Chapter 257 This is also a glory for the country (ask for tickets and subscription)
After hearing what Luo Sen said, Su Ye couldn't help frowning.

The four branches in the two large regions of Meilizhou and Europa have no problems at all, and the personnel and office space have been properly arranged.

Just wait for the formalities to go online.

On the contrary, there are problems in the two nearest places, Big Bangzi Country and Gou Ri Country.

In the big stick country, officials ask for benefits, while in Gou Ri's country, associations ask for protection fees.

To put it bluntly, it is because Qingyun Technology is easy to bully, and the lion is ready to open his mouth to take advantage of him, Su Ye.

The point is, Su Ye still can't solve this problem.

As for the officials of the Big Stick Country, since they dare to ask for 30 billion won, it means that the other party has nothing to fear.

Moreover, I am absolutely confident that after receiving these benefits from Qingyun Technology, the transformation will disappear without a trace.

This is definitely not something that can be done by one person or a few people.

There must be a complete industrial chain in it.

Otherwise, let the officials of Longhan try.

Absolutely no one dares to ask for so many benefits alone.

That's not asking for benefits, it's asking for a reminder.

As long as Su Ye dared to complain, countless officials from Yushitai would jump up and bite like mad dogs.

Longhan's Yushitai itself can be rumored to make things happen, and there is nothing that usually happens, but it dares to be impeached in the court just by hearing it.

Not to mention there is a complaint from the sufferer.

However, where there is such an organization in the Big Stick Country, even if there is, it has long been filthy.

When Su Ye was doing things, he naturally couldn't give all his hopes to the other party to be kind enough to find out.

It must be held in your own hands.

"President Su, let me handle this matter."

When Su Ye was struggling, Hu Yidao, who appeared beside him at some point, said in a low voice.

"You, Hu Yidao?"

"How are you going to do this?"

Su Ye asked in a deep voice.

"President Su, it's really difficult to handle this matter legally."

"Since the officials from the Big Bangzi Country dare to say such things, they will definitely not be afraid of us complaining and reporting."

"I have done a few missions to the Big Stick Country, and I know a little about the officials here."

"Leave this matter to me, and it will be done in a week at most."

Hu Yidao said solemnly.

Since joining Qingyun Technology, he has always accepted the respect and kindness of Su Ye and everyone in Qingyun Technology.

Now seeing that Su Ye was actually troubled by the affairs of the Big Bangzi Kingdom, he felt that it was time for him to contribute.

He used to be a mercenary and performed several missions in the Big Stick Country.

It just so happened that those missions were all related to local officials.

Going this time, maybe I will use some clues left at that time.

Hu Yidao withdrew from the mercenary organization, and he was able to come out only after spending a huge price.

I have mentioned it before, so I won’t go into details here, but those are only tangible assets and wealth.

And he has been a mercenary for so many years, it is impossible to only gain money.

Those experiences and connections are kept in his mind.

It's fine when it's not in use, but when it's needed, it can be mobilized like a thunderbolt.

Su Ye pondered for a while, but still couldn't make a decision.

As for Hu Yidao, he always thought that he was a thug-type talent.

And it's still a player with a low level of strength.

Such a person may be useful to the bosses of other companies, and I think this is a good bodyguard candidate.

But for Su Ye, who was more skilled than Hu Yidao, it was a tasteless one.

He has urban ramblers that can drive fully autonomously.

If it is not to deceive people, even if the appearance and interior decoration are switched to a manual transmission car, it can drive six or six by itself.

You can also accept Su Ye's voice control, transformation, flight and so on at any time.

So Su Ye didn't need a driver and bodyguard like Hu Yidao at all.

The reason why he was kept was that although Hu Yidao was not good enough, if he really kidnapped or threatened other executives in his company, Su Ye was afraid that he would be used by others, so he took him under his command.

However, when Su Ye raised his head and looked at Hu Yidao's sincere face, his heart moved slightly.

It seems that Hu Yidao himself knows what he thinks.

It has been almost two months in Qingyun Technology, and he must be very frustrated at work.

That being the case...

Su Ye nodded, he looked at Hu Yidao and said, "Okay, then I will leave this matter to you."

"When you're done, don't be a driver when you come back. I'll leave things to you then."

Hu Yidao wisely didn't ask what job Su Ye would give him.

At this time, it is better to think clearly about how to complete the next task.

As for work, Hu Yidao believes that with Su Ye's habit of treating people for so long, he will never treat him badly.

"Okay, don't worry, Mr. Su."

Su Ye patted Hu Yidao on the shoulder, turned his head and said to Luo Sen who was beside him, "Mr. Luo, later give Hu Yidao the contact information of the person in charge of the Big Stick Country."

"He can handle this."

"This..." Rosen didn't believe that Hu Yidao's level could handle this matter well. Judging by his appearance, he looked more like a bodyguard thug than a businessman.

This guy, if he went to the Big Stick Country, he probably kidnapped the official who asked for benefits.

Seeing Su Ye's firm eyes, Luo Sen was speechless immediately.

"Okay, President Su, since Hu Yidao is dealing with Big Bangzi Country, what about Gou Ri's Country..."

"Gou Ri's country? Let me think about it."

If it wasn't for Hu Yidao's self-reported courage to resolve the matter of the Big Bangzi country just now, Su Ye would definitely have a headache for the branches of the two countries.

Well now, there is only one country that lives on.

Let's wait and see.

Seeing Su Ye like this, Luo Sen felt helpless.

The company over there has already rented office space, purchased servers, and recruited relevant personnel.

If the problem of Sumiyoshikai cannot be solved, all the expenses there will be wasted.

And seriously affect the pace of QQ internationalization.

However, he also felt that it was impossible for Su Ye to stand here and figure out a solution, so he left with a helpless sigh.

"One knife, before you go to the country of the big stick, you can only rely on yourself for the funds, transportation and accommodation you need."

"After that, let the people from the branch office book a hotel for you."

"President Su, there's no need for this."

Hu Yidao shook his head and said, "I've been to Big Bangzi Country several times, and I'm very familiar with the situation there."

"As long as I know the target's information, I have the confidence to solve this problem as soon as possible."

Su Ye glanced at the confident Hu Yidao, patted him on the shoulder, turned and left.

Back in the office, just after turning on the computer, I received more than a dozen messages from Qiao Liu.

"Boss, something is wrong, we have been discovered."

"Boss, Xiaopang has already started fighting with the other party, and it seems to be a little more stable now."

"Boss, the other party has sent masters over, Xiaopang can't stand it alone."

"Boss, I'll cut off the internet right away, and you should clean up the traces as soon as possible."

"Boss, it's all right."

"Just now Xiaopang invited a rescuer, and it only took half an hour to beat him away."

"However, the other party said there was a request."

Su Ye read the information from the beginning, and already thought of how anxious and desperate Qiao Liu was when he faced the attack.

That little chubby has been turning day and night upside down, sleeping during the day and being energetic at night.

Qiao Liu actually called him up in broad daylight, something must have happened.

Su Ye hurriedly sat upright. He saw that the latest message was sent half an hour ago, so he quickly typed a reply.

"What happened, who was attacked by someone."

Qiao Liu, who was sitting in front of the computer, saw that Su Ye had finally replied to the message, so he quickly introduced what happened today.

It turned out that last night, a staff member of Nine Winds Games found out about the cheating, and after a tentative investigation, Xiaopang cleverly avoided it.

Unexpectedly, after one night, the other party actually mobilized several master hackers to find the location of the external host.

Qiao Liu didn't take it seriously at first.

When the alarm light started to flicker frantically, he had no choice but to call Xiaopang up and let him circle around with the other party.

did not expect.

He never expected that the opponent's attack this time was to attract Xiaopang to come out.

After noticing Xiaopang's counterattack and fleeing, the master on the other side who had been waiting for the opportunity suddenly moved out.

In less than 40 minutes, he broke through the 9 firewalls set up by Xiaopang.

If the last one was not made by Su Ye himself, then Qiao Liu could only forcibly cut off the power supply and network of the computer server as he said in the message to avoid the opponent's pursuit.

Fortunately, the firewall made by Su Ye blocked the opponent for more than 20 minutes. During this period, Qiao Liu asked Su Ye for help many times.

However, at that time, Su Yezhen followed Tang Lili to check the situation of the store outside, so there was no time to estimate this matter.

At a critical juncture, Xiaopang used his trump card——

Please help.

It happened that Chen Yi was bored in the afternoon, and saw Xiaopang send a message saying that a master attacked her.

The itchy "Han Emperor" Chen Yi decided to take action.

In the end, after just one or two back and forth, the other party was beaten away by Chen Yi, and even...

Chen Yi easily hacked the computer of the other party's expert, reviewed the other party's study and work experience, and then sent the information to the other party's girlfriend.

What happens next can be predicted.

The so-called "master" girlfriend opened the door with a key when the other party was still fighting with Chen Yi on the Internet, and started fighting with the other party.

He kept saying, "I'll tell you how to do it behind my mother's back", making Chen Yi in front of the computer very addicted to watching it.

However, it was so easy to get rid of the opponent's master.

It made Chen Yi feel unsatisfied, just thinking about what Xiaopang said just now, relying on a firewall to block the opponent for 20 minutes, she also tried to attack out of curiosity.

As a result, such an attack aroused Chen Yi's interest.

This firewall seems to have only a simple protection function, but there is a hidden program inside that can record the attacker's attack method and time.

Even, if the producer is willing, he can return to find the attacker's IP address in the shortest time based on this information.

Moreover, Chen Yi also discovered that the firewall's ability was not limited to resisting that "master" for half an hour.

Even if Xiaopang didn't summon her, the firewall could at least resist the opponent's attack for more than 4 hours.

And the longer the resistance time, the more information of the attacker will be intercepted.

It happened that Chen Yi didn't have a good time today, so she asked Xiaopang who was the one who built the last firewall.

As a result, Xiaopang hesitated for a long time and couldn't tell why.

In Anbu, only Qiao Liu knew about this matter.

Chen Yi thought Xiaopang didn't want to tell her, so she threatened Xiaopang that if she didn't contact that person, she would personally take action to break through the firewall.

Fatty had no other choice, so he told Qiao Liu that he was leading a wolf into the house, and begged Qiao Liu to tell him Su Ye's contact information.

Qiao Liu refused.

Neither dare.

Now everything he has is given by Su Ye, if you ask him to betray Su Ye, have to sell something.

To be honest, I have been working with Su Ye for two months.

He still doesn't know whether Su Ye is a man or a woman, and he doesn't even know the information he wants to tell Hanhuang Su Ye.

In the end, we could only leave a message for Hanhuang, saying that none of us knew the real identity of the boss.

But I will tell the boss about Chen Yi's invitation as soon as possible.

Although Chen Yi didn't want to wait, but the opponent didn't know if he was forced to death, so what can he do.

She can only wait.

"Qiao Liu, do you know who is attacking you today, is it someone from the official Stone Tool, or..."

"Boss, it should be the stone tool official who came to attack."

"Recently, our plug-in has been updated to version 3.02, and we have dabbled in content such as fighting pets and doing tasks."

"And, following the principle of small profits but quick turnover you said before, now our plug-in only costs 5 yuan and can be used for a month."

"The official should have taken action against us because there are too many cheats in use now."

"Too much?"

Su Ye was stunned. The Stone Age didn't go online until the end of October, and it's only been a month now. How many users can use it.

"Qiao Liu, how many users are there now?"


I go……

Su Ye just took a sip of water and almost spit it out on the computer screen.

Now Stone Age said that its total users are only about 200 million. This number, Su Ye probably has water.

But even if calculated according to this number, there are already 73 cheaters, a full one-third more.

Su Ye couldn't imagine.

When the number of players using cheats in a game reaches or even exceeds one-third, how many people can still play the game.

Anyway, if you put it on yourself, you won't continue to play.

What's more, if the number of people who use cheats exceeds this number after Wang Yifei launches Legend of Blood in the future, instead of remedying it, it's better to think about what game to play next.

"Qiao Liu, damn it, you guys are too aggressive."

"73 people, aren't you afraid that the boss in the Stone Age will be mad at you?"

"Boss, it's more than that."

Su Ye wondered: "What else?"

Qiao Liu: "Well, I had nothing to do some time ago, so I made an English version of our cheat..."

Su Ye: "I..."

This is really a talent. He said that he made QQ into a multilingual version. These major branches have not officially started operations yet.

Unexpectedly, the plug-in industry came to the forefront and took the lead in completing the plan to go overseas.

A magical feeling rose out of nowhere in Su Ye's heart.

This, this can be regarded as winning glory for the country...

 If I have time today, I will write another chapter, in other places.Ask for a monthly pass
(End of this chapter)

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