Chapter 286 If I Can Become a Longhan People

Li Wanli pondered.

The source of this matter has been found.

He didn't have to rush over to have a meeting with the other two prime ministers.

Let's appease Su Ye first.

"Xiao Su, I do have connections to reach the upper floors."

"However, you have to explain to me in detail why the military department of the beautiful country issued such an order, and why the soldiers on the front line did not question it."

"Uncle Li, this question is actually very simple."

"If I were to issue such an order, I would definitely resolve all the other party's doubts in advance, and then reflect it in the order."

"If front-line soldiers question it, it is impossible for them to go directly to the military department to respond to this problem."

"As for the generals, they must have learned how to distinguish the authenticity of an order."

"As long as they confirm it's true, it won't be questioned."

"After all, the military's job is to obey."

"But there are still loopholes in this operation, so I think that Prince Mohammed must have sent multiple messages."

"Eventually two teams responded."

After Su Ye finished his analysis, he waited for Li Wanli's response.

Muhammad was able to command the army to the beautiful country. At first glance, it seemed incredible, and it was shocking.

But for anything, as long as you peel back the cocoons and put yourself into the situation of the other party, you can find the key clues.

In this way, the other party's statement can be seen at a glance.

Su Ye believes that this time Muhammad is implementing a strategy of casting a wide net. As long as one team responds, he will succeed.

The same is true for those countries around Longhan.

The soldiers don't know the general, the general doesn't know the soldier, and the command is chaotic.

As long as there is an order, basically no one will care whether it is correct or not, but start to act with one brain.

Fortunately, there are currently two countries in action, one is hardness and the other is Siam.

Everyone knows the combat effectiveness of hardness fighters.

The tough army, which claims to be the top army in Asia, once clamored that one could fight ten soldiers when facing the soldiers of the Longhan Empire.

What 50 hardness army can easily hard steel [-] Longhan soldiers.

However, there was a time when two countries really did one.

Many cautious generals in Longhan discovered that Godeme is the strongest force in Asia with one as ten.

It is simply a fighter among weak chickens.

In the first tentative battle, Long Han's 2 people directly flattened the opponent's 5 people.

The proportion of casualties on the battlefield did not even reach 4%.

The remaining hardness soldiers surrendered.

As for Siam, let alone.

A country whose population is not as many as the soldiers of the Longhan Empire, if Longhan is really overbearing, there is no problem in knocking them down in a week.

And these two countries are also clowns who have been dancing around Long Han all the time.

It's not enough to kill them, but it's always annoying to watch.

Li Wanli thought to himself.

Recently, Longhan needs a peaceful and stable external environment, and now I know the reasons behind the sudden Chen Bing of these two countries, so...

In an instant, Li Wanli had dozens of ideas to give the other party some color.

The strength of these two parties is easy to say, but the difficulty is the troops of the beautiful country.

One is the early warning aircraft entering the country, and the other is the aircraft carrier formation demonstration.

Now the relationship between Longhan and Meiliguo is in a delicate honeymoon period.

Because of foreign trade, the Internet, technology, etc., Longhan has a need for a beautiful country.

Similarly, the beautiful country also needs Longhan's market, population, cheap labor, and high-quality workers.

The two have been working together for more than three years.

And it is expected that this cooperation will continue for at least five years.

How to give a small meeting gift to the aircraft carrier formation of the beautiful country without destroying the stable and cooperative relationship between the two countries is what Li Wanli thinks needs to be considered now.

"Xiao Su, I'll report this matter right away."

"Don't be impatient."

"As for the current situation online, you have to hurry up."

"Is there any problem in getting things done online within 2 hours?"

"No problem, Uncle Li."

"Two hours is enough time."

Not even an hour.

Su Ye looked at the current situation on the Internet and said something in his heart.

"Then, the beautiful country..."

"You don't have to worry about this. I happen to have an old classmate who studies international relations. I'll report the news to him right away."

"Besides, don't tell anyone about this anymore."

Li Wanli hung up the phone and couldn't help but smile smugly.

"Li Xiang, you are..."

The secretary sitting at the front desk saw Li Wanli's rare smile, and couldn't help but join in the fun and ask.

Obviously Li Wanli is still in a good mood now.

"It's okay, I just learned the inside story of this matter."

Holding the phone in his hand, Li Wanli replied, and added Su Ye's phone number to his address book.

As for the name, I just wrote Xiaosu.

After entering Su Ye's information, Li Wanli couldn't help rubbing his eyes.

The functions of mobile phones today are much richer than those of a year ago, but the screens are still too small.

If I could have a mobile phone with a larger screen, my eyes wouldn't have to work so hard.

Since becoming one of the three phases of the empire, Li Wanli has less than 6 hours of rest every day. He needs to constantly read various documents, think about problems, meet people from different industries, and hold non-stop meetings all day long.

There are also specialized health doctors in charge of the body, but the eyes are still too tired.

Some time ago, I had a meeting with my colleagues from the Ministry of Science and Technology, and said that the beautiful country is already developing a new generation of mobile phones. The screen will be about one-third larger than the current one, and the black and white screen will be replaced with a color screen.

But what's the use of just increasing it by one-third.

Li Wanli shook his head and asked the driver to speed up.

Let's figure out what's going on now before we talk about it.

After Su Ye received Li Wanli's reply, the tense mood just now gradually relaxed.

In his memory, after 2000 years in his previous life, there has been no major war in the world.

It's more about some small-scale operations, sneaking in, beheading, etc.

After all, Meijun's battle in Second Vice Khan has shown everyone that no matter how many high-tech and armed forces there are, there is no way to reduce the number of casualties.

And in the United States, they advertise this and that all day long.

Anti-war demonstrations also occur frequently.

"Chen Yi, I have already reported the news, we don't need to worry about this matter anymore."

"But the higher authorities gave us two hours to wipe out all these hackers in the country."

"It's a little meaning."

"However, that Prince Muhammad..."

Chen Yi hesitated to speak.

From an objective standpoint, she believed that Su Ye should be allowed to find the other party, and then be punished.

But just now Sisi specifically complained to her, telling her not to embarrass Muhammad.

Women are always more emotional than rational.

"I'll go talk to him."

"Let's confirm his identity first."

Although Su Ye was very sure in his heart that the fourth person who hadn't shown up was Prince Muhammad, he couldn't be wrong.

But before he got a positive answer, he still didn't say anything.

"Prince Muhammad, hello, I think you should be able to understand English."

Muhammad, who was watching the reactions of the American army and Siamese countries through the computer in the basement, suddenly saw such a sentence appear on his screen, and couldn't help being shocked.

I have already used the satellite network of the beautiful country, how the hell can you still find me?
Moreover, as a member of the Longhan hackers, you are actually indifferent to the surrounding military operations that the country is currently facing.

I should say you are big-hearted, or big-hearted.

The other party was able to hack into his computer through the satellite network, and Muhammad did not believe that the other party could not see the few commands he had successfully issued.

It is also impossible not to see the early warning aircraft flying from the beautiful country naval base.

Not to mention that the aircraft carrier formation travels at night, targeting the Longhan Yellow Sea area.

It was definitely not possible to go fishing at such a late hour.

Could it be that the other party is not worried at all.

Mohammed, who was startled, thought for a while before slowly calming down.

However, to his surprise, his violent mood eased a bit.

If he wanted to suppress it, even if he appeared at a certain banquet now, no one would be able to see the abnormality in him.

"Aren't you worried?"

"worry about what?"

Su Ye shrugged indifferently.

There are so many capable people in the Longhan Empire, and the sky is falling, and there are tall ones who stand up for it, even if everyone knows that this situation was caused by the Internet war tonight.

No one will ask Su Ye to stand up and make amends.

When there are foreign enemies, Longhan is the most united nation.

"There are so many people in our country, it's not up to me, a little hacker, to deal with this problem."

Su Ye said naturally.

To him, professional people do professional things.

But hearing these words in Muhammad's ears, he felt sad for a while.


Longhan has a population of more than 30 billion, the people of Longhan are hardworking and intelligent, and the leaders of Longhan are wise and generous.

The people of a big country like them will never be able to understand the difficulties of a small country like theirs.

The Kingdom of Babs has a land area of ​​only 67000 square kilometers.

The domestic population has just passed [-] million.

As for the Longhan Empire, the land area is 9600000 square kilometers.

The domestic population has reached more than 30 billion.

The Kingdom of Babs can only rely on oil, tourism and some financial investment to maintain the development and prosperity of the country.

The Longhan Empire can rely on various industries, energy, industry, transportation, education, tourism, small commodities, ships, cars, and even their food and restaurants have opened all over the world.

Muhammad's mood gradually calmed down, causing him some anxiety and envy again.

It would be great if I could become a member of Longhan.

Even if it's just an ordinary person in the Longhan Empire.

You don't have to worry about being robbed with a gun while walking on the road, and you don't have to worry about people from any country beating yourself up on the street at will.

I really don't know how happy the people of the Longhan Empire should be.

 Thanks to "Book Friends 20201123151528688" for the big reward, thank you... I like to eat small snacks when I write cookies, but recently I ate too much fried pumpkin seeds, and my molars started to get angry again
(End of this chapter)

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