Chapter 278 Can't wait
"it is done."

Su Ye was delighted. He put the completed shielding software directly on the sensor alarm of the firewall. In this way, no matter what he did in the background, William would not receive any news.

After that things are easy.

For Su Ye, cracking the firewall was a child's job.

In less than 10 minutes, the 8 firewalls of different sizes were completely broken by Su Ye.

William's three computers, like three disheveled young girls, were seen by Su Ye, the robber who broke in.

Su Ye's eyes not only revealed a... ahem, excited light.

The other party has protected his computer so tightly, which means that there must be some ulterior secrets in it.

Even Su Ye had reason to doubt it.

The other party is one of the leaders of that mysterious organization.


Su Ye rummaged through William's computer, only to find some weird videos and pictures.

If the friends from the Goose Federation I saw just now were considered reserved, the two people in the video have already reached the point where they don't care about shame.


It's fine if it's a regular action romance movie, maybe Su Ye will study and analyze it with an appreciative eye, but Su Ye really can't help the content in those videos now.

The instant noodles I ate just now seemed to have an urge to burst out.

Su Ye turned off the video again and again.

Damn, hot eyes.

Su Ye used the other party's account to log in to the website of Animal Husbandry House, and deleted all the records of William's previous chat with Flender.

In addition to these, Su Ye also saw an account used by the other party to secretly collect money.

After checking, there are still more than 3000 million pounds in it.

Now that I think about it, one pound is worth ten yuan in Longhan coins.

If the more than 3000 million yuan is taken back to China, that is [-] million yuan.

I didn't expect this guy to be so rich.

Su Ye thought about it, and transferred all the money to an account of the Longhan Imperial Bank that had not been used for many years, and then deposited all the money into the account of the Longhan Poverty Alleviation Foundation in Poverty Areas.

That is to say, Chen Yi is off work, otherwise she would definitely see a huge amount of funds circulate abnormally.

But Su Ye forgot one thing.

After William's large sum of money was transferred from the Bank of England, William received a text message from the bank.

"Your account ending number is 2345, and you have transferred out GBP 3000 million, with a balance of 0."

William, who was watching TV, felt his phone vibrate, smiled at his wife next to him, and took it out to have a look.

The complexion changed greatly.

"Honey, what's the matter?"

The wife next to him immediately noticed the abnormality on William's face.

I saw that William, who was already fair, had no trace of blood on his face.

His eyes were wide open, and in this warm living room, there were beads of sweat on his forehead.

"No, it's okay. It's about work. You guys should watch TV here first."

William said to his wife pretending not to care, stood up and walked slowly towards the study.

Turning his head, William glanced at his wife who was following him, the corners of his mouth twitched, and he gave a very difficult smile.

"Lusha, if I have nothing, will you still follow me?"

"of course."

His wife, Lusa, took William's arm and rested her head on him.

"What I like is you. What does it have to do with money?"

"Really, how many years have we been together, no matter how hard life is, I will go on with you."

Hearing his wife's words, William was determined.

Yes, although the 3000 million pounds is the most money he can obtain by means of hacking without attracting attention as much as possible.

But when it's gone, it's gone.

I will never make my family life difficult.

"That's enough for you."

Walking to the study, William held the doorknob with one hand and nodded to Lusa: "Honey, when you go in later, don't be surprised no matter what you see."

"I'm going to tell you a big secret."

For his wife, William has always felt guilty.

He had been telling Lusa before that he earned enough money to support his family by doing bridge design for some official projects.

In fact, the reason why he was able to obtain a diploma from Niu Jin University was because he relied on hacking methods.

He hacked into the backstage of Niu Jin University and added his resume to it.

In these years, he has not designed a single bridge.

Not to mention going out to negotiate with those business people and explaining your design to the other party.

Every time he went out, it was just that he went out on a date with those lovers in the underground bar.


After experiencing the good time with his family today, and what Lusha said to him just now, he felt that he could no longer hide it.

He's going to tell Lusa that your husband is a great hacker.

When the money is gone, it can be earned at any time.

"Big secret?"

Lusha looked at William with a puzzled expression.

In her heart, she is the one with the big secret.

Since William married her, he quit his job in the design firm, relying on the contacts he had accumulated before to accept some design work orders.

Even when I go out to walk the dog and send off the children every day, I am with myself.

In the nearby community, the family formed by William and Lusha can be called a model family.

The husband and wife are loving, and the children are well-behaved.

Such a man who only knows how to design bridges to be with himself, what secrets does he have?
"William, don't you think you're actually an alien?"

"Or, in fact, you were changed by ET?"

Seeing the happy Lusha covering her mouth and smiling, William couldn't help complaining.

What ET changed was Papa Ma, not me.

I just hope that after you know the news I told you, you won't be too surprised.

"Okay, I'll open the door then."

William said seriously, and as he spoke, he turned the doorknob and pushed open his study without waiting for Lusha to nod.

"Oh yes, Kang is busy with his nose, sending out class secrets."

"Oh yes, oh Maigao."

One of the dozens of videos that Su Ye had seen before was playing on the stereo in the room.

Lusha's face is full of disbelief?

These are old couples, and William still plays this type of video for himself?

Just watch it together.

What are you doing hiding like this?

But when she focused her eyes on the computer screen, she saw that she was naked, no, William, who was wearing a set of black lace sexy underwear, was hugging a naked man behind him with a silver dawn.

No wonder the voice sounded familiar. It turned out that William and another man were doing that kind of thing.

His face, which was still red just now, suddenly turned pale.

"William, you..."

Lusha turned her head to look at William, with anger bursting out of her eyes.

"Lusha, you, you listen to my explanation."

"This is not me."

"I haven't been to Karen's Bar, it's not a place for Tong Zhi."

"I haven't been there a few times."

"Lusha, Lusha, don't do this, listen to my lies, I won't lie to you."

Lusha struggled to break away from William's hand holding her.

Anger boiled in my heart.

What a big secret.

What a little surprise.

The bastard William came to show his cards.

Why, can't you put it on?
Or feel ashamed of me?
So stop pretending?

It turns out that you are a male brass, and you are still the one who received it.

So, you just want to end our relationship?
In just these two steps, Lusha has already turned more than 80 thoughts in her mind.

This feeling can't go on.

I must leave this disgusting man.

"Lusha, Lusha, listen to my explanation."

"That person in the video is really not me."

"My computer must have been hacked."

"Don't say it anymore. From today onwards, I will no longer believe your words."

"Every word."

Lusha roared loudly, causing the children in the living room who were switching channels to watch Peppa Pig to turn their heads and look over.

However, after only one glance, they still couldn't resist the temptation of Peppa Pig, and continued to turn their heads to watch TV.

"Keep your voice down, don't let our children think that we have a bad relationship."

"Will not."

Lusha suddenly calmed down when she heard these words.

Didn't you have a showdown with me, William?
So don't blame me for being rude.


"Yes, yes, indeed, we have been together for so many years, and we have never quarreled. The children will definitely not think about it."

"Lusha, let's go, let me explain to you."

William took a step forward and was about to grab Lusha's hand.

Lusa took a step back.

William stepped forward again.

Lusa backed away again.

The situation was at a stalemate for a while, seeing that Lusha was about to exit the corridor and reach the living room, William quickly stopped in his tracks.

"Lusa, what on earth do you mean?"

"I don't care."

"Didn't you just say that you were worried that our children would see us quarreling?"

"I just wanted to tell you..."

Lusha leaned her body against the wall of the corridor, her eyes fell on William's face from bottom to top.

She smiled slightly, "I just want to tell you that we don't have children."

"no kids?"

William froze for a moment, then smiled awkwardly and said, "Lusha, stop joking with me."

"Kate, Dusha, isn't Alpha watching TV in the living room, please stop doing this."

"Let's have a good communication, and I will tell you this matter in detail..."

"No need!"

"You don't seem to understand what I just said."

"I'm telling you, Kate, they are not your children at all, they are the children of me and George Wales?"



Su Ye didn't know yet, because of his unhappiness and disgust, he directly caused the disintegration of a family.

After logging out of William's computer, he also suddenly thought of doing this.

Otherwise, I'm sorry for those victims who were persecuted by William's various tricks.

After telling Hanhuang Chen Yi about the few things just now, Su Ye decided to stay with her to guard the website of the Animal Husbandry House.

This organization is extremely mysterious, and even the members of the organization are absolutely top experts in the hacker world.

So far, neither Su Ye nor Chen Yi has found anyone else replying in this forum.

Naturally, it is impossible to judge how many people and who are still in this organization.

But he remembered a URL.

There is a separate place in the forum, and there are records of chatting at this address from the computers of Friend and William.

Even, Su Ye visited Ivantov's computer again, and the other party did not log in to this website in the game room.

And the online time is only when Su Ye found out.

"Chen Yi, it took me a lot of effort to find out this URL."

"Can you stop being so perfunctory?"

Seeing that I had just sent the website of Animal Husbandry Home to Chen Yi within 5 minutes, Chen Yi said that she had checked it, and the other party had no problems.

"That's really a website for discussion in the general livestock industry."

"Don't be so suspicious, okay?"

"Maybe it just happened to be that two members of that organization were chatting on it."

"If you want to check, you can check it yourself."

"Anyway, I'm going to put on a mask first. I don't know what time I will get it tonight."

"Contact me anytime if you need anything, you should have my phone number."

"Get off first."

It was past 9 o'clock now, the reason why Chen Yi was going to bed at this point was purely because of the traffic in the imperial capital.

She has to get up at 6:20 every day, then take a bus first, and then change to the subway twice before she can reach the office of the network inspection department before 2:9.

Chen Yi has been troubled for a long time because of this problem of residence.

Do you want to sell the house and rent a house in the city.

This question is debatable.

Many office ladies who are from the imperial capital have already persuaded Chen Yi to sell the house and move to live near the company.

Getting up from the computer, Chen Yi put on a mask beautifully, and leaned against the bed to take a nap.

No matter what Su Ye said, she stopped responding.

Let's think about the house first, otherwise I just graduated, and my skin will be a little dry and wrinkled.

Su Ye saw that Chen Yi didn't reply after talking for a long time, so he could only sigh helplessly.

Keep an eye on the matter of the Animal Husbandry Home website, it seems that I can only come by myself.

While he was waiting, the Internet of Longhan was raging with flames of war.

After a while, a certain website was captured and filled with all kinds of vicious language.

After a while, Long Han's hackers counterattacked back.

There are also people who find another way and want to go abroad to find trouble with the websites of the countries where the hackers are located.

But after all, only a small number of people.

In the eyes of most hackers, the concept of country is not very clear.

Even the reason why most people become hackers is to be able to rely on their own technology to be able to control the wind and rain on the Internet.

But Longhan people are different.

The attachment to home and territory far exceeds that of people in any country.

It is our territory, we must guard it.

It's not our territory, it doesn't matter, just grab it and defend it.

However, the current situation is very pessimistic for Long Han.

It is almost with the power of one country to fight against the hackers of the whole world.

The mysterious organization's attack on Longhan's official website is actually just an introduction.

There are many countries in the world who are unhappy with Long Han.

It is rare to wait for this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, and no one wants to miss it.

For those people, it doesn't matter what their purpose is.

Today, the Internet frontier of the Longhan Empire has become an existence where everyone can staking their land at will.

While Su Ye was waiting for any news on the website of Animal Husbandry, she was also constantly paying attention to the situation in Longhan.

But under the distraction, he can only help the attacked website to stop those hackers and restore administrative rights as soon as possible.

If you want to pursue it further, it is absolutely impossible.

Because the Longhan Internet at this moment has become a sieve.

It can be said that, except for the fact that no one pays attention to the official website of Qingyun Technology, all Longhan Internet companies have been attacked by hackers from various countries.

"Tomato, Chengdong, a spoonful, potato, you should be dispatched too."

Su Ye urged in Longhan Wubai's group.

These guys are really able to hold back their temper, even at this time, they can still watch the fun from the sidelines calmly.

It's just big hearted.

"Shenji, don't worry."

"That's right, don't you understand the reason why you can't eat hot tofu in a hurry?"

"It's not time yet, we still have to recharge our batteries and wait for the top hackers of that mysterious organization to attack, so we can't be distracted for the time being."

A spoonful of sugar patiently explained to Su Ye.

Su Ye thinks their reasons are understandable, but...

He always felt that the three people he blocked just now should be the main force to attack tonight.

In the world, there are only so many master hackers who can be called famous.

As for hackers who have been hiding in the dark and have not been famous, even if there are, there should not be too many.

After all, the purpose of being a hacker is not to be able to do whatever you want on the Internet?
A person who hides his face is still not suitable to be a hacker.


Even if that mysterious organization is very powerful, it is not bad if it can recruit 3-5 top hackers.

Where is it possible to wipe out all the hidden hackers in the world.

"Do it, do it."

"I've knocked out the top hackers on their side."

Su Ye felt tired for a while.

I can only tell a few people what I just blocked Ivantov, Flender and William.

Tomato was the most excited. He said, "I'll go and have a look." He had already hacked into the three people's computers according to Su Ye's method.

With the same curiosity, Chengdong and Tudou also followed in Tomato's footsteps.

It took more than an hour from 8 o'clock to now. Even if Su Ye started early, two hours would be enough.

In two hours, the three top hackers and one of the top hackers in the country have been leveled. Even if the four of them work together, they probably won't be able to achieve this level.

Bai Ruo Shen Ji is really good at bragging.

 On the second day of the new year, Cookie sincerely asked for a monthly pass.Regarding the update, I will try to update [-] words per day this month. I was a little lazy last month, and I am really busy with things at home.Guaranteed this month, as long as there are no special major events, the promise will definitely be fulfilled, please witness.

(End of this chapter)

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