Chapter 255 One by one (please ask for a subscription)
"Mr. Li, where did this document come from?"

Wang Xiubo asked with a smile.

This financial statement is extremely useful. He just read the first few pages and knew that all of the contents were true.

If it was leaked to outsiders, then Hou Lang might be...

"I picked it up from the door."

Li Qianqian said it as a matter of course.

As if that were the case.

Wang Xiubo smiled awkwardly, obviously not believing it.

Picked it up at the door?

What a liar.

Next time I go to your gate of Qingyun Technology to see if I can pick up such a thing.

But he also knew that since Li Qianqian threw this out, he would not easily tell them where he got it from.

Wang Dongzhi on the side also didn't say a word, his face was livid.

But he kept thinking in his mind, where did the news leak from, could it be that someone took the opportunity to enter during the last acquisition?
Neither will it.

Although the negotiation between the two parties ended in failure, both parties signed a confidentiality agreement.

Whether the acquisition of Houlang is successful or not, and whether it should be announced to the public, these are all considered by the other company.

Before the acquisition was completed, Wang Dongzhi's request was to keep it confidential.

No one can see Houlang's weakness.

Otherwise, if Houlang still wants to transfer shares or go public in China in the future, many twists and turns will arise out of thin air.

"Mr. Li."

Wang Dongzhi waved his hand to signal Wang Xiubo next to him to sit down, and he looked up at Li Qianqian solemnly.

"Since you have already prepared, let's open the skylight and speak plainly."

"How much money does Qingyun Technology want to spend to acquire Houlang."

His eyes were fixed on Li Qianqian's expression, trying to see something from it.

But Li Qianqian's face was indifferent, and her expression didn't change at all.

"Mr. Wang."

"Our Qingyun Technology's valuation of Houlang is this number."

As she spoke, she raised her right hand, exposing her white and tender wrist.

"Five billion?"

Wang Dongzhi thought about it, and the price was not too high.

It can be said that he just got stuck on his own point.

When he wanted to sell Houlang last time, he discussed with several shareholders, and the final bottom line was 6 million.

Only that acquisition failed.

Now after three months, Houlang not only has not launched any new business, but the original business is also shrinking, and the decline in revenue even he can't bear to watch.

If Qingyun Technology quotes 5 million yuan, those shareholders will not have too many opinions to be honest.

And when it comes to acquisitions, it's almost the same as everyone usually goes out to buy things.

You can ask for prices, and I can also pay back the money.

As long as the final price exceeds 5 million, it will be due to him, Wang Dongzhi.


But just as Wang Dongzhi was about to say something, Li Qianqian shook his head slightly.

"Our offer to Houlang is 5000 million."

"5000 million!"

Wang Xiubo standing next to him stood up instantly, his eyes full of disbelief.

At the price of 5000 million, Houlang was founded less than half a year ago, and that is the valuation given by those investors.

In the past few years, it has been the same as before.

Wang Xiubo couldn't help but feel like going back in time.

As for Wang Dongzhi, after hearing Li Qianqian's words, he didn't feel like going back in time.



I think of him, Wang Dongzhi, a dignified graduate of Imperial University, since he founded Houlang, he has been sought after wherever he goes in the past few years.

I don't know how many interviews and news reports have been published.

Even though in the past two years under the suppression of Slender Tiger and NetEase, life was indeed not good, but whoever went out respectfully called Mr. Wang.

Li Qianqian, a little girl, actually only offered a price of 5000 million yuan.

This is how much they look down on him, Wang Dongzhi, and the Houlang he founded.

Wang Dongzhi's face turned pale, and he said bluntly: "Mr. Li, Qingyun Technology has nothing to do, so he went to the imperial capital to entertain us."

"In that case, please come back."

Li Qianqian was not annoyed at what Wang Dongzhi said.

With a calm expression, she even raised one leg leisurely, "Mr. Wang, I think you know the current situation of Houlang better than I do."

"The last time your quotation was 9 million, I guess the bottom line should be around 6 million."

Wang Dongzhi's heart skipped a beat: How did Li Qianqian know about this.

"And now, three months later, I estimate that you will lower some quotations accordingly."

"If it is 4 million, it may be too much, and you will definitely not be able to accept it psychologically."

"The most likely is 5 million."

Wang Dongzhi's heart skipped a beat again. At least he had discussed the bottom line of the last offer with other people.

But this time, he just thought about it in his own heart.

In this way, Li Qianqian still knows?

"But if it's 5 million, tell me, does Qingyun Technology seem to be taking advantage of it?"

"Buy back a company that is losing money and losing money. It's not like you don't know the current Internet situation."

"Slender Tiger was listed. At that time, their market value was claimed to be more than 50 billion. Looking at it now, it is estimated to be around 7-8 million."

"NetEase was listed in Hong Kong City, but last year's financial crisis has just passed, and now it coincides with the bursting of the Internet bubble in the beautiful country."

"The market value is only about to exceed 10 billion, so why are you behind?"

"Why do you think you can still be worth as much as 5 million yuan?"

After Li Qianqian finished speaking with ease, she picked up the water glass in front of her and took a sip, looking at Wang Dongzhi contemptuously.

After putting down the water glass, she also said "it's cold".

How could Wang Dongzhi not know what she said.

At that time, the three largest companies in Longhan's Internet industry were not doing very well recently.

Don't look at Houlang who has been losing money, so why not the other two.

All of them gritted their teeth and lived their lives.

Also in the imperial capital, he heard that the two companies were already planning the third layoff this year.

Now it's the end of the year, and the Spring Festival is coming soon.

Layoffs at this time, it's not that they can't sustain it.

Wang Xiubo walked around the table to pick up Li Qianqian's water glass, and said, "I'll pour water for you."

Turning around and leaving the door, he handed the quilt to Wang Dongzhi's secretary who was waiting at the side, "Pour a cup of hot water for Mr. Li."

He didn't ask Li Qianqian if he was drinking tea or coffee in the room just now, so he could only pour her a cup of hot water while talking about Huatou.

After he couldn't see Li Qianqian and Wang Dongzhi in the meeting room, he couldn't help covering his face with his hands and leaning his back against the glass partition.

This Li Qianqian of Qingyun Technology doesn't look very old, with a childish look on his face.

It looked like he should be a recent graduate, but he didn't expect that the other party was so sophisticated.

The atmosphere was not right before, so I picked up the small bag, got up and left.

Just now, when Wang Dongzhi was angry and chased her away, she didn't seem to hear it.

He also leisurely explained the current situation to Wang Dongzhi.

He didn't seem to be in a hurry at all. Using such means, he didn't look like a newcomer in the workplace who just came out of school.

I didn't see that an old driver like Wang Dongzhi, who had gone through countless ups and downs in the business world, was aroused by Li Qianqian.

Before he could think about it, the secretary poured a cup of hot water and handed it to Wang Xiubo.

Wang Xiubo looked at this man, feeling helpless in his heart.

People from Qingyun Technology can easily handle Houlang's boss by sending anyone here, but this secretary of his company.

It was 28 and almost 29, but Li Qianqian was the only one to pour the water.

I don't know if Wang Dongzhi didn't bring a water glass when he went in just now?
The more he thought about it, the more unhappy he became, and he gave the secretary a hard look, pushed the door open and walked into the room.

The secretary looked at Wang Xiubo's back in a daze, wondering where he had made a mistake again, which offended the boss.

"Mr. Li, your water is here."

Wang Xiubo put hot water in front of Li Qianqian, and immediately returned to Wang Dongzhi's side.

Wang Dongzhi's mouth was a little dry, and he was even more upset when he saw that Wang Xiubo didn't know how to pour himself a glass of water.

He waited for Li Qianqian to take a sip of water and put down the glass before speaking.

"Mr. Li, 8000 million is absolutely impossible."

"[-] million is our final bottom line. If it is lower than this price, Houlang will never sell it."

Wang Xiubo looked at the saliva splashing everywhere... Well, the parched Wang Dongzhi slapped the table, and couldn't help thinking in his heart, should he go out again and pour two glasses of water in.

"President Wang, don't say that."

"You founded Houlang, and everyone knows that it made the Longhan Empire famous."

"I also understand that you treat Houlang as your own child."


Li Qianqian stared intently at Wang Dongzhi: "But, is the current Houlang still your child?"

Wang Dongzhi was taken aback.

Wang Xiubo also had a layer of cold sweat behind his back.


Although Houlang was founded by the two of them personally.

In those years, the two of them went out to negotiate advertisements with clients in person.

Occasionally, I even have to be a guest copywriter, writing a manuscript in the office all night.

In winter, I have to go out to grab news with reporters from TV stations, newspapers and other media.

From a small website to the current scale, how much effort and sweat have been poured into it.


Is the current Houlang still theirs?

Wang Dongzhi accounted for 24.55% of the shares, and Wang Xiubo accounted for 7.20% of the shares. Neither of them together accounted for one-third of Houlang's shares.


The problem is coming.

He and Wang Dongzhi are now digging meat from Qingyun Technology, and by then, may he drink a mouthful of soup?

If you can't even drink the soup, why do you work so hard?

Over the years, those few shareholders only knew how to seek profits from the back wave and install cronies.

No one wants to come to the once-vibrant Longhan Internet Whampoa Military Academy.

No, it should be said that no employees who are willing to work hard are willing to join.

On the contrary, there are more and more people who are fooling around, flattering people, embezzling employees, and enriching their own pockets.

Is this back wave, or the old back wave?

Is such a back wave worthy for me and Wang Dongzhi to treat it as my own child?

Wang Xiubo shook his head.

Wang Dongzhi looked ugly.

He is well aware of Houlang's current situation.

But after reporting to several shareholders, those people all looked for the good of the company.

The investment is no longer added, the benefits are constantly divided, and the moths are desperately sent.

This back wave is no longer the back wave of the past, nor is it his own back wave.

Wang Dongzhi sat down dejectedly, and only then did he feel that he had slapped the table too hard just now, and his hand hurt unceasingly at this moment.

"Mr. Li, I have to discuss with the shareholders about your offer."

"Can you wait a few days?"

Li Qianqian nodded slightly.

After winning Houlang, she will definitely not stay in the imperial capital, and there must be someone in charge of management here.

If I oppressed too hard at this time and suppressed the spirits of both Wang Dongzhi and Wang Xiubo, then who will manage this huge company here in the future.

Houlang is different from Lianzhong Games in Hangzhou at that time, and can be merged into the QQ game department.

Qingyun Technology will not launch any portal website in a short time.

It would be good to stabilize one's basic foundation in the field of instant messaging first.

With a population of more than 30 billion and a mere 7 million users, Qingyun Technology still has a long way to go in the future.

If there is nothing to eat at all, reach out into various fields.

Not only is it not good for the company's image, but there are too many businesses, and it will also cause its own crisis.

Think about it, how much business Qingyun Technology has now.

Su Ye is very talented, and novel ideas emerge in endlessly in his mind every day.

Payment, real estate, games, entertainment, mobile phones, computers, recruitment, group buying, investment, so many things have been assembled in just a short time.

What's more, there is the automobile industry, claw machines, and foreign business.

Stretching out your hands at this time will cause panic in the circle.

Don't look at the three companies of Netdifficulty, Slender Tiger and Back Wave, which are called the three giants of Longhan Internet, but they are inside Qingyun Technology Company.

The market capitalization of these three companies is not even comparable to the company's one-month turnover.

What's so embarrassing.

"Okay, then I'll go back first and wait for news from President Wang."

Li Qianqian didn't miss it at all.

It is already very good that today's matter can talk about this level.

Zhou Yuanyuan taught her on the phone last night: Too much is too late.

If it's just a price reduction, it will dispel the enthusiasm of entrepreneurs.

They will think that the project they are working on is like shit.

It doesn't take much time to go from being full of confidence to being crushed with one blow, a few words are enough.

If Li Qianqian drove Houlang to a desperate situation today, then Wang Dongzhi might be disheartened, thinking that his years of hard work were nothing, and he would stop thinking about selling Houlang from then on.

This is absolutely not good.

If he can't fulfill Su Ye's instructions, at the same time, it may make Hou Lang rise out of nowhere in the desperate situation with the idea of ​​putting himself to death and rebirth.

If because of some persecution by myself, it is really unnecessary to establish a strong opponent for Qingyun Technology in the future.

Although it was the first time to come out to negotiate the acquisition of a company, Li Qianqian was able to learn the principle of one piece and one relaxation without a teacher.

"Okay, Mr. Li will walk slowly."

Wang Dongzhi didn't even acknowledge his willingness to get up. After saying a word to Li Qianqian, he lowered his head and looked hard at the financial report on the desktop.

It's as if a flower can be seen from inside.

Wang Xiubo happened to feel thirsty too, so he hurriedly got up to see off Li Qianqian.

"Mr. Li, if you have nothing to do at noon, how about having a light meal together?"

"It just so happened that a new Huaiyang restaurant opened downstairs..."

"No, thank you, Mr. Wang."

Li Qianqian slowed down and looked back at Wang Xiubo.

She has already sent someone to check this person's resume. He is capable and cunning, knows honor and disgrace, and knows how to advance and retreat.

At this time, I came out of the meeting room to see myself off, so I definitely didn't worry about Wang Dongzhi thinking too much.

That's right, Houlang was founded by him and Wang Dongzhi, so he will naturally be loyal.

"Mr. Wang, you are in charge of financial work in Houlang, right?"

Wang Xiubo nodded.

"I seem to have learned about it before. Houlang's monthly salary should be on the 15th. It doesn't look like two days..."

Wang Xiubo is worrying about this matter.

Now the company's revenue is down, while its expenses are barely down.

Once subtracted and increased, the difference will come out.

But it is true that as Li Qianqian said, the wages will be paid soon, and I don't even have any rice to cook.

How can this be good?

"Mr. Wang, when I came up just now, I saw a new fast food restaurant downstairs, and it happened to be noon soon. Look..."

"Oh, I know."

Wang Xiubo nodded again and again, "That restaurant is called Shishang. It has a good name, a good environment, and the taste of the dishes is also good."

"Mr. Li, let's go here for lunch."

Li Qianqian nodded slightly, took out her mobile phone and exchanged numbers with Wang Xiubo.

 Thanks to my operating officer "Xuxumao" for the reward, thank you for the monthly pass, please recommend the ticket and the monthly pass
(End of this chapter)

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