy opening, then turned off his mobile phone and prepared to go to work.

As a result, as soon as he arrived at the company, Li Qianqian ran over in a hurry.

"Su Ye, didn't you say you want to be a shop for catching dolls, are you still doing it now?"

"This... do it."

Seeing Li Qianqian's anxious expression, Su Ye wondered why she suddenly brought up this matter again.

However, now is not the time to worry about this, it is king to appease her quickly.

"Qianqian, I've already prepared, just waiting for you to ask."

"I didn't expect you to be so calm. You only came to ask me after working for a few days."

"Stop it."

Li Qianqian gave Su Ye a supercilious look without hesitation.

"It's nice to say, but I think you just haven't made any preparations, and even forgot about it."

"Otherwise, according to your personality, why didn't you tell me earlier?"

Li Qianqian looked like I had seen through you, and took two steps towards Su Ye, "Auntie contacted me last night and said that workers and trucks have been arranged, and three cars of plush toys will arrive this morning." goods."

"You have to hurry up about grabbing the claw machine and opening a shop."

"rest assured."

"Everything is under control."

Su Ye walked past Li Qianqian with firm steps, and he didn't even dare to talk to Li Qianqian because of his guilty conscience.

Turn on the computer, while waiting for it to start, Su Ye first made a 3D model of the claw machine with the thinking editor, and then set the relevant parameters.

Just when the computer was turned on, he logged into QQ and directly found Zhao Feifei's profile picture.

"Mr. Zhao, come back and make me a machine like this as soon as possible, and have someone send it to the Youth Innovation Park."

"I'm in a hurry to use it."

"Okay, Boss Su."

Zhao Feifei replied almost instantly, and she had a lot of resentment towards Su Ye.

Since the two rented together, Su Ye has never told him the truth.

Later, after joining Qingyun Technology, she was also thrown away at Broadcom Electronics.

Thanks to Zhao Feifei's strong ability, she was able to suppress the old people from Broadcom Electronics, otherwise...

Then, Zhao Feifei found that she had just straightened out the internal affairs of Broadcom Electronics, and Su Ye began to assign tasks to her.

What custom laptops for employees.

What makes a number-taking machine for the Imperial Bank.

What is ready to launch a customized computer.

Now that a new task came, Zhao Feifei felt that she and Broadcom Electronics were not important in Su Ye's heart at all.

Take it out when it is useful, and throw it aside when it is useless.

During the last meeting, Su Ye also said that he had time to go to Broadcom Electronics to check the situation and find out.

As a result, the epidemic happened just in time, and this trip was over.

Su Ye couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed when he saw Zhao Feifei's reply.

"Work hard, come on."

He thought for a long time, but he could only come up with one sentence to reply.

After Zhao Feifei saw it, she couldn't help cursing the straight man secretly, and opened the completed file.

What is this.

It seems weird.

Gears, gearboxes, controllers, grippers...

Moreover, Su Ye drew a rendering of the finished product at the end.

Above is a glass window, below is a large cabinet.

Zhao Feifei picked up the phone and called the technical director of Broadcom Electronics Factory.

Let him come to his office to look at this picture.

After a while, a man in his thirties came in respectfully in a blue uniform.

"Chen Gong, please come and see if we can make this thing."

"Okay, Mr. Zhao."

Chen Future is a typical technical talent, of course, his management level is not weak.

It took a few minutes for him to understand the usefulness of this machine.

"Mr. Zhao, this can be done."

"Okay, I need a prototype now, how long will it take to make it?"

Chen Future calculated the time and the raw materials in the factory, and said, "Mr. Zhao, this machine is relatively simple. If the final visual effect is not considered, half a day should be enough."

Don't care about visuals?

There was a playful smile on the corner of Zhao Feifei's mouth, making you push me around, and I will give you a little surprise this time.

"Okay, then get it done as soon as possible, and send it directly to the headquarters of the Youth Innovation Park after it is made."

"no problem."

Just as Chen Weiwei was about to leave, he suddenly remembered that the drawings hadn't been printed yet.

Asking Zhao Feifei to send the file to her mailbox by email, Chen Future left from the CEO's office.

When Su Ye received the prototype in the afternoon, he couldn't help feeling the efficiency of Broadcom Electronics.

Although Zhao Feifei has resentment in her heart, there is no problem with her work level and work attitude.

But when he saw that there was no sense of beauty at all, he couldn't help opening his mouth when he saw the claw machine, which could only be described as stupid, big, black and thick.

This person, still can't be impatient.

Don't judge others too early.

After moving this extremely ugly claw machine to the company, the ladies and sisters in the administration department at the door were all curious.

"President Su, what is this?"

"This thing is so heavy."

"Hey, this glass door can be opened."

"President Su, what is this for?"


Su Ye replied calmly.


"How does this thing work?"

"Yeah, what's so fun about such a bulky thing."

Su Ye didn't explain too much, but smiled mysteriously.

Silly kids, this is just a prototype.

When I put things in, you can understand it after playing it twice.

Thinking of things, Su Ye couldn't help but think of the three cars of plush toys that his parents sent over from Xu Cheng this morning.

I don't know if it is at SF Logistics now.

If it has arrived, you can bring it over to colleagues in the company and Li Qianqian to try it out.

 Thanks to "book friend 20200920113740415" for the 4 rewards of 100 coins.Ask for a monthly ticket, look at my sincere little eyes...

(End of this chapter)

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