Chapter 262 Roasted Leg of Lamb (seeking tickets for subscription)
"What's the situation, what's the situation?"

"Didn't you see that it's already time, and you all have to be urged by President Su before you are willing to leave work?"

"Clean up quickly for me, get off work after get off work."

"One by one, you are not active after get off work, and you have problems with your thinking. I think you are all out of your mind."

Wang Yifei yelled loudly in the office area, then turned his head, pretending to have just seen Su Ye, and said with a smile: "Oh, Mr. Su, you haven't gone back yet."

"Look at all of them. It's already past 6 o'clock and they still refuse to leave. Do you think they deserve scolding?"

Su Ye turned her head, looked at the wall clock on the wall of the office area, and then looked back at Wang Yifei: "Wang Yifei, do you think I'm stupid?"

"It's already 6:57, and you still say it's past 6 o'clock, so you still cover for them, right?"

"Come on, come with me to the office."

"Uh, yes, Mr. Su." Wang Yifei shrank his neck and followed Su Ye into the office.

Taking advantage of Su Ye not noticing him, he turned his head and made a grimace at the employees who were still pretending to pack their things.

A few female employees couldn't help but almost laughed out loud.

This Mr. Wang was obviously squatting at the door of Mr. Su's office to inform everyone.

When Su Ye's figure appeared, he immediately rushed over to urge everyone to pack up and get ready to leave work.

What a spirit.

It is the spirit of sacrificing the small self and fulfilling the big self.

Seeing Wang Yifei close the door, the employees who were still packing their things looked at each other.

Fly away with work done.

Those who haven't finished their work, go to the further office area under the cover of colleagues.

Suddenly, a large area was vacated at the entrance of Su Ye's office.

"Wang Yifei, you did a good job with this move."

"I will notify you of the criticism tomorrow. Not only will I work overtime alone, but I will also drive all the staff to work overtime with you."

"What's the matter, this is fearing me like a tiger."

"No, President Su."

Wang Yifei waved his hands again and again: "I'm ready to leave. When I saw them, I didn't realize it. I didn't even know the time to take a look. They were still working overtime here, so I wanted to hurry them up."

"I didn't mean to drive all the staff to work overtime with me, you misunderstood me."


Su Ye also lost his temper when he saw Wang Yifei's appearance of killing me and not saying anything.

"Okay, tell me, what do you want to eat tonight."



Later, Su Ye took Tang Lili who was going to take the subway alone, and Wang Yifei came to a shop of roast leg of lamb.

"Tang Lili, how have you been doing in the past two days?"

Su Ye ordered two cold dishes, and asked casually while waiting for the roast leg of lamb.

"It's okay, Mr. Su, I've already made reservations for those two stores."

"There is another store, I plan to go to see it tomorrow."

"However, President Su, I discovered something today."

"Oh, tell me."

Su Ye threw a bean into his mouth and asked indifferently.

"I found out that there are people doing the same thing as us."

Tang Lili looked serious.

"What's the matter? Are you also looking for a store with claw machines?"


"It's public comment."

Hearing this, Su Ye suddenly became interested, and even Wang Yifei next to him looked over curiously.

"You mean, there are companies with a similar function to our Dianping that are also doing marketing?"

Tang Lili nodded.

After separating from Su Ye in the afternoon, she followed Su Ye's instructions and contacted the person in charge of Yida Shopping Center.

As for the famous Qingyun Technology, the person in charge of Yida in Jiangcheng naturally knew about it. He called the headquarters directly in front of Tang Lili and told Qingyun Technology's cooperation needs.

The headquarters also responded quickly, and immediately asked the person in charge to tell Tang Lili that the headquarters attaches great importance to this cooperation, and will send special personnel to Jiangcheng to negotiate with Qingyun Technology in the near future.

Tang Lili directly gave Zhou Yuanyuan's mobile phone number to the other party and asked them to go directly to Haicheng.

Thinking of Zhou Yuanyuan who looked very attractive, Tang Lili felt that Qingyun Technology would definitely not suffer from this cooperation.

Walking out of Yida Mall, Tang Lili was about to recruit those merchants nearby, but suddenly received a call from Huang Lei.

Huang Lei said that he needed to meet her as soon as possible.

After the two met, Huang Lei explained in detail what happened to him after parting from Zhou Yuanyuan and the others this afternoon.

When he was negotiating with those merchants and inviting them to join Dianping, those merchants were actually very puzzled.

Didn't your people come here just now?

How come again, this management is too chaotic.

Hearing the merchant's description, Huang Lei instantly realized something was wrong.

Dianping now includes Tang Lili, and the entire company only has 5 people.

These five people, except Tang Lili, are each in charge of an area, and there will never be such a situation of cross-posting.

And after listening to the merchant's description and the appearance of the salesman who came here to recruit, Huang Lei knew.

This is not a post, but there are other companies that are doing the same thing as Dianping.

After deducing this information, Huang Lei contacted Tang Lili immediately and expressed his concerns.

At this time, Tang Lili also took the opportunity of eating to tell Su Ye about this matter.


Su Ye was greatly surprised.

In his memory, the most glorious time for the development of group buying in his previous life was in the period of 10-12 years.

At that time, there were hundreds of group buying websites across the country, and everyone was targeting this market one after another.

Not only domestic companies, but even foreign companies have come to an end in person, and everyone is fighting in the dark.

The only benefit is the user.

Su Ye remembered that in his previous life, he had just gone to work.

The monthly salary is simply not enough to spend. After eating this one, go to buy that one.

All are very cheap, all are very affordable, and there is no stopping at all.

Fortunately, there are many group buying websites that attract people to give money. Su Ye relies on this, and can earn more than 1000 yuan a month from invitations, which is barely enough to make ends meet.

However, at that time, it was the time when domestic smartphones had become popular on a large scale.

In the current Dragon Han Empire, even the functional phones have just been born.

Smartphones are still early.

At this time, someone will end up competing with him for the group buying business. This person must be out of his mind.

If you spend your own money, you will get double rebates, and you can also earn technology points.

Su Ye doesn't believe that there are still people in the Longhan Empire who own the system.

According to Qidian's unique law of traversers, if there are traversers in a parallel world, there will be absolutely no chance of another traverser appearing.

Then, Su Ye won't be worried.

This competitor who follows him, if nothing else, will definitely not last as long as himself.

Even such competitors, Su Ye hoped that the more the better.

If there are those competitors to cultivate the market and cultivate the consumption habits of users, then Su Ye's Dianping will save a lot of effort and time.

And, most importantly.

At present, there is only one formal online payment software in Longhan, QQ Pay.

Those companies want to launch group buying business, don't they have to pay with their own QQ?
Now Qingyun Technology has completed the preliminary layout, and in the later stage, Su Ye only needs to continue to improve.

As for some of the losses in the early stage, they will be made up for later.

"Tang Lili, don't worry about this matter. I also hope that the more competitors like this, the better."

"The more the better?" Tang Lili looked at Su Ye incredulously, thinking that her old classmate must be out of her mind.

People who run companies are worried that there will be too many competitors, and the cost of their own operations will increase without limit.

In the end, he was lucky, and he even hoped that the more competitors, the better.

It's not a broken brain, what is it?
"President Su, why do you say that?"

Wang Yifei also asked curiously.

In his memory, Su Ye was definitely not a good-tempered person.

From being angry at Liang Weinan when Mu Mu left his job before, to seeing Jiufeng Games' various reactions after obtaining the agency rights of "Stone Age".

Su Ye is definitely the kind of player who kills his opponents in the bud. Why is he so kind-hearted all of a sudden, hoping that there will be as many competitors as possible.

"Of course the more the better."

"Now Tang Lili is doing business promotion, how difficult it is, you can ask her to know."

"Besides, I saw that Tang Lili hadn't been in the company for three consecutive days. After running for so long, she didn't gain anything."

"It's different when there are competitors."

"They will naturally try their best to snatch customers from us, and even give merchants some benefits to achieve their goals."

"It seems that although we had some losses and lags in the early stage, you forgot?"

"Our company is not a single Dianping."

"Qingyun Technology now has more than 7 million QQ users."

"With our current user advantages, isn't it a matter of minutes to catch up?"

"When the users are cultivated and the merchants are cultivated, we will bring this huge amount of users and funds to the stage in a crushing manner, tsk tsk, think about it..."

Wang Yifei immediately fell into the scene Su Ye said, but Tang Lili remained silent.

She shook her head slowly, looking directly at Su Ye: "Boss Su, this is not good."

"Maybe we can win the favor of users through this method."


"Our Dianping is an independent company. If the company's business is successful, then we can use Qingyun Technology's user advantages to make some icing on the cake."

"But if we have not experienced competition, have not been deeply involved in business development from the beginning, and have not faced these competitions with other competitors."

"Then the so-called success is nothing more than a flash in the pan."

"So, my thoughts are..."

Tang Lili grabbed a edamame pod with her hand, peeled the edamame inside, put it in her mouth, and took a big gulp of beer.

"My idea is to face the competition head-on. Starting tomorrow, I will recruit talents for various positions on a large scale, whether it is operations, business, sales, finance, etc., all of them will be recruited."

"I don't want my own company. Only by relying on the parent company can I stand upright."

"We, Dianping, must have the ability to walk alone."

Tang Lili was impassioned and excited.

Su Ye just wanted to say something, but was pulled by Wang Yifei next to him.

"Come on, be careful it's hot."

"Here comes the leg of lamb."

Su Ye regretted that Tang Lili had managed to create an atmosphere, and he wanted to take this opportunity to encourage her.

Who would have thought that it was the restaurant that delivered the leg of lamb. Now, he couldn't say anything more.

"Tang Lili, you..."

Su Ye was still thinking about comforting Tang Lili, but who knows, this girl couldn't wait to pick up a knife and fork, and began to cut meat on the leg of lamb and eat it.

The words that filled Su Ye's heart were stuck in his throat, and he couldn't spit them out or swallow them.

"President Su, come and eat."

"The mutton here is really tender."

"Mr. Wang, don't be too polite, hurry up and get yourself enough food and clothing."

"Oh, alright."

Obviously, like Su Ye, Wang Yifei couldn't accept such a huge change in Tang Lili for a while.

"Forget it, let's eat first."

Su Ye also spoke.

There is no way, Tang Lili has fallen in love with eating since she graduated from junior high school, otherwise she would not have become the figure she is now.

"Add some chili, Mr. Su, Mr. Wang, the chili in this store is fragrant, but not so spicy."

"Well, it's delicious."

"By the way, Mr. Wang, remember to turn it around, otherwise if you only bake one side, you will be fooled later..."

the other side.

Li Ming didn't have Tang Lili's good appetite at all, nor did she have the ability to heal quickly when he saw something to eat.

He is very sad now.

To be exact, he was very melancholy.

During this period of time, Zhou Zihang came to him to do private work 3-4 times, and he also successfully earned extra money from the other party equivalent to an ordinary person's monthly salary.

This should have been a happy event, and it was.

After Li Ming finished his work early today, he invited Wang Qian to have dinner together.

As a result, Wang Qian asked him a question during the dinner, which aroused Li Ming's melancholy.

Wang Qian asked: "Li Ming, you have been with Zhou Zihang for so many days, and he asked you to help him with something."

what to do

Because Wang Qian didn't know much about programming, Li Ming rarely told her about his work.

Hearing Wang Qian's question at this time, he wanted to reply smoothly.


Li Ming suddenly had a flash of light in his mind...

He found that the things Zhou Zihang asked him to do seemed to be...

 I beg for votes, please help me by the way, if I update like this, can I be on the combat power list?
(End of this chapter)

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