Chapter 334 Zhou Yuanyuan's Special Skills
Yesterday's investment decision was because Su Ye knew that Wang Fuchuan needed investment funds now.

He directly injected 10 billion, which can be said to have solved Wang Fuchuan's urgent need.

Because Gou Ri's country and some other countries have also begun to pay attention to the battery industry.

Wang Fuchuan's ability to retain the existing market share, to be honest, is completely based on the old foundation of the New Energy Research Institute many years ago.

Wang Fuchuan, who has been focusing on running the company these years, has inevitably neglected the iteration and research and development of technology.

Only relying on some former colleagues and some recruited scientific researchers lacks sufficient influence at the top scientific research level.

This is why over the past few years, Biati has clearly become the number one battery manufacturer in Asia, but the right to formulate scrap standards for battery manufacturing and testing is still in the hands of other countries.

It is because of the lack of sufficient high-level scientific research personnel that Biati does not have enough voice and influence at home and abroad.

The number of various scientific research papers published each year is even less than one-tenth of that published by the students of the battery class of Guangcheng University's energy research major.

Later, when he realized this, Wang Fuchuan began to contact major universities in the country to build a complete system of industry-university-research, but the time was short after all, and no obvious progress could be seen in a short period of time.

With the 10 billion from Qingyun Technology, Wang Fuchuan can use the method of spreading coins to push Biati's technical level to another level in a short period of time.

It can be said that Su Ye's arrival is just right.

A Qingyun Technology that has no pursuit of Biati's corporate profits, will not dictate business operations, and will not directly compete with Biati in the battery industry.

It is simply an angel sent by God to save Biati.

And even more so in car manufacturing plants.

At present, Wang Fuchuan has no influence on the automobile industry.

There are no factories.

No technology.

No staff.

The only battery technology that counts as an advantage is not yet up to par for use in cars.

It can be said that the current Wang Fuchuan is completely an entrepreneur with a strong plan for the new energy vehicle industry.

And Su Ye is naturally an investment institution.

"Okay, Mr. Wang, you really are a cheerful person."

"In the future, we will jointly hold a press conference to announce that Qingyun Technology has invested in Biati."

"As for the car manufacturing plant, my idea is to put it in Jiangcheng."

"Oh why?"

"As one of the big cities in China, Guangcheng's geographical location and economic situation will not be worse than Jiangcheng."

Of course Wang Fuchuan had to argue with reason.

The manufacturing of new energy vehicles has always been his favorite.

It was finally established, and it ended up being sent to Jiangcheng.

This is like a grandma who is looking forward to holding a grandson every day, and hears that her daughter-in-law has given birth to a son and is sent to her mother's family to raise her.

Wang Fuchuan naturally wants to fight for his grandson, no, it is the location of the new energy vehicle factory.

"Mr. Wang, I have my own considerations about why I put it in Jiangcheng."

"Now the land price in Jiangcheng is much cheaper than in Guangcheng. I have already prepared a large piece of land around Qingyun Technology. In the future, it will be the site of our new energy vehicle factory."

"President Wang, don't worry, just listen to me."

Seeing Wang Fuchuan standing up excitedly, Su Ye quickly grabbed him with one hand.

"Mr. Wang, the land around Qingyun Technology is now a deserted place. The large factories used to not only revitalize the land, but also increase employment. I also want to tell you a secret news."

"I reached an agreement with the City Lord's Mansion in Jiangcheng. In the future, it will be developed into a new high-tech zone. Mr. Wang, think about it, how much room there is for maneuvering."

"But Guangcheng is not bad either."

"Although the land price in Guangcheng is more expensive than in Jiangcheng, if it's just land, the amount of expensive land is limited."

"Besides, in Guangcheng, it is easier to recruit senior talents in the automotive industry. Will there be such an advantage in Jiangcheng?"

The two insisted on their own words, and neither would give way to the other for a while.

Wang Ziyu, who was next to him, looked at Su Ye and his father who were blushing, and lamented in his heart, is the matter of new energy vehicles going to get stuck here?

"dong dong dong,"

Just then, there was a knock on the door.

Only then did Wang Fuchuan realize that he had lost his composure. He sat down calmly, stroked the hair on the top of his head and said calmly, "Please come in."

The person who came in was Wang Fuchuan's vice president of the company, who was also responsible for communicating with Zhou Yuanyuan and calculating the company's value.

"Boss Lin, what's the matter?"

Of course, Mr. Lin couldn't say no. Seeing Su Ye and others sitting opposite Wang Fuchuan, he also nodded at them.

"Mr. Wang, our accounting work is currently at an impasse."

"It may be necessary for you to communicate with President Su."

Wang Fuchuan waited for Boss Lin to walk in, only to find that he, who had a strict personality, even undid three buttons of his shirt.

His face was also red and blue, and he presumably had a rather "friendly" exchange with Su Ye's Mr. Zhou.

It was a coincidence that I was arguing with Su Ye here.

Over there, Mr. Lin and Mr. Zhou also have different opinions.

Fortunately, Mr. Lin didn't know what Wang Fuchuan was thinking.

Otherwise, you will definitely jump up angrily.

That girl Zhou Yuanyuan is simply too scary. If she just had a different opinion, President Lin wouldn't have unbuttoned two shirt buttons angrily and hastily.

On the contrary, that guy Zhou Yuanyuan was always calm and relaxed.

It seems that if they invest in Qingyun Technology, they are the boss.

Not in a hurry at all.

It is said that the work has reached an impasse, and it is entirely because Mr. Lin was suppressed by Zhou Yuanyuan.

With no choice but to turn to Wang Fuchuan for help.

Otherwise, if it was Zhou Yuanyuan who was being bullied, it must be him, Boss Lin, who was calmly waiting for the other party to complain.

But for Wang Fuchuan, since this matter is handed over, he will not take it back.

For a while, he couldn't refuse Mr. Lin's request.

Wang Fuchuan also wanted to understand that Mr. Lin, an old man, lost to a woman in such an important matter.

It is already enough to make people lose face, but if you want to do it yourself, it will be even more ridiculous.

He subconsciously raised his wrist to check the time, and suddenly had an idea.

"Mr. Lin, don't worry about work. It's just about time for dinner. Go and invite Mr. Zhou and the corresponding staff. Let's go to Bansha Hotel and bring Qingyun Technology's friends to taste the seafood and delicacies of our Guangcheng."

As he said that, Wang Fuchuan secretly gave Mr. Lin a wink.

Although Mr. Lin didn't understand the specific meaning of the wink, he bid farewell to Wang Fuchuan, turned around and left the office.

Wang Fuchuan's wink just now was actually to ask Mr. Lin to arrange a few colleagues who can drink to come out, and to get Qingyun Technology's group drunk first, not to mention the commercial victory, but to win a victory at the dinner table first.

But Wang Fuchuan could never have imagined that Zhou Yuanyuan was Su Ye so far.

The only talent I've ever seen with a special skill.

This special skill is still drinking.

Talking about why Zhou Yuanyuan can easily and smoothly deal with various real estate companies in Haicheng.

Today the builder treats guests, and tomorrow the real estate company will open a new building.

Every day Zhou Yuanyuan was in Haicheng, she almost never left the wine table.

From the very beginning, those companies thought that they could get a woman like Zhou Yuanyuan drunk, and then make some concessions on the contract.

Zhou Yuanyuan waved her hands again and again, saying that I don't know how to drink.

Later, she was persuaded to die, and Zhou Yuanyuan said that she had to drink a few sips, and she was giving up her life to accompany a gentleman.

The bosses, persons in charge, and project managers of those real estate companies even uttered bold words.

[Mr. Zhou, you drink one, we are all gentlemen, one pays three]

Zhou Yuanyuan smiled lightly, and said that I will not be polite.

The person in charge of persuading him to drink laughed boldly, saying that Mr. Zhou is welcome.

But in my heart, I was thinking about how much a woman can drink.

As a result, the buddy who forcefully forced Zhou Yuanyuan to drink, after he came out of the hospital with gastric lavage, he never drank alcohol.

From the beginning of paying three for one, Zhou Yuanyuan took the initiative to pay two for one, and then one for one in the end.

If it weren't for the fact that the other party was really dying, Zhou Yuanyuan would have said that I paid two for one.

From then on, when Zhou Yuanyuan went out to eat with others, she was always a vegetarian.

A group of real estate company executives with five big and three thick watches with small gold chain watches, once they entered the hotel, they said that we don’t want alcohol, and today we drink drinks, orange juice, coconut juice, and Coke...

"President Su, let's go too. The Bansha Hotel is considered a must in Guangzhou, and I'll take you to try their signature dish, Buddha Jumping Over the Wall."

"Okay, Mr. Wang."

Even though Wang Fuchuan didn't want to continue talking today, Su Ye was not in a hurry.

It is much warmer here in Guangcheng than in Jiangcheng. It is already mid-January, so it is enough to wear a T-shirt inside and a light coat outside.

Sometimes when the weather is good, you can see people wearing short sleeves on the street.

Bansha Hotel is located in the south of Guangcheng, about 40 minutes' drive from the Biati factory.

On the way, Su Ye discussed with Li Qianqian how to get Wang Fuchuan to accept his opinion.

For this type of business negotiation, Su Ye actually didn't have a good solution.

He just thought that he could go through it with a rush, and then he'd be done.

But if you encounter problems and obstacles in the middle, you need "Zhuge Qianqian" to step in.

"Su Ye, this matter is actually easy to handle."

Li Qianqian glanced at the driver sent by Biati who was driving ahead, and whispered her strategy in Su Ye's ear.

"Wait, wait, itchy."

As soon as Li Qianqian's mouth was close to Su Ye's ear, the hot breath he exhaled made Su Ye a little unbearable.

He has never known that his ears are actually sensitive areas.

"What's itching? You're a big man with sensitive ears. Are you ashamed?"

Li Qianqian complained mercilessly.

Su Ye's face flushed instantly.

This, this does not blame myself.

It's been so long since time travel, how could I know that my ears are so sensitive.

"I really can't help you."

Li Qianqian had no choice but to take out her mobile phone and write out her thoughts on the text message editing page.

"Legend to Wang Fu, we set up two factories..."

(End of this chapter)

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