The richest man in the world starts with 100 million sign-ins every day

Chapter 384 Chapter 385, Internet Alliance, Meet Zhang Xing

Chapter 384 Chapter 385, Internet Alliance, Meet Zhang Xing (seeking monthly ticket)
The corners of Zhou Yuanyuan's mouth couldn't help twitching.

This Su Ye, since the establishment of Qingyun Technology, has played the most familiar and smoothest way.

However, he had already said so, and Zhou Yuanyuan couldn't refute it, so he could only nod helplessly in agreement.

"Alright Mr. Su, I will arrange this matter as soon as possible."

"However, there are still some things that need the assistance of the headquarters..."

"It's okay, if you need anything, just ask the person in charge of the relevant department."

"If you want someone to give, if you want money to give money, as long as we have what Qingyun Technology has, you can just ask."

Su Ye said grandly, and Zhou Yuanyuan and Li Qianqian couldn't help but roll their eyes.

On the other hand, Old Wu became even more excited when he heard Zhou Yuanyuan agreed.

"President Su, President Zhou, my old Wu is willing to issue a military order today, and I will definitely not fall into the name of our Qingyun Technology, and start the business of the branch as soon as possible."

"Okay, Mr. Wu, I will leave the work on the imperial capital to you."

"Our Qingyun Technology also has a branch in the imperial capital. Let Mr. Zhou tell you the address later."

"Go to a place where you don't feel comfortable, just open your mouth."

Su Ye said lightly.

This move was just a casual move by him.

It was all for the purpose of obtaining more system points, but now it was impossible for him to imagine what kind of behemoth Qingyun Real Estate would become in the future.

Not only has it become a clear stream and the mainstay of the real estate industry in China, but its business scope has also expanded to foreign countries.

Participated in several overseas construction projects of the Longhan Empire.

It has become a Sanyou Longhan real estate enterprise with strength, quality and conscience.

This is an afterthought.

In the morning, apart from Qingyun Investment's real estate company, Zhou Yuanyuan's investment company has no business scope.

In the past two months, it is not that no entrepreneurs have come here to seek investment.

But most of those ideas are imitating some of Qingyun Technology's businesses now, or businesses that rely mostly on Qingyun Technology to develop.

Zhou Yuanyuan rejected all of these companies who were obviously here to hug their thighs and fight the autumn wind.

What a joke, Qingyun Technology has not yet had enough time to support its own business development. If a bunch of blood-sucking moths come over, wouldn't it be a wedding dress for others.

Therefore, Zhou Yuanyuan didn't give any kindness to those who came to hug their thighs, and dismissed them all.

"Sister Zhou, there is actually no need to kill a group of people with one shot."

"In case there is indeed a good project, it doesn't matter even if we need to rely on the strength of our Qingyun technology."

"My idea of ​​setting up Qingyun Investment is not to make money, but to create a loose alliance that can affect the Longhan Internet industry."

"Most of our companies in Longhan are working independently. Although the Longhan Internet Association is coordinating, after what happened before, I don't think there will be any improvement in the work of the association in the past two years."

"Since relying on the official is not enough, let's form an alliance ourselves."

As soon as Su Ye finished speaking, both Zhou Yuanyuan and Li Qianqian couldn't help but widen their eyes.


The two said in unison, and then couldn't help but look at each other.

"Yeah, Alliance. Any questions?"

Seeing how surprised the two were, Su Ye couldn't help being curious.

In the previous life, some companies also formed their own alliance forces in the industry.

There is confrontation and cooperation with each other.

Jointly promote the development of the domestic Internet industry.

After all, the business of the Internet industry cannot be done behind closed doors.

Everyone's mutual inspirations and ideas must collide with each other in order to have a greater development prospect.

Even at that time, after some vertical Internet companies competed with each other at the beginning, they were finally able to come together with the help of caring people.

Such as group buying business, such as taxi business and so on.

However, this is obviously a very normal method, why is it so incredible in the eyes of Zhou Yuanyuan and Li Qianqian.

How did Su Ye know that both Li Qianqian and Zhou Yuanyuan had studied economics.

When they were in school, they knew about a classic case of the United States, which was related to the alliance.

Decades ago, the student union of a university in the beautiful country suddenly received a large injection of capital.

It was only later that I found out that it was a fund given by an accomplished senior.

After graduation, with the help of school alumni, he gradually developed from a poor boy to a business tycoon. This injection of capital is purely to repay his alma mater.

After all, those who have helped him despised his small amount of funds.

When the students found him and expressed their gratitude to him, he said modestly that his funds were not worth mentioning at all. He just hoped that the students in the school would take care of some of the alumni after they entered the society. time to give some help.

The cadres of the student union were immediately moved.

If that's all, then there's nothing left to do.

At that time, a first-year student who had just joined the student union suggested, why don't we form a coalition.

It is called the Luye University Elite Alliance, and it will make an address book with the names of all the alumni who are working in the society and have achieved success.

This will not only make those alumni famous in Luye University, but also let countless freshmen know their names.

At the same time, when everyone enters the society in the future, no matter what kind of industry they are in, they can have a group of people behind them to help and support themselves.

Everyone was surprised, they were all senior students and were about to graduate.

No one is in a hurry for this matter. They, the heads of the student union, feel that this matter is related to their own future and reputation. They all unanimously passed this decision and started to act quickly.

The first thing they approached was the most famous figure in the state where Deer University was located at that time, Mr. Governor of Kansas.

This person is an outstanding student who graduated from Luye University 22 years ago.

Mr. Governor was also surprised when he learned that the students from his alma mater were going to visit him, and he received them in the state capital.

After learning about their intentions, Mr. Governor felt that this was a good opportunity.

After all, if there is such an alumni alliance, then his future path will be broader.

Without hesitation, the governor agreed with their proposal and returned to Luye University to give a speech in person, fully encouraging and affirming the alliance created by the student union.

Since then, the Deer University Elite League has been out of control, not only in Kansas, where it is located, but also in several nearby state capitals. There are also people who are active in the Elite League.

And after several years of operation, many people's businesses have found better sales, and many people's careers have also taken a step forward with the help of the elite alliance.

The successful case of Luye University is in front of us, and other universities are not far behind, forming elite alliances of their own schools one after another.

Soon, elite alliances of various universities were active all over the beautiful country.

And the student who proposed to establish an alliance at the beginning has also become a senior student, and he is surprised to see that his idea can develop to this point.

However, this is not the limit of the elite league.

He directly visited one prestigious school after another.

In the year he graduated, the National University Alliance, which shocked the beautiful country, was officially announced.

There are more than 5000 members.

And rented an office space in Archangel City.

Since then, the elite alliance has officially entered the stage of history.

In the past few decades, the elite alliance has launched several vice presidents (barrels) of the beautiful country, other governors, and countless congressmen.

And relying on the elite alliance, there are more big businessmen, capital oligarchs, and industry giants formed and combined.

Zhou Yuanyuan heard from the university professor at the time in the economics class that the current beautiful country is no longer a beautiful country for the people, but a beautiful country for the elite alliance.

The existence of the elite alliance has helped the country's development to a certain extent, but at the same time it has become a country's shackles.

Now that Su Ye proposed to set up an Internet enterprise alliance based on Qingyun Technology, both Li Qianqian and Zhou Yuanyuan couldn't help thinking of the world-renowned university elite alliance.

Could it be that this is Su Ye's greatest ambition?


"You two have really rich associations."

Su Ye couldn't help laughing after hearing their reasons.

What a joke, the first ancestor of the Dragon Han Empire had stipulated that the Dragon Han should belong to the people, not to a certain individual.

Moreover, Su Ye has ambitions?

Su Ye's ambition is to see that Longhan's Internet industry can become the number one in the world.

It is to watch Longhan stand proudly at the pinnacle of the world's nations and return to the prosperous Han and Tang Dynasties.

For other things, he really didn't have this idea, nor did he have such a leisurely heart.

Moreover, he is also sure that even if the alliance really grows bigger in the future, he will still have a way to restrain it.

After all, history tells us that careerists are the most indispensable thing in the world.

"Okay, then as you said, I will contact those who are looking for investment later and carefully see if their projects are useful to us and whether they are useful to the development of Longhan Internet."

Zhou Yuanyuan said slightly apologetically.

Before, she also refused because she saw that those proposals were sucking the blood of Qingyun Technology to supplement herself, and she was extremely disgusted in her heart.

Qingyun Technology is a company she really likes.

Because of Su Ye's persistence, Qingyun Technology can be said to be the most relaxed and free Internet company in China, and also the most promising Internet company.

Working here is very happy, Zhou Yuanyuan even has an idea of ​​retirement here.

"It's okay, you can send me a copy of those plans later, no matter whether it is successful or not, I will reply to you as soon as possible."

"In addition, there are some potential companies, and we also have to compete with other investment companies."

"If we can't compete, we will support our companies to compete with them."

"In short, I want you to start business as soon as possible."

Su Ye became stern in a rare way.

Although there is no rush to form an Internet industry alliance, it should be started as soon as possible.

Didn't people say that the last time to plant a tree was ten years ago, and the second is now.

He must seize the opportunity to let Longhan's Internet industry develop in a healthy and orderly way.

Instead of being free and undisciplined, there are no rules at all.

Those Internet companies in the previous life also slowly crossed the river by feeling the stones step by step before summing up a set of feasible development methods.

Now with Su Ye, he will never let Long Han's Internet industry take so many detours.

"Okay, then I'll start sorting out the investment project documents later."

Zhou Yuanyuan said something cheerfully, and ended the morning meeting under Su Ye's signal.

After having a light meal downstairs at noon, Su Ye went back to the lounge and closed her eyes to rest.

In the afternoon, I will meet the long-awaited Zhang Xing.

Tang Lili told Su Ye that day that more than 50 group buying websites suddenly appeared in China, and Su Ye couldn't help feeling a sense of urgency.

Although only mobile phones have not yet been developed.

But as long as you think of a way, you can overcome some difficulties you have to face.

For example, the issue of on-site inspection.

For example, the problem of paying anytime, anywhere.

Since the establishment of Dianping, Su Ye has only grasped the general direction of things, and he has not cared about things like this that require specific operations.

I don't know how the customers of Dianping now face this problem.

Has the company resolved it?

Thinking of this, Su Ye subconsciously took out the phone and was about to call Tang Lili.

But he froze suddenly and stopped what he was doing.

The girl Tang Lili is destined to part with Qingyun Technology, and now it seems that although she is Su Ye's old classmate, she is not so reliable.

This is still receiving the salary of Qingyun Technology, so he is busy with his own personal affairs every day.

In addition, Su Ye had only chatted with Tang Lili once in Xucheng Hospital before, and the other party followed him to Jiangcheng.

Su Ye was also noncommittal about this matter.

It can be said that Tang Lili came so soon because she wanted to complete the agreement with him as soon as possible, but it is not a kind of irresponsible performance of the previous work.

This girl is not bad, she is a good person.

But sometimes, it is inevitable that selfishness will be too heavy.

Su Ye always has one thing to say in dealing with people, and another to say two things.

Tang Lili must have been kind to Su Ye.

He had saved Su Ye from a fight with Weng Tianlong's men before, so Su Ye must repay him.

It just so happened that this time Tang Lili was going back to Xu Cheng to run the family restaurant.

Su Ye had decided to invest in her a long time ago.

Now that I think about it, I might as well just give her a sum of money.

Let's repay Tang Lili's kindness to her at that time.

When he went higher and higher and farther and farther, some people were destined not to be able to keep up with his footsteps.

Tang Lili This is just the beginning, but it will definitely not be the end.

Su Ye silently put the phone into his pocket and closed his eyes.

After a while, Su Ye started snoring.

Not long after, Su Ye felt someone pushing his shoulder.

He opened his eyes and saw that it was Li Qianqian.

"Well, Qianqian, what's the matter, what time is it now?"

"President Su, it's already one fifty."

"As your little assistant, I need to remind you that Mr. Zhang Xing, who made an appointment with you at two o'clock in the afternoon, has been waiting in the reception room for half an hour."

Seeing Li Qianqian's appearance as a well-behaved little maid, Su Ye couldn't help laughing.

"Where did I learn such a look, it doesn't look like it at all."

He stood up from the recliner, folded the blanket that someone had put on him and put it on the table.

Turning her head to see Li Qianqian's aggrieved expression, she said, "I'll buy you a maid outfit later."


Li Qianqian made a gesture to fight, but Su Ye nimbly ran out.

After washing his face in the bathroom, Su Ye felt that he was a vigorous man again.

Under Li Qianqian's guidance, he came to the reception room.

At this time, in the reception room, Zhou Yuanyuan was sitting there talking with someone.

This person was facing the direction of the door, Su Ye couldn't see his height.

However, when he saw the man with hair that was close to his scalp and a pair of rimless glasses with a wide vestibule, Su Ye almost cried out subconsciously.


 Let’s start with three chapters, there should be fourteen thousand, rounded up is baofa
(End of this chapter)

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