The richest man in the world starts with 100 million sign-ins every day

Chapter 364 Chapter 365, Li Qianqian's New Year's Eve

Chapter 364 Chapter 365, Li Qianqian's New Year's Eve

For a while, the news that Qingyun Technology Co., Ltd. sent 3 units of Hi-Lai H[-] cars to employees as New Year benefits was forwarded by major websites.

The Jiangcheng TV station where Yang Shang works also released the news immediately.

Although the interview process was not quite as Yang Shang wanted, the TV station leader thought it was a good gimmick after watching it.

Everyone only reports on the benefits of Qingyun Technology.

We just want to report on the employees of Qingyun Technology.

As expected, the news hotline of Jiangcheng TV station exploded.

Many people called to ask whether Qingyun Technology is still recruiting.

It made Yang Shang and the company's leaders dumbfounded.

If you want to join Qingyun Technology, you can call Qingyun Technology, we are just broadcasting a news.

However, because the news of Qingyun Technology quickly became a hot search, many people who were excited and long-awaited had to give up their plans to post year-end benefits on Qzone.

joke. .

Qingyun Technology has already delivered the car, what company can you have such benefits as Qingyun Technology.

Since there is no such thing as showing off.

You can't say that everyone in our company has issued this and that, and when you are showing off to others, you will come to the other side and ask, has your company issued a car?

How embarrassing it will be.

Another effect of the hot news has also emerged.

Many single male employees of Qingyun Technology have been broken down by a group of relatives.

"Hey, this is the car issued by your company. It's so beautiful."

"It's really good that you have received such benefits after only a few months of work."

"How much is the salary now? What? More than 6000."

"By the way, do you still remember Xiaojuan who was next door to your house back then?"

"Yes, she came back from the past. She is single now. She said she saw you the other day, but she was too embarrassed to say hello. You young people should hang out more."

"Here, this is her phone number, boys take the initiative."

This scene happened in the homes of almost every single man in Qingyun Technology. Some people were so annoyed that they could only go out more.

Some people say that they already have a girlfriend, but the introducer also said that as long as they are not married, they can see more. The girls I introduced are so good.

It seems that I am afraid that my family (daughter, niece, niece) will not be able to get married.

It's not yet the time of the Chinese New Year, and many relatives come to the door. Not only that, but also various borrowers and people who inquire about jobs. In short, the forest is big, and there are all kinds of birds.

And when he got off work that day, Su Ye stood at the door with a group of senior executives, personally handing out red envelopes to each employee.

There is a suitcase behind each of them, and in the suitcase are the red envelopes prepared by colleagues from the administrative department in the past few days.

The amount in this red envelope is not large, they are all auspicious numbers like 66 and 88.

However, at this time, no one would say that Su Ye was stingy.

After all, the 10,000+ cars are one for each person, and the less red envelopes are given out, the less the problem is not a big problem.

At the same time, not only Qingyun Technology, Shunfeng Logistics, Qingyun Mobile, Broadcom Electronics, Imperial Capital Qingyun Branch, Haicheng Qingyun Real Estate, Qingyun Investment, French Branch, German Branch, Beautiful Country Branch...

In order to celebrate the New Year of the Ox, all the companies of Qingyun Technology will distribute red envelopes to employees by the top executives, managers, and presidents of their locations.

This will also become a Chinese New Year custom of Qingyun Technology in the next few decades.

And the media are also constantly tracking and reporting, what kind of tricks Qingyun Technology can play with the New Year benefits for employees every year.

After finishing everything in the company, Su Ye drove Li Qianqian back home.

"Qianqian, are you going to the imperial capital during Chinese New Year?"

"Don't go."

"Then you will stay in Jiangcheng?"

"Yes, work overtime for the company, remember to pay me five times the salary."

Li Qianqian had a cold face.

This year's Spring Festival, her father will take her mother abroad to visit. Now that Li Qianqian has grown up, it is not suitable for her to go out with Li Wanli.

Therefore, if there are no accidents, she will celebrate the New Year in Jiangcheng alone this year.

and also.

Damn Su Ye didn't know to invite her.

Although she will shirk a few times before agreeing from the reserved perspective of a girl, you have to ask.

"Okay, five times the salary is five times the salary."

"Then do you need anything else for Chinese New Year here?"


"You go."

Seeing Li Qianqian's unhappy face, Su Ye didn't say much, turned around and drove away.

Now during the Chinese New Year, there are far fewer vehicles on the road from Jiangcheng to Xucheng. Su Ye drove all the way back to Xucheng, picked up his parents and returned to Jiangcheng together.

How could he not know what Li Qianqian was thinking.

Some time ago, Su Ye knew from watching TV that Li Wanli was going to go out during the Spring Festival, and it was also said on TV that Li Wanli and his wife were invited by the other party.

That is to say, Li Qianqian really wants to celebrate the New Year alone.

Her older brothers all work in the army and cannot return to visit relatives during the Chinese New Year.

Thinking that it would be boring for Li Qianqian to be alone, Su Ye called her parents in advance and said that she would come to Jiangcheng on the [-]th night to celebrate the New Year with Li Qianqian.

Wait until the morning of the first day of the Lunar New Year before taking Li Qianqian back to Xu Cheng's hometown.

In this way, with Su Aiguo and the others around, Li Qianqian wouldn't be so embarrassed.

Su Aiguo and Meng Xiaojuan wished that Su Ye could bring Li Qianqian home as soon as possible.

Hearing his thoughts, they all readily agreed, and even Su Ye's mother, Meng Xiaojuan, made a special trip to the shopping mall in Xucheng to buy a set of clothes for herself when she went out to meet customers.

Although Su Ye hasn't told them about Li Qianqian's real family background, they also know that Li Qianqian's family is a cadre of Jiangcheng City Lord's Mansion, and they must meet Li Qianqian's parents when they go to Jiangcheng by themselves.

If it is too shabby, it will definitely be looked down upon.

Although Su Ye now relied on his identity, no one would dare to underestimate him no matter how ordinary he was dressed.

"Mom and Dad, don't be too enthusiastic later on."

"Otherwise I'll scare Qianqian."

"Don't worry, do you still need a kid to tell us about this kind of thing?"

"These two of us don't know how many newly married brides and grooms we have picked up over the years. Where are you now?"

Meng Xiaojuan said nonchalantly, but she still couldn't help being a little nervous when she came to the gate of Li Qianqian's house.

Can the yard in this city be compared with the yard going down? Meng Xiaojuan couldn't help but secretly click her tongue just because of the tall wall and exquisite decoration.

"Mom, knock on the door."

"Forget it, forget it, I'll come."

"Li Qianqian, Li Qianqian."

While shouting, Su Ye kept looking through the crack of the door.

In order to surprise Li Qianqian, Su Ye never called Li Qianqian.

"Who, who, I'm so annoying."

Li Qianqian heard the door slamming, and didn't want to open it at all.

For the Chinese New Year, her parents are not at home, her brothers are not coming back, and even Aunt Liu, who cooks for her, has returned home on vacation.

Who would knock on the door so persistently.

Hearing the noise at the door that didn't stop for a long time, Li Qianqian walked out of the room in her pajamas and opened the door.

"Su Ye, why are you back?"

"Don't you want me?"

The first moment she saw Su Ye, Li Qianqian couldn't help crying.

"Okay, okay, why would I leave you alone to celebrate the New Year?"

"Look who's behind me."

Li Qianqian looked behind Su Ye with tears still on her face.

I saw Su Aiguo and Meng Xiaojuan standing upright, smiling and looking at the two people hugging each other.


Li Qianqian was shocked, and quickly wiped away the tears from her face with her hand, and said hello to Su Aiguo and Meng Xiaojuan.

"Hello, uncle and aunt."

"Hi Qianqian."

"Hello, Qianqian."

Su Aiguo nodded at Li Qianqian, while Meng Xiaojuan came over and hugged Li Qianqian's arm.

"Qianqian, why are you still crying? Is this kid Su Ye bullying you again?"

"You tell auntie, auntie will help you vent your anger."

Meng Xiaojuan's face was fierce, Li Qianqian turned her head and saw Su Ye's frightened face, and told her not to say anything.

She almost laughed, "Auntie, it's okay, it's just that Su Ye said that she doesn't want to take me to celebrate the New Year this year."

"What? How dare he not take you for the New Year."

"Su Ye, you brat, come here for me."

"Qianqian is such a good girl, if you leave her alone in such a big family without anyone, won't she be afraid?"

"Qianqian, good boy."

Meng Xiaojuan held Li Qianqian in her arms and patted her on the shoulder and back continuously.

"Qianqian, we don't care about Su Ye, a brat, these men are all virtuous."

"Don't worry, you will be with Auntie during the Chinese New Year this year, and Auntie will always be with you."

Su Aiguo behind him was full of question marks.

It's none of my business.

Seeing Li Qianqian's embarrassed look, Su Ye couldn't help laughing.

He originally wanted to bring Li Qianqian to meet Xu Cheng directly.

But she was also worried that Li Qianqian would be embarrassed, so she insisted on not going.

Now it's all right, my mother will go out in person, and Li Qianqian will definitely not refuse.

This year, let's bring Li Qianqian to meet relatives. Next year, find a chance for parents to meet with Li Wanli to finalize the marriage.

Anyway, Su Ye is also a young man with a lot of vigor.

Coincidentally, Li Qianqian will graduate from school next year.

Getting married as soon as she graduated, and working in her own company, Su Ye felt that Li Qianqian's life path was smooth enough.

Considering that Li Qianqian is from the north, Meng Xiaojuan made dumplings with Su Aiguo when she was watching the Spring Festival Gala at night.

That night, Li Qianqian wanted to go home to sleep after eating.

In the end, Su Ye's family persuaded him to come down.

The house that Su Ye lives in has three bedrooms and one living room. Su Ye's parents share one room, and he and Li Qianqian share one room.

Lying on the bed at night, Li Qianqian was always worried.

Worried that Su Ye would run into her room in the middle of the night.

Although they haven't obtained a marriage certificate yet, their relationship has reached the extreme.

Although this guy Su Ye always plays surprises (actually scares) with Li Qianqian, Li Qianqian still approves of Su Ye in his heart.

She didn't know at this time that Su Ye was already planning to marry her.

Unlike other people, in terms of private life, Su Ye can be said to be a good example of self-discipline.

I have been with Li Qianqian for so long, and I have always respected her after knowing her taboos.

Li Qianqian has never been made to obey him just because of his own needs.

All night, the drowsy Li Qianqian didn't sleep well.

Waking up in the morning and seeing Su Ye still sleeping in the room, she didn't know how she was feeling.

This bad guy doesn't know how to grasp such a good opportunity.

Fortunately, Su Ye didn't know what Li Qianqian was thinking, otherwise he would have been helpless.

Don't guess the girl's mind, you won't be able to figure it out after guessing.

Because Meng Xiaojuan had already told Li Qianqian on the night of thirty.

They drove back to Xucheng early in the morning, whether it was Su Aiguo's relatives or Meng Xiaojuan's relatives, they all walked around.

Those Su Ye's seven aunts and eight aunts were so satisfied with Li Qianqian.

I heard that she was still a child of a cadre family, so I didn't do any work for her.

Of course, even if it was done for Li Qianqian, she wouldn't do it.

On the third day of the Lunar New Year, Su Ye brought Li Qianqian back from Xucheng.

Basically all the relatives in the family went there, and Su Ye's goal was achieved.

All relatives will not be stingy with good words for Su Ye and Li Qianqian, a young couple who can be called a golden couple.

In addition, Su Ye's family is considered developed now, Su Ye founded Qingyun Technology by himself, and the Aiguo Toy Factory on Su Aiguo's side has also become one of the best toy factories in Xu Cheng.

With a rich family background, many relatives and friends know about Su Aiguo and Su Ye's situation.

Both the Su family and the Meng family are self-reliant and hard-working characters, and there is no saying that Su Ye's family must rely on them if they are prosperous.

I live my own life, but there is a rich relative in the family, and there may be times when I need help from others in the future.

"Qianqian, are you tired these days?"

"If you still have the energy, let's walk around Jiangcheng tomorrow."

Sitting in the car, Su Ye turned around and asked.

"Look at the road."

Li Qianqian looked nervous.

"Okay, let's walk around Jiangcheng, your relatives are too enthusiastic."

"I feel like I'm getting fat these days."

"Su Ye, do you think I'm fat?"

"Not fat."

Su Ye didn't dare to turn his head back. Li Qianqian just told him to watch the road ahead.

But from Su Ye's point of view, there is no need for it at all. He is now sitting in the city walker given by the system.

Even if he and Li Qianqian play cards and games in the car, there will be no problem at all.

System produced, must be a boutique.

"Not sincere."

"If you don't even look at it, you will perfunctory me."

Li Qianqian subconsciously touched her face that had become a little fleshy and said unhappily.

"Hey, didn't you just let me see the way?"

"I'm watching the road now, and you said I don't watch you."

"Only women and..."

"With what?"

Li Qianqian stared.

Su Ye lowered her head, "I'll drive, I'll drive."

Just then, his phone rang.

"President Su, are you in Jiangcheng? Come to vouce for a drink at night."

Oh, it's Zhou Yuanyuan.

"Sister Zhou, have you returned to Jiangcheng?"

"No, I'm waiting for the plane at the Imperial Capital Airport, and I've gained weight over the past few days during the Chinese New Year."

"Let's not eat at night, just drink the bar."


Su Ye thought about it, and sure enough, all women look the same.

"Sister Zhou, I will call other people later to see who else is there. Let's have more people at night."

(End of this chapter)

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