The richest man in the world starts with 100 million sign-ins every day

Chapter 284 The prince is so cute, please don't hurt him

Chapter 284 The prince is so cute, please don't hurt him (please ask for a monthly ticket)
in the office.

Su Ye suddenly heard a rush of alarm.

He quickly opened it to check, and it turned out that there was movement from the animal husbandry house.

It was exactly as he expected.

There are still people in this organization who have not been dispatched.

The post that had been hidden for hours suddenly appeared at this time.

"Flander, are you there?"

"William, are you there?"

"Ivantov, please call back."

Seeing these three contents, Su Ye felt at ease.

That's right, the stone hammer, the behind-the-scenes organizer finally came out.

Su Ye directly obtained the latest codes of the three posts, and then entered them into his own analysis software.

In some cases, the efficiency of computer is much faster than human analysis.

Sure enough, the software analyzed the information of the person who posted it after a while.

Target country: Papustan and Biya
Target IP: 404.11.235.8
What the fuck?

The first time Su Ye saw this analysis, he wanted to overturn what he said just now.

Computer analysis is still a bit unreliable.

He has never heard of Palestine and Biya, this country at all.

The software even listed him formally.

In other words, if you can’t find it, you can’t find it, just report an error directly.

If you insist on creating a "Pabustan and Biya" country on your own, it must not be made up by the software itself.

Su Ye re-entered the Animal Husbandry Home website, ready to pack and download the information in the entire post.

But suddenly found that the post disappeared again.

After the other party asked three sentences, when there was no response, he decisively re-hid the post.

Su Ye refreshed the webpage angrily, but found that the webpage could not be found.


This is definitely something a prudent hacker would do.

It is impossible for ordinary hackers to have this kind of brains, even this kind of determination.

I didn't see that after Tomato touched William's computer by mistake, he didn't cut off his network connection immediately, which led William to easily find his address and spread the MIE-4 virus.

Now, Su Ye only has some data that he packaged and downloaded just now to use.

This is interesting.

Both Su Ye and Muhammad knew of each other's existence.

But the two never fought against each other from beginning to end, and they didn't even meet face to face.

Under such circumstances, the first thing both parties need to do is to find each other secretly.

Can not be found by the other party.

From the current point of view, Su Ye has a slight advantage.

Because he had already calculated that there would be a master, no matter how bad it was, an organizer would appear.

And just now, he also downloaded the record of Muhammad's post.

Su Ye shook his head and saw that it was almost 12 o'clock.

Then treat a dead horse as a living horse doctor, first assume that the analysis result is correct, and then start looking down from here.

He first put the long-named country "Pabustan and Biya" into the search box of Qiandu.

As a result, a large number of search results popped up.

Pakistan is an Arab country in the middle of the Asian and African continents.

The country has very rich oil reserves.

The country has a population of more than 1000 million, and last year's per capita GDP reached a staggering $6.92.

You know, this is last year's data.

Moreover, the per capita GDP of the beautiful country that was hailed as the center of the world last year was only US$5.11.

The amount of difference is too great.

Now the exchange rate between American Knife and Longhan Coin is 10:1.
In other words, last year everyone in Pakistan and Biya had an income of about 60-70.

Have at least 5 Dragon Han Coins every month?

Moreover, Qiandu also introduced that the welfare policies of Pakistan and Biya are the best countries in the world.

If a couple has one child left, then the child will be counted from the birth until the child reaches the age of 20.

During this period, the Babustan and Biya government provided each child with a monthly subsidy of US$1.

In addition, there are various holiday trails throughout the year that can reach more than 150 days.

There are only about 210 working days in a year.

This is even worse than the last two days off.

Many Longhan netizens wish to be reincarnated and live in Pakistan and Biya.

Enjoy such high subsidies and benefits.

But they can only think about it.

In addition to the information about these countries, Pakistan and Biya are known to the world.

In recent years, the most famous one is the number one heir to their country, Abdullah Sawati Kunda Dubi... Prince Muhammad.

Because the name is too long, people in Longhan call him a loving prince who is stupid and rich.

At the same time, he is also the most perfect man in the hearts of all the women in the world who know him.

Strong physique, good family background, knowledgeable, handsome, gentle, caring.

You can put almost all the best compliments on a man on him.

On top of that, Prince Mohammed is currently 26 years old and unmarried.

No fiancée either.

This makes countless girls in the world who want to join the wealthy family go crazy for it.

If it is possible to become the bride of Prince Muhammad, then this life will be complete.

However, in addition to some necessary sports and charitable donation projects, Prince Mohammed will attend.

Most of the time, he is an otaku.

Let the women who want to know more about him be disappointed and lost in love.

Su Ye briefly browsed the news, but didn't take it seriously.

For him, if he has time to pay attention to this so-called world-class beauty, he might as well find out whether there is an institution similar to the Telecom Bureau in the Kingdom of Pakistan and Biabia.

How could it not be!

Su Ye quickly found out about the Kingdom of Babustan and Biya (in order to avoid talking about the number of words, I will say the Kingdom of Babusa in the future), and established a dedicated communication department a few years ago to be responsible for the internal affairs of the kingdom. network matters.

This department is directly under the Ministry of Cabinet and Future Affairs of the Kingdom of Babs.

In the past three years since its establishment, the department in charge of Prince Mohammed has enabled more than 1000 million people in China to connect to the Internet and use computers in every household.

Babs Kingdom has completed the layout of the Internet industry ahead of schedule.

At the same time, not only that, Prince Mohammed also recruited high-paying programmers from the beautiful country, Europe and other countries to establish a university, several high schools and vocational technical colleges, which are specially used to teach computer courses.

When the MIE virus ravaged the world this year, Prince Muhammad also came forward to encourage students and teachers to use it to fight against evil and restore the cleanliness of the world Internet.

Su Ye looked at the information and couldn't help but click her tongue secretly.

Look at him, he was only his age when he took office, and he was still an ordinary person without systematic assistance.

As a result, so many contributions have been made in the past few years.

Looking at myself again, after getting the system, I have been thinking about how to be more salty.

If it weren't for what happened in Xu Cheng last time, I'm afraid Su Ye wouldn't have had an epiphany at all.

After entering the backstage of the telecommunications department of Babs Kingdom, Su Ye still used the old method to find the trace.

With no hope in his heart, he suddenly received a software prompt.

Twelve minutes ago, someone from the Kingdom of Babs actually logged on to the website of Animal Husbandry.

And after a certain amount of data exchange occurs, the other party's signal disappears.


Su Ye yelled in his heart.

Whether it is to find William or the current fourth person tonight.

For him, although his technical strength was a factor in these two searches, it was more luck.

God bless.

Find the right one.

Although the other party quickly cut off the network signal.

With Su Ye's ability, he could still easily find some information left by the other party at the telecom bureau.


Su Yecha found out, but he looked at a long row of various lines, dots and turns, with a confused look on his face.

What did I see in particular?
What the hell is this.

After thousands of calculations, Su Ye had thought of a hundred things that would happen to him, but he never thought that he would be stumped by language.

This is really a husky day.

This difficulty came about inexplicably, and the antelope's horns were nowhere to be found.

Su Ye took a screenshot of the content and sent it to Longhan Wubai's group chat to ask.

"Everyone, Mengxin found the fourth person, but he can't read, please advise."

"Come on, Master Tomato will show you."

Eating Tomatoes for nothing was the first one to pop up again.

But when he opened the picture sent by Su Ye, he was stunned for 5 seconds before he realized it.

Who am I, where am I, what the hell am I doing, and why did I open such a picture.

"I'm sorry, Brother Ji, what did you post?"

"Damn it, you can't understand Tomato and you're still pretending, I'm too scared to speak."

"Yeah Tomato, we all thought you had learned Arabic?"

After Tomato replied, the other three finally dared to speak out.

Seeing Tomato's "let go of that girl and come to me" look just now, several people didn't dare to speak, for fear of being despised by Tomato.

Unexpectedly, he pretended to be aggressive just to pretend to be aggressive, which made people feel false alarm.

"I'm a fool."

"If I really knew Arabic, I would have gone to the Kingdom of Babs to pick up trash a long time ago. Why do I need to hang out with you bastards?"

"I have a friend whose major is to learn Arabic. Let me ask if he is there."

Chen Yi, who has been diving all the time, said suddenly.

"Hurry up, I'm in a hurry, you'd better pull people into the group, if I want to track down, I need someone to reply quickly."

"Okay, right now!"

Chen Yi also knew the seriousness of the problem. Seeing that the other party was no longer online on the friend interface, she called directly to wake the other party up and drag her into the group.

"My friend is already turning on the computer, but let me tell you first, don't check other people's information later."

"And don't induce him to reveal his identity."

"Otherwise, we brothers won't have to do it."

"Don't worry, Boss Hanhuang, we still have this bit of integrity."

"But you have to focus on taking care of Tomato, that guy..."

"What's wrong with me, what's wrong with me, have I checked you?"

"Boss Hanhuang don't pay attention to what Chengdong said, I promise I won't probe your friend's information."

"Hanhuang, leave this matter to me."

Seeing this, Su Ye took the initiative to say: "I called him here because of my business, I must be responsible for the safety of the other party."

"Okay, then I'll leave it to you."

Chen Yi naturally trusted Su Ye's level.

As long as he doesn't guard himself, no one in this world can break through his defenses.

Chen Yi saw that her friend was online, so she dragged him into the group without saying a word.

"Hi everyone, I'm Sisi, who needs an Arabic translation. [Cute.jpg]"

Seeing the tone of this speech, everyone knew that this newly added friend of the Han Emperor was a girl.

"Hi Sisi, I need an Arabic translator."

With that said, Su Ye posted the screenshot just now in the group again.

Now because of various technical means and storage problems, newcomers cannot read the chat content before entering the group after entering the QQ group.

Sisi opened the picture sent by Su Ye and began to quickly translate it.

In order to avoid forgetting, she always translates the Arabic words on the pictures directly into Jackie Long's Chinese and writes them in the notebook, and then type them later.

"Hello, the content of the picture is as follows."

Username: Abdullah Sawati Kundadobi...Muhammad

Account opening time: March 6, 3 years ago

Network configuration: ...

"By the way, this name is exactly the same as my husband's name."

Sisi added a sentence after posting the information on the picture.

But she also knew in her heart that there are many people with the same name in China, so it is normal for people with the same name abroad.

"Okay, Sisi, wait a moment."

Su Ye continued to search according to the relevant information.

Soon, he followed the map to find the address of Prince Muhammad.

Then I deduced from the address and name and found some information.

In the capital of the Kingdom of Babs, Prince Mohammad has three real properties under his name, each of which he often lives in.

However, in a villa near the outskirts of the city,

Prince Mohammed has applied for 16 network lines there.

What Su Ye found just now is just one of them.

In addition, it can be seen from the information of the telecommunications bureau that in addition to the cable network, he also has an exclusive satellite network.

I applied from the beautiful country.

Now, the 16 wired networks that Su Ye can see are all in a silent state, without any data exchange.

Obviously, after the other party is discovered, it is impossible to use the wired network again.

Then, the only possibility is that the other party is using the satellite network that I don't know where to find it.

"Are you looking for information about Prince Muhammad?"

Sisi asked curiously.

After translating a lot of words, no matter how slow she was, she came to her senses.

The people in this group don't seem normal.

They are actually looking for information about a prince in a country.

And he is also his favorite Prince Muhammad.

"What are you going to do?"

"Can you not hurt him?"

"Sisi, you must not say anything about this."

"Otherwise you will be in danger."


"Chen Chenyi, you probably joined some organization that destroys the world."

"Prince Muhammad is so cute, please let him go, I beg you."

(End of this chapter)

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