Chapter 341 First meeting with Wang Liang (seeking a monthly ticket)

The next day, Hu Yidao arrived in Guancheng.

After learning about the whole story with Yang Zhiyuan, he set off quickly.

Wang Liang from Xiangang Electronics Factory was still Hu Yidao's younger brother.

Originally, when Hu Yidao went abroad to seek a living, he planned to take him with him.

As a result, this guy was greedy for life and afraid of death, so he didn't dare.

After staying in Guancheng for a period of time, he gradually became more flexible, set up a broken company, and tried his best to acquire Xiangang Electronics Factory.

Afterwards, it got out of hand, and now it seems to be a tyrant in the electronics industry in Guancheng.

"Mr. Yang, don't worry, leave this matter to me, and I will definitely handle it for you."

Hu Yidao promised Yang Zhiyuan and left.

Liu Xiangbei next to Yang Zhiyuan looked at Hu Yidao enviously.

He knew Hu Yidao.

Back then in Guancheng, Hu Yidao was also an existence that responded to everyone.

He didn't expect that he was helping Yang Zhiyuan's boss now.

He wanted to have a relationship with his former idol, but he didn't say a word until Hu Yidao left.

After Hu Yidao left, he first went home to visit his mother.

After working in Qingyun Technology, although he often sent money to his mother, her mother was obviously a frugal character, and he knew that her mother would definitely not be extravagant.

He took a taxi to a shopping mall in Guancheng, bought a suit of clothes and some nutritional supplements for his mother, and Hu Yidao brought these things to his door.

Looking at the dilapidated wooden door and the rusty anti-theft door, Hu Yidao stared at it for a long time.

This is where he grew up.

No matter how tattered it is, every point has Hu Yidao's deepest memories.

"Dong dong."

"Who, come, come."

Hearing his mother's voice, Hu Yidao almost cried.

After wandering abroad for many years, he thought that he would never leave home again.

Later, in order to make a living, he still accepted the task and went to Jiangcheng to trouble Su Ye.

Fortunately, Su Ye's high skill prevented him from succeeding.

Otherwise, he will continue on this road.

One mission is worth more than 20 yuan. After people get used to such a fast way of making money, who can bear a life of only a few thousand yuan a month.

Fortunately, fortunately, Hu Yidao met Su Ye.

"Who is knocking on the door early in the morning?"

The door squeaked open, Hu Yidao's mother looked at the strong man in front of her, tears came out instantly.

"One knife, one knife, you are really back."

"Mom is not dreaming."

Mother Hu held Hu Yidao's cheek with wrinkled hands, and said in a low voice.

"Mom. I'm back."

"From now on, you can go to Jiangcheng with me, and the two of us can live a good life."

In Hu Yidao's mind, the real good life is not about how much money he makes, nor how much fame he has achieved.

Instead, stay with my mother and grow old with her.

For so many years abroad, he has not fulfilled too much filial piety.

This time, we must give my mother a stable life.

"Okay, just come back, just come back."

Hu's mother took Hu Yidao's hand and walked into the room, still muttering, "You have been away for so long, so you told me to go out to work."

"But which part-time job can I play? The little six next door has worked in a garment factory for four years, and now he has been promoted to a supervisor. He gets a lot of money every month."

"You too, went to a place as far away as Jiangcheng alone, and didn't tell me in advance to discuss it."

"That's right, that's right. You can't help your mother, you are so old, you have your own ideas."

"It's good to go out and wander around."

Hu Yidao never told his mother about his experience as a mercenary abroad.

Whenever asked, he always said in the domestic army.

I am busy with work and heavy tasks, so I haven't come back to visit relatives for a few years.

In Hu's mother's eyes, Hu Yidao has been in the army all these years and has never seen the outside world.

When she went to Jiangcheng this time, although she was also worried, she always persuaded herself that since the child is so old, it is not okay to just mess around in Wancheng like before.

It's also good to go out and venture.

She lost her husband in middle age, Hu Yidao was almost raised by her alone.

Now Hu Yidao seems to be in her 30s and doesn't have a girlfriend yet, so she can't worry about being a mother.

But now married women have higher requirements, not to mention the dowry, they often ask for cars and houses.

The Hu family is just an ordinary family. She used to work two or even three jobs a day in order to support Hu Yidao when she grew up.

He is only 60 years old and looks like he is in his 70s.

These years, she didn't have much income at home, and her pension was barely enough to eat and drink. She was powerless to save money for Hu Yidao to marry a wife.

"Yi Dao, you said that you are not too young, when will you bring a girlfriend back for mom to have a look?"

"Mom takes advantage of the fact that her body can still move in the past few years, so she can take care of the child for you."

"Otherwise, I won't be able to take care of your child until I'm a few years old and dizzy."

Hu's mother still had tears on her face, she was not willing to let go of her son's hand for a moment.

"No problem, Mom, I have a stable job now, and I can earn more than 1 yuan a month."

"More than 1? You have been a soldier for so many years, and you have no education or skills. I don't believe that any boss is so stupid to give you so much salary."

"Really, look at my body, whether I'm strong or not, and I'm still strong. I'm working as a driver for the boss and as a bodyguard, that's why I can earn so much."

"Bodyguard? Then you don't want to block bullets for the boss, son, you can't earn enough money to spend enough. If you really block bullets, how will you let your mother live in the future?"

Hearing what his mother said, Hu Yidao couldn't help being happy.

"Mom, what are you thinking? How can I block bullets in the Dragon Han Empire? Stop being ridiculous. The boss recruited me just for a face."

"Look back, your son is wearing a black suit and sunglasses, he looks just like the bodyguard on TV."

"Oh, that's it, that's okay, that's okay."

After chatting with my mother for a long time, Hu Yidao said that he had something to go out.

Putting down the supplements in her hand, Mother Hu couldn't help feeling distressed when she saw it.

Hu Yidao smiled and didn't take it seriously, so he went straight to Xiangang Electronics Factory.

"Stop, what are you doing?"

"I'm looking for Wang Liang."

A few bastards in security uniforms were playing cards inside the gate, and someone saw Hu Yidao coming in and asked him unkindly.

"Looking for brother Liang? What's the matter?"

When the little security guard heard Hu Yidao calling Wang Liang's name directly, he couldn't figure out his background for a moment, so he asked cautiously.

Now Xiangang Electronics Factory is no longer the small broken factory it used to be. There are often people sent by some customers to secretly inspect the situation of the factory.

Wang Liang had already told the people below that he would look like he was going to work in the future.

If someone ruined his affairs, there would be no room for him in such a big city.

A group of small security guards still listened to it at the beginning, but nothing happened after a long time, so they didn't take Wang Liang's words to heart. They should play cards at the gate.

Of course, this is also related to Wang Liang not usually coming to Pioneer.

"Business, our company is going to cooperate with Wang Liang, so we sent me over to negotiate with him."

To be able to survive the tragic battlefield, Hu Yidao is not only weak and brainless.

Seeing the change in the little security guard's expression, he also said accordingly.

"Oh, wait a minute, Brother Liang... President Wang is not in the factory right now. I'll ask someone to take you to the reception room and wait. I'll have someone contact President Wang right away."

Hu Yidao nodded.

"Oh, by the way, what's your name, sir?"

"My surname is Hu."

Hu Yidao said something briefly, and followed another security guard to the reception room of Xiangang Electronics Factory.

As soon as I walked in, I felt like a rest center for veteran cadres.

There are wooden tables and chairs, a red carpet, and a picture of eight steeds hanging on the wall.

On the dark green velvet table, there were many teacups arranged in an orderly manner, the kind with lids and handles.

"Manager Hu, let me pour you a cup of tea first, Mr. Wang should be here soon."

"Okay, thank you."

Generally, unless a customer comes to inspect the factory, Wang Liang will relax and rest in Tianhao Entertainment City.

He fought all night last night, and at this time he was sleeping soundly.

But the phone calls kept coming in, he hung up, called again, hung up, called again.

Amid all the beauty, Wang Liang picked up the phone and yelled: "If you don't give me a reasonable explanation, I will send you to swim in the river tonight."

"Liang, Brother Liang, I'm a miscellaneous man from Xiangang. Just now a man came and said he came to our factory for inspection. I asked Ah Bin to take him to the reception room and stabilize him."

"Now there are only a few brothers from our gate in the factory..."

Upon hearing what the younger brother said, Wang Liang also came to his senses.

No matter how important anger is, it is not as important as money.

Although he didn't remember what customers he had asked to visit the factory today, he couldn't miss it.

"Okay, I see, come here right now."

Getting up from the crowd of birds and swallows, Wang Liang simply washed up and drove to Xiangang without even drinking his saliva.

On the way, he secretly rejoiced in his heart.

Fortunately, there was only one person from the other side to investigate this time. If there were many people, those boys at the gate might not be able to keep the secret.

While driving, he called several workers and rushed to Xiangang pretending to be a maintenance worker.

If the customer asks later, it is said that today is the time for equipment maintenance every six months, which can be regarded as a reason that can be prevaricated.

When Miscellaneous Mao saw Wang Liang's car, he gave a respectful surprise.

"My respect, who is the other party, how old is he, and which factory does he belong to?"

"Brother Liang, the other party is a strong man named Hu, who looks to be in his 30s and is very energetic."

"Um, I'm just not very talkative."

"It's a ghost who loves to talk. If the management of a big company talks to you, a small gatekeeper, you're overthinking it."

Wang Liang cursed, closed the car window and stepped on the gas pedal.

"Hey, I didn't know that a distinguished guest came to the door. Wang Liang was neglected. Mr. Hu, give me a chance at noon anyway, a private banquet at Sanhua Mansion in Guancheng. Allow me to accompany Mr. Hu."

"No need."

"Wang Liang, you're doing well now."

Hu Yidao turned around, looked at Wang Liang who was smiling and said.

"You, you are... Hu Yidao, Brother Yidao?"

"You're back."

Wang Liang's expression froze in an instant, he would never have imagined,

The so-called client turned out to be Hu Yidao who taught him a lesson like a third grandson.

This bastard, didn't he say he went out to find a job before, but he didn't come back for half a year and died without any news?
Why did it appear in front of me again now?

"Brother Yidao, let me tell you why there are magpies screaming at the door early in the morning. It turns out that you are back."

"Why, Brother Yidao, are you working for a big company now?"

"Want to discuss business with us first?"


When Hu Yidao saw that Wang Liang had changed his attitude so quickly and was still testing himself in words, he couldn't help but praise him in his heart.

This naughty guy, don't look at him who was greedy for life and afraid of death and didn't dare to go abroad with him.

But with such a character, it's good to hang out in this stable environment in China.

In just a few years, he has been upgraded from Xiaoliang to Brother Liang.

Maybe in a few years, he will have to be called Lord Liang.

"Brother Liang, I..."

"Brother Yidao, why are you being so polite to me?"

"Brother Liang is just called by the hundreds of brothers under him for fun. You should call me Xiaoliang, it sounds kind."

Wang Liang said with a playful smile.

(End of this chapter)

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