Chapter 327 Give Me a Guitar
After arranging Zhao Xiaojing's work, Su Ye turned to look at Cao Wei.

"Brother Cao. Next, you have to work harder on your side."

"The development of Shunfeng Logistics has slowed down a bit recently."

Cao Wei had never participated in such a high-level group meeting of Su Ye.

Although in Shunfeng Logistics, Su Ye only holds 75% of the shares (later he invested, so the proportion of shares increased), but when he came to Qingyun Technology for a meeting, he felt that he was just a young man who had just entered the industry.

Just now when Su Ye asked Yang Zhiyuan to reach a daily production capacity of 50, he was stunned.

The current production capacity is only 2 per day, what is the concept of increasing it to 50.

25 times more than it is now.

No wonder I grew up with him, Yang Zhiyuan, who didn't care about anything before, ran out of the conference room without even finishing his sentence.

Now it's Cao Wei's turn again.

Cao Wei is still a little complacent about the current development of Taifeng.

After Su Ye's last instruction, he started a large-scale recruitment of talents, not only management talents, but also more than 2 grassroots couriers.

More than 20000 people.

For the current Shunfeng Logistics, it is a huge burden to pay 20000 people every month.

Moreover, in just a few months, Shunfeng's logistics area has spread all over Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Hai, Anhui, Jiangxi, Fu, Guang, Chu, Hubei and other southern provinces.

Except for the provinces of Sichuan, Guizhou, and Yun that are farther away, they have basically occupied half of the market of the Longhan Empire.

But just like that, Su Ye even said that Cao Wei's development was slow.

Does he have to occupy most of the country within a few months to be satisfied?
Moreover, these provinces seem to have been covered, but only some large and medium-sized cities can be delivered, and there is no way to cover small 2-3 tier cities and townships and rural areas.

Cao Wei's character is relatively calm. He thought that since he wanted to cover, it must be fully covered, and he could not leave a single blind spot.

"Brother Cao, your current thinking is a bit off."

"Didn't I tell you before?"

"Let's focus on major cities now, and let's let go of towns and rural areas."

"It's not that the township market is not important, but most of the townships are underdeveloped, and most of the people living there are the elderly and children, and there is not much demand for express delivery."

"Most of their young adults are working in cities or running small restaurants."

"Our Shunfeng logistics appears as a supplementary module of the e-commerce platform, so now who uses computers to surf the Internet the most."

"It's a white-collar worker."

Cao Wei said nah.

"Yes, this is no problem. Where do white-collar workers work and where do they rest and stay? We should keep up with the market and our users to expand our business."

"As a result, it has been several months now, and none of us have been to the north to develop business."

"As the center of the empire, the imperial capital can't even see our tailwind logistics."

"Tell me, isn't your progress too slow?"

"Yes, Mr. Su, I really didn't think carefully here."

"Don't worry, I will immediately send people to develop the business of the imperial capital."

"Well, not only the imperial capital."

Su Ye nodded and said.

Compared with others, Cao Wei may not be as good in big strategies, but he is still good in handling things.

In just a short time, he has already covered so many provinces.

He has even covered secondary cities in some provinces.

If you think about it differently, if you let Su Ye sit in Cao Wei's position, you may not even be able to compare with Cao Wei.

"There are still many old heavy industrial cities in the north, and there are still many laid-off workers there. If you can, you can directly contact the local government and recruit a group of laid-off workers to join the logistics companies in various places."

"Since the country has issued us the first express access license, we also have to help the empire solve some difficulties."

Su Ye remembered that Li Wanli told him the last time he was in the imperial capital.

Although Shunfeng Logistics seems to have solved the employment of 2 people, compared to the overall situation of the empire, it can only be said to be a drop in the bucket.

To put it bluntly, in some small heavy industrial cities, the number of laid-off workers may exceed 20000.

Since Li Wanli has given Shunfeng such great convenience in terms of express delivery license, Shunfeng will naturally repay the favor to help the empire solve the problem of reemployment of laid-off workers.

"Also, Brother Cao, I just asked Qianqian to buy land in various cities. After that, every time Qianqian buys a piece of land, Shunfeng Company will quickly take it over and use it as our logistics warehouse."

"In this way, Shunfeng can have a ready-made logistics distribution center without going anywhere, and it can save you a lot of trouble."

"Okay, this will indeed be much more convenient."

"Brother Chen."

"How is your connection with Shunfeng now? Can logistics information be queried online?"

"President Su, I have tried this a few times."

"Because of the equipment, we can only enter the courier information manually now."

"Now the total amount of express delivery is still relatively small, and the express company has a large number of personnel, so it is barely enough to enter information."

"But there will be more express deliveries in the future, and it will definitely be too late to enter information."

"That's it."

After manually entering the information, Su Ye felt like he was going to be drunk when he heard these words.

When Qingyun Mall goes online, if Su Ye engages in a mobile phone event, it will make manual entry of information a historical noun.

"What does our current Shunfeng Express bill look like, can you show me?"

Su Ye thought of a problem, whether it will develop smoothly to the current situation, there is no suitable express delivery list.

"I have it here."

Cao Wei handed over the two courier slips to Su Ye from the place on his body.

"President Su, this green-backed list is specially used for express delivery within the province."

"This list with a red background is specially for inter-provincial express delivery."

"This is a financial solution within the company. Since using such a courier, our efficiency has improved a lot."

Cao Wei explained to Su Ye pointing to the courier slip.

The words are quite self-satisfied.

Cao Wei is also honored to be able to make his subordinates think of such a good idea.

"That's it?"

Su Ye said bluntly.

"Brother Cao, I'm afraid you haven't heard of barcodes before."

"Barcode, what barcode?"

Seeing Cao Wei's bewildered expression, Su Ye was convinced.

The barcode is the ID card of a commodity, and each courier order should have independent identity information.

After receiving the courier from a certain place, the courier uses a code scanner to enter the information, indicating that the package has been received.

After the courier is sent from the local collection point, the code will be scanned again to assign the location of the courier.

This also requires an internal encoding.

Each province, each city, each region, and each street in the country is assigned a special code name.

For example, the code name of Suzhou Province is 1, the code name of Jiangcheng is 1, the code name of New District is 2, and the code name of Qingchuangyuan Street is 6.
Then when in the distribution center, the courier sent to Qingyun Technology will be given an internal identification number of the courier company, which is 1126.
In this way, laymen may not be able to understand it, but the colleagues of Shunfeng Company will definitely know it at a glance.

In this way, whether the express delivery is in the distribution center, the transshipment center, or the distribution center of the destination city, the express delivery can be carried out very clearly.

As soon as Su Ye said his thoughts, Cao Wei and Chen Nanfeng beside him couldn't help but their eyes lit up.

The problem in my eyes, how come to Su Ye, I feel that it can be solved very easily.

Everyone has been to the supermarket.

I also bought things in the supermarket.

Every time you check out, the cashier has to scan the barcode on the product as the checkout basis.

Why didn't I think of such a good way.

"President Su, what you're talking about should require some professional equipment."

"Need not."

"You can also use the code scanning gun."

"Brother Chen can set his own identity for each location in the background. For example, Jiangcheng Distribution Center, after leaving, the status will be automatically updated, and the courier is in transit."

"We can't handle more details now, but at least buyers can see our logistics information online."

"Otherwise, the number of couriers is still so small now, Brother Cao has talked about the problem of missing couriers several times."

"What if there are more in the future?"

Both Cao Wei and Chen Nanfeng nodded,
It is not very complicated to do this, as long as some training is given to the relevant personnel in various places.

The production of the software is also relatively simple, this kind of thing couldn't be easier for Chen Nanfeng.

What is really difficult is thinking.

Su Ye's words have at least advanced the development progress of the Longhan express industry by at least 5 years.

"Okay, let's go down and get busy."

After this meeting, Su Ye still has a long-awaited thing to do.

He has already decided to take Li Qianqian and Zhou Yuanyuan to Guangcheng to talk to the boss of Biati Group about the investment and acquisition.

This has been off for a long time due to the pandemic.

Two days ago, a professional businessman told Su Ye that he had contacted the Biati Group.

Biati's boss is also very interested in the visit of Qingyun Technology, a top domestic Internet company.

It just so happened that it was the end of the year, and Biati had also finished most of his business for the year, so he had time to have a business meeting with Su Ye.

In fact, from the beginning to the end, Wang Chuanfu felt very strange about Qingyun Technology's visit.

Biati is a traditional offline battery company, and most of its projects are battery sales.

Although he had a dream of building a car in his heart, Wang Chuanfu never thought that even Qingyun Technology, which was far away in Jiangcheng, knew about it.

For this visit, Wang Chuanfu was also at a loss.

However, when he came back from the company, he was extremely annoyed when he heard the sound of the guitar at home.

As a practitioner in the field of scientific research, Wang Chuanfu has always thought of himself that way.

He felt that the child he gave birth to would more or less follow him.

But who would have thought that Wang Ziyu didn't follow her at all.

Wang Chuanfu is an orthodox man of science and engineering, and he is also engaged in research work in the field of electronic new energy, but he started at the age of five.

Wang Ziyu fell in love with painting.

Just paint, I didn’t expect that after just two years of learning, I won the No.1 in the local children’s painting competition held in Guangcheng.

Although he couldn't appreciate the beauty of the child's paintings at all.

But this did not prevent him from taking Wang Ziyu out to the playground for a while, and bought his favorite electric toy.

Of course, this electric toy is not Wang Ziyu's favorite, but Wang Chuanfu's.

A transformable robot car that can run on its own and make a "low-lying, low-lying" sound is still kept in the cabinet of Wang Chuanfu's home without seeing the light of day.

As a result, Wang Ziyu was not interested in this thing at all, but went out to collect scenery and sketch with his teacher.

At that time, Wang Ziyu was only seven years old, and he knew that he would go on a hunger strike against his mother and threaten him not to let him go out.

In the end, Wang Fuchuan had no choice but to agree.

Originally, I thought it would be good for my son Wang Ziyu to go on like this. Although being a painter is not in the same field as I am engaged in, at least I have found a hobby in life.

After brushing up the awards of all levels in the empire one after another, Wang Ziyu has kept her student status since high school and went to participate in painting competitions all over the world.

So far, the highest prize is a competition named after a certain master in France, and he won the first prize.

But since then, Wang Ziyu packed all her painting supplies, paper, pens, certificates, trophies, etc., into a box.

As for why.

Wang Fuchuan really asked, and the answer is to seal the pen.

I have been painting for more than ten years, and I have won various awards. If I don’t give up, Wang Ziyu, who is not a master of painting in the future, will simply give up his painting career that he has insisted on for 10 years.


I can't extricate myself from the world of music.

Buy a guitar, learn the piano, and play the drums.

At that time, it was when Wang Fuchuan's career started, and he didn't have much time to pay attention to Wang Ziyu.

As a result, one day, Wang Ziyu told him that he had become a special student of the Imperial Conservatory of Music and could interview for admission to the Conservatory of Music.

Wang Fuchuan, who was just at the critical point of overcoming technical difficulties and had no clue, smashed Wang Ziyu's guitar.

"Learn, learn, learn, you know how to do these useless things every day, don't you know that empty talk is harmful to the country, and you can rejuvenate the country with hard work?"

"I don't know how to learn something useful all day long, such as painting and playing music."

"Just play, if you really dare to go to the Imperial Conservatory of Music, you will never have a father like me."

Wang Ziyu obviously didn't expect that Wang Fuchuan would be so disgusted with his study of painting and music.

Before, he thought that Wang Fuchuan accepted and supported him to learn painting.

Moreover, why did it suddenly explode like this today.

Shouldn't parents expect their children to be successful?

Wang Ziyu's talent in science and engineering is indeed not high, but his talent in these cultural entertainments is indeed far beyond Wang Fuchuan's imagination.

In recent years, not only his paintings have won various awards, but even his music, which he has just studied for three years, has also been affirmed by some professionals.

In addition, all the short stories he wrote casually in class were published by the Chinese teacher, and he earned hundreds of dollars in manuscript fees.

But in the eyes of Wang Fuchuan, this is deviant.

It's not that he doesn't accept those literary figures, but he can't accept that his own child has also become a literary figure.

But, why, my son has to fight against me.


"You dropped a guitar on me today, and one day, I will use music to let you know that what you did was wrong."

"I want you to pay me for a guitar."

(End of this chapter)

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