The richest man in the world starts with 100 million sign-ins every day

Chapter 351 The hard steel mesh is difficult, digging the wall

Chapter 351 The hard steel mesh is difficult, digging the wall (seeking a monthly ticket)

After arranging everything properly, Su Ye arranged for Li Qianqian to start implementing the promotion plan of Qingyun Mall.

It was the end of the year, and everyone didn't feel that there was any big melon to eat at this time.

Unexpectedly, Qingyun Technology would occupy everyone's attention one after another.

imperial capital.

Imperial Daily.

"Longhan's First Internet Industry Prosecution Case Held Today in the Haidian District Court of the Imperial Capital"

"Qingyun Technology Sues NetEase, the Mars of the Internet World Hit the Earth"

"The editor will tell you the story that Qingyun Technology and NetEase have to tell"

"Blast!The battle between Qingyun Technology and Wangnan Network was actually because of him"

It turned out that Tang Zhirou, entrusted by Li Qianqian, had collected all the information and formally filed a lawsuit with the Imperial Court.

As the only lawyer consultant entrusted by Qingyun Technology, Tang Zhirou said in an interview:

"Qingyun Technology respects every practitioner in the same industry, but it will never condone any news that uses unverified information from other companies to deduce black news."

"The behavior of Wangnan Network has seriously violated the basic interests of Qingyun Technology, and maliciously discredited Qingyun Technology in the hearts of the majority of netizens."

"This time, Qingyun Technology is the victim, so who will it be next time?"

"Here I appeal to every practitioner in the Internet industry to pay attention to the real-time progress of this case, and I will also disclose the trial status of this case on Houlang's official website as soon as possible."

Tang Zhirou speaks righteously in front of the camera.

This picture was transmitted to tens of thousands of families in Longhan through television signals.

"Qingyun Technology, isn't that a website for instant messaging, why did it suddenly sue the Internet for trouble?"

"Yes, it must be that Qingyun Technology has violated their interests, and there is no way to find a court."

"I can't say that. I know a little bit about this matter. I heard that last month, an incident about Qingyun Technology was exposed by NetEase. This is probably their counterattack method."

"What has been exposed, could it be the boss of Qingyun Technology..."

"What do you think, the boss of Qingyun Technology is young, rich and handsome, and there will be no problems in any aspect. I heard that it is because of their company's existence to induce students to drop out of school and play games..."

"Dropping out of school to play games? How is this possible? My kid plays Legend of Blood every day. I arrange for him to play for only one hour a day. If he doesn't get good grades, he will cancel the entertainment activities. You don't know, but now our kid's academic performance has dropped. It's in the top ten of the grade."

"Top ten? Still in grade, Lao Zhang, bragging and not drafting, you are."

Lao Zhang just hahaha, he also played Legendary for a while at home when his son was away, and now he can't stop at all.

Unlike his son who likes to play warriors, Lao Zhang likes to play Taoist priests.

It is enough to recruit a baby to stand on the front, and put stickers on the back by yourself, adding blood is enough.

At his age, he naturally doesn't like to be hot-blooded and charge forward like those young people.

Affected by Tang Zhirou's lawsuit against NetEase, Wang Yifei was pleasantly surprised to find that the number of Legend of Blood's online numbers soared again.

The total number of registered and paying users has increased by about 20%, and even the number of concurrent online users has increased by nearly 40.

You know, this is the highest number of people online.

He is not a fixed value, but a constantly fluctuating data.

Anyone who has done online games knows that every company wants their company data to skyrocket, but the number of people online at the same time, whether it is the company's mission or their own requirements, does not want to make a breakthrough in this area.

After all, after the game is launched, the peak period for players to be online is the first time.

As time goes on, this data will continue to decline.

Congratulations to any game whose top online numbers are on the rise.

You made a very, very popular game.

As the peak online population soars, those who play the game every day will also be stimulated to increase their investment in the game.

This investment is not only the investment of capital, but also time and energy.

In schools and companies, small groups will be formed to discuss their own games.

When other people were curious, they would also join, and then slowly the small group got bigger and bigger.

The legend of Qingyun Technology will also rise steadily.

This time the prosecution not only pushed the popularity of Legend of Blood to a higher level, but also caught Wangnan by surprise.

Originally, their game had already been produced at the end of last month.

After a few days of testing and trial play, Wangnan decided to officially start the public beta on the day of Xiaonian.

Yes, their idea is public beta.

Instead of launching the official version directly.

Because this Journey to the West-themed online game, during the test, apart from some differences in novelty, the replayability is not very high.

The combat skills are boring and repetitive, and the weapon equipment system is difficult to escape the influence of the previous Stone Age.

And because of the launch of the half-middle legend, the programmers of Wangnan have undergone a wave of revisions, adding several PK modes.

There are also guilds.

It can be said that this game is not so much an independent production, as it is a four different.

If Qingyun Technology developed such a spicy chicken game internally, Su Ye would definitely kill it without saying a word.

But NetEase is different.

Although their shareholder composition is better than that of Houlang at that time, it is not much better.

Many investors think that NetEase's game development is completely wrong.

I didn't see that Qingyun Technology has been vigorously developing the network media after accepting Houlang.

And identified two industries for in-depth excavation.

If Ding Sanshi hadn't resisted the pressure from shareholders and told them that online games were definitely a major project of the company's reform, they would definitely see results in the future.

Maybe, NetEase's Journey to the West theme project may be aborted midway.

Now everything is ready, although the game itself is a little bit worse, it is used to prove that Ding Sanshi's plan is not a problem.

He believes that as long as the game can make money, it will definitely make shareholders change their minds and strongly support their decision.

Can be biased.

At this time, NetEase was accused.

It was still sued by Qingyun Technology, a giant in the industry.

This time, not only disrupted the company's internal work arrangements on the game, but even the original work was affected.

Ding Sanshi was completely dazed when he received the news.

Qingyun technology sue us?
Why sue.

After some understanding, he realized that the cause of the incident was an in-service editor who saw something on the Legend of Blood forum, and then wrote an article out of his brain.

In the background review, I saw that it was written by my own people, and it passed the review directly without any prohibited content.

As a result, this post even got a recommendation from the operation on duty at that time.

On that day, it became the hottest topic on NetEase.

If everything is true, Ding Sanshi must give the editor a thumbs up, and tell him that this year's advanced employee of the year is fine.

But what the hell that guy made it up by himself.

If Qingyun Technology doesn't care, it's fine. Now that everyone is going to court, is this an attitude of not caring?
Ding Sanshi immediately summoned the company's legal counsel to investigate.

Having come through wind and rain for so many years, Ding Sanshi naturally wouldn't end up apologizing so easily and try to win the other party's forgiveness.

Everything has pros and cons.

The seemingly crisis-ridden situation in front of us may not be an opportunity for cybersecurity.

This new game is online, hasn't the promotion started yet?

If you can catch the heat of the current prosecution incident, it may have unexpected effects.

After learning about it, Ding Sanshi discovered that this matter is actually uncertain.

From a rational point of view, what my company did this time is definitely wrong.


But therein lies the problem, and this is only from a reasonable point of view.

From a legal point of view, NetEase did exactly the right thing this time.

Although it is not right, the Internet industry is just emerging now, and domestic management of the Internet is basically restricted by the government, and there is no clear legal provision saying that it is wrong for NetEase to do so.

Mr. Ding thought, since there is no law, there is no problem of violating the law.

In other words, although this matter is not morally accepted by people, the so-called prosecution of Qingyun Technology will probably not have any effect.

"Okay, you go down first."

Ding Sanshi talked to his subordinates, and began to ponder in his heart.

Since this matter is irrelevant to NetEase, the main focus should still be on the game.

The matter of public opinion should be handed over to the company's public relations department.

Otherwise, what are you doing with so much money every year?

Su Ye was furious when he heard the news.

NetEasy's public relations department is obviously full of veterans, and several news letters were sent out, saying that the editor who published false content was actually a temporary employee of the company.

At present, the employee has been suspended and expressed his sorrow for what happened to Qingyun Technology.

Next, they will strictly demand reviewers and editors, and try their best to avoid the appearance of false news.

That's it!

These few words have completely wiped out the responsibility for Internet troubles.

It wasn't just Su Ye who received this message, even Tang Zhirou was stunned.

Although she has long known that the legal industry in China is different from that in foreign countries, this is too irresponsible.

Fortunately, Tang Zhirou already had some expectations in her heart, so she made second and third preparations for this.

But if we change our strategy at this time, we have already lost the head-on blow to NetEase and the news industry of Longhan Empire.

In other words, this prosecution has changed from a blitz to a protracted war.

Although no one talked about her, Tang Zhirou still thought that she was too proud. Longhan has always been a country with great energy.

Didn’t Uber, Amazon, Yahoo, Google, etc. that have been in foreign countries all leave the market sadly after entering China?

Tang Zhirou has learned the lesson, and has already done a good job of psychological construction, and is ready to study the domestic legal situation and Internet technology, and strive to fight a good turnaround.

Compared to Tang Zhirou's gentle manner, Su Ye was very disgusted with Wang Nan's face, and he called the imperial capital with just one call.

"Wang Yifei, how is the situation on your side now?"

"Longhan TV Station is still willing to handle Wang Yihan's resignation procedures."

"I don't want to."

When I went to the holy place of Banno Island last time, Wang Yihan rejected Su Ye's invitation because he was not an employee of the company yet.

She has been staying in the imperial capital, asked the colleagues in the TV station to tell the new director.

Although Wang Yifei gave her an answer, saying that if the TV station still disagrees, let Tang Zhirou sue Longhan TV station.

But Wang Yihan was unwilling.

After all, it is a company that he has been with for several years. If it is not for that, Wang Yihan still does not want to tear his face with the original unit.

No matter how sharp a woman is, her heart is soft.

So during the period when Wang Yifei was abroad, she has been making various attempts to avoid meeting in court.

But now, she really has nothing to do.

"Then let Tang Zhirou mobilize."

"Also, let me tell you something."

"Okay, Mr. Su, tell me."

"You recruit some programmers for me in the imperial capital, especially in the field of games, modeling, numerical values, planning, everything."

"It's best if the whole team packs in."

"President Su, what do you mean..."

Wang Yifei immediately thought of Su Ye's purpose for doing this.

At present, some well-known game companies in China are Qingyun Technology, Jiufeng Game in Haicheng, and Wangnan Technology in Imperial Capital.

Nine Winds Game is in Haicheng, and they are the agent's foreign game.

It does not have any research and development capabilities.

So Su Ye couldn't be talking about Jiufeng.

Then, it is difficult to network.

To be able to develop a game completely from scratch, although the game is not yet online, but Wang Yifei knows that just doing this step is already awesome enough.

Qingyun Technology's passionate legend is not so much the credit of the game department as Su Ye's credit.

If Su Ye hadn't set up an airs for everyone, then Wang Yifei knew that the game department simply didn't have the ability to independently plan and develop a game.

Therefore, as long as NetEase makes their game, no matter how bad it is, it is enough to flaunt the annals of history.

Since Su Ye told him to recruit a group of programmers in the imperial capital, the goal is self-evident, which is the game team of NetEase.

Moreover, Su Ye also made it clear that if the whole team came, it would be more welcome.

It's unclear if this is to interrupt NetEase's tentacles in the game industry and then seal him back.

Mr. Su, you are really too ruthless.

"Yes, I mean exactly what you think."

"Go ahead, do everything possible to pack the entire Wangnan game team to Jiangcheng."


"If they don't want to, they can be merged into the office area of ​​Houlang Network in the imperial capital, and the salary will be favorable."

"And, at any cost."

When Su Ye said this, he also considered the doubts of the NetEase employees about coming to work in Jiangcheng.

They were directly allowed to continue working in the imperial capital.

Su Ye didn't want such a small problem to affect his plan.

"Okay, I understand Mr. Su, I will communicate with the other party's personnel, especially the management, as soon as possible."

After Wang Yifei hung up the phone, he said to Wang Yihan who was eating potato chips in front of him, "Yihan, Mr. Su told you not to run around like this every day."

"Lawyer Tang already sued Wangnan Technology the day before yesterday, so don't delay your case."

Looking at Wang Yihan who looked haggard in front of him, Wang Yifei couldn't help feeling worried.

I don't know how this girl has spent the past few days when I'm not here.

Eat instant noodles, eat potato chips.

Although the original Wang Yihan didn't often start a fire at home, but occasionally he would cook some noodles or stir-fry side dishes when he came back from a business trip.

But ever since she encountered Longhan TV station, she didn't look like living a good life at all.

I keep in touch with my former colleagues every day, hoping to get this matter done as soon as possible.

This month has passed, but Wang Yihan's situation has changed a little.

Now, she couldn't even contact the director of Longhan TV Station.

Thinking of this, Wang Yihan couldn't help crying.

"Wang Yifei, do you think I did something wrong?"

"Tell me, am I too weak?"

"Should I tell them directly that if I don't go through the formalities, I will sue them in court."

Wang Yihan was in tears, his eyes were confused.

The right hand mechanically stuffed potato chips into his mouth one by one.

"Yihan, you are not weak, but kind."

"But not all people in the world are as kind as you."

"You look so shrewd and capable, but in fact, you are just a little woman."

"Your life has been too sloppy recently. From now on, you will be my assistant."


Wang Yihan's eyes turned to Wang Yifei, and there seemed to be some fluctuations.

"Yes, didn't they say that if you want to forget a relationship, you have to find a way to start a new one."

"Since we can't solve the Longhan TV issue in a short period of time, let's leave this matter to a professional person. I'll call Lawyer Tang immediately and let him take over."

"And you, you need to start a new period with me..."

"What's new?"

Wang Yihan stopped eating potato chips, and turned to look at Wang Yifei with interest.

There was a long-lost look in her eyes.

Wang Yifei panicked, "New, new job."


"Are you broken in love, just want to forget the last job, then let's start a new work journey."

"It just so happened that President Su gave me a task just now."

"Oh, what is the mission."

Hearing Wang Yifei's answer, Wang Yihan couldn't help feeling a little disappointed.

But he still asked vigorously.

"Didn't Lawyer Tang sue NetEase a few days ago, but was turned into a trivial matter by the other party, and wanted to deny it."

"Lawyer Tang has her way, and Mr. Su also has Mr. Su's way."

"He said just now that I should contact the game team on Wangnan."

"what do you mean……"

Wang Yihan immediately understood Su Ye's thoughts in his heart.

Since you are unkind, don't blame me for being unrighteous.

Don't you want to vigorously develop the game industry, then I will cut off your arm directly.

Let you also know the pain.

Isn't it just that there is no regulation in the law, and what I, Su Ye, is doing is definitely not illegal.

"Boss Su, you are so cruel."

Affected by the launch of Legend of Blood some time ago, domestic Internet companies, large and small, said they would develop the game business.

Wang Yihan clearly remembers that online troubles are also one of them.

Moreover, throughout the month of January, we could hear some news about NetEase developing games from time to time.

It can be seen that NetEase attaches great importance to this matter.

Su Ye actually chose to poach all the founding teams before their game was launched.

This style of vengeance makes Wang Yihan feel a burst of...


Is this the company I want to join in the future?

It’s also a sense of belonging.

(End of this chapter)

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