Chapter 288 QQ Overseas Registered User
"President Su, you have wronged me. I haven't paid attention to Legend of Blood in the past two days."


Su Ye's eyes widened.

As the person in charge of the QQ game department, you haven't paid attention to the new games of your department for two days.

How dare you say it?

"no no."

Wang Yifei also quickly realized that something was wrong.

"President Su, the legend has only uploaded some art elements in the past two days, and nothing else has been done."

"Why those people like to play, I don't know."

"Uploaded art elements?"

Su Ye quickly remembered that when Wang Yifei told himself that the legend was not fun.

At that time, the pictures made by Wang Xiaojing were all in Q version, or they were cool and handsome Japanese guys.

This kind of design does not get the point of the Chinese people at all.

It will take at least 10 years for this style to become fashionable.

"That's right, President Su, didn't you say last time that you want to add some background elements of Long Han?"

"It is also said to be designed according to the armor of those generals in ancient Longhan."

"I told Wang Xiaojing exactly what you said."

"As for the effect, I haven't seen it yet."

At the end of speaking, Wang Yifei's voice became quieter.

Recently, Wang Yihan's life at Longhan TV Station is a bit unsatisfactory, and he often comes to chat with Wang Yifei.

His recent experience is all on Wang Yihan, so there is nothing to do with the air traffic control company.

"You, this is too careless."

"Finding his own government in his place."

"As the person in charge of the QQ game department, you must take responsibility, and you can't go on like this."

Su Ye said nonchalantly.

But listening to Wang Yifei's ears was no less than a bolt from the blue.


He now receives a monthly salary of almost 1 yuan, and various welfare policies have never been less.

The company also specially equipped him with the most high-end BMW [-]-series as a transportation vehicle.

All these incidents echoed in Wang Yifei's mind rapidly.

And Su Ye often invited everyone to dinner, took the staff out to play, soak in hot springs, and eat crabs.

No matter from which point of view, Su Ye never treated everyone badly.

He never treated Wang Yifei badly.

As a result, Wang Yifei played games at work, and often went against Su Ye's orders to take the lead in overtime work.

These are all small things, the most important thing is that he has drifted away.

I can't find my place at all.

He didn't even care about his job, and Su Ye didn't even know what to ask when he asked questions.

Speaking of the current business of the QQ game department.

In the QQ game hall, Su Ye acquired Lianzhong Games, and Wang Yifei was only responsible for the integration.

The Legend of Blood project is the theme framework for Su Ye to come up with ideas and games.

Wang Yifei was only responsible for the refinement of some values, characters, scenes, etc.

Then when encountering problems, it was Su Ye who suggested to Wang Xiaojing to make pictures with Long Han style and upload them.

After uploading, the game was approved by the technical department, and he.

As the general manager of the QQ game department, Wang Yifei didn't even know what happened.

Only when Su Ye called him could he explain in a low voice.

If this kind of thing were placed in other companies, Wang Yifei would have already packed up and left.

How could it be possible to continue to be in a high position.

Think about Su Ye's kindness to herself.

Think about the changing eyes of family members in close time.

Think of the admiring looks in the eyes of friends when they recently had dinner.

Wang Yifei was ashamed.

"President Su, I'm sorry."

Wang Yifei bowed to the ground, his face heavy.

"President Su, I'm sorry, I failed your trust."

"In the future, I, Wang Yifei, promise that I will never bring personal emotions and unrigorous attitudes into my work."

"If you still give me a chance, I will definitely show you a completely different Wang Yifei."

Su Ye looked at Wang Yifei in surprise.

He didn't expect that Wang Yifei's attitude would change drastically just by saying two harsh words.

I wanted to comfort Wang Yifei, but immediately, Su Ye gave up this idea.

This guy Wang Yifei usually seems to be a bit too foolish.

Even the ethos of the QQ game department was a little crooked by him.

Although Su Ye encourages and is even happy to see a relaxed and happy office environment.

But other departments are working hard, but when your department is working here, you are just messing around, playing games, and yelling to affect everyone.

There is no problem for one or two days, but after a long time, the whole company will be ruined.

Although Su Ye is not short of money, he is not stupid.

I don't want to let my own money cultivate a group of rice worms.

Look at the time, it will soon be the end of the year.

On New Year's Day, most migrant workers will have three days off.

And students.

Su Ye decided to launch Legend of Blood on December 12st.

"Wang Yifei, I am very pleased that you can realize your mistake."

"I'm just waiting to see how you perform in the future."

"On the 31st of this month, our Legend of Blood will be launched on time."

"During this period, I will not interfere with your work."

"If something goes wrong at that time, you..."

"I will take the blame and resign!"

Wang Yifei said seriously.

"President Su, don't worry, this time, I will never let you down."

"Okay, let's do it."

It took a long time for Wang Yifei to walk out of the office before Su Ye realized it.

I didn't call him over to motivate him or anything.

It's about figuring out why Legend of Blood is suddenly popular.

As a result, he encouraged this guy inexplicably.

Forget it, anyway, you will be able to see it on the day it goes online.

Su Ye was not in a hurry anymore.

Opening his little notebook, Su Ye wanted to see what work he had to do recently.

"Fuck, there's this!"

Su Ye only remembered when he saw the word "Branch Company".

The two branches of Meilizhou and Europa have been put into operation before, and I have not cared about the specific situation.

I don't know if QQ will encounter unacceptable conditions overseas.

What?You said Gou Ri's Country and Big Bangzi Country also have branches?

Sorry, for a long time, whether it is Su Ye or other Longhan people, there is an idea in mind.

The Asia region, no matter which country it is, is considered the private land of the Longhan Empire, not overseas.

Su Ye opened the background of the QQ data center and began to browse.

In this world, Long Han is the well-deserved overlord of the Asia region.

But if you look at the world, you can only rank seven or eight, eight or nine, or even more than ten.

It's not because of the slow development of Longhan, but because of the population.

The population of more than 30 billion not only provides Longhan with a large number of labor talents, but also dilutes Longhan's per capita GDP.

Moreover, in recent years, the upper echelons of the Longhan Empire have generally consciously hidden their clumsiness, and a large part of domestic income has been invested in various infrastructure industries.

This is also the reason why Long Han's ranking can only be ranked in the top ten.

However, at present, all walks of life in Longhan are vigorously developing, and more and more talents are emerging.

Long Han, a giant dragon that has been dormant for a long time, is about to take off.

At this juncture, what the people of Longhan need most is national pride and self-esteem.

And the places that can best reflect these are the results of Long Han's international contests with the world's major powers.

If this QQ plan to go overseas can be successful.

That can also prove from a small aspect that Long Han is on the rise.

When Su Ye opened the data background, he couldn't help being a little excited.

He was telling himself that the branch had just started operating, and it was impossible to have much effect.

On the other side there is some hope.

Maybe, in the situation where the whole world is paid software, QQ can quickly open up the market by virtue of its free advantage.

Let the world see the power of Longhan.

"The page is opening..."

Su Ye stared straight at the computer screen.

"Sanqing Daozu comes again, the Queen Mother, the Jade Emperor will bless us Qingyun Technology..."

"Page loaded."

Su Ye was praying in her heart, but her eyes were secretly squinted.

"The current number of registered QQ users is 7.4 million."

"Among them, there are 6.9 million users in Longhan and 0.5 million users in non-Longhan areas."

"It's done!"

Su Ye clenched his fist excitedly.

Only a few days after the branch started operation, the number of registered users has reached 5 million.

This start is much better than when QQ was launched in China.

It can be called a dream start.

Moreover, the geographical distribution of registered users is also the beautiful country, France and Germany that Su Ye focuses on.

As for the branch in South America, there are millions of users in nearby countries such as Chile and Baxi.

Not every country in this world is like the Kingdom of Babs. Under the leadership of Prince Muhammad, everyone has a computer and every household can access the Internet.

Just like Long Han.

There are now 30 billion people, but there are only tens of millions of people who really have the conditions to surf the Internet freely every day.

Most of the students, migrant workers and corporate white-collar workers can only access computers during working hours.

Or go to a nearby Internet cafe for entertainment.

This is the reason why Internet cafes are booming now.

If possible, Su Ye would like to use his own strength to push Long Han into the Internet era.

Just like in the previous life, almost everyone in China had a smartphone in their hands.

You can search for the information you want online anytime, anywhere.

If everyone in Longhan has a computer at home, then QQ users will usher in a wave of growth.

Compared to Long Han.

In most developed countries in the world, people use computers far more than Longhan.

Not to mention the special 100% computer ownership rate in the Babs Kingdom, the computer penetration rate in the beautiful country with the most developed Internet has reached 84.22%.

In some other European countries, the computer penetration rate is basically around 70%. There is only one country called Croatia, where the computer penetration rate is lower than 70%.

In contrast, the current computer penetration rate in the Longhan Empire is less than 25%.

There is still huge room for development.


Su Ye suddenly saw a strange data.

"Currently, Gou Ri's domestic QQ registered users: 1033."

Gou Ri's country?

There are also registered users of QQ?

Su Ye clicked on the details on the data page, and saw that the other party was using the Japanese version of QQ.

No, not to mention that the branch in Gou Ri's country has been harassed by their local association, Sumiyoshi Association, so they can't operate QQ business on time?
what's going on.

At that time, Rosen asked him two questions.

The branch in Big Stick Country was temporarily unable to open due to extortion by local officials.

Because of the Sumiyoshi Association, Gou Ri's Country is unlikely to open in the short term.

But, this f*cking self obviously didn't do anything.

Who came to help.

No way.

Except for the people inside the company, all the executives know about this matter, and it is impossible for outsiders to know about it.

Su Ye thought about it for a long time, but he never thought that he would know such a powerful boss in Gou Ri's country to come out to help.

Still, he's always been an optimist.

If the person who made the shot had more intentions, he would come to his door sooner or later.

If the person who made the move just wanted to help silently without asking for anything in return, Su Ye would be happy to make his wishes come true.

Anyway, when soldiers came to cover up with soil, and water came to block them, Su Ye had nothing to be afraid of.

In short, being able to settle the Sumiyoshi Club and start operations is the best result in Su Ye's opinion.

Don't think so much about the others.

As for Big Stick Country, there is still no movement.

I don't know if Hu Yidao has made any progress there.

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(End of this chapter)

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