The richest man in the world starts with 100 million sign-ins every day

Chapter 314 My Loyalty Can Be Learned from the Sun and the Moon

Chapter 314 My Loyalty Can Be Learned from the Sun and the Moon

"Su Ye..."

"Wow, classmate, did you go to the wrong set? We are here for the awards party for the top ten outstanding youths in Longhan. Hurry down, we invited Su Ye to play."

Su Ye's head was full of black lines.

As the host of Longhan TV Station, as the famous talker of Longhan, I didn't expect you to have such a playful heart.

"Hello host, I'm Su Ye."


"Didn't you say that Su Ye is the founder of Qingyun Technology? In my impression, he should be a young man in the prime of his 30s. I didn't expect you to be so young."

When Yang Jun said this, the audience below was already in chaos.

"So handsome."

"Such a handsome little brother is Su Ye?"

"No wonder I have to be willing to be on camera."

"When he is on camera, I don't know how many girls can't sleep at night."

Listening to the girls and women beside her, Li Qianqian knew in her heart that this would happen.

But I still couldn't help feeling uncomfortable.

She really wanted to stand up again and tell everyone that Su Ye is already her boyfriend, and you have no chance.

"Brother Yang Jun, if you are so naughty again, I will go down."

"Wow, Yang Jun, Su Ye is too handsome."

Before Yang Jun answered, Chen Yu, who was beside him with a shocked face and remained silent for a long time, seemed to wake up like a dream at this time.

Just now the leader asked the two hosts to delay the time, but it turned out that Yang Jun was always making jokes in front of him, and Chen Yu hardly spoke.

Now that she finally got a chance to perform, how could she let it go.

"Su Ye, let me ask you, how old are you this year?"


Su Ye is too lazy to struggle, you all love acting so much, so I will accompany you.

I don't know how many times I have rehearsed today, and I can still show such a surprised look. Su Ye also admires these two hosts.

Sure enough, there is no simple one that can succeed.

As a host, you also need to learn the self-cultivation of an actor.

"So young, do you have a girlfriend now?"

"This one……"

"This is personal privacy, why don't you ask my girlfriend Li Qianqian to see if she is willing to reveal her identity."


Chen Yu was stunned for a moment.

Everyone at the scene also turned their attention to Li Qianqian who was interviewed just now.

Looking at Su Ye standing on the stage, everyone had an idea in their hearts:
A talented woman.

Chen Yu was confused by Su Ye.

Didn't you just say that this is personal privacy?

Why did you ask me to ask your girlfriend Li Qianqian?

Isn't this way of showing affection a bit too shameless?

Li Qianqian, who was sitting in the auditorium, blushed instantly.

He bowed his head slightly.

Seeing Chen Yu in a daze, Yang Jun next to him hurriedly stood up to save the situation: "Okay, then let's interview Li Qianqian on the spot to see if she is willing to reveal that she is Su Ye's girlfriend."

As Yang Jun spoke, he made a gesture to ask with the microphone, but Su Ye grabbed him and staggered.

Li Qianqian has already bowed her head, isn't it a bit inappropriate for you to go up at this time.

Yang Jun sighed in his heart.

This guy Su Ye has strong hands.

From other people's point of view, they thought that he acted that moment just now, but only he himself knew that this was a completely subconscious reaction.

There is no element of acting at all.

At this moment, the director who was watching the show in the background frowned a little.

Let the two of you hosts delay for a while, it shouldn't be like this.

It was a formal and serious awards show. People who didn't know turned to the channel and thought it was a variety show.

"Director Zhang, the latest ratings are out."

"Just now our data has risen sharply."

A staff member came over and handed a printed form to Director Zhang of the awards show.

Director Zhang looked down, no.

At the beginning of the show, the ratings were 4.33%.

Later, the deeds of outstanding young people were broadcast one by one, and the ratings began to decline steadily.

After Su Ye's previous Cao Jiang stepped down, the show's ratings were only 2.53%.

But he never expected that after Yang Jun received his order and began to delay the time, the ratings suddenly started to rise against the trend.

When interviewing Li Qianqian, the ratings reached 4.35%, higher than at the beginning.

When Su Ye came on stage, the ratings reached 5.22%.

After that, the ratings started to rise all the way. It only took a few minutes, and it seemed to be rising to 6%.

Now, as various local stations have begun to reform the program content, after increasing the fun and entertainment, the ratings of Longhan TV's broadcast content during the prime time at night have dropped greatly.

The peak 99-episode TV series about the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law in the Year of the Rat, at the finale, the ratings were only a little over 2%.

I didn't expect that the ratings of an awards show for the top ten outstanding youths could reach such a high rating.

Director Zhang made a decision in an instant, let Yang Jun, who was leading the audience to watch Su Ye's short video, continue the current style.

Yang Jun nodded slightly towards the location of the studio.

Su Aiguo and Meng Xiaojuan, who were watching TV in Xucheng, were very excited when they saw so many employees and executives of the company saying good things about Su Ye in the video.

Unexpectedly, his son, who has only been away for a short time, has become a corporate boss who can shoulder the burden of thousands of people's livelihood.

However, in the course of the company's operation and development, it encountered so many difficulties and competitions.

The CEOs of other Internet companies in China are also watching this program seriously.

Apart from lamenting Su Ye's youth, many corporate executives were also shocked by Su Ye's management skills.

Obviously in the eyes of everyone, they are all ordinary people, but in the hands of Su Ye, they can glow with a different kind of brilliance.

The video is titled Mr. Su in my eyes, allowing all executives and some employees in the company to express their views on Su Ye in their hearts.

Among them, there are Luo Sen and Zhuang Yiming.

Lawson is still somewhat well-known in the Internet circles of Jiangsu Province. His technical level is good, and his management level is also quite good.

For a long time, a group of programmers who were unwilling to be restrained formed a small team to take orders from major companies that were time-critical and difficult.

I thought it was just a good talent, but I didn't expect to be the head of the QQ business department in Su Ye's company.

Now it has expanded its overseas business, and there are QQ branches in Europe, America, and Asia.

It turned out that Luo Sen, who could only work and collect money, had developed to this point before he knew it.

The other one is Zhuang Yiming.

As mentioned earlier, Zhuang Yiming had been working in an Internet company in the beautiful country before joining Qingyun Technology.

After returning to China for some reason, I came to Qingyun Technology to work.

But what everyone doesn't know is that before joining Qingyun Technology, Zhuang Yiming had submitted resumes to many domestic Internet companies.

At the beginning, the CEOs of major companies thought his resume was beautiful, and they were willing to talk to him about the development plan and future prospects of the Internet industry.

Unexpectedly, this guy turned out to be a rare doer in the industry.

He never leaves data when he speaks, and his work style is also vigorous and resolute.

This was originally a very good habit and style of doing things, but in the eyes of most Internet company bosses today, it is tasteless.

Now that the Internet industry is in a time when the global economic bubble is bursting, you don’t know how to brag, kick ass, or draw cakes, so what are you going to do.

In their view, recruiting Zhuang Yiming means recruiting a supervisor with an annual salary of 10,000+ hundreds of thousands.

Those qualifications in Beautiful China can't become the company's capital at all in exchange for more benefits.

Gradually, those bosses and investors in the internet industry no longer wanted to see Zhuang Yiming.

But now, he actually saw Zhuang Yiming's face at the awarding party of the top ten outstanding youths in the country, and he is now the person in charge of the QQ derivative function department.

His subordinates are in charge of a series of related businesses such as Qzone, QQ Music, and QQ Recruitment.

Especially in Qzone, everyone has been thinking about who came up with the sign-in event at the farm, and it turned out to be so unconstrained.

Unexpectedly, it turned out to be Zhuang Yiming who everyone looked down on.

In an instant, many business executives who had met and chatted with Zhuang Yiming before felt remorseful.

I simply lost a hundred million.

There are also Zhao Feifei, Zhou Yuanyuan, Yang Zhiyuan, Tang Lili, Chen Nanfeng, all the executives appear in this short film that only takes less than 3 minutes.

It shocked countless people who knew them and thought they knew them.

"Next, I invite Li Wanli, Prime Minister of the Empire, to come to the stage to present Su Ye, the youngest and most socially responsible entrepreneur in the Longhan Empire, with the Top Ten Outstanding Youth Trophies."

Su Ye had serious eyes and cautious movements.

Finally got the trophy.

God knows what he was made into by the two hosts, Yang Jun and Chen Yu, tonight.

Now the only thought in his mind is to quickly finish receiving the trophy, quickly withdraw, and quickly go back to rest.

However, when he slightly turned his head to look at the face of the person who presented him with the award, he couldn't help being shocked.

At the same time, Li Qianqian did not expect this at all.

Well, didn't dad say that there is an important meeting tonight and he won't attend the awards ceremony?

Aren't the award presenters tonight all in charge of Prime Minister Zuo Li?

The first nine outstanding youths were all awarded by Zuo Li, but when it came to Su Ye, it was his father.

She, she was still thinking about when she would reveal her identity to Su Ye, but in the end...

Life is like this, full of surprises everywhere.

Su Ye looked at Li Wanli who was walking up, and his mind was confused.

What did Yang Jun say just now, the prime minister of the empire, Li Wanli.

Prime Minister of the Empire, Li Wanli...

The name of the prime minister of the empire is actually the same as that of Li Qianqian's father.

Crucially, it looks the same too.

Yes, but...

Isn't Li Qianqian's father a small section member of the Jiangcheng Cultural Bureau? Isn't he only a few of his former classmates who are more powerful?

Why did he suddenly become the prime minister of some empire.

He also came on stage to present an award to himself.

Seeing the expression on Su Ye's face, Li Wanli felt secretly refreshed.

How about Xiao Su.

Surprised or not. Surprised or not.

However, Li Wanli remained calm on the surface, took the trophy and a certificate from Miss Etiquette, and solemnly handed them to Su Ye.

He also patted Su Ye on the shoulder kindly, looking optimistic about the future of the empire.

In fact, when Yang Jun asked Su Ye if he had a girlfriend just now, Li Wanli had already come backstage.

Because of the sudden incident, he needed to receive a foreign distinguished guest in the auditorium.

Just looking at the time for a while, I remembered that Li Qianqian had told him that Su Ye was going to attend the awards ceremony tonight, so I ran over to take a look, and asked for a chance to present Su Ye with an award.

All of this is a coincidence, not to mention that Li Qianqian didn't know, even the two hosts Yang Jun and Chen Yu just got the news.

"Xiao Su, congratulations."

Li Wanli stood beside Su Ye and whispered.

At this moment, Su Ye's thinking became normal, and he turned to look at Li Wanli and asked, "Uncle Li?"

Li Wanli nodded with a smile.

Su Ye's heart was full of despair, damn it.

How can a small staff member become the prime minister of the empire?

I watched it at Li Qianqian's house before, and I didn't have much aura.

Why is it that now when I wear a suit and simply do my hair, I have a completely different look from usual.

Su Ye and Li Qianqian did not speak until they returned to the hotel.

Su Ye was still in shock.

Li Qianqian was unprepared and didn't know how to tell Su Ye.

After leaving the awards show, Li Wanli walked into another conference hall.

He met Prince Muhammad who had secretly come to the Kingdom of Babs in China.

Just now, Long Han received a news that King Babs, who originally planned to visit Long Han at the end of the month, was assassinated in China.

When he was dying, he announced the successor to the throne under the television broadcast, which was Prince Muhammad.

However, Muhammad, who had just arrived in Longhan at this time, was not prepared at all.

Why was his father assassinated as soon as he left the country.

Why did such a serious thing happen when he just arrived in Longhan.

The succession of the throne is full of various conspiracy theories, not to mention, among the younger brothers behind Prince Muhammad, none of them are eyeing the king's position.

Come to think of it, the father also considered this point. He was worried that the Babs Kingdom would become a place where ambitious people and some foreign forces competed, so he insisted on announcing that he would inherit the throne.

However, the incident happened suddenly, and he was not in the country yet.

Some dark hands prepared before could not be activated immediately.

Muhammad just hesitated and made a decision.

Now that you are already in the Longhan Empire, let's try to see if we can win the support of the Longhan Empire.

Coming out of the airport, he sat in the black Mercedes-Benz sedan and began to think.

Coming to Longhan this time is actually to make compensation for the last hacking.

It's just that there are so many apologies between countries. In the final analysis, it still has to be implemented for interests.

This time, he came here to stand in the front line, mainly to make friends with some powerful figures in Longhan, families, business bosses, etc.

By the way, we also need to investigate some commercial investments in Longhan's country in the future.

In the end, there is another purpose, which is to meet the master hacker who can fix himself.

I reported my request to the Longhan embassy before, but the embassy replied to me that the other party had agreed within two days.

Longhan really deserves to be a superpower. In Muhammad's view, this country's execution is terrible.

He has always had a great affection for Long Han in his heart.

I have dreamed countless times that I am not a prince of a country, but an ordinary person in the Longhan Empire.

Every day is busy with work, earning money, getting married, and having children.

This kind of life looks ordinary, but compared to being born in the royal family now, it looks rich and well-fed, but in fact, life is full of intrigues.

This time coming to Longhan, although he was a bit forced, he seemed to have long been looking forward to it in his heart.

Only about 20 days after the hacking incident, I couldn't wait to fly to Longhan on the plane of Babs Kingdom.

If there is no news of the assassination of the father, it will be perfect.

"Your Highness, we must return to the Kingdom of Babs as soon as possible."

"Your younger brothers have already controlled some important departments in the country. If we go back late, the situation may not be good."

A bearded man sitting next to Muhammad spoke.

This Abdullah has followed Muhammad for more than 12 years, and the two have been good friends since childhood.

Since his return from abroad, Abdullah has been at the side of Muhammad in the role of chief executive.

Whenever Prince Muhammad's younger brothers provoked him, Muhammad would not take action, and Abdullah would naturally help solve it.

However, this problem is too serious.

The king was assassinated suddenly, and the country was in chaos.

If it was his position as Prince Muhammad, Abdullah would definitely transfer to the plane and return to the country immediately, and quickly stabilize the situation.

Although it was necessary to come to Longhan this time, compared to the current situation in the country, I believe the officials of Longhan Kingdom are also understandable.

"Don't worry, Abdullah."

"There is an old saying in Longhan that the late comes first."

"There is another saying that comes from behind."

"Don't look at Amir and Aleph dancing happily now, but as long as we occupy the title of righteousness, they will naturally give me the position of king obediently when we return home."

"His Royal Highness Prince……"

Seeing that Muhammad was so naive, Abdullah became anxious.

Looking at Muhammad before, I thought he was very mature and stable, he considered the overall situation in his work, and he had good conditions in all aspects.

Unexpectedly, it was because of His Majesty's protection that made him look so outstanding.

Doesn't he know that Amir is now very close to a company in the beautiful country, and he can use the power of the beautiful country to develop his own power at any time.

The same is true for Prince Aleph, who is backed by the Goose Federation. He has heard that there is a pair of retired soldiers from the Goose Federation to protect him.

These two are the princes with the greatest competition for Prince Muhammad.

Although the others danced happily, most of them were behind Amir and Aleph.

"Muhammad, let me tell you as a good friend, if you don't go back now, it will really be too late."

Muhammad turned his head and looked at Abdullah with an agitated expression, spit on his beard.

It can be seen that he is loyal.

"Abdullah, I ask you, what am I going to do now?"

"Compete with the two younger brothers for the throne, and then let the Beautiful Country and the Goose Federation have the opportunity to intervene in the internal affairs of our Babs Kingdom?"

"You still think that if I go back alone, I can take care of those two dear brothers."

"Abdullah, who do you work for?"

In the end, Muhammad's tone became harsher than ever.

In this turbulent time, don't let yourself be confused.

As a high-achieving student who has obtained a master's degree in management from England, Abdullah will definitely not lose sight of the current scene.

Whether mental arithmetic or not, at this time Muhammad went back, the only ending was to be eaten by his two younger brothers.

Hearing Muhammad's words, sweat broke out on Abdullah's forehead instantly.

"Your Highness, I have a heart for you."

"My loyalty to you is like an oasis in the desert, like the sun in the sky, anyone knows my loyalty to you."

"If you don't trust me, I am willing to walk into the Sahara Desert alone and die under the mouth of vultures."

Muhammad smiled, patted Abdullah on the shoulder and said nothing.

(End of this chapter)

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