Chapter 271 The hacker war is coming soon (seek tickets for subscription)
"Old Zhuang, do you still remember what I told you before?"

"One hundred lucky users will be drawn every day to give away our QQ dolls."

Sitting in the office, Su Ye asked Zhuang Yiming to sit opposite him and talked about the things that had been stalled recently.

Since the end of the epidemic, Su Aiguo has sent over two batches of plush toys.

Basically, they were all placed in the warehouse of Shunfeng Logistics next door, and some were brought to the company by the staff of the administrative department for decoration.

With Qingyun Technology now, almost every few steps you take, you can see a small pile of QQ dolls.

In addition, Su Ye also asked everyone to take back some that the employees liked.

However, how much can be used in this way, most of the plush toys are temporarily piled up in the Shunfeng warehouse, waiting for Zhuang Yiming to start user feedback activities, and Tang Lili's claw machine shop to open.


"President Su, don't worry, I will let this batch of QQ dolls maximize their value."

"I've already thought about it. If we do it well this time, it will definitely bring the performance of our QQ derivative function department to another level."

"Okay, then I'm relieved."

"Old Zhuang, you just came back, why don't you take a rest first?"

"No need, President Su, really no need."

Zhuang Yiming waved his hands again and again, "Boss Su, I really had enough rest in the past month or so, so don't let me rest."

"That's fine too."

Su Ye was also depressed for a while.

Having been in the company for so long, he has seen employees give up their break time to work overtime, and then return to the company to work overtime secretly after get off work. He didn't expect to see Zhuang Yiming today, who came to work even if he didn't take a break.

Starting a company is not an easy job.

But fortunately, I can often see all kinds of eye-opening things.

"Okay, Mr. Su, don't worry, although half of December has passed, I will definitely let the performance of the QQ derivative department go to a higher level."

"Okay, okay, then I'm looking forward to Mr. Zhuang's performance."

After Zhuang Yiming left, Su Ye suddenly remembered what Zhou Yuanyuan told him on the phone just now.


Zhou Yuanyuan is such a beautiful girl who works alone in Haicheng, with no helpers or people to ensure her safety.

This makes her, who often goes to various wine bureaus and restaurants, inevitably encounter harassment that some women will inevitably encounter in society.

If you still invest in the same way as the previous company, then it will be better.

Most entrepreneurs who come to seek investment will put themselves in a slightly lower position than the investment company.

After all, there are people to ask for.

Moreover, these entrepreneurs themselves are highly educated social elites. Although it cannot be guaranteed that they are completely free from dirty hearts, at least they will not do anything openly.

But it's different now.

What Zhou Yuanyuan needs to contact every day is the person in charge of the real estate company, including their project managers and so on.

Now the real estate industry of Longhan Empire has just begun to develop.

Among them are elites like Wang Jian, the boss of Yida, but more are the bosses and leaders who have not received higher education and have come to this position through blood, courage and luck.

Get rich overnight.

It is the best description of the bosses of this type of real estate company.

And what people will do after getting rich is of course retaliatory consumption.

People like Su Ye who have no desires or desires for material life are naturally a big exception.

Most people still have luxury cars, mansions, and beautiful women.

I saw too many women around me, and then I saw Zhou Yuanyuan.

That's when the flies are watching... Ahem, it's like an investor saw an excellent investment opportunity, like a programmer saw a dream hacker god, like being in prison for 12 years and always picking chrysanthemums The people under the fence saw a stunning beauty.

When a woman like Zhou Yuanyuan, who combines appearance and temperament, charming and formal, and other temperaments into one, appeared in front of them.

In an instant, they felt that those long-legged melon-seeded faces that usually surrounded them were not good.


Those are all coquettish sluts, only Zhou Yuanyuan can be called a goddess.


Who didn't dream of one or two goddesses when they were young.

Ah Hua from the next door village, Widow Zhang from the south of the village, the little nurse who shaves your hair in a small clinic, the big sister who sells pancakes on the street...

Men conquer women by conquering the world.

Women conquer the world by conquering men.

Those bosses who thought they were enough to conquer the world couldn't wait to express their pursuit after seeing Zhou Yuanyuan.

Sending flowers and gifts is just pediatrics.

Taking advantage of the opportunity of work to date is just normal.

Those who were persistent spent money directly to contact the room service of Zhou Yuanyuan's hotel, just to know when Zhou Yuanyuan went out to eat and when to talk to people every day.

Then create all kinds of encounters that I think are ingenious to meet Zhou Yuanyuan.

Not to mention anything else, just talking about the meeting with Wang Jian and his team from Yida this morning, Zhou Yuanyuan had no choice but to reject three waves of real estate company bosses who "coincidentally" came to the hotel for business.

The day was almost impossible, and that was why.

Only then did Zhou Yuanyuan want to tell Su Ye that he needed bodyguards.

Although Su Ye didn't know Zhou Yuanyuan's real predicament, how could I, Su Xiaoye, spend money less.

Call Umbra directly.

Su Ye directly hired four bodyguards for Zhou Yuanyuan, two female bodyguards for personal protection, and two male bodyguards for appearance.

Of course, according to Su Ye's character.

All bodyguards are selected as A-level.

In addition, Su Ye also selected four bodyguards for Li Qianqian in the imperial capital.

As for the bosses in the company who have not gone out for the time being, Su Ye originally planned to entrust all the company's bodyguard business to Umbra.

But it occurred to him that if all the business were given to one company.

Then at the beginning, the other party will definitely be grateful and work hard.

If it takes a long time, one year later, two years later.

People are lazy.

In case there is any problem with the executives of your company because of the negligence of a bodyguard, there is no need.

One is private and two are public.

Why did the ancient emperors like to balance things out?

Whether it is a foreign relative or a servant, whether it is a family or a poor family, the most important thing for the emperor is to master the balance.

Only in this way can we avoid being controlled by a certain force.

Naturally, Su Ye didn't want to test humanity with his actual actions and personal experience.

It happened that Li Qianqian had nothing to do in the imperial capital, so she was asked to find two foreign professional security companies as partners of Qingyun Technology.

When a competitor is introduced, no matter which party it is, it will be different from the other party, and then it will be more serious when working.

After making up his mind, Su Ye called Li Qianqian about it.

"Of course no problem, Su Ye, you have finally learned to think."

When Su Ye expressed his thoughts, Li Qianqian responded directly with one sentence.


Could it be that the decisions I made before were all thought out of my head?

Su Ye finally held this sentence in his heart and did not ask.

He is a straight man, so Li Qianqian is also a straight woman.

If he gives himself a positive reply, isn't Su Ye asking for trouble?

In addition, he told Li Qianqian about Jiamei International.

In the near future, the company will settle in their inspection team.

Let Li Qianqian play with peace of mind in the imperial capital and don't worry.

"Don't worry, I will definitely take Houlang down this time, don't worry."

Li Qianqian hung up the phone impatiently, and kept cheering herself up.

She went to Houlang Network yesterday and told Zhou Yuanyuan about the negotiation and some details.

Except for a few minor problems, Zhou Yuanyuan felt that Li Qianqian's performance was impeccable.

Even if he went by himself, he might not be better than Li Qianqian.

Hearing these compliments, Li Qianqian felt so beautiful.

"Come on Li Qianqian, you are the best."

"Isn't it just a Houlang network, and it will definitely be won within a week."

"At that time, take a good look at Su Ye's surprised and shocked look."

Li Qianqian thought of Su Ye's inconceivable shock at being able to win Houlang in such a short period of time and his worship as a heavenly man, and couldn't help showing a... obscene... um, a sweet smile on his face.

"Jingle Bell."

"Hey, Qianqian, where are you, I will pick you up later, and treat you to eat the sheep scorpion from the old imperial capital."

"Okay, I'm at the hotel, Yingzi, come here directly."

After Li Qianqian hung up the phone, she began to sit in front of the dressing table in the hotel and concentrate on dressing up.

What about Su Ye, what kind of bodyguard company, what kind of acquisition by Houlang...all for me to play with.

Not long after, Li Qianqian, who was eating mutton scorpion in the shop, was sweating profusely.


But she didn't notice that not far away, a man in black was staring at her.

There was no trace of admiration or admiration in his eyes.

Yes, just fierce.

"God machine, God machine, are you there?"

Su Ye, who was about to turn off the computer and get off work, saw a flashing avatar on his QQ, and when he opened it, it turned out to be Chen Yi.

What is this girl looking for?

Could it be another girl who is obsessed with her own beauty and cannot extricate herself?

Uh, no.

Su Ye suddenly thought that he knew Chen Yi's identity, but the other party didn't know him.

It is naturally impossible to be addicted to beauty.

"What's the matter, Emperor Han?"

"Don't forget what happened at night."

"We'll see you on time at 7:[-]."

"During this period, you deal with your own personal issues first."


Su Ye was stunned.

What happened?

I don't remember at all.

See you on time at 07:30?

who to meet.

see you there.

Chen Yi sent over an emoji with her hands on her forehead, which was included in a new wave of emojis launched on QQ.

Su Ye, the founder of Qingyun Technology, personally provided the idea.

It is because when he used WeChat in his previous life, he used this emoji the most.

Before this emoji was launched, Su Ye was still not used to the current set of basic emoticons.

As the former fighting figure king, Su Ye felt that he had to lead the trend of the times.

"I knew you must have forgotten."

"Tomato and Chengdong still said it was impossible, and Yispoon even said that Shenji participated in our event for the first time. He must be so excited that he didn't even care about eating."

"In the end, you forgot."

"What's the matter, Chen Yi, if you have something to say, don't spare me."

Su Ye was speechless.

What did I promise this child? This is, as for burying myself like this?
"Big brother."

"At eight o'clock in God's capital tonight, a mysterious foreign hacker organization said that it will hack the official website of our Longhan Empire and the website of the military department."

"You promised me that you would arrive at night."

"Oh oh, I remembered."

"Look at my memory, I forget it after only a few days."

"All right, all right, Lord Hanhuang, don't worry, I will be there on time at night."

"Okay, then it's settled."

Chen Yi sent a goodbye emoji and got ready to leave work.

The Longhan Empire network inspection department where he works has relatively regular working hours, and the commuting hours are consistent with Qingyun Technology's nine to five.

With this working time, I don’t know how many hard-working overtime dogs enjoy the envy of social animals who enjoy 996 and 007 benefits.

However, when she was about to close QQ, she suddenly saw the text sent by Su Ye.

"Look at my memory, I forget it after only a few days."

I beg you to be a human being, please?
"Brother, please. I told you this morning."

Su Ye was taken aback when he heard the words, no way.

Is my memory declining so badly now?
What happened in the morning, I just forgot it.

Do you want to go to the psychiatric department of the hospital to check?
Turning off the computer screen, Su Ye walked out of the office and urged everyone to get off work.

Looking at the reluctance of the crowd, they slowly packed up their personal belongings as if they were forcing them to the execution ground.

Su Ye suddenly realized that he needed to ask the administration department to arrange a training course on the company's corporate culture.

Must be fully enclosed.

Find a place where the birds are singing, the flowers are fragrant, and there are no people. There is no shop in front of the village, and you can take everyone to relax and learn the essence of the company's corporate culture.

"Nine to five, weekends off."

"Refused to work overtime, start with me."

These two are the core business philosophy of Qingyun Technology.

Now the company has recruited a lot of new people, and there will be branches and overseas branches in the future.

The corporate culture must be effectively implemented.

Except for business people like Dianping, who need to go out on weekends to run customers, other employees must strictly abide by the company culture, and no one is allowed to turn a deaf ear to it.

"Today has been another busy day."

Looking at the darkening sky outside the window, Su Ye decided to eat something good today.

After all, at night, I have to face those mysterious foreign hackers with hard steel. If I don’t eat something good, then there is no way to fight if the combat power is not good.

As for some food, snacks, instant noodles, potato chips, chicken feet, etc., the company's employee rest area naturally has them.

When other hackers are nervous about whether they can hold on.

Su Ye, a big-hearted guy, turned this battle into a hacker war involving the national honor of the Longhan Empire.

Think of it as an ordinary Internet cafe all night.

I really don't know what those mysterious hackers and Longhan Wubai would think about Su Ye's preparation...

 I've been very busy since Christmas, and today I rarely find time to code a chapter.Thank you for your recommended tickets, monthly tickets and subscription support. Cookies have the cheek to accept it...

(End of this chapter)

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