Chapter 266 Must Seize This Opportunity
How dare you call this crude.

Hu Yidao couldn't complain anymore.

But he is still ruthless on the surface, the clubs in Seoul are still the same, and he is no longer the king of mercenaries who came to perform missions back then.

"Okay, I'll wait for you here for a while, you go and help me prepare what I need as soon as possible."

Only half an hour later, Hu Yidao came out of Jin Ximing's station.

The whole person disappeared into the night.

The importance attached to the Internet in Big Bangzi Country is far beyond the imagination of any force abroad.

On the same level as the Internet, it is the entertainment industry of Big Stick Country.

Zhou Zhilong was taking a bath with the person in charge of Qingyun Technology Branch in a bathing center at this time.

"Mr. Zhou, the environment here is not bad."

"Would you like to take you upstairs to rest later?"

Chen Gensheng carefully asked with a smile beside him.

His eyes swept across Zhou Zhilong's 30-year-old but completely out of shape figure, and a hint of disdain secretly flashed in his eyes.


"You people of the Longhan Empire like to do this."

"The officials of our big stick country are all upright and will never be corrupted by you."

Zhou Zhilong spoke righteously.

Chen Gensheng nodded quickly, and then said that he didn't want money.

It can be clearly seen that this Zhou Zhilong is very proud of himself in his fantasy.

If you don't count the car that Zhou Zhilong drove to the banquet today as a gift from Qingyun Technology, then this guy really has such a dignified demeanor.

"Okay, it's getting late, I'm going back too."

Zhou Zhilong stood up from the bath, and the warm water fell from his fat body, looking like small waterfalls one by one.

"Mr. Zhou, well, our company's business..."

"I have nothing to say about your company."

Zhou Zhilong turned his head and shook his finger at Chen Gensheng with a chic gesture, if you don't look at his fat body.

"This is what the above means."

"30 billion won, I don't have that much appetite, so, you know."

Zhou Zhilong patted Chen Gensheng's shoulder with his fat hand, and finally stroked it.

Chen Gensheng suppressed the nausea in his heart, pretended to slip on his feet, and took a half step back.

"Mr. Zhou, please tell me for your help. Our company has not yet started operation, and the funds allocated by the headquarters are already stretched."

"I don't care about this matter."

Zhou Zhilong put on his slippers and said without looking back.

Fortunately, there is no one in the bathroom now, and he is not worried about being caught talking.

"Brother Chen, let me tell you, it's better to find a way to ask the headquarters for money."


Zhou Zhilong turned around, looked directly at Chen Gensheng with a pair of small glasses and said.

He sighed, and walked towards the locker room without waiting for Chen Gensheng to respond.

Looking at Zhou Zhilong's leaving back, Chen Gensheng couldn't help sighing.

Headquarters appropriating money?

Mr. Su is indeed a generous person, but Chen Gensheng has worked in the company for three months, so he naturally knows it.

Su Yena looks easy-going on the outside, but in fact he is very principled in his heart.

For the money that should be spent, he will never spend less than one cent.

They will even take the initiative to increase the budget to give employees a better work experience.

But he wouldn't spend any money that shouldn't be spent.

Especially in the matter of giving gifts and funds to foreign officials, in Chen Gensheng's mind, Mr. Su would never make such a decision.


If you don't pay now, don't even think about the company's ability to start operations on schedule.

For the market of Big Bangzi Country, the whole company is still looking forward to it.

Expectations are high too.

For the current state, Chen Gensheng has also made countless efforts.

But in terms of official operations, he has tried many times.

No matter who he finds, the other party will say that it doesn't matter.

When asked about the person directly in charge, they always say that Zhou Zhilong is in charge.

The official circles of the Big Bangzi Kingdom, who have always liked to tear each other down, have become entwined because of Qingyun Technology's opening of a branch company, which is really dumbfounding.

He also tried to find some influential domestic companies in Bangzi to help with the project.

He has searched for Sanxin, and he has also searched for the line agent.

He also looked for LGG and SKTOO.

But these companies either thanked customers behind closed doors, or refused directly.

In a word, without enough interests, no one will stand up for an unrelated enterprise.

In the end, Chen Gensheng even thought of the embassy of the Longhan Empire.

However, due to the attitude of the big stick country towards Long Han, the embassy can do nothing.

All these efforts told Chen Gensheng a truth.

Blacksmith need its own hardware.

Thinking of relying on this and that, no one can be relied on.

In the end, whether Qingyun Technology will develop and grow in a healthy and orderly manner here, or be forced to retreat in despair, depends on one's own decision.

Thinking of this, Chen Gensheng couldn't help sighing again.

Mr. Su, Mr. Su, if you were faced with such a situation, how would you choose?

Is there any way to break the situation?


That night.


Zhou Yuanyuan, who was about to rest, received a message.

It turned out that it was the contact person at Yida headquarters who had called him in the afternoon and sent a message saying that they had arrived in Haicheng.

Ask Zhou Yuanyuan what time is convenient to meet tomorrow.

For Yida Group, Zhou Yuanyuan only knew that it was a real estate company in the north of Longhan.

Specializing in commercial real estate, the main business includes shopping mall management, construction, apartment construction and management and other related aspects.

This is a relatively pure commercial real estate company.

For Zhou Yuanyuan now, a company of Yida's size is lined up in front of him for you to choose from.

Even Zhou Yuanyuan is not without a company that is better than the so-called Yida Group.

Haicheng is the city with the most developed economy and foreign trade in the entire Longhan Empire, and the most important thing here is rich people.

If it was before, Zhou Yuanyuan would definitely not be too enthusiastic about a company of Yida's size.

But when Tang Lili called her in the afternoon, she said that Su Ye was very optimistic about this company.

I hope that Zhou Yuanyuan can make friends with each other as much as possible.

Zhou Yuanyuan almost burst out laughing while listening to the phone call. The medium-sized Yida Group still needs to take the initiative to make friends?

What a joke.

At this moment, with Zhou Yuanyuan holding 10 pieces of land in his hand, he can say something crazy:
My sister is the boss of Haicheng's real estate industry.

She still needs to make friends with the Yida Group, and it should be the Yida Group who is on the pole to curry favor with herself.

However, Zhou Yuanyuan was also very satisfied when he saw that Yida's people rushed to Haicheng by plane overnight.

At this time, she already understood the nature of business.

As the ancients said, shopping malls are like battlefields.

A slight gap will lead to your failure.

Companies like Yida Group, which can see opportunities and seize them, indeed, already have the foundation to become an excellent enterprise.

Zhou Yuanyuan thought about it for a while, and replied casually.

You are the guests invited by President Su. See you in the lobby of XX Hotel at 9:[-] tomorrow morning.

After replying to the message, without waiting for Yida's follow-up response, he turned off the phone and threw it on the sofa.

"Mr. Wang, Mr. Zhou of Qingyun Technology has replied to the message."

A tall, thin and meticulous man with glasses and combing his hair came to Yida's boss, Wang Jianyi, bent over and said.

"Oh, she said when is convenient."

Wang Jian tightened his collar and put his hands in the pockets of his jacket.

"After 9 o'clock tomorrow morning, Mr. Zhou has time."

"Okay, then at 9 o'clock, let's go there earlier, so we can't keep people waiting."

"In addition, Xiao Wang, you can wait to buy a few maps of Haicheng. We will study the specific cooperation plan at night."

"Okay Mr. Wang."

Xiao Wang, a thin and tall man, nodded in response, and then signaled a girl next to him to go out and take a taxi.

Yida is now only a bit famous in the north.

They have been coveting Haicheng for a long time, but due to various reasons, the plan to develop Haicheng has been delayed again and again, and it has not been possible.

But I don't know if it was a chance or something, the person in charge of the Jiangcheng branch called today, saying that Qingyun Technology intends to cooperate with Yida Group.

A person who was still wondering what an Internet company could do with a real estate company of his own did not wake up until he heard Tang Lili say that Qingyun Technology had obtained 10 pieces of land in Haicheng.

Their Yida Group has a special department called the Information Department.

Specially pay attention to the situation of land parcels in major cities across the country, including future urban development direction, population, income index, and price fluctuations, all of which must be summarized accordingly.

Not to mention, the land transactions in various cities, which is their old business, are the top priority.

Hearing Tang Lili's words, the people in the office over there realized that Qingyun Technology of Jiangcheng was a local tyrant who spent a lot of money in Haicheng and won 10 lands, Shenhao.

It's really an honor for such a boss to invite me to work together.

After reporting the news, Wang Jian, who was in meetings with the bosses of various branches, also attached great importance to it.

Getting 100 yuan of land in other cities is not as good as getting a piece of land in Haicheng and Guangcheng, the imperial capital, in his mind.

Wang Jian hastily stopped the meeting and called his think tank team to start analyzing what to do about this matter and how to do it.

How can it be done beautifully and still be able to play the name of Yida.

At the same time, the key point lies in Qingyun Technology.

How to deepen the cooperative relationship with Qingyun Technology is what Wang Jian hopes to see.

After an afternoon of discussions among the think tanks, Wang Jian had nothing to gain.

But everyone is extremely sure of one thing, and that is to cooperate.

No matter what the cooperation mode is or how the benefits will be distributed after the cooperation, this opportunity must be seized.

Wang Jian is also a resolute boss. After obtaining the consent of all think tanks, he arranged for a secretary and an administrator to book a ticket to Haicheng.

This opportunity must be seized.

Wang Jian had a faint premonition in his heart, if he could seize this opportunity.

Then Yida Group will develop from a well-known regional enterprise to a truly large company with national reputation.

 Today is Christmas Eve, happy everyone, tuodan
(End of this chapter)

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