Chapter 260 Difficult technical test (seek tickets for subscription)
Su Ye thought about it, and decided to join this organization of Longhan Sibai.

It may be said that he has always been yearning for hackers, that he also wants a chance to contribute to the country after he acquires the skills, or even that he wants to break into the interior and recruit some talents from it.

In short, the goodwill and awareness that has been formed all the time made him make this decision.

"Okay, I agree to join."

A smile appeared on Chen Yi's face, and she found a file from the computer and sent it to Su Ye.

When Su Ye opened the file called the test, he was stunned when he saw the first question.

Test question 1:

When you're on the streets of New York and you see a white guy and a black guy beating up a yellow guy, what's your reaction?

A: beat white youth

B: beat up black youth

C: beat up the yellow race
D: ask the ID number of the yellow race
? ?
Su Ye felt two question marks appear on his forehead.

She also quickly figured out why this girl, Chen Yi, told herself that she was going to take a loyalty test without worrying at all.

This, these four options are not correct options at all.

Hitting white youths?Or beat black youth?
Why do you still want to beat that yellow man?
Also, why ask the ID number of the yellow race?

Su Ye imagined a scene in his mind, the streets of New York...

Black youth and white youth are beating up a yellow man.

If I follow the normal way of thinking, then I will definitely listen to the reactions and words of the yellow race.

Determine whether he is from Longhan.

Then, according to this reasoning, I should choose D.

Ask the other party's ID number first?
However, in this case, I can't grasp what kind of psychology the person who wrote the question is like.

Su Ye looked at the test questions in a daze, and began to review the pass books he had learned in his mind.

[Three longs and one short choose the shortest, three shorts and one long choose the longest and two longs and two shorts choose B, choose A if the same length is the same short, choose D if they are different lengths, and C is invincible. Combining copying and supplementing, you will surely pass]

According to this line of thinking, the question I am facing should be of different lengths.

After all, A and B are the same length, C is the shortest, and D is the longest.

If you analyze it according to this idea, then you can also attribute ABC to short, then D has the longest answer.

Three short and one long choose the longest.

Then you should choose D.

From the three methods of verification, Su Ye was indeed cautious.

In the end, he chose D.

Later, when he saw the second question, he found that the question type had changed again.

The second question turned out to be a judgment question.

Test question 2:

When a citizen of the Longhan Empire is beaten by a foreigner in the country, you should go up and dissuade him.

Su Ye was stunned again.

In terms of values, this question should be chosen correctly.

Because in his mind, as a citizen of the Longhan Empire, when he saw his compatriots being beaten by foreigners, it was only natural to go up and dissuade them.

But this question type is here, in Su Ye's view, it is not so simple.

Although I am also from Longhan, the population of Longhan has reached 30 billion.

As the old saying goes, the nine sons of a dragon are all different.

Think about it, nine children of dragons have different personalities, let alone human beings.

The Longhan Empire is so big and has such a large population. When it was invaded by Gou Ri's country, there were not only epic heroes, but it was not like there was no leading party.

In case the Longhan people make a living by stealing, the foreigner is just punishing the thief.

Su Ye thought about it and decided to mark X.

Because he felt that at this time, he could not rush forward rashly, but first asked the fighting parties what caused the conflict.

It is better to understand the situation before making a decision.

Maybe, Longhan Sibai's test was to confirm whether the person who joined was a stickler with a single mind.

If such a person joins the organization, no matter how good the technical level is, it will do more harm than good.

Su Ye gave herself a thumbs up in her heart, and began to read the following questions.

After 40 minutes, it was already dark outside.

Su Ye stretched for a long time, only to realize that he had been stuck for so long by just five test questions.

After saving the document, Su Ye sent the test questions to Chen Yi.

Chen Yi had been impatiently waiting in the office for a long time.

In the past few years, she has read the test papers of all the people who want to join the Longhan Sibai organization. To be honest, few people would spend more than 10 minutes to complete these five questions and submit them.

The guy on the other side is really patient.

If it weren't for the other party's technical level is really good, Chen Yi would have turned off the computer and left.

If you go home at this time, the subway in the imperial capital can squeeze a person to death.

After opening it and looking at it, Chen Yi compared the answers in his mind, and gave Su Ye a 100-point conclusion.

"Okay, your grades are out, this is the standard answer, you can verify your thinking."

"In addition, after this loyalty test is over, you still have to take part in a small strength test."

"Longhan Sibai and I will make a firewall. Breaking it in 90 minutes is considered a pass, breaking it in 60 minutes is considered good, and breaking it in 30 minutes is considered excellent."

"Can we start now?"

Su Ye found that she was a little hungry at this point, so she wanted to finish the test quickly so that she could go back and eat something.

Moreover, he also saw.

Because I didn't leave after work, most of the lights in the company were still on.

These guys must want to take the opportunity to work overtime while they have something to do.

Su Ye has already made up her mind.

We will see that those who did not leave will be counted as one, and all will be punished with double overtime pay.

It is also necessary to report and criticize the managers and persons in charge who take the lead.

This is too outrageous.

"That's fine too."

"You wait for me for a while."

Chen Yi agreed, and took out a heavy laptop from the desk cabinet. This was specially customized by her from abroad. No matter the configuration or speed, it was much faster than ordinary computers.

After contacting the four managers of Longhan Sibai with a separate wireless network card, several people agreed to let Su Ye start the test now.

After Chen Yi got in touch, she immediately called a nearby restaurant that made stir-fry, and ordered a twice-cooked pork rice bowl and a bottle of beer with them.

Several people have discussed it just now.

Since this newcomer is so arrogant, then give him a deeper lesson.

Increase the difficulty.

Eating tomatoes and a spoonful of sugar for nothing, and two people going into battle in person, raised the difficulty of the firewall to the point that even if Longhan Sibai did it himself, it would take an hour for a single person to break through.

During the day, Chengdong opened the market himself, betting how long it would take for Su Ye to break through.

Hanhuang Chen Yi and Bai Tudou also bet 100 yuan, betting that Su Ye would need at least one and a half hours to break through the firewall set up by the five of them.

Although this firewall was made by five people, it does not represent the highest level of several people.

After all, in such a short time, even with the previous template, it is impossible to do it in such a short time.

However, this is only a basic test,

To be honest, as long as Su Ye can complete it within two hours, they will approve Su Ye's request to join.

"You click on this link and get the most core combination of letters and numbers from the website, even if you pass."

"I have just given you the judging criteria for each level. Please start as soon as possible. There is a timing program in the background, please don't destroy it."


Su Ye took a sip of water and opened the link Chen Yi gave.

"He's already clicked on the link."

"Fast Track."

Longhan Sibai was sitting in front of the computer excitedly looking at the operation records in the background.

"Pay close attention and don't act rashly."

Chen Yi said in time.

She was worried that these guys had been idle for a long time, and seeing Lie Xinxi couldn't help rushing up to confront Su Ye head-on.

What else is there to test at that time, it will directly become an offensive and defensive battle.

"I can't get in here."

"It's the same on my side, the road is blocked by the other party."

"No, the opponent's method is a veteran at first glance."

"Hey, don't tell me, this method is a bit like...someone like that."

"The head of the Knights of the Round Table of the Rotten Kingdom."

"Yes, yes, that's the guy. No wonder this technique looks familiar."

"Wait a minute, come and take a look, I'm being restrained here."

Su Ye naturally didn't know that he just set up a few defense and counterattack programs casually, which caused so much trouble to Longhan Sibai.

After he clicked on the link, a website with only one bronze door appeared.

In the upper right corner of the picture, there is a timer, and a level number.

The time starts from 0, but there are 99 levels.

Su Ye felt that if he continued to crack level by level like this, when would he be tall.

Anyway, it is to test one's ability, so it is better to be reckless.

After making up his mind, Su Ye started to act.

"He has entered the first level, everyone, don't move around."

"No, the first level is gone."

"The second level is also gone."

"The third level is also gone."

"No, I can't even see his checkpoint records here."

"How on earth did he do it."

"He is definitely not breaking through our block, but eating it."

"This is the first time I have seen such a talent."

"Tudou, shut down one of your servers, if it's too soft, let's get him some hard ones."

"Tomato, you and a spoon, Chengdong will increase the difficulty of the next level."

"Hanhuang, he has already reached level 15."

"Don't worry."

Chen Yi looked serious.

At most a minute has passed since she sent the link to Su Ye.

In such a short period of time, the opponent has already broken through 15 levels.

Even if the difficulty of the later levels has increased, she still estimates that Su Ye can break through all the levels and get the final password in at most 15 minutes.

This speed is a little, a little... fast.

Even as the designer of the level, Chen Yi dare not say that she will be able to break through the 15 levels of the firewall within 99 minutes to pass the level.

This is because she personally participated in the design and production. If she faced such a firewall again, it would take even more time.

Could it be that this mysterious person has a higher level than himself?
Chen Yi didn't dare to think about it anymore...

If, I mean if, if Su Ye is really stronger than himself, will he give up the Han Emperor's throne?

Or change the name to Empress Han?

Or... the Queen of Han Dynasty?

"Hanhuang, Hanhuang, are you there?"

"The opponent has reached level 27."

 Thanks to the book friend "Households who have trouble getting up" for the three rewards, and to the book friend "Book friend 20201123151528688" for the reward, I think I can do it again.

(End of this chapter)

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