Chapter 330 Is Acting Interesting? (seeking a monthly ticket)
Su Ye's eyes also looked at Wang Fuchuan.

Want to see how he will answer.

Su Ye felt that what the employees were worried about would not happen.

No matter how you say it, Wang Fuchuan is a mature businessman.

Even if he disagrees with his request for cooperation, it is not enough to refuse him on this occasion, and he will give him an excuse.

For example, I need to think about this kind of thing.

Otherwise, how could he, Wang Fuchuan, secure the position of the boss of Biati Company, and still make the company flourish.

"it is good."

"I agree."

Wang Fuchuan said straightforwardly.

Although he has a certain sense of professionalism, he values ​​the future more.

When he created the Biati brand, he had an idea in his heart to make new energy vehicles.

Biati, to be honest, is just a stepping stone for him to enter the field of new energy vehicles.

Now running Biati has exhausted him mentally and mentally. Every day, he has various financial statements, various sales plans, and various overseas meetings with other brand owners.

Wang Fuchuan has already read 50, and his energy and body are as full as when he was in his 40s.

However, with the funds earned now, there is no way to realize the idea in my heart.

And at this moment, Su Ye appeared.

With 10 billion funds, he said that he wanted to invest in Biati, which will undoubtedly greatly accelerate the development of Biati.

You know, in the past five or six years, Biati's total investment in the technology department has not exceeded [-] million yuan.

With this one billion, the technical problems encountered before can continue.

I dare not say too much, but in the coming year, Wang Fuchuan is sure.

With 10 billion funds, Biati's scientific research and development will definitely reach a new level.

And the moment she heard Wang Fuchuan's answer, Zhou Yuanyuan felt relieved.

At the same time, some sense of absurdity arises.

Since she joined the company, Qingyun Technology has launched two large-scale acquisition projects.

For the first time, Houlang was acquired.

Because she was in charge of the real estate project in Haicheng, she really couldn't get away, so she could only guide Li Qianqian remotely by phone.

As a result, Li Qianqian, a novice in the investment industry, even an outsider who hadn't even entered the industry, completed the acquisition with ease.

After that acquisition, Houlang was acquired by the investment and business circles as [Snake Tunxiang].

As soon as Li Qianqian entered the industry, she accomplished such a world-renowned achievement, which can be said to be amazing.

The second is to invest in BYAT.

Coming to Guangcheng this time, Zhou Yuanyuan originally thought that she could flex her muscles.

Let Su Ye and his colleagues see the demeanor and ability of himself, the leader of Qingyun Technology.

For this reason, he searched Biati's relevant information in advance to find their weaknesses.

Zhou Yuanyuan even bought books on basic science and technology in order to study and understand the problems of some batteries in the Biati factory.

It can be said that Zhou Yuanyuan came to Guangcheng this time with the belief of victory.

From Biati's personnel, business, technical level, general manager Wang Fuchuan's personality, and the personalities and preferences of some of Biati's executives, she already knows everything.

This kind of preliminary preparation gave Zhou Yuanyuan great confidence that this time when he came to Guangcheng, the investment matter would definitely be a success.

But! ! !

Su Ye, who didn't know how to be evaluated by others, unexpectedly put forward his own idea at the reception luncheon.

And even more surprising.

Wang Fuchuan actually agreed.





At this moment, Zhou Yuanyuan had ten thousand complaints in her heart.

My heart hurts so badly, I feel panicked.

Wang Fuchuan, Wang Fuchuan, aren't you the founder of Biati Group?

Do you have no feelings for the company at all?

How could he give up the group's shares so easily?

Anyway, it will take a series of consultations and negotiations before making a decision.

Don't you people who are bosses are happy people?

When someone else proposes an idea, if you think it is suitable, you agree, and if you think it is not suitable, you reject it?

This is too random.

"Okay, since Mr. Wang agrees, then we can let them start to investigate the issue of capital and shareholding ratio."

"Okay, no problem. Now Biati's production capacity and sales are very good. Qingyun Technology will definitely not regret this investment."

Wang Fuchuan raised the baijiu in his glass and touched Su Ye a little, then drank it down.

Su Ye is also a happy person, drinking to the brim.

The two looked at each other with wine glasses and smiled, quite a feeling that a thousand glasses of wine are too few to meet a bosom friend.

"Uncle Wang, come and let me toast you again."

"Xiao Su, you need to bring more belt jade in the future, come on, do it."

A good reception banquet turned into a wine competition between Su Ye and Wang Fuchuan.

Two bosses took the lead, and the employees below became enthusiastic.

Push the cup to change the cup, and the gong and chips are staggered.

For a time, the two companies were as good as one company.

At the end of the drink, both Wang Fuchuan and Su Ye were a little confused.

Although Wang Fuchuan has been tested for a long time, he is a bit older after all, so he can't match the young guy like Su Ye.

Taking advantage of his sanity, Wang Fuchuan begged for forgiveness repeatedly.

"Old, old, not as good as you young people."

"Xiao Su, I'll prepare a hotel for you. You guys should take a break today. It happens to be exhausted after a long journey. Let's recharge your spirits first. We'll talk about investment tomorrow."

"Okay, Uncle Wang, you can go back first, but, can I ask Wang Ziyu to accompany me to go shopping in Guangcheng this afternoon?"

Su Ye saw Wang Ziyu winking at him all the time, begging to take him in.

So he asked Wang Fuchuan, Wang Fuchuan saw Wang Ziyu's appearance and knew that this kid had his own ideas in mind.

He slapped Wang Ziyu on the shoulder, "Go, take Xiao Su to have fun in Guangzhou this afternoon."

Wang Ziyu shortened his body and was very happy: "Thank you, Dad."

When Wang Fuchuan left, Wang Ziyu took Su Ye and the others to the hotel to drop off their luggage.

"Hello sister-in-law, hello sister-in-law."

Seeing Su Ye talking with Zhou Yuanyuan and the others over there, Wang Ziyu ran to Li Qianqian to say hello.

"Hello, Wang Ziyu, I'm not your sister-in-law, don't bark."

"There's no barking, I can tell from the looks of you and my third brother, you two must be a couple, you can't run away."

"Sister-in-law, you are here this time to stay for a few days, and I will take you around Guangcheng."

"If the weather is fine, I'll borrow a boat to take you out to sea."

As soon as Li Qianqian heard about going out to sea, Li Qianqian remembered what Su Ye had promised to take all the staff to his island for vacation.

It's been so long, and Su Ye didn't mention it, maybe he forgot.

Now the total number of people in several companies is estimated to be several thousand. With so many people, it is a big problem if they want to travel.

"Go to sea, okay, Su Ye didn't say how long you've been here this time."

"However, the weather here in Guangcheng is indeed warmer. You can just tell Su Ye later."

On the other side, Su Ye explained to Zhou Yuanyuan.

"Sister Zhou, Wang Fuchuan has already agreed, and then we will speed up the inspection of their assets."

"I, Su Ye, am not one to take advantage, but I am not willing to suffer."

"The exact value of Biati must be estimated as soon as possible, and I will send him the money directly."

"Okay, anyway, you are the boss, I will listen to you."

Zhou Yuanyuan angrily gave Su Ye a supercilious look.

She came here this time to flex her muscles and give the company an explanation.

Otherwise, I have been working in Qingyun Technology for so long, and I have no achievements other than buying land with money.

After a long time, Zhou Yuanyuan also worried that there would be gossip in the company.

Although not now, but after a long time, everyone sees that Zhou Yuanyuan only takes money and does nothing in Haicheng, and there will definitely be some gossip.

"Sister Zhou, don't blame me this time. How did I know that Wang Fuchuan is the father of the fourth child in our dormitory?"

"If I knew, I would definitely bring Li Qianqian here and treat it as a vacation."

It was fine if Su Ye didn't say this, but Zhou Yuanyuan was even angrier when he said it.

The materials I have prepared for so long before co-authoring are all in vain, and I still have to eat your dog food here.

Really heartless.

Zhou Yuanyuan used to have a little fantasy about such a fresh meat as Su Ye.

But seeing that Su Ye hadn't responded all this time, she couldn't take the initiative to join in.

Girls, you still need to be more reserved.

What's more, our sister Zhou Yuan, although she is no longer a young girl, her mature charm is even more attractive.

Although it was difficult to find Su Ye, she was allowed to pick out the other elders at will.

Somehow, a man's face appeared in Zhou Yuanyuan's mind.

"Hey, sister Zhou, why are you in a daze, have you heard everything I told you?"

"Ah, ah, no, listen, I didn't hear it."

Zhou Yuanyuan was awakened by Su Ye's loud roar, and quickly spoke incoherently.


"Sister Zhou, look at your flushed face, don't you miss men?"

"By the way, Miss Zhou, you're already twenty... The eldest is not young, so you don't have a problem thinking about a man."

Under Zhou Yuanyuan's gaze, Su Ye's voice became smaller and smaller.

It was easy to be heard by Li Qianqian who came over.

"Sister Zhou, let me help you teach this guy a lesson."

Su Ye couldn't help but refuse, Li Qianqian's iron hand had already twisted his ears.

"Say, do you still dare to tease sister Zhou?"

"Ouch, Qianqian, Qianqian, let go, it hurts."

"I didn't tease Miss Zhou, it was her own face, look how red it is."

Li Qianqian turned to look at Zhou Yuanyuan curiously.

Sure enough, Zhou Yuanyuan's cheeks turned red all the way to her neck.

Zhou Yuanyuan, who has always been proud of her single life, was so teased by Su Ye and Li Qianqian that she couldn't bear it anymore.

"What are you two doing, throwing dog food out in public."

"Everyone come with me and let them play by themselves."

Zhou Yuanyuan hurriedly left Su Ye and Li Qianqian's room after speaking.

One kind of subordinate saw that the company's top management was doing something, and they didn't dare to provoke them, so they followed Zhou Yuanyuan all the way out.

Wang Ziyu: "..."

"Third brother, are you okay now, I'll take you and sister-in-law out to have fun."

"Don't play, sleep."

"Fourth, your dad is really good at drinking. He is such a big man, and he made me dizzy."

"Where is this?"

"Third brother, I'm not bragging to you. My dad usually drinks more than this when he drinks alone at home."

"He let you go today."

"Let me go?"

Su Ye recalled Wang Fuchuan's expression at lunch today.

Although he kept saying that he would stop drinking, his face was ruddy and he spoke clearly. When he left the hotel to go outside, his steps were very steady without any shaking.

"Damn it, your dad is really dark."

Su Ye couldn't help sighing, these days, can't people be more honest and friendly?

Is acting interesting?

(End of this chapter)

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