Chapter 332 Spring is coming (seeking a monthly ticket)

"Go, go, have to go."

"Since the third brother has spoken in person, I have to go through the mountains of swords and fire."

Wang Ziyu said firmly.

The appearance of patting her chest made Li Qianqian laugh non-stop.

From the very beginning of the meeting, Wang Ziyu acted like a good baby.

If you don't get close to him, it's hard to imagine that he is so funny than a person.

"Okay, then I'll call someone, and you can go directly when the time comes."

Su Ye spoke directly.

This matter is not a matter at all for an independent investor like him.

To put it bluntly, even if Wang Ziyu is cast as the leading actor in a movie, it is only a matter of saying a word.

However, Su Ye turned to look at Wang Ziyu's fresh-faced look and sighed slightly.

This guy is the leading actor for Ip Man, so he can't act like that.

The appearance of the white-faced niche can make the audience play just by looking at it.

Even though makeup can make him more mature, but that kind of temperament can't be shown.

A small supporting role should be enough.

"Hey, Yifei, what is the progress of Ye Wen's crew?"

"Boss Su, the crew has already pulled up."

"However, the custom in Hong Kong City is that no work will be started during the Spring Festival, and filming will start after the year at the earliest."

"Well, it's okay, you must keep an eye on them to ensure the quality of the film."

"Another thing to tell you, I have a friend who just wants to know how the movie is shot."

"I'll send you his phone number later, you can contact the director and arrange a role for him."

"Okay, this is no problem."

"The director called me last night and asked if we had any actors to arrange. I said I'd reply to him today. Isn't that a good thing?"

"Okay, okay, don't be poor with me."

Su Ye nodded to the expectant Wang Ziyu, indicating that there is absolutely no problem with this matter.

"Hang up, you and Reporter Wang have a good time in the imperial capital."

It's okay not to talk about this, but when this topic comes up, Wang Yifei is full of complaints.

"President Su, I didn't say that, Longhan TV Station is really not a thing."

"They actually got stuck on Wang Yihan's resignation application. It's been the third day, and there is still no news from there."

"Wang Yihan entrusted someone to inquire about the situation, but the person said that the newly appointed station director was very dissatisfied with Wang Yihan and wanted to block her resignation procedures."

"Even moved out Wang Yihan's teacher who was hospitalized in the hospital, and persuaded Wang Yihan to stay."

"Tell me, is this troublesome?"

Su Ye pondered for a while, and found that he didn't have any good solution for this matter.

Longhan TV Station has its own internal system, and outsiders can't get in at all.

Unless with the help of Li Qianqian's relationship, let Li Wanli intervene from the top.

But for such a small matter, to be honest, it is really not necessary.

Li Wanli is the dignified prime minister of the empire. Even if he has the ability to intervene, if he frequently reaches out to lower-level departments, he will definitely be criticized after a long time.

It may even become a reason for opponents to attack him.

Besides, the day before yesterday Su Ye asked Li Qianqian to submit the information for mobile phone review, so it is obviously inappropriate to borrow Li Wanli's relationship now.

"Yifei, take this matter slowly, the TV station will get stuck if it wants to."

"At this time, you can take Wang Yihan around the imperial capital."


Wang Yifei said in his heart that I still have a big push for a film and television investment company, and I also have a legendary job.

After the last public opinion incident, Li Qianqian contacted Tang Zhirou, a barrister in Imperial Capital, to sue NetEase Technology.

It is still in the process of intensive preparation.

From time to time, there are some things that need the cooperation of Wang Yifei, the person in charge of the QQ game department.

Therefore, although this period of time is a vacation, things are no less than working hours.

Su Ye hung up the phone and said to Li Qianqian, "Wang Yifei encountered difficulties taking Wang Yihan to the imperial capital, and her resignation procedures were stuck there."

"Why is it stuck?"

Li Qianqian thought about the relevant regulations and policies in her mind, and felt that this was not reasonable at all.

Wang Yihan has been suspended from Longhan TV for more than a month.

The Labor Law of the Longhan Empire stipulates that formally registered employees who want to resign from the company need to apply one month in advance.

If the employee has not participated in the company's various tasks for a month, he can leave directly, as long as he follows a procedure, and does not need the approval of the director at all.

When Su Ye heard Li Qianqian's reasoning, he felt a burst of comfort in his heart.

It is very convenient to have a girlfriend and assistant who are proficient in the laws and regulations of the empire.

"Qianqian, I'll talk to Yifei."

"Nowadays everyone doesn't pay attention to the legitimate rights and interests of migrant workers, so let Longhan TV station make a name for itself first."

Li Qianqian nodded expectantly.

For this kind of thing, she is also the master who is afraid that the world will not be chaotic.

What's more, this is also related to the major event of the person in charge of Qingyun Technology's future cultural department.

"Su Ye, why don't you go to lawyer Tang Zhirou directly and ask her to help you handle it by the way."

"This..." Su Ye thought it was wrong after thinking about it.

After all, things haven't reached that point yet. If Longhan TV really doesn't want to let him go, it won't be too late to invite Mr. Tang to appear.

"Let's talk about this later, let Wang Yihan give Longhan TV an ultimatum first."

"Okay, I'll make a call first."

After Su Ye called, he told Wang Yifei about Li Qianqian's analysis.

Wang Yifei immediately decided to go to the Longhan Bookstore downstairs of the hotel where he lived to check relevant information.

If there is no problem, he will take Wang Yihan to Longhan TV Station today.

"Remember to keep the relevant evidence, and don't make it unreasonable if you don't have evidence in your hands during labor arbitration or mediation."

"President Su, don't worry, I know all about it."

Wang Yifei, who is full of confidence, doesn't know at this time.

Before the Spring Festival of the Year of the Ox came, the two Internet industry lawsuits caused by him or indirectly by him shocked the entire Longhan Empire.

One is that Qingyun Technology sued NetEase for publishing false information, misleading Internet users, and maliciously smearing Qingyun Technology's image in the hearts of the public.

The second is that Wang Yifei and Wang Yihan jointly sued Longhan TV Station. The reason for the lawsuit is that the TV station ignored the newly issued Longhan Empire labor law and maliciously delayed the progress of employees' resignation procedures.

These two lawsuits have attracted the attention of the industry because Tang Zhirou, a barrister who has returned from overseas, is the main prosecutor.

Later, after being reported by a certain newspaper, they became two classic cases in the legal history of the Longhan Empire.

The first is the first prosecution case in the Internet industry.

The second is the first case in which migrant workers sued their workplaces.

Many years later, these two cases were even published in the law textbooks of many universities in Longhan, such as Imperial Law University and Haicheng Law University, for students to study.

At this time, neither Wang Yifei nor Su Ye would have imagined that because of these two major cases, Qingyun Technology became a big company well-known to the people of the empire.

It can be considered unintentional.

After hanging up Wang Yifei's call, neither Su Ye nor Wang Ziyu and Li Qianqian were interested in continuing to sing.

Under the leadership of Wang Ziyu, they walked to the snack street in Guangcheng and tasted the local specialty snacks in Guangcheng heartily.

"I can't do it, Su Ye, I'm so full."

Li Qianqian complained to Su Ye with one hand on her waist.

"Hey, who told you to eat so much outside just now, you really have big eyes and small belly."

Su Ye complained unceremoniously.

"Su Ye, do you still have a conscience?"

"You bought that pineapple bun yourself, but you said it was too sweet, so you forced it for me to eat."

"And rice rolls, you actually bought four bowls, but the fourth child didn't eat it, so you only ate one bowl, and I ate the remaining three bowls."

"Su Ye, if I weigh myself tomorrow and gain weight, I will blame you."

Li Qianqian said that he would not let him go.

As a result, just caught up with Su Ye and patted him on the back a few times, then suddenly squatted on the ground covering his stomach.


"Qianqian, what's wrong with you?"

Su Ye quickly turned back to check on Li Qianqian's condition.

He once heard someone say that because the child of a certain family has always had a delicious personality, he once went to a banquet, but he ate too much and burst his stomach.

As a result, I called an ambulance and sent me to the hospital for surgery.

Li Qianqian did eat a lot to tell the truth just now, but don't burst your stomach like the one in that story.

"Hey, I lied to you!"

Li Qianqian grabbed Su Ye's neck and kissed him hard on the face.

"Bad guy, who told you to let me eat so much just now."

"It's up to you to become fat in the future."

Seeing that Li Qianqian was fine, Su Ye also smiled.

"It's okay, rely on me, everything depends on me."

As he said that, he picked Li Qianqian up from the ground and walked on the streets of Guangcheng in the posture of a princess hugging her.

Wang Ziyu, who was on the side, was fed a handful of dog food as he watched the two of them act like no one else was there.

Well, it still tastes like beef.

It’s already January, and the season of spring is coming soon. Shouldn’t I also find a girlfriend to find some inspiration for music creation?

Cheerful laughter filled the streets and alleys.

Li Qianqian was a little embarrassed to be hugged by Princess Su Ye at first, but her head was buried deeply in Su Ye's arms.

Kissing Su Ye just now was already the most daring move since she dated Su Ye.

Now being hugged by Su Ye again, she felt that everyone in the street was looking at her.

This is true.

Now that the economy of the Longhan Empire has just begun to recover, fashionable young people like Su Ye and Li Qianqian are seen by foreigners.

Among the young people in Longhan's own country, there are few examples of such open and aboveboard shows of affection.

A passerby with a camera saw Su Ye holding Li Qianqian and took a photo.

This bright copy of "The Love of Longhan Youth in the New Era" was later published on the mouthpiece of the Longhan Empire, the Longhan Daily.

The author who wrote the article also highly praised it, which is a microcosm of Longhan's opening up and connecting with the world.

When Li Wanli, who was reading the newspaper in his office, saw the articles and pictures, he felt very uncomfortable.

There are some joys.

It is of course gratifying for the daughter to find such a boy who is willing to give her heart to him.

But there is still a little loss.

The juicy Chinese cabbage that I have raised for so many years was hugged by this guy Su Ye.

Think about how Li Qianqian was always smiling so happily in her arms when she was a child.

"Third brother, you and sister-in-law are enough."

"It doesn't take into account the feelings of my light bulb at all."

Wang Ziyu was sitting on the curb with a can of Budweiser by his hand.

"Hey, tell me how you feel."

Su Ye gulped down a mouthful of beer and asked casually.


Wang Ziyu looked at Su Ye and Li Qianqian who were clinging to each other, and suddenly felt that he should not speak at this time.

Who made him refuse to go home?

There are no such things at home.

However, when thinking of going home, Wang Ziyu thought of his father.

He had also heard his father Wang Fuchuan say many times at home that some people wanted to invest in Biati, but he rejected them all.

In his words, Biati's stable development and future achievements will not be bad.

Why do you want to add a mother-in-law on your head?

Seeing angry every day?

However, he didn't expect his father, who had always been afraid of outside investment, to accept Su Ye's offer so easily.

Although the final shareholding ratio has not been determined yet, this matter is already advancing.

It is already an unstoppable trend for Qingyun Technology to invest in Biati.

"Third brother, why do you think my dad suddenly accepted your investment today?"

"I've been thinking about this question for a long time but I can't figure it out."

Wang Ziyu was a little distressed.

Anyway, he is also an undergraduate graduate of Jiangcheng University majoring in Internet, and he also lives under a blue sky. Why is there such a big gap between him and Su Ye?

(End of this chapter)

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