Chapter 252 Give it a soul (seek tickets for subscription)
Zhao Feifei arranged for the factory to trial-produce some of these mice and keyboards, and when the real products came out, they would send some to various company departments.

Just let everyone try it out.

But sitting on the office chair, Zhou Yuanyuan couldn't understand it.


Why did so many professionals in the professional field fail to develop this thing? Su Ye could only research this mouse in his spare time.

If my memory is correct, Su Ye was studying the Internet major before.

You say that he can achieve success in starting a company, and that is well documented.

However, you ran to do research without saying a word, isn't this changing too fast?

And what kind of numbering machine and what kind of claw machine have been created before.

Zhao Feifei felt that Su Ye's acquisition of Broadcom Electronics was not to enter any technology field at all, but to find a factory that could make things for herself.

"Jingle Bell--"

Just as she was thinking, the landline on Zhao Feifei's desk rang.


"Mr. Zhao, I'm Su Ye."

"Well, Mr. Su is good."

"The claw machine is about to start mass production."

"Let's prepare 2000 units first."

"As for the money, let Tang Lili deal with you."

"okay, got it."

"Wait, don't hang up yet."

Su Ye shouted after hearing Zhao Feifei's tone.

"And the number-taking machine that I asked you to make before, is there a finished product now?"

"This has."

"Okay, I will send someone to pick it up later, and you will also send someone to go with him."


Zhao Feifei hung up the phone and sighed.

Look, Su Ye really regarded Broadcom Electronics' factory as a place where he could realize his design ideas.

It's just that Zhao Feifei hopes to have more things like a mouse and keyboard.

These are the things that can help Broadcom Electronics. Those number machines and claw machines are really...

Su Ye specifically left Tang Lili just now, and asked her to talk about the recent situation.

Knowing that Tang Lili had recruited more than 100 merchants, Su Ye was shocked.

This efficiency is too high.

When I met her on Saturday, Tang Lili also said that she only signed 7-8 agreements. She didn't expect it to develop so rapidly in just two days.

"Tang Lili, I asked you to recruit people. How are you doing now?"

"Recruited, recruited."

"I recruited 4 young men, and I will arrange for them to go out with me to run business later today."

Su Ye nodded: "Be careful to keep warm. Now that the weather is getting colder, you should eat and drink more. If not, you can double their daily allowance."

"Your own employees, you have to take care of yourself a little more."

Tang Lili nodded, and behind her huge figure was Sun Xiaolei who was looming.

"Wait, you and Hu Yidao go to Botong Electronics and bring a number machine."

"And today, I'll run to the merchant with you."

"By the way, I've already placed the order for the claw machine. Let's go to the shops you mentioned when we have time in the afternoon."

Tang Lili has been running business outside for the past two days, so it's not for nothing.

Yesterday, I told Su Ye that there are a few shops that look good, and I want him to help as a staff officer.

"Okay, then I'll call Hu Yidao first."

After Tang Lili finished speaking, she handed over Su Ye to Sun Xiaolei who was behind her.

"Brother Sun, is something wrong with you?"

Su Ye also saw Sun Xiaolei behind him, and after Tang Lili left, Sun Xiaolei hurried over to speak.

"President Su, the international crude oil market has changed."

"The beautiful country said that terrorists who had been on the run for more than four years were found in the middle zone."

"We will send troops to encircle and suppress them in the near future."

When Sun Xiaolei said this, his face was full of excitement.

It seems that Su Ye told him some time ago that he could pay attention to the crude oil market, but he didn't expect that there would be fluctuations in such a short time.

"how's the price."

"Go up!"

Sun Xiaolei was full of excitement.

"Mr. Su, when I bought it, it only cost 23 US dollars per barrel, and now it is 28 US dollars."

"President Su, are we going to sell now?"

"I predict that the current price has reached the highest level. When the beautiful country sends troops, the price of crude oil will definitely fall."

"Need not."

"Crude oil will continue to rise."

In his previous life, Su Ye didn't care about the price of crude oil at first, but later he often heard from colleagues who own cars that the price of oil rose today and fell tomorrow.

But whether it is rising or falling, the impact on the country is not very big.

He remembered that before he crossed over, the crude oil market had a very large rise.

$100 a barrel is not that expensive.

It's only 28 US dollars now, and there will be a long time in the future.

It's just a beautiful country, it feels very similar to a certain country in the previous life.

If there is a disagreement, soldiers will be dispatched.

"Brother Sun, continue to pay attention."

"Just pay attention when it breaks through $30."

"This... okay."

Seeing Su Ye's confident look, Sun Xiaolei couldn't say anything.

"One more thing, Mr. Su, the funds on my side are now..."

"What's wrong, not enough?"

"No," Sun Xiaolei looked embarrassed: "There is too much money, and our investment channels are relatively few..."

"What? Too much money?"

Su Ye found it funny.

I want to spend money to earn points, but Sun Xiaolei still thinks there is too much money.

Which company would be like Qingyun Technology, collecting money like running water every day, worrying about how to spend the money.

"How about this."

It just so happened that Zhou Yuanyuan bought a lot of land in Haicheng, and Su Ye also needed to spend money.

It's better to set up a real estate company by yourself.

In this way, there will be another place to spend a lot in the future. As for making money?

Su Ye can only say that he doesn't itch if he has too many lice, and he doesn't worry if he has too much money.

"Brother Sun, you go back to Haicheng and register a real estate company with Zhou Yuanyuan. Longhan's real estate industry will definitely develop rapidly in the future."

"Let's put our money here and we won't have to worry about it later."

"This is a good idea, but, Mr. Su, if we have so much money, should we set up a special fund company?"

"If there is a fund company in this way, we will be able to operate funds much better in the future."

"Okay, you can arrange this when the time comes."

Su Ye thought for a while, "Brother Sun, I have an appointment with Ma Weixian from the Imperial Bank, and you will come with me later."

"Okay, but the number machine is finished?"


In the afternoon, Su Ye drove to the largest business department of the Imperial Bank in Jiangcheng.

Ma Weixian has long been waiting for this.

"President Su, please make a special trip."

"President Ma, you are welcome. This is the first time our number-taking system has been installed in a bank. Of course, I have to come and have a look."

Seeing that the sales department was still operating normally, Su Ye immediately asked curiously: "President Ma, if there are so many people, we will be fine if we work."

"It's okay, just don't worry."

Watching the workers enter the site, they skillfully began to drill holes in the ground and dig wire slots. Ma Weixian invited Su Ye to go upstairs to drink tea together.

But Su Ye thought, this afternoon, he promised Tang Lili that he would show her the selected shops.

After saying goodbye to Ma Weixian, Su Ye and Tang Lili got into Hu Yidao's car and headed for the city.

Construction here will take about a day.

It's the same when I come back tomorrow.

The first store that Tang Lili took Su Ye to was the Jiangcheng Five Star Building in Jiangcheng.

Five Star Building is a supply and marketing building built in Jiangcheng many years ago.

There are five floors in total, and the store that Tang Lili is optimistic about is on the first floor of the Five Star Building.

Seeing the dilapidated appearance after getting off the car, Su Ye was a little dissatisfied.

Such an old building does not match the positioning of the claw machine mainly for the young market.

Now young people are more willing to go to those comprehensive commercial plazas that integrate food, drink and entertainment. Tang Lili chose this store.

Although Su Ye didn't say anything, he had made a decision in his heart.

Tang Lili has poor eyesight and cannot understand the market well.

"President Su, come here."

Tang Lili lifted the windshield quilt at the entrance of the mall for Su Ye.

This five-star commercial building lowered its rating again in Su Ye's heart.

There is not even an underground garage, how could young people come here.

"President Su, the meeting place I arranged for today is also chosen here. After we have seen it, we can let those salesmen go to work."


Su Ye nodded noncommittally, and followed Tang Lili into the Five Star Commercial Building.

Unexpectedly, what caught Su Ye's eyes was a super luxurious children's bouncy castle.

There are also ocean balls of various colors inside.

Countless children jumped up and down on it, and the sound was deafening.

"Mom, I'm coming down."

"Dad, throw me the ball quickly."

"Grandma, come and find me."

Su Ye stood at the door in a daze for a moment before realizing that he walked behind Tang Lili.

"President Su, this is a children's play area specially built by Five Star Commercial Building."

"It only opened in October this year. The reason why I chose to buy a store here is that my main purpose is these children with their parents."

"With parents? Children?"

Su Ye wondered if Tang Lili was losing her mind.

Parents have always led their children, how can children lead their parents.


Tang Lili took it for granted: "The five-star commercial building is already very old. If this bouncy castle wasn't built this year, no one would come here to shop."

"But since we have this bouncy castle, it has become a paradise for children on weekends."

"These you see today are preschool or kindergarten children. When the weekend comes, the scene..."

Tang Lili clicked her tongue twice. It seems that she has seen the scene of the five-star commercial building on the weekend.

Su Ye's face softened slightly.

It seems that Tang Lili didn't know that the Five Star Commercial Building was old, but she was thinking about the children who came to play here.

We all know that women and children earn the best money in this world.

Women and children, when shopping and spending, they only look at their personal preferences. If you don't pay for them, all kinds of tricks will follow.

This point, Tang Lili sees it well.

Walking around the bouncy castle, Su Ye saw a store without a door.

At this time, Huang Lei, Hao Yun and the others were taking a deep breath in the store and waiting for the interview from the big boss.

"Huang Lei, what kind of person do you think our boss is?"

"Obviously doing a good job in the Internet, why suddenly come to the real industry."

Hao Yun looked young, with a little peas on his face, and his jet-black hair was tied into a ponytail.

She did this to leave a lively and refreshing impression on the big boss.

But Huang Lei knew.

This Hao Yun is just small, she is already a mother of two children.

Therefore, don't easily believe in a woman's appearance, it may be a visual error.

"Didn't Mr. Tang say that we are also an Internet company."

"It's just a linkage between online and offline."


Hao Yun smiled, with a face full of indifference: "I don't care what is linked or not, as long as I give money."

Huang Lei smiled. Just as he was about to speak, he saw the conspicuous Tang Lili bringing the three of them over.

A handsome young man was following her.

Beside him was a burly man who looked like a bodyguard.

There was also a young man with a cropped cut and a gangster face, but Huang Lei couldn't figure out his identity.

He hurriedly took two steps forward, and said respectfully, "Mr. Tang."

Hao Yun and the others behind him saw Huang Lei leaving, and they also saw Tang Lili and the others outside the door, and they all came out to greet him.

"Mr. Tang."

"Mr. Tang."

Tang Lili nodded slightly, and introduced it directly to everyone.

"President Su, this is Huang Lei, this is Hao Yun..."

Then he introduced Su Ye and others to several people in turn.

After a few simple greetings, Su Ye also knew the identities of several people.

Since they had just joined the job, he had nothing to say, so he came to the store to check after some encouragement.

"Boss Su, this store used to make clothing, and it moved out about half a month ago."

"The decorations in the store are all ready-made. If we move in, we can save a sum of decoration costs."

"The store area is about 90 square meters, and I have calculated that 50-80 claw machines can be stored here."

"It can also be used as a simple cash register and staff lounge."

Su Ye shook her head.

Tang Lili just regarded this shop as an ordinary doll shop, without any intention or innovation.

What Su Ye wanted to do was not this kind of ordinary store.

Since it is directly operated by Dianping, it needs to strive for excellence from decoration to layout to product selection.

Su Ye played tricks and asked Tang Lili to arrange for Huang Lei, Hao Yun and other salesmen to leave first.

Then seeing that the scene was empty, he began to speak.

"Tang Lili, your idea is good, it can be used."


Su Ye looked at Tang Lili fixedly, and her heart skipped a beat.

"It's just that such an ordinary plan cannot reflect the culture and heritage of our company."

"In addition, these ideas of yours seem to be good now."

"But as long as our business is booming, believe it or not, there will be at least three shops exactly like ours here."


Tang Lili was stunned.

The claw machine itself is not a high-tech thing, you can make a claw machine, someone else takes a photo, and shows it to those factories.

The master craftsmen in those factories can give you a similar copy in a few days.

How did the industry of the Longhan Empire start.

Relying on the manual work of these master craftsmen, the advanced equipment from abroad can be shipped back, and almost one can be produced in a month.

After so many years, the master craftsmen in those factories have all practiced their unique skills.

This unique skill has made the products of Longhan Empire synonymous with high quality and low price in international trade.

But when it was her turn, Tang Lili was a little confused.

"President Su, what should we do?"

Not only Tang Lili, but Sun Xiaolei beside her was also thoughtful.

As for Hu Yidao, uh, he has already walked to the door, looking at the children playing on the bouncy castle outside.

"Solving this problem is as difficult as it is said, and as simple as it is said."

Su Ye smiled lightly.

Tang Lili and Sun Xiaolei looked straight at her.

"That is to give this store a soul."

 The state is a bit wrong, and I am adjusting myself.

(End of this chapter)

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