Chapter 324

After hearing He Zaijin's description, Zhou Yuanyuan couldn't help showing a look of pity in his eyes.

At the same time, I have some doubts.

This He Zaijin was met by Su Ye from the Internet, and he said that he is very capable.

In terms of some insights and analysis, it is more compatible with Qingyun Technology and Su Ye.


He Zaijin, who has no relevant experience for so many years, is really the person Su Ye is looking for?
Or, the other party is just a person who can only talk and talk.

"Mr. He, our leader talked to you online before."

"I agree with some of your ideas. Would you please tell me about your management and business ideas?"

"Well, let's take it, let's take the company that launched the company on the 31st of last month as an example."

"Mr. Zhou, you are talking about Houlang."

"no problem."

He Zaijin nodded.

Before coming to the interview, he had already made relevant preparations.

Most of the businesses that Qingyun Technology can query on the Internet are Internet-related businesses.

As a senior Internet bar fine plus keyboard man.

The reason why He Zaijin doesn't arouse others' bad feelings every time he comments with others is because every word he says is very reasonable.

That's the kind, as long as you think about it according to his words, it's easy to understand his thoughts.

That is to say, He Zaijin is not playing for the sake of playing online.

It's not that he doesn't have any knowledge, he only knows how to swear and swear.

Now, the main business of Qingyun Technology has relevant persons in charge.

That is to say, Houlang, who has just been acquired, still has a slight possibility of becoming a leader.

Of course, this is more He Zaijin's own idea.

He also understands that Qingyun Technology has decided to acquire Houlang, how could it be possible that the negotiation was completed in a day.

It is certain that when the negotiations have progressed to a certain level, the search for a suitable person in charge has already begun.

Now Zhou Yuanyuan is testing him with this question, not asking him to really work in Houlang.

Having figured this out, He Zaijin decided to unreservedly express his thoughts summed up during the three days of New Year's Day.

"Mr. Zhou, I have also analyzed Houlang before."

"This can be said to be a company that has had great luck. If we really want to set up a similar website now, with the founding team, business ideas, shareholder composition, and management model, they are 100% on the street without any success. possible."

"Oh, why do you say that?"

Zhou Yuanyuan made a timely joke.

She also majored in economics, but her work over the years has made her thinking more biased towards investment and finance.

In her opinion.

The reason why Houlang has come to where it is today is that it has not changed.

What it was three years ago is what it is now.

What business was done three years ago, and what business is it still doing now.

Being a company is the same as being a person.

If you are poor, you will change, if you change, you will be successful, and if you are general, you will achieve success.

The Internet itself is a rapidly changing industry.

You Houlang have been clinging to things from three years ago, so it's no wonder that your business isn't shrinking.

But He Zaijin's point of view is that if Houlang is established now, there is not even the slightest chance of success.

Is it a bit too alarmist.

"Houlang's management team, they are all from the computer industry."

"It is not an exaggeration to say that they are the first batch of Internet people in Longhan."

"But that's the problem. They cling to the name of being the first generation of Internet people. They haven't grown up or made progress."

"When the founders of other companies are learning business management experience."

"The two top managers of Houlang, Wang Dongzhi and Wang Xiubo, are obsessed with various lectures and forums to share their successful experiences and encourage the new generation of Internet people to rise up."

"It is undeniable that their appearance has indeed made a good start for Longhan's Internet."

"But that's all there is to it..."

He Zaijin expressed his views on Houlang Network bit by bit.

At this time, he was no longer the timid interviewer who had just walked in.

Zhou Yuanyuan couldn't help sighing at the impassioned way of berating Fang Qiu.

Some of He Zaijin's analysis agree with her, but some she disagrees with. However, this does not affect Zhou Yuanyuan's approval of He Zaijin.

This is a thoughtful person who looks at problems and doesn't follow others' opinions.

Moreover, he naturally has his own system for enterprise management.

"Mr. He, may I ask, did you come up with these analytical theories yourself?"

Beautiful eyes flow around the circle.


"Although I have been working at the bottom all these years, I have not given up on my dream."

"Shi Chang will analyze the growth experience of some companies, and then publish his views on the Internet."

"In addition, I will call my teacher for some content that I can't figure out."

"Oh, your teacher is..."

Seeing He Zaijin's slightly embarrassed look, Zhou Yuanyuan couldn't help asking curiously.

"My teacher is Professor Yu Mingfu from Haicheng University of Economics. The reason why I chose to work in Haicheng was to have time to ask my teacher more questions."

"Oh, Professor Yu Mingfu, he should retire now."

Zhou Yuanyuan couldn't help feeling a little sour when she heard this.

Haicheng University of Economics has a lot of fate with her.

I didn't say that I didn't pass the college entrance examination that year.

In her senior year, she originally wanted to make up for the regrets of the year, and applied for the postgraduate entrance examination of Professor Yu Mingfu of Haicheng University of Economics.

As a result, all her scores have reached the standard, but nothing.

Yu Mingfu just didn't choose her.

Then in the second year, I heard the news that Professor Yu had retired.

It was also because of this that Zhou Yuanyuan chose not to go to graduate school in a fit of anger, and came out to work directly.

What is the gold in front of me, what is the virtue and what is the ability, so that Professor Yu attaches great importance to it.

People who have already dropped out of school, but they can still find Professor Yu Mingfu to ask for advice all the time.

At this point in today's interview, Zhou Yuanyuan knew that it was almost done.

The He Zaijin in front of him couldn't help being as good as what Su Ye described, and even had his own unique skills.

He Zaijin learned this set of management methods, and Zhou Yuanyuan dared to say that she had already received the true instruction from Professor Yu Mingfu.

In other words.

This guy Su Ye can recruit a talent by chatting with anyone on the Internet.

The only thing He Zaijin lacks now is management experience.

Zhou Yuanyuan believed it.

After a period of experience, He Zaijin has no problem being the CEO of a large group.

"Congratulations, Mr. He."

"Your performance is very good, I can now officially inform you that your interview has passed."

"After completing the entry procedures, you will be a member of Qingyun Technology."

"I welcome you on behalf of Qingyun Technology."

Saying that, Zhou Yuanyuan stretched out her right hand to He Zaijin.

When Zhou Yuanyuan's slender hand stretched out in front of him, He Zaijin was stunned for a moment.

So you passed the interview?
So you joined the legendary Qingyun Technology?
Subconsciously, he pinched his thigh with his hand, and then quickly stretched out his hand to hold Zhou Yuanyuan together.

"Mr. Zhou, thank you."

"Thank you for your recognition."

"Being able to join Qingyun Technology is the happiest moment in my life."

"Thank you, thank you."

He Zaijin kept bowing to Zhou Yuanyuan while thanking him.

Zhou Yuanyuan helped him up, "Mr. He, don't thank me too much, it is our President Su who invited you to join Qingyun Technology."

"You should thank him."

Seeing He Zaijin's incoherent speech, Zhou Yuanyuan couldn't help feeling amused.

He's an older person, and he still talks in a mess.

Of course she understood that He Zaijin was too excited.

After all, the person in front of him has been sunk in the secular world for many years, and Qingyun Technology is like the notice sent to his hometown back then.

He Zaijin can be regarded as a rare innocence.

"President Su, which President Su?"

He Zaijin had a guess in his mind.

He couldn't believe that the person chatting with him that day turned out to be the mysterious President Su in Qingyun Technology.

This is too fantastical.

You think this is writing a novel.

It's as if you posted a post on weibo that you are too tired to change jobs recently, but Wang Congcong liked it, and then sent you a private message saying brother, don't work hard, and come to me as an assistant in the future.

This is the modern version of the story of Prince Charming and Cinderella.

He Zaijin joined Qingyun Technology in this way.

Then, before he came and assigned a specific job position, Su Ye called from the imperial capital and asked him to go to the imperial capital to take up the post of president of Houlang Company.

He Zaijin took the ticket bought for him by the administration department and got on the plane without even a chance to be dazed.

When I saw Su Ye, there was a beautiful and outrageous little fairy beside Su Ye.

He Zaijin is familiar with this girl.

It was an issue of "Business Observer" that brought Qingyun Technology, a giant in the Internet industry, to the surface.

And in that episode, Li Qianqian was the one who went abroad the most.

"Mr. Li, hello, I have been famous for you for a long time."

He Zaijin, who was wearing a decent suit, recognized Li Qianqian first, and rushed forward to shake hands with her.

"Mr. He is too polite."

The two chatted for a few words, completely ignoring Su Ye who was on the side.

Considering that it would be inappropriate for him to chat with a beautiful woman like Li Qianqian for too long, he asked, "Mr. Li, I don't know when Mr. Su will come over."

"I took over a company as big as Houlang Technology when I first joined the company, and I was terrified."

Li Qianqian couldn't help laughing when he heard his words.

"President Su, far away in the sky, but close in front of us."

"Close in front of you?"

Only then did He Zaijin turn his attention to Su Ye who had been sitting silently by the side.

Then he turned his head to look at Li Qianqian, his eyes full of doubts.

Li Qianqian nodded to him.

He Zaijin quickly stood up and stretched out his right hand: "Mr. Su, Mr. Su, I'm sorry, I really don't know Taishan. Mr. Su, you are sitting in front of me, and I didn't recognize it."


"This shows that the low-key strategy I have been pursuing has been very effective."

Su Ye said with a smile, and also stood up to shake hands with He Zaijin.

"Mr. He, sit down, let's let the waiter serve the food first, and we will chat while eating later."

"You came here by plane early in the morning, you probably haven't eaten yet."

He Zaijin did not expect the mysterious President Su to be so approachable.

Mr. Su looks very young and handsome.

But as long as he speaks, people can't help but ignore his handsome face.

Temperament, the temperament of a superior person.

"Mr. He, I'm sorry for sending you here from Haicheng so presumptuously."

"It's true that Houlang really needs a capable future. After your interview that day, President Zhou Yuanyuan strongly recommended you to me, saying that what you lack now is a stage where you can display your talents."

"So, although you have just joined the company, I can still give you a chance."

"Let you alone in charge of the back waves."

(End of this chapter)

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