Chapter 237 Hacker Fatty (seeking tickets for subscription)

"What's the matter, so mysterious."

Li Qianqian followed Su Ye into the office and asked curiously.

When she saw Su Ye reached out and pushed the door to close, a bad feeling suddenly rose in her heart.

It seems that this scene has appeared once before.

Su Ye held the ring...

As a result, I have to skin myself...

Could it be that this time he...

Thinking of this, Li Qianqian couldn't help feeling a little hopeful.

"Qianqian, last time I asked you to ask about the management consulting company, I don't know..."

Hearing Su Ye's question, Li Qianqian was inexplicably relieved, but also a little uncomfortable.

"Well, I asked."

"Oh, what's up, do you have any suggestions for us?" Su Ye became interested.

"I didn't say anything, I just had a preliminary discussion about an intention, and then I heard that you went to Xucheng, so I went with you and didn't follow up on this matter."

"However," Li Qianqian thought of Shao Yu, the handsome general manager of Jiamei Company. This person looked gentle, but he looked completely different on QQ. He had to say hello every morning and good night at night.

There was no substantive content, but Li Qianqian knew that he was reminding himself not to forget this, but this method...was too bad.

"The people in that company have to talk to me every day, presumably to urge me to think about it."

Li Qianqian recalled the conversation that day and told Su Ye.

"Okay, don't they say they want to send people into our company, let's start."

"I just thought about your work arrangement."

"My work schedule? Any questions?"

Li Qianqian asked suspiciously, she is still very satisfied with her current job, there are not many things to do, and the arrangements are well organized.

After get off work, you don't have to worry too much about the company's affairs, you can go shopping with your roommates to eat, drink and buy with peace of mind.

What does it mean if adjustment works?
"Well, QQ recruitment is still too far ahead for Longhan Internet and users."

"Let's put this project aside for a while, and you just got out of it."

"As for the claw machine, you can participate in it first, but in the future, I plan to hand it over to Tang Lili's Dianping company, and let them be responsible for the operation and opening of the store."

"I haven't thought about your job yet, wait for that consulting company..."

"Jiamei." Li Qianqian said in time.

"Yes, Jiamei, after they make adjustment plans for the company, we are discussing your work arrangement, do you think it will work?"

Li Qianqian nodded, feeling a little excited.

Are you okay for now?
Nothing to worry about?

Thinking about it, I'm really a little... a little excited.

"Okay, that means, I don't have a job recently."

"Ahem, no," Su Ye touched his nose and said, "You still have to take charge of the administration department."

"no problem."

Li Qianqian was completely relieved. She brought up the administrative department alone, and it would be no problem for her to be in charge of this department again.

【Name: Li Qianqian】

【Occupation: Manager】

[Level: Professional Level 2]

[Character value: 93 points]

Su Ye turned to look at Li Qianqian's data, and found that her professional level had reached level 2.

I remember it was only level 1 when I watched it last time.

And the others didn't level up as fast as Li Qianqian.

At least Su Ye saw that the skill levels of those high-ranking officials in Qingyun Ten Stars were exactly the same as before, without any change.

Only Li Qianqian, from 8% of the 99th level at the beginning, rose to the professional level 3 in just 2 months.

Talent, this is talent.

Su Ye sighed in his heart, and became more and more determined to focus on cultivating Li Qianqian's heart.

"Qianqian, you will graduate next year, right?"

"Um, what's wrong?"

"Well, it's fine."

Su Ye saw that he was silent, and Li Qianqian had no desire to speak, so he was secretly happy there.

"Okay, you go out first."

Seeing her like that, Su Ye knew that Li Qianqian definitely wanted to play with the claw machine.

A wave of his hand made him exit.

There are so many things on her body now, Su Ye is also a little confused.

The affairs of various departments within the company, future plans, and competitors outside the company.

Speaking of competitors, Su Ye suddenly thought of the biggest competitor now - Nine Wind Games.

The game industry is an area that Su Ye has been planning to enter for a long time, otherwise he would not have merged the Lianzhong game in Hangzhou at that time into his company.

Originally, Su Ye was going to develop the game industry step by step, but unexpectedly, Nine Wind Games cut off Hu quietly and took the lead in distributing "Stone Age" from Gou Ri's country.

Su Ye is very passive, and I am still planning to slowly develop step by step. Young people don't talk about martial arts, so they don't develop games by themselves, but instead act as an agent.

Do you know that if foreign games enter our Dragon Han Empire on a large scale, it will deal a great blow to our domestic game industry that has just sprouted.

Young man, I advise you to drink rat tail juice, don't waste your life.

Su Ye sat in front of the computer, found the profile picture of Qiao Liu (Qing Yun Anbu) and opened it.

"Joe Six, how is the situation recently?"

"Boss, the goods are selling well."

The corners of Su Ye's mouth twitched. What kind of goods are selling well? It's a sneaky thing to do. So you're not afraid of being arrested by Uncle Kuai?

"Well, is that software still working? Have you called the police recently?"

"No, boss, the software you gave me is simply a magic tool. Recently, on the Stone Tool Forum, many players reported that the point cards they bought had already been used."

"I checked, and the used ones are all from our hands."

"Well, remember to delete it directly after using it every time, and then download it again."

"Don't take chances."

Su Ye reminded that this software was made by him with a thinking programmer, and it was specially used to obtain the password of the point card account with internal permissions in the Stone Age.

Simple operation and convenient use.

With just a few mouse clicks, you can download a series of account passwords.

Resell it at a huge profit.

It's just that this version was just made by Su Ye casually, and the security and stability are not so good.

When Qiao Liu poured out data from it, there would often be garbled characters.

This software was named "Ali Baba" by Su Ye, because it is like an Ali Baba who waits for the thief to leave and then uses the password to open the treasure house.

From inside, you can freely enjoy the harvest of the thieves, of course.

Just like the real Ali Baba, you must not be greedy when using him, and you must not take too many things away at one time, otherwise if a thief sees it, you will be finished.

Qiao Liu became a lot more cautious after entering a round, especially since Su Ye also set up a tracking and feedback device on the software.

If it detects that the signal is being tracked by a person, the software will emit a beeping sound.

And Qiao Liu who heard this voice didn't need to do anything, just unplug the computer's power supply.

However, as of now, Qiao Liu has not encountered a situation of being tracked once.

If he didn't trust the boss in his heart, he would have thought that the alarm device set by Su Ye was useless.

"Where's that little fat man?"

"Xiao Pang is eating," Qiao Liu glanced at Xiao Pang who was eating his second meal this afternoon and couldn't help but be speechless.

This guy's computer skills are really good, and he's also very chubby, and he's quite cute when he looks chubby.

The only problem is that it is too edible.

too edible.

Fatty actually didn't want to eat at all, but he couldn't help it, he was really hungry.

It's okay during the day, Qiao Liu can always buy food when he goes out.

But the point is at night, there was a time when Xiaopang was hungry in the middle of the night, he was so hungry that he was about to die, Qiao Liu had no choice but to go shopping for him with his clothes on.

But somewhere in the middle of the night someone sells food to eat.

Oh, by the way, Xiao Pang was the first man to create a stone age cheat.

You may not believe it, but he doesn’t actually play Stone Age games. People who spend all their money on food are not qualified to play games.

I happened to be on a forum and saw someone saying something bad about the Stone Age, and I was willing to spend money to ask the boss to get a plug-in.

Xiaopang tried to contact him, so the first cheat was born.

This is not only the first cheat of the Stone Age, but also the first cheat of the Dragon Han Empire since the development of the Internet.

It can be recorded in the history of Internet development.

Later, Xiaopang was discovered by Qiao Liu because more cheats were sold.

After Qiao Liu found out, he hurriedly reported to Su Ye, and Su Ye asked him to bring Xiaopang back.

This is talent.

Qiao Liu and the others have means, they are rascals enough, they are the type of a mangy dog, no one wants to provoke him.

Hit him with a stick and he runs away, but may come back and get back at you.

But you ignored him, watching and getting upset.

Now add a chubby guy who understands technology, and that's like a tiger... like a dog with wings added.

Mangy dogs can also take off.

In order to reduce the risk, Qiao Liu made three cheats.

One focuses on raising pets, one focuses on fighting, and the other has both functions.

This can create the illusion that the three groups cheated during the manufacturing period.

And not only that, the prices and payment accounts of these plug-ins are also completely different.

Even now, Qiao Liu can bluntly say that he is the secret controller of the Stone Age.

One hand sells point cards, the other hand sells cheats, the wool is also collected, and the family's wealth is also taken out.

With such a big moth, Su Ye was extremely worried about the future of the Stone Age.

"Boss, my money here is much better now, should I transfer some to you?"

Qiao Liu had reported to Su Ye before that he earned a lot by doing so.

Outside of daily expenses, he felt scared when he saw this pile of numbers.

At first, Su Ye asked Qiao Liu to register an online information consulting company, but now, Qiao Liu has established more than 10 companies, each with a registered capital of 100 million.

At this point, there is still a large amount of funds staying in his account.

"Okay, I'll take some of the money away, you don't have to move."

Su Ye found Qiao Liu's account, and couldn't help being dazed when she saw the string of numbers.

Fuck, there are so many.

You know, the price of Qiao Liu's point card is only half of the market price, and even some old customers, he sells it at a [-]% discount.

After those old customers get the point card from Qiao Liu, they will not only use it for themselves, but also sell some of it.

They are actually small agents of Qiao Liu's subordinates.

In addition to point cards, there are also plug-ins.

1.35 million.

Su Ye didn't look at the small change in the back, and after quietly taking the money away, Su Ye transferred the money into the Longhan Empire's poverty-stricken mountainous area fund.

This fund was established by the empire, and 99% of the money in it is the financial appropriation of the empire, and of course it also absorbs some external donations.

This is a special fund set up by the empire to develop the underdeveloped areas in the central and western regions, and no one dares to tamper with it.

Of course Su Ye didn't dare either.

He transferred the money in because it was black money.

Shady money.

The means used to attack the opponent are already very dishonest. If he takes the money again, Su Ye's conscience will not be at ease.


"The host successfully donated 1.35 million yuan and received a double rebate of 2.7 million yuan, which has been deposited into the host's account."


"The host successfully donated 1.35 million yuan and obtained 1 technology point."

Su Ye didn't expect that the money didn't pass through his account at all, so how could the system determine that it was donated by him.

Return rebates, return points.

However, brother now has 6 technology points.

Su Ye opened the system's technology mall and began to check, drooling while watching.

Just as Qiao Liu opened his QQ payment account, he received a message from Su Ye saying that he could transfer the money away, but Qiao Liu still didn't believe it.

Isn't the money still there?
Refresh refresh, refresh refresh.


"Little fat, come and see, someone can directly transfer the money in our account."


Xiaopang was chewing a piece of chicken chop in his mouth, when he heard the words, he looked back.

Xiaopang was also shocked when he saw the empty 0 on the account.

He didn't even bother to eat the chicken chops, he went directly to Qiao Liu's computer and clicked a few times, his face became ugly.

"Sixth brother, we have met a master."


Xiaopang pointed to the computer screen, "There are only a few incoming information here, and there is no record of transferring money out."

"This shows that the other party can not only hack into the server of Jiufeng Game, but even the inside of QQ Payment, which is heavily guarded, he can come and go freely."

Xiaopang's face was calm, and there was a faint air of a general.

In addition, there is such a small excitement.

As the current top-ranked hacker in the Dragon Han Empire, Little Fatty Zheng Bin also has his own pride.

In the past, I was able to find the mysterious boss of my family through a plug-in that I made casually, and then I made a software that can obtain point card information with foolish operations, and now, I can break through the strong defense of QQ payment and take it silently. Take the money from Joe Six's account.

All kinds of means show that Qiao Liu's boss is a great master with great powers and hacking skills that can sweep the contemporary era.

It is not easy for such a master to make money. As for the time-consuming work of selling point cards?
In addition, who is this great god?

Zheng Bin thought for a while, then hurried back to his computer, and started a software with only a golden five-pointed star.

This turned out to be an instant messaging software, he found a person on it and sent everything he knew.

The "Hanhuang" was shocked.

In this era, how could there be such a highly skilled hacker? He had never heard of it, whether it was domestic or foreign.

"Little fat, keep watching, next time... wait."

The "Hanhuang" suddenly discovered something and was shocked.

 Thank you for the monthly ticket of "book friend 20170517232019362". From my memory, I know that you have voted for me before. Thank you for the monthly ticket of book friend "Running Little Bookworm". . .Please, please, monthly ticket

(End of this chapter)

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