Chapter 343 Jerry Yang Was Tricked
After separating from Guan Heng, Wang Liang thought about it for a long time.

Although this matter is said to be suffocating, it still has to be done.

Although he seems to be calling the shots in Guancheng now, there is a basis for this, that is, he is barely a person who does not break the law.

At the same time, the Guancheng City Lord's Mansion also knew his situation very well.

Including the methods he used.

Wang Liang was worried that the good situation he had worked so hard to manage would be ruined by this dragon crossing the river.

As long as the so-called big boss doesn't demand too much, he will definitely cooperate within his ability.

After making up his mind, Wang Liang slept in Tianhao.

The next day, he should eat and drink. Although he had already made a decision in his heart, he still felt that it was necessary to procrastinate for a while.

So what if Hu Yidao threatened himself.

Now it is a society ruled by law, how can he treat himself.

So what if Guan Heng passed the message to himself.

Can't you think about it yourself?

It happened to be the end of the year, and there were a lot fewer customers visiting Guancheng.

Wang Liang didn't go to the factory to check the so-called emails, but just ate and drank on his own every day.

Yang Zhiyuan watched the time go by little by little, but there was nothing he could do.

I talked to Hu Yidao, and Hu Yidao asked him to give Wang Liang some time to think about it.

After all, on the list given to Yang Zhiyuan by Liu Xiangbei, several companies belonged to Wang Liang.

Digging meat from other people's hands, you still don't allow them to hurt the meat.

"Mr. Yang, since I said I gave him three days to think about it, he will definitely give us an answer at the last moment."

"I know Wang Liang. He doesn't have the guts, but he must struggle a bit."

"Okay, then I'll wait and see."

Yang Zhiyuan hung up the phone.

Although he was burning with anxiety at this time, he also knew that good things take time.

If Wang Liang really obeyed Hu Yidao's arrangement, agreed and finished the matter within three days, it would save a lot of time.

After all, it would take more time if he was asked to talk from family to family.

Among them, the most important one is Chen Huasheng from the Second Electronics Factory in Guancheng.

Yang Zhiyuan also took a look at the various factories on the list in the past two days, and probably went around under the guidance of Liu Xiangbei.

Whether it is equipment, scale, or personnel quality, it cannot be compared with the second factory in Guancheng.

Moreover, Yang Zhiyuan also learned.

The second factory is not maximizing its production capacity.

The daily production capacity has reached the scale of 20 mobile phones. If it is driven to the limit, it only takes five days to complete the stocking task required by Su Ye.

Yang Zhiyuan recorded the time on the form and found that tomorrow is the time for Wang Liang to give the answer.

For the first time, Yang Zhiyuan, who has a high degree of education, began to pray in his hotel room.

If all goes well, he can even complete the production and stocking task of 1000 million mobile phones requested by Su Ye.

The next day, Yang Zhiyuan couldn't fall asleep early in the morning, and stayed by the computer waiting for news from Wang Liang.

At this time, most hotels in China did not provide wired Internet services, and Yang Zhiyuan used wireless network cards purchased at high prices.

A network card worth 100 yuan can only surf the Internet for 20 hours.

It costs 5 yuan an hour, which is much more expensive than surfing the Internet at Internet cafes.

But no way.

It is not always possible to find Internet cafes when you are away from home.

Qingyun Technology has always been rich and powerful. Every business traveler carries at least 5 wireless network cards on his back when he goes out.

If the business trip lasts for a long time, the company will provide more wireless network cards for employees to use.

"Brother Yang, why don't we eat something first before talking."

"It looks like it's past 1 o'clock."

"It's okay, you can eat first, and you can check the car again."

"If things can be settled today, in the next few days, we won't be able to be as leisurely as we are now."


Liu Xiangbei had a bad premonition in his heart, but he didn't dare to say it.

Wang Liang is definitely not that easy to compromise.

Until the end of the mountain, I will never bow my head.

Although Hu Yidao was an idol in everyone's hearts back then, it has been more than ten years. It is hard for him to say whether he still has the status in Wang Liang's heart.

Moreover, Liu Xiangbei didn't know that Qingyun Technology had hired Hu Yidao and arranged for Guan Heng, the person in charge of Biati in Guancheng, to handle this matter.

The one-sidedness of the information determines that his judgment will be much more arbitrary.

at this time.

Jiangcheng Airport.

Su Ye and Li Qianqian just got off the plane.

After so long negotiations, Qingyun Technology finally bought a 10% stake in Biati at a price of 25 billion Longhan coins.

At the same time, the new energy vehicle factory was also inspired by Wang Fu, and temporarily built a factory in Guangzhou to produce prototypes and conduct research and development.

If large-scale production is required, Wang Fuchuan agreed to come to Jiangcheng for inspection.

If it is suitable, the first assembly line factory will be built in Jiangcheng.

I got off the plane with Su Ye and Li Qianqian, and there was another person.

But it wasn't the employees who were brought to Guangcheng at that time, but Wang Ziyu.

Because Ye Wen on Zheng Zidan's side needs to prepare a lot of props and costumes in the early stage, and Su Ye is a person who strives for perfection.

The production team is intensively carrying out the design and procurement work. At the same time, it involves the era background of the Republic of China, and there is no such film and television city in Hong Kong City.

The director team also needs to contact Hengdian Film and Television City in Zhejiang Province to confirm the shooting time, scene requirements, etc.

Apart from the theory that Hong Kong people say that it is not appropriate to start work before the Chinese New Year, they actually have a lot to do.

Because Wang Ziyu really didn't want to stay at home, she said that she would accompany Su Ye to Jiangcheng to see the preparations of the film and television company, and successfully asked Wang Fuchuan for half a month of free vacation.

"Su Ye, I'm going on a business trip when I get back."

"Take care of yourself during this time."

At the airport, Su Ye and Wang Ziyu were going back to the company, while Li Qianqian expressed her plan.

"Qianqian, why don't we arrange other people to handle this matter."

"I didn't think well at the time, and let you run from place to place. If Uncle Li knew, he would definitely say that I don't love you."

Su Ye hugged Li Qianqian and said softly.

The reason why Li Qianqian said she was going on a business trip was because of the work that Su Ye had arranged for her.

Go to various places to purchase land and use it as a distribution center for Shunfeng Logistics.

When I was talking about it, I just left the matter to Li Qianqian.

But these days in Guangcheng, the two of them are like glue every day, and they are like one person when they are good. Neither Su Ye nor Li Qianqian want to be separated from each other.

"You can't do that."

"It's been changed from day to day, how to manage the company in the future."

"I, Li Qianqian, am also an independent woman in the new era. Why can't I travel on business? I don't want to be told that I'm just a vase by your side."

"Besides, I just signed an agreement with the governments of various places in the past. It really didn't take much effort."

"Don't worry, a week, up to 10 days, I will definitely come back."

"At that time, I hope you have already contacted the annual meeting."

Speaking of the annual meeting, Li Qianqian was very resentful.

It's already the 20th of January, and Su Ye hasn't finalized the arrangements for the annual meeting yet.

It was a good idea at the beginning, all the employees went to the holy land of Benoy Island for a vacation and held an annual meeting.

Of course, the main thing is to play and experience the exotic customs.

But no matter what time it is, he is not prepared at all.

What's more, now that the company's scale has expanded, He Zaijin's work in the imperial capital is still very good.

Most of Houlang Technology's people have already come to Qingyun Technology.

It was thought that He Zaijin would spend a lot of talking and talking to achieve the goal, but when he opened his mouth, many people responded.

Most of the people who work in the imperial capital are foreigners.

Qingyun Technology's benefits are also well-known.

Everyone came to the imperial capital to make more money and get in touch with a newer and wider world.

Since this goal can also be achieved in Qingyun Technology, why refuse it.

Except for a small number of Imperial Capital employees who were unable to leave due to family reasons, most of the non-Emperor Capital employees have already moved into the Tianyue City Community under the arrangement of the Qingyun Technology Administration Department.

For a while, the Tianyue City community became much more lively, and there were new stores preparing to open at the door.

"Don't worry about the annual meeting. President Li will never be disappointed."

"I'll ask the administrative department to count the number of existing employees later. I estimate that we only have 2000 people now."

"More than that, plus the employees in the factory, the number of people is estimated to double."

Li Qianqian gave Su Ye an angry look.

"This time, we can't bring so many people there."

"The holy place, Benno Island, is a small island. It will be very lively if 2000 people go there, let alone 4000 people."

"This time let most of the management-level employees participate. For factory workers, there are still tasks to be done."

When Su Ye said this, he couldn't help thinking of Yang Zhiyuan who was still in Guancheng.

I don't know how the acquisition situation over there is now.

If all goes well, it should not be a big problem to stock 500 million Taiqingyun A1 mobile phones before the year.

At that time, with Qingyun Mall, the two brands will be popular at the same time.

Thinking of this, Su Ye couldn't help laughing in front of Li Qianqian and Wang Ziyu.

But he thought happily here, while Yang Zhiyuan, who had already fallen in the night, was so disappointed that he couldn't even eat.

one day.

For a whole day, he did not receive a reply from Wang Liang.

Undoubtedly, Wang Liang was using a negative approach to tell them that in Guancheng, he said what he said.

"Xiangbei, you go drive. Let's go directly to Xiangang Electronics Factory. I'm going to stop Wang Liang at the door."


Liu Xiangbei looked at the sky outside, it was already late, and the factory should be off work.

Moreover, even if you are not off work, can you block Wang Liang at the door?

Brother Liang is not like an ordinary worker, commuting to get off work and living in a dormitory on foot.

Wang Liang owns a Land Rover and drives his car everywhere he goes.

There are many people who want to block him, but no one has succeeded so far.

"Brother Yang, why don't you contact Brother Yidao."

"Wang Liang is not a good person after all."

Liu Xiangbei said worriedly.

"No need, didn't you say before that there are only a few residences for Wang Liang, if we can't stop him at his factory, we can stop him at his house, I don't believe it, it's so difficult to buy an electronics factory. "

"If it can't be blocked, tomorrow I will directly bid to buy the second electronics factory in Guancheng."

Yang Zhiyuan said angrily.

There was also a different look on his face.

Because, he has already realized that Wang Liang has no intention of cooperating at all.

Totally wasting my time.

At that time, he patted his chest and promised it in front of Su Ye.

1000 million cannot be completed, and 500 million is definitely no problem.

(End of this chapter)

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