Chapter 281 Doing My Best (asking for a monthly pass)
"Play legend?"

Su Ye remembered that Wang Yifei told himself before that Legend of Blood was not fun at all.

Why is the group of people in front of us running over to play games at night.

However, there is no time to discuss this matter now.

"Forget it, everyone wait for me to form a group, and then quickly enter the working state."

"Our goal tonight is to complete an anti-virus software within 40 minutes."

"Seven minutes?"


"Boss Su, are you joking?"

"If an anti-virus software can be produced in 40 minutes, I will wash my hair upside down."

"I pooped on my head."

"I drink soup upside down."

The employees of Qingyun Technology in front of them were all boiling.

What Su Ye said was really unbelievable.

Who would have thought that an anti-virus software could be made in 40 minutes.

This is impossible.

Whoever came up with this idea is crazy.

It is also madness to think that it can be achieved.

"Everyone be quiet."

Su Ye roared loudly: "This time we didn't start from scratch to make this anti-virus software, but already have a rough framework."

“People just need to fill in the details.”

"Follow-up testing and reactions are nothing to worry about."

"Boss Su, that's not okay."

"That's right, the time is really too short."

"President Su, no matter if it succeeds or not, we will follow your command."

someone shouted in the crowd.

Everyone thought right.

At this time, everyone also realized that it doesn't matter whether this task can be completed in the end, everyone will listen to President Su's arrangement first.

Otherwise, every minute wasted now may lead to failure to complete the task in the end.

"President Su, you can directly issue the task."

"Yes, we will do whatever you ask us to do."

Seeing the excited employees beside him, Su Ye nodded and reported a series of numbers.

"Everyone join this group."

"Follow the arrangement in the group."

"By the way, one thing is very important, everyone must not reveal their identity as Qingyun Technology Company."

"Okay, Mr. Su."

Everyone turned back to their respective workstations and began to wait for the release of the task.

After a while, some employees who lived nearby, including Chen Nanfeng who drove over, also arrived at their posts.

More than 80% of the staff of Qingyun Technology's technical department has reached.

After receiving the information, the people who came later quickly turned on their computers and logged into the QQ plus group.

"One scoop, there are already more than 200 people on my side."

Bai Tang secretly clicked his tongue when he heard this number.

What kind of job does this white magic machine do? It can pull up a team of 200 programmers in such a short period of time.

"Okay, I have more than 40 people joining the group."

"Has your framework come out yet?"

Su Ye has already used the thinking programmer to write the framework of the anti-virus software, and just refined a part of it.

After all, the efficiency of using the thinking editor by myself is much higher than that of others.

At this time, Su Ye should do more. When everyone is busy, it may reduce the workload of 30 or even 50 people.

"It's out, I'll send it to the group right away."

Su Ye finished the last procedure, sending the frame of the antivirus software to the file manager in the group chat.

"Attention all programmer brothers."

"Everyone is now divided into three groups according to their specialties."

"The first group is responsible for the improvement of the kernel part. I need 30 people."

"The second group is responsible for..."

"The third group is responsible for..."

"Because of the urgency of time, I directly assigned the leaders of each group. The first group was led by Chen, the second group was led by Yi Shao, and the third group was led by Flying Dream."

"The team leader downloaded the software framework and then distributed the tasks as soon as possible. We only have 37 minutes now."

"Come on, everybody!"

"Roger that!"

"Roger that!"

"Roger that!"

The three team leaders also set up group chats respectively, and pulled people from the corresponding groups into the group to assign tasks.

At this time, Tomato, Chengdong, and Tudou, who were still squatting at home, joined the plan as soon as they received a call from Yishao.

"Yes, how could I forget her."

Su Ye slapped his head violently.

Now at this time, he can't do anything to help, but there is one person who can definitely.

Emperor Han, Chen Yi.

As a result, Su Ye just started to find Chen Yi's profile picture, but saw that her account's risk level was also extremely dangerous.

No way.

The majestic Hanhuang was so disgraced by a small virus?
Su Ye personally restored Chen Yi's computer.

Chen Yi, who was desperately trying to figure out a way, saw the computer suddenly replying, and rubbed her eyes in disbelief.

Could it be that I had hallucinations?

She was about to put on her coat and go out to the Internet cafe downstairs to contact everyone.

There is also the white magic machine that she has always given high hopes for.

Unexpectedly, he also turned off the flame this time.

That's right, after all, it's the MIE-4 virus that makes people discolored.

Even himself fell, let alone Shenji.

"Chen Yi, what are you doing?"

"The majestic Hanhuang was actually wiped out by a small MIE-4 virus."

"Don't lose face."

When Chen Yi looked at the screen again, a few lines of words appeared on it.

Judging by this style of speaking, you can tell that it is definitely the guy who is in vain.

"Are you insane?"

"Why did you hack into my computer again?"

"What do you mean again?"

"Besides, do you still need me to hack into your computer?"

"Okay, I don't have time to talk nonsense to you, you can quickly join the group and start working."

"What group to join? What to do?"

Chen Yi opened QQ with a dazed expression, and found that she had been pulled into a group chat of the "antivirus core group".

"It's the cat who misses the dog. Our boss said you are a master, hurry up, there is a difficulty here, you should solve it as soon as possible."

When Chen Nanfeng saw Chen Yi joining the group, he didn't care about the identity of the other party, and directly released the task.

Chen Yi opened the file sent by Chen Nanfeng ignorantly, browsed through the task requirements, and then quickly started to make it.

This kind of thing is considered drizzle to her.

"Fuck, what kind of company is Qingyun Technology?"

"Why is their firewall so powerful?"

"It's even more powerful than what Ivan spent two months making last time."

William said to himself with red eyes.

From discovering that Tomatoes entered their computers, to catching their traces, controlling them, and putting the MIE-4 virus into their network, everything went smoothly.

If it wasn't for the MIE-4 virus that he activated on a temporary basis, William would have thought it was a premeditated show of weakness to the enemy.

After all, the Longhan people fought wars, which was an experience that was summed up after thousands of years of fighting.

Regardless of whether they are strong or weak, they can always burst out super energy when facing the enemy.

What Sun Tzu's Art of War, 36 Strategies, Wu Zi's Art of War and so on.

However, the initial success does not mean that it will always be smooth.

Coincidentally, the MIE virus that entered Qingyun Technology's server had no chance of expanding, so it was discovered by Yishao and Su Ye.

After a last-minute warning, Su Ye temporarily suppressed the spread of the virus.

But this time is very limited, even with Su Ye's ability, he can only control the time for about 2 hours.

As for why I told everyone that the time is only 40 minutes.

That's because Su Ye felt that people had to be pushed to a desperate situation to unleash their full potential.

As the saying goes, seeking the best while seeking the best, Su Ye can only use this trick to stimulate everyone's emotions.

Fortunately, the effect is good.

"Damn, damn it!"

William kept yelling and cursing, and he also wanted to ask Flender from the beautiful country for help.

But he suddenly found that his network was disconnected.

Who the hell did this.

William didn't believe that the hacker who silently invaded his computer just now could do this.

That can only be done in reality.

William walked out of the room and looked at the empty home, feeling more and more emotional in his heart.

"When I find out who moved my network cable, I must make him look good."

"This is!"


"Who the hell did this?"

As soon as he walked into the living room, William saw sections of network cables scattered on the floor and sofa.

The incision is neat, and it looks like it was broken with scissors or a knife.


There was the sound of a car engine starting outside the door, and William hurried out of the door to look.

I saw Lusha sitting in the car with her three children, apparently ready to go out.

"Lusha, where are you taking the children!"

"Go where you can't find it."

"Disgusting William."

Lusha lowered the car window, yelling at William regardless of the sub-zero temperature.

"get out."

"You bitch."

"and also!"

"Did you cut my network cable?"

When the car started, Lusha slowly raised the window, but did not respond to William's question.

But William knew that it was definitely this woman who did it.

Only such a vicious woman can do such a thing.

Oh my goodness.

How could I be so unlucky.


When the car window was about to close, a pair of scissors with red rubber handles was thrown out of the car.

"Damn it, it's you!"

William roared loudly, but was blown away by the howling cold wind.

Although he has always been cautious.

But more is to defend against enemies and opponents on the Internet.

It never occurred to me to guard against my own family.

Obviously before this, the family was harmonious and happy, and the hacker career was also steadily rising.

When people reach middle age, other people have seniors and juniors, and there are a lot of company affairs in between.

But William lived a happy life, so how could he think about guarding against Lusha.

And the key is that there is no spare network cable at home.

And it takes 40 minutes to drive to the nearest digital goods store from their home.

What pained William the most was...

When the woman Lusha left, she drove the only Volkswagen in the family.

"My God, why am I so unlucky!"

In the cold wind, William looked up to the sky and screamed.

The four masters invited by the mysterious organization, Ivantov, Flender, and William, have all been directly dealt with by Su Ye.

Except for the fourth person who Su Ye didn't know existed, the masters of the mysterious organization went all out.

Now there is only one Muhammad left, and nothing is known about it.

He was sitting in his own villa at this time, being served by two maids for dinner.

"Sasha, I obviously don't want to eat roast leg of lamb today."

Muhammad said angrily.

There was a table full of exquisite things in front of him, but in Muhammad's view, he had no appetite at all.

"Master, this is mutton that Lina has been cooking for a day."

"She said you told her about it last night."

"I said that last night? How is it possible?"

"Yes, master, you told me 'I want to eat roast leg of lamb' several times in a row in a dream last night."

Lina behind her looked at Muhammad aggrievedly.

As soon as he heard Lina's words, Muhammad reacted.

I told Lina yesterday that I wanted to eat squid rings.

In Arabic, the pronunciation of squid rings and roast leg of lamb are very similar.

It must be because I drank too much wine yesterday, resulting in slurred speech.

"Okay, let's eat the roast leg of lamb."

"But I'm going to work later, you wait for me obediently and don't disturb me, you know?"

"Your Highness, don't worry, Lina and I will be obedient."

When Muhammad was almost done eating, he walked into his room to log in to his account to see what was going on.

By the way, it has been two hours, and I don't know if William and Flender have worked out anything.

As for Ivantov.

That guy was a janitor and was never involved in the attack.

In the computer room of more than 300 square meters, there is only one seat.

The angles of the screens of the nine computers can be changed at will, which is convenient for Muhammad to view the latest data.

Seeing the wailing of the Internet industry in Longhan, at least half of the websites have been attacked by hackers from various countries, Muhammad smiled slightly.

For Long Han, he didn't have any good feelings, nor did he have any bad feelings.

He is always interested in the carefree feeling of calling the wind and rain on the Internet.

Although in real life, he is also the prince of a country.

When he sat in this country, the number of people was not even 3000 million.

From time to time wars break out.

For oil, countless forces around the world are wrestling within their countries.

This is the tragedy of a weak country.

Moreover, as a prince, he is not an heir.

His father, now has 46 children, 19 of whom are boys who are entitled to the throne.

Muhammad just made his voice earlier, occupying No.1.

There are not a few brothers who are eyeing his position behind him.

The new year is coming soon, and many princes in the royal family will become adults.

They will form their own team, give full play to their strengths, and demonstrate their talents, just for that seat.

Although this seat, in Muhammad's view, is like a puppet.

But there are also countless people vying for it.

Thinking of this, Muhammad suddenly felt a violent emotion in his heart.

No matter how well he hides, he is still the prince of a country.

From childhood to adulthood, he has experienced countless training and learning.

Fight wild beasts and survive 30 days alone in the wild...

To study in a beautiful country, the tuition fee does not depend on the family at all...

Publishing a dissertation, winning a prize in physics...

Although Muhammad is only 26 years old, his 26 years of experience are even more colorful than some people's lifetime experience.

Such a rich experience has become the cornerstone of his growth.

But at the same time, hidden dangers are also buried...

He is a patient with multiple personality disorder. Although Muhammad looks gentle and gentle most of the time, he will become particularly irritable occasionally or when encountering some things.

At the age of 14, he returned from the field training base.

That night he killed the four servants who served him.

In order to avoid being questioned, he pretended not to know anything the next morning and went on with his life.

He even shed tears for the four dead servants.

In the eyes of all, Muhammad is a well-deserved heir to the kingdom.

But there is a premise...

Just to let him vent from time to time.

Later, with the rise of the Internet industry in the beautiful country, Muhammad devoted himself to studying and became a top hacker who can be unscrupulous on the Internet in a very short time.

When the new year came this year, he found that he was about to enter that inexplicable state of madness again.

Blocked himself directly in the computer room in the villa.

In addition to eating and drinking every day, most of the time is used to make a small program.

And when he is about to go crazy, make this program public.

Later, people all over the world knew about this small program he made. It has a name:
MIE virus.

 Keep going, come on!By the way, I almost forgot to say that the fact that the Arabic roasted leg of lamb and squid rings are similar is made up by cookies. Just let everyone have fun.

(End of this chapter)

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