The richest man in the world starts with 100 million sign-ins every day

Chapter 302 Su Lang's Wonderful Plan to Secure the World

Chapter 302 Su Lang's Wonderful Plan to Secure the World
"This is the end?"

"Your promotion plan only has these three items?"

Su Ye asked curiously.

Li Qianqian next to him couldn't help rolling his eyes when he heard his question.

These three are pretty good already.

Whole network marketing.

Promotion offline.

Benchmark against competitors.

After this series of combined punches, it can be said that they are a bit face-to-face, with great momentum and precise targets.

Putting these methods into any domestic Internet company is enough to change to the position of marketing director.

As a result, you, Su Ye, are still not satisfied?
And only?
What about your face.


What about morals.

"Yes, for the time being, I can only think of these three points, so I will execute it like this."

"Also ask President Su for advice."

Wang Yifei said calmly beside him.

He didn't feel embarrassed at all because of Su Ye's surprise.

I am not complacent because I can come up with these three promotion plans.

"Okay, then I'll teach you two tricks, learn it with your heart."

Seeing Su Ye's bold promise, Li Qianqian couldn't help being a little speechless.

The two of you are really good enough.

One dares to ask for advice.

A really dare to teach.

Li Qianqian also focused on Su Ye.

She wanted to see what this guy Su Ye could teach.

At that time, if she can't teach it well, she will definitely talk about it with Su Ye when she goes back.

To be a human being, no matter what status or height you achieve.

Never float.

Because if you float, you will be stabbed.

"The three promotion plans you mentioned just now are actually pretty good."

"If I were to plan it, it would be nothing more than that."

"But you missed two key points."

"President Su, please tell me."

"First, it is a good suggestion to make a declaration of domestic games."

"However, there are still very few imported foreign games, and netizens do not have such strong xenophobia."

"If this declaration is postponed to the time when foreign game manufacturers enter Longhan in a large scale, it will definitely be feasible."

"But now, it's a little embarrassing."

"Players are still in a time when there is an extreme lack of games. You don't need to push the highs and step downs. The effect of this is not very great."

Wang Yifei nodded.

He thought about this problem when he planned this promotion plan.

At present, for other domestic products, some foreign brands may squeeze out domestic brands.

But in the Internet, especially in the field of games, this problem has never arisen.

Stone Age can be said to be the first real online game introduced in China.

Although due to various reasons, the players' evaluation of him has declined, but there are still many people who still stick to their positions and will not leave easily.

At this time, it is obviously inappropriate for Wang Yifei to use this strategy of directly confronting the opponent.

Even, it may be counterproductive.

Arouse the resistance of the current Stone Age players.

This is indeed his lack of thoughtfulness.

"The second point is attention."

"Don't look at the hot-blooded legend discussion on the Internet right now."

"But in fact, only a small part will really come to play at that time."

"Why is this happening? You must be fine, Qianqian, you can't understand, right?"

Wang Yifei and Li Qianqian nodded at the same time.

Obviously, Legend of Blood is the hottest topic right now.

It bears the name of the first domestically produced game.

Wang Yifei invested a lot of money again, and the funds invested in promoters should not be less than one million.

Why did Su Ye come to the conclusion that after the game server is launched, there will not be many people who come to play it.

"Come on, let's sit down first, and I'll tell you slowly."

"First of all, under what background did the Stone Age enter the country and become the player's sight, do you know?"

Li Qianqian shook her head.

Wang Yifei does know: "It's because the Stone Age is very popular all over the world, especially in Europe and the United States."

"This game can be said to be the first game in the world that can connect players from countless places and countries."

"People are not only novel about him, but at the same time, the particularly interesting gameplay makes players unable to put it down."

"Domestic game fans are also curious about how fun this game is after learning about the situation abroad."

"After that, Jiufeng Company came into being, and Guo Cai, who went to Gou Ri three times, finally negotiated the agency rights of the game."

"Even when it passed the review by the cultural department of the Longhan Empire, the people behind Nine Wind Games also made great efforts."

"This is the reason why the Stone Age can be successfully launched in China."

"Yes, Not Bad."

"The opponent's information is quite detailed."

Su Ye patted Wang Yifei on the shoulder and praised.

In fact, he didn't know this information at all.

But who is Su Ye, who can give three points of truth whether it is reasonable or not, does he know that this information is not important at all.

"Okay, now that you know the background of the Stone Age, can you tell me about the background of our blood legend?"


Wang Yifei got stuck for a while.

Said that the game was produced by President Su of Qingyun Technology?

Said the game is a Longhan style screen?
Say this is a multiplayer bloody battle game?

No matter how much you say, it is not so credible in the eyes of the players.

self boasting.

Players will think that even if the game produced by you is a piece of cake, you will still say that it is a piece of fragrant cake.

No one will believe what the game makers say about this game.

Most of you just listen to it.

"Why, can't you tell?"

"The background of our blood legend is that there is no background."

"The ancients said that the right time, place and people are indispensable."

"Now we choose to release the game at the end of the year, and after that is New Year's Day, it can be said that the timing is on the way."

"The games we create ourselves will definitely have some preferential treatment in the domestic hairstyle, cultural department and various domestic audits. This is considered a favorable location."

"But that's not enough, the game, the most important thing is the player."

"Without players, everything we advertise is nothing but fantasy and castles in the air."

"What kind of multiplayer battle game, there are only 2-3 people playing in a server, who should everyone fight with?"

"No one, how to form a team when fighting monsters, how to experience the passionate friendship between brothers, how to feel the grandeur of the guild battle."

"So, without anyone, this game is useless."

"Similarly, it's not what everyone expected. If you make it, no one will catch a cold."

"In this world, if you work hard, you will definitely gain something."

"It's not that players say that we must come to play, so we will definitely come."

Speaking of this, Su Ye remembered the time when she was reading novels in Dianniang in her previous life.

Whenever those authors ask for votes.

Su Ye would always reply with a certainty next time.

Whenever the author says that the recent subscription is bleak and asks for support.

Su Ye would always reply with a certainty next time.

As a result, I must have said it a thousand times next time, and Su Ye even forgot which novel she left a message at that time.

So, what next time by all means.

This kind of words is just deceiving his wife.

Because, except for those who truly love you, no one else will foolishly believe that you will definitely come next time, whether you will come or not.

A thin layer of cold sweat could not help but break out on Wang Yifei's head.

If it is true as what Su Ye said, when the game server opens on the 31st, only two or three big cats and kittens will participate.

Then he is screwed.

It's not that Su Ye will definitely beat him to the end because of this problem.

But in Wang Yifei's heart, his belief in his own ability will collapse.

all the time.

Wang Yifei felt that he was still a capable person.

Not to mention saving the world, just doing a job or something, he still has the confidence to do it well.

After listening to Su Ye's words, he just thought about the scene of the bleak number of participating players after Legend of Blood went live, and shuddered.

This kind of blow is absolutely devastating to the belief that Wang Yifei has always insisted on.

"President Su, what should I do then?"

Wang Yifei was in a hurry.

Su Ye smiled lightly.

When Li Qianqian, who was next to her, saw Su Ye's smile, she couldn't help being furious when she was immersed in her thoughts just now.

This guy just likes to whet people's appetites.

Can't you just finish the conversation at once?

Thinking about doing it, Li Qianqian approached Su Ye, stretched out his hand and gently twisted his arm.

Su Ye gasped, turned her head and glared at Li Qianqian, and then quickly became calm, as if nothing had happened.

"It's very simple to solve this problem."

"There's a ready-made example all around you."

Wang Yifei's talent is good, and Su Ye also wants to cultivate his independent thinking ability as much as possible.

At this time, I deliberately didn't say it, just to let him find out by himself.

Wang Yifei was taken aback for a moment.

Then turn around and look around.

They are now in the conference room of Juxian Pavilion.

This conference room is still a very traditional conference room layout.

It is a solid wood structure and visits the room in a zigzag shape.

The table was covered with a dark green or dark blue velvet tablecloth.

There are neat long strip lights hanging on the top of the room, and there is a big electric fan above the middle of the back shape.

The ground was covered with traditional Longhan-style carpets.

Wang Yifei went around a lot, but he didn't find anything that could provide him with ideas.

He could only turn his head and look at Su Ye helplessly.

"I'm talking about the people around me."

Su Ye's head was full of black lines.

This Wang Yifei must be out of his mind.

Wang Yifei looked at the only person around him again, Su Ye's girlfriend, Li Qianqian who had just bought Houlang Company.

Could it be that Su Ye meant to let him learn from Li Qianqian?

But Li Qianqian, is there any method worth learning and applying here?
Wang Yifei began to think carefully about Li Qianqian's year-end summary just now.

She was the Director of Administration.

Manage the company's logistics, benefits, salary and other aspects in an orderly manner.

This point shows that Li Qianqian is very careful.

She also worked as the person in charge of QQ recruitment.

This is a new concept she thought of based on QQ payment.

Does Sue always ask me to combine Legend of Blood with the Internet?

No, games are already things on the Internet.

Is it QQ payment?

Shouldn't be.

As early as the beginning of the planning of the game, Wang Yifei entrusted colleagues from the technical department to open a payment channel for Legend of Blood.

This point does not need Su Ye to remind again.

Later, Li Qianqian also acquired Houlang Network.

Could it be that Su always asked him to learn from Li Qianqian who dared to go out to negotiate and acquire business alone.

The opponent is Houlang, a well-known Internet company in China.


That's what Su Ye meant.

"Mr. Su, I understand."

"Well, yes, it's good to understand, and remember to record your current thoughts later."

"Maybe it will be used in the future."

"Okay, no problem, thank you, Mr. Su."

"I will definitely try my best."

Li Qianqian was puzzled watching the two of them playing riddles.

"What are you talking about, Wang Yifei, tell me in detail what you think of."

"President Li, Su Ye asked me to learn from the people around me."

"At this moment, only you are by our side."

"I just analyzed Mr. Li's work experience in the company all the time. The work experience in the administrative department and QQ recruitment must not be able to provide much help to the current problem. But, then I thought that you can do nothing alone. Fearful to buy Houlang's feat."

"Ordinary people, let alone the acquisition is successful, even if they tell him that the company wants to acquire Houlang, they will be surprised and repeatedly rejected."

"But Mr. Li, instead of refusing, you even faced the difficulties and finally succeeded in acquiring Houlang through your own efforts."

"Boss Su meant to tell me."

"Let me go forward without fear."

"Even in the face of difficulties, don't give up or give up. As long as you persevere, you can always see a bright future."

"it is good!"

Li Qianqian couldn't help but praise.

This guy Wang Yifei is really a natural flatterer.

He was able to praise himself like a flower in the sky with a single sentence from Su Ye.

Are you really that good?

Remember, most of the time in the imperial capital is to go out to eat, drink and have fun, and work is not left alone.

But don't care much.

To be praised by Wang Yifei just like this, it seems that he is really a genius.

Maybe Zhou Yuanyuan was right.

After this investment is disclosed by the media, I will be the brand new Queen of Longhan Investment...


Just when Li Qianqian's fantasies were not over, a loud noise woke her up.

Wang Yifei and Li Qianqian turned their heads to look.

I saw Su Ye sitting on the ground with a shocked face, staring at Wang Yifei and Li Qianqian with both eyes.

There is only one expression in the eyes.


"Wang Yifei, can you stop guessing?"

"I am grass."

"It hurts to death."

After a while, Su Ye stood up from the ground, rubbed his buttocks and said.

"Also, Li Qianqian, then don't be complacent with me."

"Hey, forget it!"

"I'll just say it."

"Wang Yifei, I mean the people around you, not the people standing by your side right now."

"The technology of this meeting is less than 10 minutes. Do you remember who was sitting next to you just now?"

"Who? Zhuang Yiming?"


"That's right, it's Zhuang Yiming."

"Last time I just told Mr. Zhuang that I would give away some QQ dolls, and Mr. Zhuang thought of organizing a continuous check-in event."

"As a result, look at which Internet company is not studying Mr. Zhuang's methods and learning from Mr. Zhuang's thinking."

"It happens to be within our company. There is an opportunity to win the moon first, but no one goes to learn from Mr. Zhuang, discuss how to do activities, and how to mobilize the enthusiasm of users to the greatest extent."

"What I want to tell you is that in this world, people come and go, and what are they for?"

"Isn't it a benefit?"

"Mr. Zhuang can attract the attention of users with his laptop, thousand yuan in cash, QQ membership and various value-added services. Why can't you learn from Mr. Zhuang and find ways to mobilize the enthusiasm of players."

"I also learned the spirit of going forward bravely from Mr. Li. This is not what you should learn now."

"Wang Yifei, let me tell you, if the highest number of online players cannot exceed 100 million on the day of Legend of Blood's launch, you can clean up and clean the toilet for me."

"Qianqian, let's go, this guy, let him think about it."

Su Ye pulled Li Qianqian over, turned around and was about to leave the conference room.

"President Su, President Su, wait a minute, there is another question."

Wang Yifei quickly grabbed Su Ye's arm, making it impossible for Su Ye and Li Qianqian to leave.

Su Ye was just pretending to be angry, so naturally he wouldn't really leave.

He thought Wang Yifei did it on purpose just now.

On the surface, this guy looks a lot more serious than before, but he is still that unreliable young man in essence.

"Mr. Su, Mr. Su, I really didn't expect that you gave me a chance, and I will leave immediately after listening to it. I will never disturb your work communication with Mr. Li."

Wang Yifei said as if pointing.

Su Ye didn't bother to argue with him anymore: "It's fine, fine."

"Don't pretend to me."

"I'll tell you two ways. One is to organize an online event. It's better to take a longer time and cover a wider group of people."

"After all, when the game is launched, most players' levels are still very low, so don't engage in those fancy things."

"It must be pragmatic, understand?"


"There is another one, that is to invite a star from Hong Kong and Taiwan to endorse our game."

"Huh? Why?"

Both Wang Yifei and Li Qianqian were filled with countless question marks.

If you invite celebrities, please invite celebrities. Why do you have to stipulate that you must choose a Hong Kong and Taiwan star?

Isn't he popular with mainland stars?
of course not.

Mainland stars have the benefits of mainland stars, but only Hong Kong and Taiwan stars can achieve the effect Su Ye wants.

"Because I designed an advertisement, it needs the cooperation of Hong Kong and Taiwan stars to achieve the effect."

"And isn't the film and television drama and songs from Hong Kong and Taiwan popular in China now?"

"Please invite the stars over there to be closer to life and be sought after by young people."

Back then, Wanwan Lanyue relied on an advertisement to brainwash her marketing on the Internet.

Create a sales volume of 5 million yuan a year.

What a terrible stat.

Now, Su Ye decided to come up with his own unique trick under the condition that the legend of hot blood was not congenitally deficient...


(End of this chapter)

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